$2 Wa/hington Apple Pi The Journal of WashingtonG Apple Pi, ltd. Volume. 7 mau 1985 number 5 HiQhliahtl v -- Playing Against ..S<.o.r. gon·1I1 . ...' '. Diggi ng Into LOGO 63 Gene 01 ogi <al Data Bases ReadySetGo In This Issue.. Offi cers & Staff, Editori a1. • 1 MS Basic Disk File Example Robert C. Platt 34 President's Corner . • • David Morganstein 2 Apple CPI MDisk Library • Ted Gaugler 36 Classifieds, Commercial Classifieds •• 3 63 Genealogical Data Bases Leon H. Raes ly 37 WAP Calendar, SIGNews. • 4 Family Roots: A Review • Marilyn Black 37 Minute s , Meeting Report, General Information 5 Z-80 for the Littlest Apple. .Lawrence A. Husick 40 Event Queue, Job Mart • 5 Printers for the Ilc •• • • George Sall 40 WAP Hotline • 6 Bugs in Ilc Systems Disk Jorge P. Osterling 41 EDSIG News • Peter Combes 7 Dis kca t • • Bob Ve l ke 42 Q &A. • . Bruce F. Field 8 Apple III SIG News • Charlene Ryan 43 Appleseeds News. •• • Ian M. Th alI0 Put a Timex in Your Three Rudolph H. de Jong 44 Daisywheeling: Graphics •• Arsen Darnay 12 SAMS Computerfacts: A Review • • • Ed Lang 45 Comment on "Dazzle Draw" Milton R. Goldsamt 14 MacNovice: MacLingo Ralph J. Begleiter 46 The WAP "Print Shop" Library • • Gary E. Hayman 14 Concertware: Music Creation • John W. Gardner 48 DisabledSIG News •• • Jay M. Thal 15 MacWord: A Second Choice Bonnie L. Wal ker 49 An Accelerated Apple • George M. Vitak 16 ReadySetGo: A Review Jim Graham 52 Telecom SIGNews • Dave Harvey 17 Freder i ck Apple Core 55 Expanding Your Apple J.T.(Tom) Demay Jr. 18 Data Acquisition for the Mac Lynn R. Trusal 55 Sider Gets a Lot of Press • David Morganstein 19 Ramdisk with Microsoft Word • Lloyd Swift 56 Getting the Yr from Thunderclock •• Duncan Langford 20 Jazz vs. Symphony • Donald W. Kornreich 58 Dealer's Corner . • • . • •• • • 20 Fattening Your Mac • David Morganstein 59 Unitstatus: Open &Solid Apple Steven Pearce 21 Programmers Sub-SIG • • Jonathan E. Hardis 59 Softviews • David Morganstein 22 LISA/Mac XL SIG News •• . , John F. Day 60 Playing Against Sargon III Paul Moore 24 The Best of the WAP ABBS • •• =Ale xander- 61 Digging Into Logo - Part 1. Cyril Fefer 30 Inside Macintosh • Jonathan E. Hardis 62 Mod to WAP Vo l s . 100 & Ill. Vincent M. Disandro 32 Disketeria Mail Order Form. • 63 GAMESIG • • • • Ronald Wartow 33 Tutorial Registration • • • 64 More Music fo r the Apple • Bernie Benson 33 Author Index, Index to Advertisers • 64 UP YOUR MAC SAVE $$$'s When you upgrade your MACINTOSH™ to a 512 k immediate availabilty The MACBOARD • 512 k MACINTOSH™ Reworked Board with SOCKETED memory • No shipping your MAC; Swap your own board • 1 20 day warranty • Call for our lowest price • Free Mac Memory DiskTM by Assimilation Process Dealer inquiries welcome. For more information or to place your order, call (213) 207-8888 VOAD SYSTEMS '" 12301 Wilshire Blvd.. Suite 101 Los Angeles. CA 90025 (213) 207-8888 Mac Memory Oisk™ is a trademark of Assimilation Process MACINTOSH™ is a trademark of Apple Computer. Inc. !:) { '.f ICE.RS '-" 5 Tf~F F President - David Morganstein (301) 972-4263 Head Reading Lib. - Walt Francis (202) 966-5742 Vice Pres-Programs- Tom Warrick (301) 656-4389 Apple Tea Coord. - Paula Benson (202) 951-5294 Vice Pres-SIGs - Bob Platt (806) 353-9723 Arrangements - Jim Taylor (301) 926-7869 Treasurer - Edward Myerson (703) 759-5479 Demons trat ions Secretary - Nancy Little (301 ) 762-3215 General Counsel - Jim Burger (Burger &Kendall) Directors - Bernie Benson (301) 951-5294 day (202) 293-7170 - Peter Combes (301 ) 251-6369 Membership - Dana Schwartz (301) 654-8060 - J. T. (Tom) DeMay Jr (301) 779-4632 Program - Adrien Youell (301) 951-0838 - Bruce Field (301) 340-7038 Publicity Chairman- Hunter Alexander (703) 820-8304 - Nancy Phllipp (301 ) 924-2354 Public Relations - Lee Raesly (301) 460-0754 - Jay Thal (202 ) 244-3649 Rules &Elections - Bob Platt (806) 353-9723 - Rich Wasserstrom (703) 893-9147 School Coordinators: Editor - Bernie Urban (301) 229-3458 Virginia - Barbara Larson (703) 451-9373 Associate Editor - Genevie Urban (301) 229-3458 - Nancy Strange (70 3) 691- 1619 Journal Staff: Mont. Co. MD - Margie Stearns (301) 657-2353 Advertising - Scott Mirman (301) 977-3679 Pro Geo. Co. MD - Conrad Fleck (301) 699-8200 - Frank Street (301) 493-5643 SYSOP - Tom Warrick (301) 656-4389 Store Distrbtn. - Ray Hobbs (301) 490-7484 Tutorials - George Sall (703) 768-0212 Columnists: - Steve Stern (301) 881-2543 Apple III - Charlene Ryan (703) 836-0463 - Ted Meyer (703) 960-1482 DisabledSIG - Jay Thal (202) 244-3649 Vol unteer Coord. - Sue Roth (703) 356-9025 EDSIG - Peter Combes (301) 251-6369 SIG Chairmen: LISA SIG - John Day (301) 672-1721 Appleseeds - Ian Thal (202) 244-3649 SigMac - Ellen L. Bouwkamp (703) 979-4356 Apple III - Jerry Chandler & (703) 790-1651 Pascal (PIG) - Mike Hartman (301) 445-1583 - Bll1 Rosenmund (03) 941-5050 Q &A - Bruce Field (301) 340-7038 Apple IIc - Chuck Holzwarth (03) 751-7575 Telecomm - Dave Harvey (703) 527-2704 CPIM - Charles Franklin (301) 997-9138 VisiCalc - Walt Francis (202) 966-5742 DisabledSIG - Jay Thal (202) 244-3649 Review Coord. - Jim Burger (day) (202) 293-7170 EDSIG - Peter Combes (301) 251-6369 Hardware - Scott Rullman (301) 779-5714 Forth SIG - Kevin Nealon (703) 280-1136 Software - Raymond Hobbs (301) 490-7484 Frederick Slice - Maj. Lynn Trusal (301) 845-2651 Disketeria Staff: - John Malcolm (301) 384-1070 GAMESIG - Ronald Wartow (301) 654-4439 - Dave Weikert, Joy Aso, Ed Lang, LAWSIG - John Weld (202) 822-3354 - Jim &Nancy Little, Pat Foreman, LISASIG - Gordon Stubbs (703) 750-0224 - Gordon Stubbs, John DeMarco, LOGOSIG - Andy Gallant, Allen Knapp, SigMac - Steve Hunt (301) 262-9080 - Shirley Weaver NEWSIG - Bernie Benson (301) 951-5294 DOS 3.3 Lib. - Fred Edwards (301) 229-5118 Pascal (PIG) - Larry Taborek (703) 960-2250 Pascal Lib. - John Dyer (703) 538-5636 PI-SIG - Raymond Hobbs (301) 490-7484 SigMac Lib. - Tony Anderson (301) 277-0386 STOCKSIG - Robert Wood (03) 893-9591 Group Purchases - Rich Wasserstrom *(703) 893-7143 Telecomm. SIG - George Kinal (202) 546-7270 *(Evenings 7:00-9:30) Washington Apple Pi, Ltd. 8227 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 201 Bethesda, MD 20814 Business Office (301) 654-8060 ABBS (301) 986-8085 - 24 hourslday ABBS-Mac (301) 986-8086 - 24 hourslday ABBS-Buy and Sell (301) 871-7978 - 7:30 PM to 7:30 AM Copyright 1985, Washington Apple Pi, Ltd. E-[) I TnR I AI_ Rambling Ruminations. Got a call at the office the Take particular note of the change of address notice other day. It was from a young man who called to let in this issue sent to us by Paul Funk. Paul does us know that he was not gOing to renew his WAP member­ quite interesting original work with his Mac. Would ship. No, he was not miffed about anything. Rather that he and others using Apple ]['s with the Print he was moving on to other things and had sold his Shop or whatever might contribute materials to liven Apple H. He said that WAP had been very helpful to up our white space ••• him in the past but now he could not justify renewing. He said he had enjoyed the newsletters and the meet­ Took a 2 1/2 hour breather this Saturday AM to attend ings immensely, and that we should keep up the good the SigMac meeting. Not enough time for Steve Hunt to work. I reminded him that we will be here. ready to prepare a written record of it for inclusion in this help when he, James Underwood, rejoins as a Macintosh issue. However, here are one or two observations. owner. In a simllar vein, our WAP member Duncan Lang­ There were approximately 400 folks who showed for the ford from Canterbury, England (see his article in this presentation of Thinktank by Scott Love of Living issue) called a whlle back and said that he was most Videotext. Excellent presentation, but for the grateful to the WAP. He had received cons iderab le slightly blurred projection of the Mac screen produced support from us in the early days of the Apple ][ when by the Limelight projector. We're working on that. he felt quite alone. Now he is the proud owner of a Steve also, prior to the main presentation, reminded Mac also, and says that once again WAP has come to his all attendees that the WAP does not permit copying of rescue with the Mac articles, public domain disks, copyrighted software to take place at any of the etc. meetings. This statement also includes any activity sponsored by WAP, or at the WAP office. ~ Washington Apple Pi May 1985 PRE.5 I DE.r~lT ' 5 CORnE.R I)av i d morQanste. n Serv1ng All Our Members. As each new Apple product has been lugging computers around to various vendors has appeared. the WAP has endeavored to meet the to see what the displays look like in an effort to challenge of serv1ng owners of that equipment. Even meet our needs and he would welcome any assistance in after Apple has dropped a product from production. we his search. try to serve anyone who needs the help. when we can. The office frequently receives comments from people Volunteers Needed. who would like to see a different balance of coverage by machine in the Journal. Unfortunately. there 1s Volunteer Coordinator. We are looking for someone who little that the office can do to change that balance. can help co-ordinate volunteers. This person would That task remains on the members' shoulders. We can. keep up on the needs for volunteer help and try to at best.
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