The Complete Mithril Miniature Catalog

The Complete Mithril Miniature Catalog

The Complete Mithril Miniature Catalog by curtsey of The Races of Middle-Earth (1) M 1 Galadriel M 2 Elrond Half-Elven M 3 The Witch-king of Angmar (mtd) M 4 Mounted rider of Rohan M 5 Rohir footwarrior or bard M 6 Gondorian guard captain M 7 Gondorian footsoldier M 8 Dunlending chieftain M 9 Dunlending warrior M 10 Dunlending priestess M 11 Sindarin Elf (mage) M 12 Sindarin Elf (warrior) M 13 Sindarin Elf (female scout) M 14 Arthedain captain M 15 Northman scout The Races of Middle-Earth (2) M 16 Female ranger M 17 Sagath warrior M 18 Sagath animist M 19 Dwarvish warrior M 20 Hithaeglir Orc Chieftain M 21 Hithaeglir Orc warrior M 22 Goblin scout M 23 Large stone Troll M 24 Barrow-wight King M 25 Large Warg Riders of Rohan M 26 Eorthraim prince M 27 Theoden, King of the Mark M 28 Mounted Rohir warrior (lance) M 29 Mounted Rohir archer M 30 Mounted Rohir standard bearer M 31 Mounted Rohir officer Thieves of Tharbad M 32 Princess Nirnadel M 33 Dirhavel, the Alchemist M 34 Silmarien the Mage M 35 Tharbad City-guard & officer M 36 Cardolanian mercenary M 37 Cutpurse M 38 Smuggler M 39 Cardolanian Hir (nobleman) M 40 Tardegil, Captain of the army M 41 Nimhir, the Regent The Witch-King of Angmar M 42 Angmar, Mannish Captain (mtd) M 43 Angmar, Mannish warrior (scimitar) M 44 Angmar, Mannish warrior (spear) M 45 Angmar, Orc berserker M 46 Angmar, Orc archer M 47 Angmar, Orc with spear M 48 Angmar, Troll with morning star M 49 Angmar, Troll with cleaver M 50 Angmar, Orc (scimitar) M 51 Angmar, Orc wolf-rider (horn, scimitar) The Shirefolk M 52 Gandalf the Wizard M 53 Tom Bombadil M 54 Goldberry M 55 Innkeeper at Bree M 56 Gate-warden at Bree M 57 Two Hobbit travellers M 58 Marcho & Blanco M 59 Female Hobbit & children M 60 Hobbit scout on pony M 61 Two Hobbit fighters (bow & spear) Mithril Boxed Sets MB 62 Smaug the Dragon, Bilbo & treasure The Hall of the Elvenking M 63 King Thranduil, the Elven-king (on throne) M 64 Queen Arhendhiril & two maids M 65 Legolas M 66 Galion, Elvenking's butler M 67 Elven High captain of Aradhrynd M 68 Elven Royal Guardsman M 69 Silvan seer M 70 Silvan bowman M 71 Silvan swordsman M 72 Silvan tracker Far-Harad M 73 Haradan Caravan guard on camel M 74 Haradan Caravan guard on foot M 75 Visi footguard & officer M 76 Haradan wealthy trader/councillor M 77 Haradan sand-man M 78 The Razarac M 79 Junast's guard M 80 Haradan sand ghouls (Lesinas) M 81 N. adventurer in desert garb M 82 Haradan Master of the Tama The Vale of Anduin M 83 Smeagol & Deagol in boat M 84 Radagast the Wizard M 85 Beorn (as man) M 86 Beorn (as bear) M 87 Beorn's animals M 88 Beorning fighter M 89 Beorning Lord M 90 Woodmen (2 figs) M 91 Woodmen Elder M 92 Woodmen animist Mount Gundabad M 93 Zalg, the Goblin-king M 94 Gundabad Uruk-Hai Royal guards (2 figs) M 95 Saviga, Zalg's consort M 96 Akargin, Warlock of Gundabad M 97 Gundabad, Uruk-Hai imps M 98 Gundabad orcish soldiers (2 figs) M 99 Karagar, high-priest of Gundabad M 100 Mannish slaves (2 figs) M 101 Gundabad, Orc Serfs (2 figs) M 102 Bralg the Insane Mirkwood M 103 Giant spider of Mirkwood M 104 Bilbo & 2 dwarf victims M 105 Huinen the Seer M 106 