UCSB Geology - Plate Tectonics Animation Downloads Explanations to be used in conjunction with UCSB animations Mesozoic Subduction Section View of Subduction off Ca Coast, 01.mov B.1. Mesozoic Subduction Drawn and animated by Tanya Atwater using Photoshop and Morph. Illustrates the geological processes commonly found at subduction zones. The Basement rocks of much of California were formed in this way. Pangea Pangea Breakup 01.mov Flat world Continental Drift, Pangea to Present: Physical Puzzle These are jpeg images from the movie Pangea.mov They can be used to make a physical puzzle. They include images of all the continents in (1) Pangean configuration and (2) present configuration, plus (3ABC) individual continental pieces,. My recommendation is to print out and laminate the (1) Pangea version and then cut the continents apart. This insures that they reconstruct well. Unfortunately this requires a large color printer. The (2) Present version is for your information. Note that there are two versions, each, of (1) and (2). The versions marked “sm” are shrunken to fit on a standard page - unfortunately quite small. Alternatively, the individual continents (3ABC) are page size sheets and not shrunken, so you can print them on a regular color printer and make the full sized puzzle using them. Note that there are shape/space problems when Eurasia collides with India, Arabia, and Iberia forming the Himalayan and other mountain ranges. This can be solved by stacking the two versions of Eurasia in (1)* so that India, Arabia, and Iberia can be inserted between the two layers. When I made this puzzle, I wrapped some thick, fuzzy blue cloth around a board to use as the background. (The fuzziness makes the pieces stay put better.) * or print out two copies of 3B, cut away the indents from one, and stack them. Breakup of Pangea and continental drift, 200 million years ago to present. Drawn by Tanya Atwater and animated by Ian MacMillan using Flash, with additions by Grace Giles. This is a special “flat earth” version of the drift of the continents, starting from the breakup of Super- continent Pangea about 200 million years ago. The continents were hand flattened by Atwater such that they are recognizable and they fit together in their Pangean and present-day configurations. The motivation of this construction is to depict the breakup and drift of rigid pieces, while obviating common problems with other depictions. (In the most common depiction, the earth’s surface is flattened via some projection such as the Mercator projection. Unfortunately, in these projections, drifting pieces artificially change size and shape. Other versions show rigid pieces moving around the surface of the globe, but since you can only see one side, they keep drifting out of view.) India - Asia (Himalayan) Collision India Asia Collision Section View.mov India-Asia Continental Collision, 60 million years ago to present, cut-globe view. Dedicated to Peter Molnar to honor his lifelong research on this spectacular continental collision, on the occasion of his 60th Birthday Symposium, Colorado, 2004. (Finally completed in 2007.) Created by Tanya Atwater with extensive reviews and edits by Peter Molnar. Made using Photoshop and Morph, with original continental outlines on the globe from http://www.odsn.de/odsn/services/paleomap/ Twelve-second and four-second versions are offered. My recommendation: download both. The latter, speeded up version is just for fun, to emphasize the drama of the collision. Spreading in the South Atlantic Section View of SoAtlantic Divergence 120my to Present, 01.mov Created by Tanya Atwater using Photoshop, Morph, and Final Cut Pro. Continental outlines on the globe surface from http://www.odsn.de/odsn/services/paleomap/. Earlier versions created by Carrie Glavich in Flash. Shows a cut-globe view of the spreading of South America away from Africa to form the South Atlantic Ocean between about 130 million years ago and the present. Two versions are offered: simple plate motions and plate motions with a depiction of likely mantle convection patterns. Some notes from Atwater about plate driving mechanisms and mantle convection. In most elementary textbooks, the mantle is depicted as a boiling pot, with convecting fluid (the mantle) that carries the surface scum (the plates) around. The plates are depicted as passive floaters drifting on the underlying current. This is not a model believed by most experts in the field. Rather, they envision the geometry as follows. The oceanic plates are mostly made of cooled mantle rocks (with a thin layer of crust painted on top). Thus they are the same as the adjacent hot mantle, but cooler and denser. Because of this, the motions of the plates are mostly driven by their own weight, slipping downhill off of the mid-ocean ridges and falling down through the mantle at the subduction zones. (Phase changes in the upper mantle and in the down-going slabs enhance