1,w~J1r•• t•I" AS~C,C".Alt? ti• t •t ..PdVC.,,~· · ·1l•H" ...u. , ••.t J: ~·JAf( 1Ail/Ulli1fl[0 ,V.C,:'. t l $l)fl• ,• • ul , Gt;..!lll•C:. • H • 1,r.fl1•.::c:r.1o•ff,i ''At Union Bank, ure urork hard to ea1·11 your tI•11st.'' - Henry A. Leslie. P1t.'Sidcn1 and Chief E.,em1 ivu OOk~·r Union Bank works closelv with n:ianv Alaban1a at101neys in the adm inis tration or t11.1sts and estates. Our investment capabilities have increased dramatically in the past ye,u-by thei add it on or a state-ol~the-art computerized system. /\s Alabama's largest independent bank, we con trol all ou1· invesLmen l pl'ocessing vvith in LheTrus t Oepai'ln1enl Lo assure cons tant attention and com plete confiden tiality for your clients. We invite you r questions about Union Bank's LJ1..1st se1vices. Ow · experienced trus t offlcers will be glad Lo discuss any bus iness, financial or adm inistrative aspec t of the services we provide. I Ii lIC>11 BAnK & TRUST. IEC<IBEkflX 60 Cornn1erce Streel Montgome 1y, Alabama 36104 1205 ) 265 -8201 ~ Three in a row ... A wi n nin g combination for Alabama attorne ys . $59.95 $69.95 $34.95 THEJ,H ~J :HARRISON COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 3110 Crossing Park • No rcross, Georgia 3007 1 Theawyer Aluhanm ..,,,.,., l'ublnlwd Bllnomhfy bf 1be AIMN.ffl,1$,t,1((' 81r l1, 0 , &t 4-1,0 M,ootgunny. AL ,r,o THE MAY 1983 PIKIPC:(io,J a119-1,o kol,,m A. M~a.- fm No""i:IS-Maiuglntt P.dl!Of Philli1) e. Adams, Jr., Opdlb • Buxton \Y. ,\.)he, T ll.K'Ul1lbii • R()bcrt P. Ot::nn~ton, ,\iobilc • Val17.fflll Penn Durm t, 1\io ntgomcry • Patrick H. Guvu, Jr., Hunuvill c • Robcrc 8 . H-arwood , Jr .. Tu,~,1,· locw • Oump Lyom, Jr., i\tobik • Wtlliun 0 . Mchan, E\'CS"gtccn• L Drew Rc:ddcn,8 irmingh:un • Carol Ann Smith , Birmi ngh ,m • J, 1\i.1.rk. \\'hitc., Birming· hffll • J. o. Scnrdl, cx·olT11do, i\tontgomcry 1stCi.m1 it, Ed~rd P. Tumc:r, Jr,-.Ou 1tom • ~nd Ci.rwit, Legal rights of the handicapped r. Rk hatd H~nky, Grm,viJlc • JtdOn -uir..J . Ciomw, HouJton, Jr., .Euf:iuJ.a.• 4th Cirru.it, H:trry W. G:imblc., -p g. I28 Jr.,Sdm:. • jth Clri;uit, O ,:u:b It. Ad2ir, DJdcviJl,c• 6th 0m m, W~n:r r. Oownovu, Tusetll)c)U • 1th Cimiit, MuchJegis lativc and judicial attention H. \VayncU,vc, Anni$C:..:.\ • $th Cimih, Robc1t Straub, has bcco focused upon the rights of the O«:.itur • .9th Circun , Willbm 0 . Str uggs, Jr., Fe, handicapped . .Representing the ",pedal P:iy~ • 101h Circ-,1it, \Y,1.rren 8 . Lig.lufoot, Birmingham • 11th Circuh , Src~rt <YB.mnon. Jr., child" in the ed ucational environment 1-N)tcntt • uth Circuit, JoeC. CasAdy. Entcrpdse • 13th demands specializedlcg:tl skills. Cirruir, lkn 1-LH:i rris, Jr•• t..iohilc • 1...chCircu it. JoelP . R(lbiruon, Jr.. Jupcr • 15thOmti~ R.idurd H. GUI. Montgomery • 16th Circ-uh , Ludg (r D. Manin, G.adsdc.n • 17th Circuit, Rich:ird S. Manley, Demopolis • 13th Circuit. Oliver P. Flc.1d, Columbuna • t9lh Q r<'llit.Ted T;iyJor, PDm·lllc• :icch Oro Jl·t. \Vadc Buley, Ooch:ut • 'l.lSl Cittui t, Btoo• G. Garren. Bn:wton • 2rod Circuit, Huo ld Albritton. And.1l1,1si:'I • J,Jrd Circuit.. G-ary C. Hucbby, l=lunuvillc • i.