Arien, Elven Mage M 107 Lachglin, the animist of Mirkwood M 108 The silent Shadow M 109 Werewolf of Mirkwood M 110 Female warrior M 111 Dwarvish scout M 112 Northman Bard At the Prancing Pony M 113 Strider, Frodo and SaM M 114 Two seated cardplayers at Prancing Pony M 115 Prancing Pony, serving girl & Hobbit M 116 Prancing Pony, three drinking companions M 117 Prancing Pony, two seated drinkers M 118 Bill Ferny& Southron spy M 119 Prancing Pony, Boy and dog M 120 Prancing Pony, Seated Lute-player & girl M 121 Prancing Pony, two drunkards M 122 Table, chairs, accesoires The Fellowship of the Ring M 123 Frodo & Sam M 124 Strider M 125 Gandalf M 126 Legolas M 127 Gimli M 128 Boromir M 129 Merry & Pippin Lake-Town M 130 Laketown longboat & crew M 131 The Master of Laketown M 132 Bard of Esgaroth M 133 Laketown Guardsman M 134 Two raft-elves M 135 Laketown adventurer Personalities of the Third Age M 136 The Mirror of Galadriel M 137 Celeborn M 138 Saruman & the Palantir M 139 Aragorn & Arwen M 140 The Great Eagle, Bilbo & Dori M 141 The Great Goblin M 142 Glorfindel (mtd) M 143 Elrond a& the Ring of Air M 144 Riddles in the dark (Golum & Bilbo) Gorgoroth M 145 The Mouth of Sauron M 146 Mounted Nazgul M 147 Nazgul on foot M 148 Olog-Hai Troll M 149 Mordor Half-troll commander M 150 Mordor Uruk M 151 Orcs of Mordor (2 figs) M 152 Mordor, Variag horseman M 153 Mordor, Haradan Captain M 154 Mordor, Haradan infantry Durin's Folk M 155 Thorin Oakenshield M 156 Thrain, Dwarven King M 157 Erebor, Dwarven Royal Guardsmen M 158 Erebor, Dwarven craftsmen (2 figs) M 159 Erebor, Dwarven infantry (2figs) M 160 Erebor, Dwarven Alchemist M 161 Dis, Dwarf Maiden M 162 Dwarf adventurer on pony M 163 Dwarven adventurer M 164 Dain Ironfoot & Azog, the Goblin-King Ghostwarriors of Dunfearen M 165 Eribhen & Ruil, Dunlending shamans M 166 Tughaib of the Spirits M 167 Dunfaeren of the walking dead (2 figs) M 168 Dunfaeren Ghoul M 169 Wight of Tughaib M 170 Menoib, Dunlending Chieftain M 171 Solophen, Dunlending shaman M 172 Lesser ghost of the Underdeeps M 173 Skeleton of the Underdeeps M 174 Cave-Troll of the Underdeeps Isengard-Stronghold of Saruman M 175 Saruman at Orthanc M 176 Gandalf at Orthanc M 177 Dunlendings of Isengard M 178 Orc of the White Hand M 179 Half-Orcs of Saruman (2 figs) M 180 Half-Orc Captain (White Hand) M 181 Wormtounge M 182 Mannish Captain of Orthanc M 183 White Hand Orc with Merry M 184 White Hand Orc with Pippin Fangorn Forest M 185 Treebeard and the Hobbits M 186 QuickbeaM M 187 Leaflock M 188 Fimbrethil, Entwife M 189 Enting M 190 Huorn M 191 Tolwen, Elven healer M 192 Hundin the Bandit chief M 193 Bandits of Tir Limlight (2 figs) M 194 Female Bandit Minas Tirith M 195 Denethor, Steward of Gondor M 196 Pippin and Bergil M 197 Gondorian officer M 198 Gondorian infantrymen (2 figs) M 199 Gondorian Royal Guards (2 figs) M 200 Faramir at Osgiliath M 201 Gondorian Mounted officer M 202 Ioreth the healer M 203 Townsfolk (2 figs) M 204 Gondorian Noble The Elves of Lorien M 205 Galadriel (enthroned) M 206 Elf-maidens (2 figs) M 207 Lorien bowman M 208 Amroth, Prince of Lorien M 209 Nimrodel, Silvan princess M 210 Lorien guardian/Guide M 211 Celeborn (Mounted) War of the ring M 212 Elvish