these density differences.) Thus, for the most part, convection patterns in the upper mantle are driven by the motions of the plates, not vice-versa. The plates, themselves, are the tops and descending sides of the convection cells. At the spreading centers, as the plates slip downhill away from the mid-ocean ridges, they create a low pressure region beneath the center, drawing the underlying asthenosphere up into the widening crack. Thus, mantle upwelling beneath the center is both localized and driven by the departing plates. Beneath the moving surface plates, the plates drag the asthenosphere along. In models of the plate driving motions, the friction between the lithosphere and underlying asthenosphere is believed to resist the plate motion in most places, not to drive it. At the subduction zones: the cold, down-going slabs entrain the surrounding mantle, dragging it downward. This, in turn pulls new asthenosphere toward the subduction zone tops, perhaps helping to move the overriding plates in these locales. The most dramatic mantle convection, called the “corner flow”, occurs where the slab separates from the bottom of the overriding plate, entraining and removing local asthenosphere that then must be replaced by inflow from the side. (Among other things, this process continually renews the heat and fertility of the mantle wedge beneath the arc magmatic belt.) Comments? I'd love to hear them: [email protected] World Tectonics Map Exercise World Tectonic Map Layers.psd World Earthquakes and Volcanoes Map Exercise The six maps are given as individual jpg files (and also as a layered Photoshop stack of maps). Print out the six layers. Xerox the instructions and Maps 2-6 onto paper, and xerox Map 1 onto a transparency. For best results do all the copying at the same time; machines tend to change scale from day to day. Make one set for each 3-4 students. Supply each group with one red and one dark-colored WASHABLE transparency pen. (If they use permanent, you will have to throw the transparency away and do the copying all over again.) The Exercise, below, is one I used on the first day in my Upper Division Plate Tectonics Class. Feel free to alter it to suit your own purposes. Isn’t plate tectonics great? Enjoy! Seafloor Spreading and Magnetic Reversals Sea Floor Spreading Section View 01.mov Sea Floor Spreading Section View wArrows 02.mov Sea Floor Spreading wMagStripes, 01.mov SeaFloor Spreading Section View wArrows 01.mov SeaFloorSpreading wPole Rev Scale & Strips, 01.mov Sea floor spreading on three spreading centers connected by transform faults, with a front-cut cross section. Series of five animations demonstrating spreading, transform faulting, magnetic polarity reversals, and the Vine-Matthews hypothesis for the formation of seafloor magnetic stripes. These conceptual presentations are shown occurring at a gently rifted spreading center (i.e., a slow-medium spreading center). Created by Tanya Atwater using Photoshop, Morph and Final Cut Pro with art help from John Iwerks and comments from Ken MacDonald and Doug Burbank. Full Downloads Below: Note: an earlier version had a mistake in the reversal time scale. If you downloaded those, please replace them with these. Tuzo's Puzzle Tuzo Diagram.jpg Tuzo's Puzzle.jpg This paper puzzle helps illustrate magnetic reversals, as well as the motions of transform faults located at spreading centers Pacific Hemisphere Plate, 80 Ma to Present Eastern Pacific Plate Motion 80my to Present.mov Pacific Hemisphere Plate Tectonic History, 85 Ma to Present (stable North America held fixed). Drawn and animated by Tanya Atwater using Photoshop and Morph. Thanks to Steve Cande and the POMP project for the original images and reconstructions. Narrative below written to accompany the animation (each • represents one play-through of a given animation clip). • Present Situation. At present the Pacific Plate fills most of the north Pacific Ocean basin. The various shades of blue show the ages of the sea floor, as deduced from marine magnetic anomalies. The Pacific plate is moving northwest toward the subduction zones of the Aleutians and the western Pacific island arcs. Along the rim of North America, it has captured some slivers of the continental edge and is carrying them northwestward toward Alaska. Thus, the present Pacific-North America plate boundary lies within the continent, the San Andreas and Queen Charlotte fault systems. This was not always the case...... • Late Cretaceous Situation, 85 Ma. In the late Cretaceous, 85 million years ago, there were several oceanic plates within the Pacific basin: the Pacific plate was a smallish southern plate with the Aluk, Farallon, and Kula plates spreading away from it. • Oceanic Plate Evolution. Coming forward in time, the Pacific plate grew and grew and drifted north until it came to fill most of the north Pacific. • East Pacific Rise Migration.
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