.Meuttav Mimiwjjf' ..- . - 99,4? V £ A R — 2&*h W E E K MATAWAN N J THURSDAY, DLCEMBER 23, 1967 Wu-v. Jurfiey rc ^ i, AuvjdvjU^t S in g le Copy Ten Cent* ’T-tt-' rmriTinnr.. .I.... • ./- ' ~r— ' ;y- A ' _ _ _ & 7kT~ j ± u u i o t u y r u n e s uui sixiO/JiS 1 i v W No actton was taken bv thc Mat- •..Mr, Hellstrdm, In letters snd In- slruction Co.. Fi'ank.>o Lakes, for &wa»To'wnolii?fcwan Towmsltip Council Tuesday un tenwwi nt » » >mt«- A m t w y . Gen- additional '.vorfc dono.in:.tha town­ .. Act!.-:? to boat a pa^-eud jn ajiy' «jg^cst?on3 offered j w a lk s “of -others ftfter fo r' thewe recommendation ofo r tha Town-Town- er«!« u!fK«, clit>nv> ‘hat ship's sidewalk construction , pro- ime.in which tu finish a)l municipal jb y reiJdenU al thc .original pubiic j W.s* f/w,n improvement*;, 1 • . ■ - ■h!p Utilities Authority that It re- ot select Jill used to buckfd sewer firam. The'additional costs w u k. in­ business, the. M* fa wait Poroy^h»hcaria^ on the ordiaance conducted | The -resignation :of • Frederick- • auesi ihe resignation o t an sutnon- trenches; ■Uiiri.igj'the;-.' project may curred mainly for rem>iva!.of-trees Council i’liRsd^y. rtiuhf • ! bv coMncil Oct. JO. ■, ; .... .■ : - :. Mauer as a meir.ber or th i board’pi . t y iMmbesv Tho rccommemlalKio, h ave; been 1 less; than paid for .by and slumpsdti,ring.tiie construction. ainendments to a new zc-mae code ; Amendments-"- include a dov;n- 1 health and. of Stevenson' Enteriine IiiUi theIhe form of »a resolution fromirom tlw Autnonly ir. 19(h. ia xt owners' licenses vere > '■ ■ whk'l' -*as enacted oofy the Jr-sf, ^r-|^4-adin^ of lot iUdr regutddnn.s in ’» a*> a ‘ member ' o i the iwditl'-- thehe authority, was no* entertained However, a wsoort by engineers, • newed for Richard C. Clay. 31 Uu.o *v;orit?i At the >.0ne Ciroe, tho , t;!V tOr. so^Uon off Main ;-of aojusfmeut were accept'd/ ., Or discussed in public by the coun­ Woodward. Clydei. Sncrrnrd and l'-dfif!V»L‘W Rd.. f.Iitfwood. and council pledged a further stuey of ; j;r., c’iniirtalton of, off-street, park' i Mr. Mauer is relirin.q nfter ; ^minr‘in^q r^tmnftd hv thf* nufnnrif.y f P'rfinW Pfzx-; 103 . Prospect Av c il c9 . s ProVL^,c?il s . | 0 determ n*^; (ri^ provisions in the business dis- j in" on the healih board for lG yeai's . Tho Authority vot^i Thursday_ |I io . "verily this ; contention, hava j Ciiffwood. Scvcii taxi drivers' II- if ii»rti7e»- ehajit»e» wm-be; tuied*Ki; lru .fi hiding lo a 15o-ft. depth for ; fhc* last ii. year.s of which he ser- n?Eht ............................ t.yask tlio........ Township Mp.Council Council I.I proved negative, lhe engineer**'re: | censes were also approved tor «»tr next vear. : jcommercial use of property on ; ved as president. Mr. Enteriine .w ill.. ••«. n e 1 ...'. r .................... I «««* 4-k.ifr K.w.'-fitJ 111*10 »-«i ' ' ' -- - -- •• - |o oust E ric Hulls, rom. v"' } port states that backfill was re -(C la y, Mr. Plw.1, Dorothy -Bracken, According to counei;, urnenO* , j^oute .Tl in the Broad St. area and ! bo">n a Jhrec-yenr term on the \«}r< The action culminated a stormy I quired in thu trencnoa where..clay iJa m o * . T. 'Bracken, Henry ju.. m,‘r?r': f'! 01 e zutniijj, ordn'ar.eethat : j j |^>er a i •/*» t »< v\ of MSi’ .rcstrictici's in j uufth council ut ms oryaniyaiioii Bieetini! at which authority c*>air-1 was removed for the Installation of ! Schwarz, I'.ilna M, benwarz and were introduced by foundj D « . 12 ! thfl businew dlstrief. i meeting at 2 p.m. Jan. L , . .. man Ka rl /.Ukerfr.an and member I pipes «nd that smtv.f. f).l ivns, in I A linnM i Original j Council, received a ic.ter from Alvin M argjlies accused Mr. 'Hells- (fact, used. , . j; a . plaque citing h!s two decade* j The original zoning rod up- A. C Uom;.i!k*iio nf. Aberdeen^ Ted. ,r ';m of seeking h iin.K'rs' ft-*.-1' -I • .Final npprovnl wa" vornd ■'in or; i.,f i,, '^.s ; Murder I M?ude;l iu|. in u;c £ Ju a’kiii.e, \‘-'hvn the ho,.,.,;.e tViioiH.ering'. he uncovered evidence ot'fraud'.in i ilmmut whi.ij adopts (.rin.o.ons w ; listed to Henderson-f.osbv.