\ i’r ^ ^U^DAY, MABCB 8. 1 9 0 Arerage Dally Net Pnas Run Yhs Weather CuMtteg fftralft For the Bloath •< Febraary, 1848 i af O. B. Westha i. Mon servicemen must be. bctoree» ■> Temple Chapter 88, OIU, wW dnmp A of the Center Cbur^ the ages of 18 and 86, a eltlsan of 9,713 tealgbt; aet gaH* > I hold ththr annual meeting Wednes­ . Engaged to Wed To Organize the United SUtea of America, and atwtar toaight: «ght r Women wfll meat Wedneaday in day at the Masonic Tempi*. The In g o ^ physical condition. Fonp* IT *t om A unt ^^l^ulTowii the Federation room ^th af Thareday. Abbott Chaee. leader. Mra. W^U* business will Include election of Truck Unit for a medical esamlnatloa will be HALE’S Storewide ' at. acooiM'* Jio u im csrcto wm w.i.^ Steiner, program chalrmait officers. Refreshments will be available that night. MmuHiostor^A City of Vinoge Charm announces it will be an evening of gcfVfd by the men of the chapter. Here la a good opportunity tor man Who la Interasted, In enlist­ TSS a * t n « h a m a t Mr& IB* ■acred mualc In which local per- MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1949 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS ■ elMd BhatMmn, 11 Dtvlitoa ■tmt abna will take p a rt There w ll ’The Loyal Order of Moos* will WiU Hold Me^hg in ing In to* Organisedf Reserve Wed. Morning Specials VOL. LXVnL. NO. 184 au Paga 1S> riflifr Itfughnn will Iw prvMiit. also be group singing and f^o™* sponsor free motion pictures at Oorpe to nave toe nscea^sry. paper iiir« of the Messiah. Mra. Elmer the Lithuanian Club on Friday at Armory Tomorrow; work done. FOr further Informa­ At th« nM«Ua( a t tlw lU nd^ Rice will conduct the worship 8 p. m. The pictures will be ExpUdns th« Program tion contact C^pt. Lester H. Wol­ AU DdpU» Partleipaling .. ttr Gtrdtn O sih, M artb M, ^ tlw service. Mr*. W. J. Benedict hos­ “Mooseheart, this Child’s City,’’ cott. 182 Main street. MancheaUr. Scene of Damaging Blase on Hilliard Street This Mpriiing Cimttr drareh. kcdachronw view* tess, wUl be assisted by Mrs. Car­ and ’’Mooeehaven, Where Life Be­ ■t tiM Cniawticut River, from it* lyle Johnson and Mrs. William gins Again.” There will be refresh­ Capt. lAfiter H. Wolcott h u ar­ Sh$rp Earthquake ranged for a meeting of the pros- WEDNESDAY A. M. ONLY! cans •enree to fU mouth, will be pre- Minnick. ments, entertainment and dancing aented <9 J o ^ lic rsj^ R«- The public is Invited. Mctlve membera of the 158th freehmeota will be eerved. There will be a meeting tonight tru ck Company. Org'a^^lsed R e' Reg. 12Vie «nd I5e First QnaUty tf . ' . -r » ri aerve, in the Manchester Armory, at 8 o’clock at the Firehouse on Llnne Lodge 72, Knights of Py­ TABLE A t the 8 ><^elock Brotbertiood Spruce street for Hose Company Wednesday, March 9th at * Jolts California’s thias, will hold a meeting tomor­ o’clock. meetlnr at the Bmanuel Lutheran No. S of the South Manchester row night at Orange HaU. Democratic Effort ehotdt toBifht, the theme of the Fire Department. A group of officers has been PADS Moor Face Cloths be “Church Sym- n»e Delta Chapter, RAM set scheduled to b at the meeting to ts s a ^ The Ladles’ Aid of the Zion talk to the men and answea waa Coast Area Twice Lutheran church will meet tomor­ back teams will meet at the Ma­ sonic Temple at 8:45 on Wednea­ ' quesUona that may arlee. Ik. CdL m m , B a t the Center C^gre- row night after the second Len­ Dean F. Noble, commander of 'the c ea. ten service. The north side of the day to travel to Middletown where ' ; ■'> . n ,— dinrdi will hold a pot 325th Highway Transport Group, I In S(tl i flAIll*-- l> To Panic Assembly Parish House will be open for fur­ they will compete In the tourna­ No Immediate Report* jiiCK aupper tonight at d:80. A i«- ment. MAibers are requested to ' i '’x:/ of which the 158th Truck Com­ \ I r III u Irthl* f**f Four pattern In firet quality Moor face clotha. Whlta with ther Inspection by friends and I, froeted and multi-color atripea. ’ llgioaa movi* wUl_ ^ members of the congregation. come early to be assured of trans­ pany Is part and Lt. John J. Mc­ I rtM* I'wl checks Of Injuries or Heavy News Tidbits the aupper. Miia Everett Beldlng portation. Refreshment* will be Laughlin, commander of the com Criticism of Cooking Conway Makes Accusa* win be the leader. served after the games. pany will welcome all new mem­ PS DOC Damage; Apparently Colled From (/P) Wires Marine Pvt. Robert J. Palmer. MIsa Leretla McKinney bers. Major Stephen Voorbees of Town Favored ' Brings .About Death 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. T odiy Centered in Hollister tion on House Floor John Mather Chapter, Order of the Office of senior army Instruc­ 5 Palmer of MO Parker street, Man­ Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKin­ tor for Connecticut will administer \ tnl h»%r nil* ‘if ■Mif >.44 n ! n Bargain Table Aisle Area, 100 Miles South* Waterbury Women’s club g< Cagayan. Mindinao. March Only ^linutes After chester. recently qualified as a De Molay exemplified the Initia­ lumiF l«i : oa record cqipoalpg Governor In Decision in tory and DeMolay degrees for five ney of Coventry annotmee the en­ the oath of enlistment and explain 9.—(J*)—Gucat Cri.atobal BalUo PRESCRIPTIONS rifle marksman when he fired for gagement of their daughter, Lor­ the retirement program for re- in«,4pMifiliH Opposite The Hoclery C outcr east of San Francisco ' Bowles’ propoaed suM dy of low criticized the cooking at boat Bowles Tells Newrs record with the Garand rifle at candidates at the Masonic Temple I 11 I, ■ li I r« »f . h I e f > !* • coat homes and favoring retention last night. The fine degree work etta, to Carl L. Hansen, son of Rev, serviaU. Thomas P.obsIIo'b birthday par­ Conference Prospects CALLED FOR Partis Island, S. C. at the Marine Ex-servicemen need to bring V « t,, «*-♦ niif CLOSEOUT OF ODDS AND ENDS of sales tax . ArgenUna’a new Prentice Case ty- Corps Recruit Depot rifle range. shown last night would Indicate and Mrs. Carl A. Hansen, of Brook­ 1 al.lw t'a.l- v i*Ii I' .Ii-if r. nl San Francisco, March 9.— coasUtatioa, permitting President AND that the chapter could easily be In only their discharge papers and They will bury Baillo tomor­ For More Speed in A former student of Manchester lyn, N. Y., formerly of Mafaches- will be enlisted In the grade that lolofB in I'litMiH* Irniii WHITE COTTON SLIPS, KNIT SLIPS, COTTON (/P>—A sharp earthquake Peron to succeed himself, approved row. High school, he enlisted In the the running for the plaque compe­ ter. after his opopnents stage dramatic Legislature Brighter; DELIVERED tition this year. Leslie Robinson they separated from active duty. SHORTIE GOWNS and many other Items jolted the central California Former Policeman Ix»«e* Itosallo, police sAd. became Marine Corps on Dec. 27,- IMS. at Both Mtsa McKinney and Mr. coastal region twice early to­ walk out of Constituent Assembly Hartford, Conn., for three yeara and Frederick ^ercy have been Hanaen are graduates of Manches­ session. King Victor Emmanuel In Effort to Collect Pay .so incensed over the criticism Report Lists Bills appointed as the new bowling day. There were no immedi­ that he killed Baillo with a PINE ter High school. of Italy left eatato of 16,129,145. butcher knife. Thla evening’*' scheduled re­ committee. Miss McKinney Is now attending Closeout At 6 9 e ate. reports of injuries or ex­ Georgia moving to put legal —Judge Finds Claimant Stale Capitol, Hartford, PHARMACY hearsal for the Salvation Army the Julius H artt School of Music treme damage. Windows and on sale of white neighborhood Had Quit His Position i Marcli 9.—(JP)—Republicans Songster Brigade has been post­ A St Patrick’s Military whist Mr. Hansen Is attending the Uni- plaster were cracked in Hol­ homes to Negroes . Report that *M4 Center Street poned untU Friday evening at 8 will be given by the Gibbons As­ verolty of Connecticut. HALE'S STQREWIDE Values To I2S99 Big Four talks on Auatrlan treaty I ttnlay accused Democrats of TeL 8*9814 o’clock. ' sembly, catholic Ladles of Colum­ No date has been set for the lister, about 100 miles south- y break ap next week over Yu- Joseph A. Prentice, former Man­ a “deliberate effort to panic bus, on Friday at St Bridget’s wedding. eeat of Ban Frandeco. ’The 4;28 a. goalavla’a claims . Union leaders chester deputy chief of police, lost Pact Approval Wed. Morning Specials m. (p.e.t.) quake apparently cen­ the Assembly into ill consid­ The Sacred Heart Circle of the church hall for the benefit of the threatea atrtke of 400,000 German a suit against the town for back school fund for S t Bridget’s. Mrs. From the Baby DefiG tered In the HolUater areA ered and proiiably improper Mothers a u b will meet Thursday A eon was born to Mr. and Mra. coal miners in the Ruhr, asking pay at $2,400 annually since June Seen Assured evening at 8 o’clock in the home Charles Klotxer will be in charge Gueiino AgostinelU of 39 Bunce All Depts.
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