female adventurer M 213 Lorien elvish spearman M 214 Lorien elvish swordsman (Sindar) Turin Turambar (Part 1) M 215 Turin "Neithan", the outlaw M 216 Morwen and Nienor M 217 Thingol of Doriath M 218 Outlaw of Teiglin M 219 Mim & Ibun M 220 Turin Gorthol "Dreadhelm" M 221 Beleg Strongbow M 222 Morgoth Orcs (2 figs) M 223 Wolf Sentinel M 224 Gwindor Mithril Fellowship Special MS 225 Celebrimbor Mithril Fellowship Special MS 226 Isildur and the One Ring The Hobbit M 227 Bilbo Baggins M 228 Gandalf the Wizard M 229 Thorin Oakenshield M 230 Master Elrond M 231 The Great Goblin M 232 Gollum M 233 Beorn M 234 The Elvenking M 235 Bard of Laketown Mithril Boxed Sets MB 236 The Hobbit Mithril Boxed Sets MB 237 The Fellowship of the Ring The Black Sword (Turin Part 2) M 238 Turin "Black Sword" mounted M 239 Orodreth of Nargothrond M 240 Finduilas and Gwindor M 241 Brodda the Easterling M 242 Hithlum Easterling warrior M 243 Brandir the lame M 244 Turin Turambar M 245 Niniel the Bride M 246 Angband Orc Captain M 247 Elven warrior (Noldo) The Ancient Folk M 248 Ghan-Buri-Ghan & Wose spearman M 249 Wose warrior (blowpipe) & priestess M 250 Corpse Candle M 251 Undead Warrior M 252 Pukel-men (2 figs) M 253 Swamp-star M 254 Mewlip M 255 Lesser Barrow-wight M 256 Barrow-wight Lord M 257 Barrow-wight King Mithril Fellowship Special MS 258 The Oath of Cirion and Eorl M 259 Rohir warrior with axe The Horse-Lords M 260 King Theoden on rearing horse M 261 Rohir foot warrior and Dunlending M 262 Eomer (mtd) M 263 Rohir foot warrior longsword M 264 Charging Rohir warrior with spear M 265 Rohir standard bearer mounted M 266 Hama of Meduseld M 267 Rohir foot archer M 268 Rohir foot warrior with spear The Last Alliance M 269 Gil-galad, High King in exile M 270 Elrond, Herald of Gil-galad M 271 Elendil the Tall M 272 Isildur, Ring-bearer M 273 Cirdan at Gorgoroth M 274 Anarion M 275 Oropher, Elven-king M 276 Numenorean Infantry (Anarion) M 277 Numenorean Dunnish Tracker M 278 Numenorean Infantry (Isildur) Mithril Boxed Sets MB 279 The Lord of the Nazgul Mithril Fellowship Special MS 280 The Acclamation of Wulf at Edoras The Chamber of Mazarbul M 281 Strider fighting / Orc chief M 282 Legolas loosing arrow/Gimli M 283 Boromir parrying / Orc attacking M 284 Cave Troll M 285 Balin's tomb M 286 Doorway M 287 Sam & Frodo M 288 Orc Archer/Orc with Spear M 289 Gandalf with Glamdring M 290 Merry and Pippin The Pelennor Fields M 291 Gondor: Royal Army spearman M 292 Gondor: Royal Army swordsman M 293 Haradan mounted chieftain M 294 Haradan mailed infantryman M 295 Mordor: Black troll M 296 Gondor: Royal/provincial shields Mithril Fellowship Special MS 297 Tom Bombadill and the Badger-folk Mithril Fellowship Special MS 298 The return of the King: King Elessar and Queen Arwen Mithril Fellowship Special MS 299 Gandalf & the Witch-King Mithril Boxed Sets MB 300 The Balrog of Moria The Misty Mountains M 301 Great Eagle: Gwaihir M 302 Great Eagle: Landroval M 303 Great Eagle attacking Orc M 304 Great Eagle: Meneldor M 305 Hithæglir Northman adventurer M 306 Two dwarvish travellers M 307 Stone Giant M 308 Two Hithæglir goblins The Orcs of the Red Eye M 309 Orc warband

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