- a j D r. sucti HO foot frontage, changes' weiiid '*•0. Ifito e/fect. a. sewer installation la Ilia Cliff- j the Building Officials Conference u l ; year veteran of lhe Municipal De­ i tW .vever (U-tSi xerjues-t, of concern- Mr. thai btv - Wood area; . ‘ America Cods revised in t&Sfi. The j purtmcni of Public \Votl;y. |ed prop?1 y :0 V n.v'rs there.' the new J :j * acvi:><'fa ‘ o.t u - •• M r. Hellstrom denied the'accusa- (BOCA code provisions-replace -tho 1 .............. present btiiluing code, ' jarnemlm' trns the zurej lev R ciian-je in Octot-vr {ic- udcicd.;, tiou <is phiased Uy buln men auu ‘ 5CA, iecjairiti;? 50 foot Uti;e (or In other business. council ap­ Siivin^ lfcH »'U> rl*'ut In* ‘vi> be^.i reCei>i;ju niuil ut - later declined lo answer a question ! ime-family dw-eiiipgs. boih the old and new address. proved chsnfja orders amounting to Jr.sRoh Mimtei, 'il. wiU not |*o on Irom tho audience whether he First Baby irial for the murder of a l.auren- e | Gteneil alvo adopted an ordinance. $469 and S70U for Assuncao Bros., Anolher iNcw \ear CVaneii Freside»*it 'Vermin EiiU sought any reimbursement for # Harbor man on/') Mar. JI. Alni-i1?- } apprnpriatirs $12.SOO trom capita! Jne., Coioma, and the Estevos Con- sun said the house n.umbenng- nnrvice of this type. se-'fi«:r.;\ i.ourt Judue Charles M : i’nprovemetit funds to improve I5i*m<;s \\ilh II The committee' submitted its report Contest Set Morris jr. has grunted a motion hy South, Monroe and Oiciiard Sts., several months ajuo. The -report !dcfor--;e attorne'' Ocsrph p-r^i-y of Av**.. ►♦nd «ftd r,-'..u<|- wen;id h:>ve to be acted upon by ; -•P leasu re - of-- ilre e ih ij; Jeryey City who asked an adioiu.-i* ; en Lanes. council rjebre b^rominj* ettective, 'Tlie first inmmi “ First Be.hy inenf of th? trial which imd been 1 The improvements u«r io In hiiwvv:;r, ' ' -•' School Board Race ConWst*-’. sponsored by bayshore scheduled to begin .fan. .ifi. Mr. l\cw Fri.eii.d 8 a n d u ; elude. e.<citvau»»n, paving, suiKk * tic i;;*J^att d tlu'a .the cost of area . merchants,, banks- and The P trsk v contended he needed addi­ Keyport Weekly arnl Tha Mutawsn )ng. grading and {retaliation'' of [ preparing m ap; and puhlicftitdii tional tinte- to prepare-the case; -! curbs “and .sidewalk: of legal notices may be holding ^p, Jounial will be held this year, . Pled«e of Lovaltv am i 1 KJ •' ......... liuntor. a Jersey City resident. ’ Edward - Curr.o, 26 Kdi'emerc the program. Mr. Uihoon- reconK .: Seen In Township . In order to tike, part ‘in the.con- is .accused-in tne-fatal-.stabbing of j D r ., obiecfed to the proposed or- niended the item be. discussed; ?it- tp.r.t, r'riro n i.^ ■ rrit-.ic!mt-: cif .-■Trust to O ur Fa m ilv: 4i)-ypajr-ntd Jaim*s Beniioy, ,25>4- Mai- i iJiMnttee detin*1 the ouifwC . hear- lltc ;Vw\t meeting'.; ‘ - •-. - , » n m m w a *l,e circulation areas of both news- awan Rd., Uturence liaibor, on J He vuid ^the*. bt>rougirs--*:pas« Gary Wilson. : resident manager Harold J . Dolan, (ormor prest>.| consolidated school district, he.ivos n a . „ , r 3 Whi,.f, k,>Vmiit of Keaders. dent of the Matawan ReRional | one of three suw Asful tamlidutvs j u , . B ch Township Feb, 3. lie is odn^ held wi.thout ; policy ha.s been, to ftsics.j adiucerii of (Iheeyeqiuu'.e t*ark--Apartments,- 1 bond in the M iddies* C ounty Jan. ' prf.'nertv owners for curbs and su^eetted that (Jro.«s‘ b, : . riV J. B o n d of Education filed yesttrday that y » r m an ravl.on in %sh. •, , % ' ,u ik Hoi nd^i T t At a preliminary br-arin^ ir, * " forA,.. the,i .. township*. post to(a boi..-v filledr:!Url jJ sevenct.MM-n candidates.*.:in(1!^fllP(: '.UOTAWero tinup fovfm’ vot-Vitt- I i , Lfl 1 UlH» , - L... / j nenied ivviVtne Dr. said thu Matawan, Matawan imvnship, sDn Vnwp.ship -Mimicipa!1 C j\-rx 1() M i. -Curr*e said he was object?object street i.s only one biock long «uul- at the Feb. 6 school.election. The rlnR on a total tlislriet vote, not the. Marlboru Township Hnd Madison ■rriu : P iiJd ish er and Staff entry of Mr. Doian into tlie race ! separate borough - tuvvnship poll*, days yfi'.-r i.1t: ^'unkr, • arid "saKt !•* ; t;<T*; have a hni d time ' finding Tuw'siship. .was |_ir(v.t'i\r<?\l ir/Jit.ati.'ii; >'r;u; <la, ntvntji. ior ctiri.ts und side il. assures a three-way contest: as Her- 1 ing that exists today uniter the re- | sKiyinp; uiay h i vcl m ulied a .
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