-----~ --~- '---- .r'---. -----=--- ~ ",', == .' .''i<''~ "'------'''---'' e""'l ; ...... ;;.~ by BUDDY BAKER 19 indictmenL."\ covering 49 felony Key, Cordova and Wer:-;ich coor­ about the number of visitoffol to a Ruidoso News StaH Writer counts. Friday'H action waH the dinated th... att.ack on Friday. HUSpt·Ct's reRidence and the traflic Before dawn orl Friday, polIce of­ fl'S ult. Bl'fore 9 a Ill. ali teams had on their Htred. ficer,.;; from mIlt· area poll('(' dt'part­ Teams of f(JUT or fi ve officers reported bark to the station after (~ordova said that Ult' task forC(' mentR Hnd two federal agencieH were dispatched from the RuidoHo having completed the 13 arrests. acrU~H was f('Hponding !A. I the needs of the fanned out the RUIdoso area Police Station at around 6 a.m. Fri­ Several of the targeted RUspecls community. and arre8tRd l:~ HUHpt'Ck-'d. drug day. They fanned out over the were out of town and several were There wen' no wholt'salt· dt.'alern dealers Ruidoso area and arrested 1:~ of the not located at their homes. caught in the net, but most law of­ Arrested were, Lorin ('seHznegi, alleged drug dealers. The felony counts range from ficerR said that Htreet traffic of Angela Tog-nazi, Fred (;urul(·, Kurt Also targeted by the grand jury diHtribution of marijuana to traf­ Richardson. Jerry Chavez, MafRha drugs would bt' noticeahly were eight vehicles that had ficking cocaine by diRtribution. diminiHhed by the raid. Chavez, Thomas Mark Brunell, Jay reportedly been used in drug traW-l­ Most of those pen-lOns indicted had Before the raid fi. ve arrests had L Goodman, Leonicio Rodriguez, actions. Arrest teams managed to several felony COtUlts lodged Todd Dentler, Martin Baca, Evott been made and there was OIU' ar­ confiscate seven of them in the raid. against them. rest warrant outstanding Nelson, and DaVid Moran. The White MOWltain Task Force A U.S. ('usLoms Service helicop­ After two arrl'sL.-. un the Not picked up Friday, but ar­ (WMTF) is headed by Gonzalo Cor­ ter and drug-sniffing dog were also reHu..~d weekend there are now fi ve arrest later were two more s uspectH dova with the assistance of Paul used in the operation. warrantH uutHtandmg accused of distributIng marijuana. Wernich, Lincoln County Sheriffs Many of the arrests were the They are Kerry K Avery and Deputy. With the cooperation of result of Cordova and Wen~ich hav­ Shawn ChildreHs. WMTF was fornH'd in .July with area law enforcement agencies ing conducu:d undercover opera­ a grant of $100,000 froIll the More that fiO officers partici­ these two officers gathered the evi­ tions in buying drugs from Bureau of .Justice Matching funds pated in what waH the HuidoHo'H dence necessary for the indict­ SURpected dealer8. were provided hy Lincoln County largeHt drug raid 1Il more than six ments. The task force is under the yearn AUention was drawn to Bome of Operations began in October and supervision of Lincoln County the AUSpects by complaint.''! fn>m FridaY'R arresL.q were a result of On Thursday a .'4pt'ciHI grand SheriffJames McSwane neighborR and people who knew jury met in Carrizozo and returned .. Deputy District Attorney Scot them. One neighbor complained Sgt. Lanny Maddox reads an arrest warrant to Fred Please see Drug, page 2A Gurule. State Policeman Mike Howard looks on. Picketers protest MRS -;4 . .~.r '!:/ .',..r)r....:~<=-· \ ..;f; DIANNE STALLINGS The energy department ha~ people vol unkered to carry the Ruidll' I) News StaH Writer tunl,~d Ul tribes to negotiate be­ SlgnA. St II' (t'll t 1 from Save the Earlh ca u.~e thpy are viewed as sovereign He said the demonstration hOl:-lU·d proteRt !'ignR onto thei r nationR Pa~t dpalingR wiLh RLateR would proceed rain or shine. What 8huulder~ and paradpd up and have t'Ildl'd III failure with masRivt they received waR mostly shine as down the main stret·t of HuidoRo prote~Lq agai nst t-t'llI porary nuclear the weather warmed on SWlday. Saturday and Sunday. waRU' ~u)rage faCl1ities ResideR the action downtown, Betwt."t'n chants of "no nuclear Dave Dale, orgaI1lzer of Save the volunteers were scheduled to be wasu·... they askro residentR and Sac:-amentoK, worked WIth the Rtu­ protesting at The Covered Wagon, visiton~ to pen messageR to Mes­ dentA and adult advlserR. .Joe WaI-Mart and FWT8. calero Tribal Pn'sident Wendell AvaloR and Scott Perez. On Sunday. "Between now and the end of ChinO, urging him Ul ahandon hifl Harlyn (~('r()nimo, who ran agaiTl.'~t January we intend to hit Chino intereRt in Rtoring spent nuclear Chino for president in the last hard," Dale said. He added that fuel rods on tribal-owned land. tnhal election, alAo joined the Chino may not 8~ the demonstra­ The triht.· aln·ady has received a protest tions firRthand beea llf~e reports D('part~ $100.000 grant from the 'We had 2.000 of th(· message place the president in California at ~:nerg)' ment of and may receIve pt-titiontl print~-d and hope to get one of his other homeR. another $:-l-million t.o look at 1,000 filled out by Monday," Dale specific Rites Won by one! ~aid late last week More than 25 Please see Picketers, page 2A The Ruidoso Warrior boys basketball Evans with a few seconds left for him team show the spirit that helped them to shoot a three pointer. The Warriors beat the Carlsbad Cavemen on Satur­ needed the victory to spark them for day by one point. 62-61. Team work district play which will bring Onate to was the key in getting the ball to Eric Ruidoso on Saturday at 5:15 p.m. LCMC tightens the budget by KRISTIE SULZBACH One iRsue iB that as ofJanuary 1 budget If-' the money the center Ruidoso News Staff Writer Medicare will no longer reImburse receive~ from t.he county mJil levy fi~caJ With the close of thf' year the center for the interpretation of whJch provideR a maJonty of the op­ • R ""If approachIng at the end of March an EKG Miller said thiR would eratmg revenue Miller saId people the LIncoln Countv Medical Center reRult in a 1088 of $40,000 in TruRu·e~· in the county will be voting on the Board of approved a pro­ revenue and yet the center will still issue in the general electlOn, and it posed hudget for the next year at have to pay to get it done. which is important for them to know what its meetmg on Thun~day means absorbing the cost of It means to the center Administrator Valerie Miller $35,000. The current mill levy will expire said the center is projecting an op­ The center haR also recruited a on ,June 30,1993, so vot.en~ will will erating income of $372,000 for second obstetricianigynecologiRt have the chance to continue the 1992-1993 which reflects no rate in­ and a second orthopedic Rurgeon, levy for the next eight yean~. ThiR if! crease. She said the assumptions in hut the budget doesntt incl ude the a renewal of an eriRting tax '..hat the budget are very conservatlve increased activity from these people are Hlreadv paying, Miller Student members of Save the Earth picket f\Aescalero Tribal President Wendell Chino and take several issues into consid­ people. and gather signatures in downtown eration. The most important fuctor in the Please see LCMC, page 2A to drop the idea of storing nuclear waste Ruidoso in an effort to send a message to on tribal-owned land. MainStreet asks state for $1 million by KRISTIE SULZBACH estimate.•John ShRw, cOnf~u1ting engineer for Ruidoso News Staff Writer phaRes thnt cover the diRtance from Country the village, Raid the CORt for labor may hRvp to Club Road to Carl.er'fl Lane Shf' Raid the group AR the planR for the MainStreet improve­ rf'-e~timated to he provide for a big-her wag-£' did not do 11 drainage analysi~ of the current ments on Sudderth Drive get doser to comple­ than waR anticipated tion, the financial picture alRo g-etR clearer. phase, hut will probably need t<J do one for the The demohtion and removal phaRe of the pro­ next phaRe MainStreet will he requeRting more than $1 mil­ ject could cost $72,600 This would includp ttl(' Utility improvementR are expt'(-t('{i to co~t lion from the legislature to make the planR a wall~ removal f)f RidewalkH, drivepads, retaining $35,000 and will include new fire hydrant~ and reality. and curbR and g-utterA. Sigru~, poleR, hydrantR relocation and general work 011 the waU'r RPr­ Mary Maul, MainStreet project director, and and meters along the street will alRo luIve to be project engineers from Bohannan-HuRton Inc., vice ManholPR and valves will also have to be taken out while conRtruction is heing done. adjuRted George Radnovich and .James White, met with For roadway improvementR the CORt iR city and Rtate highway officialA on Friday to dis­ To add the finiRhing touchps to t.he project eRtlmated at $290,710, which mRy he low. ThiR street furniture and landsrap£' Improvement..q CUSR the project and the estimated cost. Rad­ would he the conAtruction of the RidewalkR, novich and White had Rt:veral com~truction will alAo he done. The cost will lw Rbout drivewayR, CurhR and gnttRrR fiS well as the $11:-l,920 Rnd will include wooden twncheR. drawings from the IDaRter planA for Phase I croRRwalkR which will he made of interlocking which covers Sudderth from Fern Road to Coun­ trash receptadeR and hollardR (Rpecial pole pavement blocks with concrete headeT1l.
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