+th Circuit. L E, Go.A, Vc:mon • 15th Birmingham or bust Cin:uit, Nelson Vimon. tbmiloon • '26d, Ciroiit, Bob J2.6 Faull. flk".nix City • r,,:h Cimait, 0,uk,s IL H.u-c.. Jr., -p g. Nbcm't lk • 28lh <lrcuit.. J. Don F<tstct, Foley• l (lth Plans arc underway for the Alabama Circuit. Hud ~t. Love,T ,aludcgi • JOth Cimiir.,Ol ul e,: E. R.obimon, Pd! O:ty • Jut Circuit, G,mu n R, Jones, Stak Bar 1983Annual Meeting to be held Sheffield • p nd Circuit , John 0 -avid Knigh t, July-zt-23 u1Birmingham. Take a sneak Cullmln • 3;:rd Circuit. \\ 'iUiam B. 1\i :1tthcwJ, Oxart • 3.µh Circuit.. H. Neil Taykif. Sr •• Ruuclh•Uk • JSl-h peck arwhal's in srore. You wcm'r want Ore-ult. Edwin C. P.agc,Jr ... £ \·ctgn:m• J6th Qrcui.t.,A . to musir. Phili1, Reich II, Mou.lton • J7th Circuit, Robert ,\t. H11.rptr , Auburn • Jlt h Circuit, John F. P·roccor. Soon:sboro• Jll'tb Om.ut. \V'tllwn .Bruer:SbttriU, Athens GENERAL INFORMATION On the cover Tlw Ab lN.nn u.,...,,.u pub(•!,¢ 11..1, tlmo , p lin J.-i'"'}', fi.t.ucl\, ,\by. J1,1ly, Scpccrnbcr Ind NQ\'ffllbtt hy the lkllttd ul Cammiwot1a')fl( the:~ Sc:ur&r . M, ml'fflpr 1111bn\iulo1• Pictured 011 the front cover is the Uld 1em:na, dv Nicar we-rn,,•our,g.cd, prestigious ABA Law Day Public Ser· Ad~IR£ Mo Art ~ni labk t1pnnttqoat , Publ~•llbl'll,( ir! aJ. \'cmKmmt is nncCl) bt~ u Ill Clldcomic:n.ol 1nr produ41or vice Award given to the Alabama State \OYlttol'lm:d. AD.ul \·en:i•i~ <OIi)'lt "'bjm ro ~PP'Q"'.i, md chc putilltba-rot'S\U dv rigt,r eottl(('C *'Y tunllicknd c,bjeniorul in. Bar/Uni6cd Judicia l System for their tppcantK.c « axitmt. outstanding Law Day effort in ,982. 1M Ab.bun a laW)'ttit _pmvldtdtoauoall~ ~ ...,.-ichou1 ch.atp:. lf a mtrnhtt lhould rt~ , C wiDbenca:u:.ary1(l llllbnWI a clMtigcof lddrco in ordtt co COOOllwl'ettrt'Wlg ttir publk.uil'lfl. N~ wb,mpckinsl SlJ.00 1ft motUnikd St.w;; S.JO.oo cbc:whcrt. All tubr(ripoMP mU1o1bcpn' J»id. S'l(lglcl#w, Wt S:J..OO, pl•poin ~ . ISSUE IN BRIEF Regular Features President's Page ...... 120 Executive Director's Report .......... ... 121 Letters to the Editor .. 123 About Members, Among Fim1S ...... ... ... .. 124 New policies in the criminal justice system -:P g. I40 Riding the Circuits ..... 134 The insanity defense, the exclusionary CLE News ......... ... 136 mle, and die writ of habeas corpus have drawn criticism from both lawyers and Young Lawyers' Section .. 138 die public. Arc rcfom1sneeded and, if so, how can the ri.ghtS of the accused be Recent Decisions .. .... 146 safeguarded? Commissioner Meeting Report ....... .... (59 Legislative Wrap-Up .... 162 Bar Briefs . .. ........ 164 Ho w to avoid the unintentional grie vance It Happened at the Bar .. 166 - pg. 156 General Counsel A lawyer's darkest hour is d1e inquiry Opinions ........... 168 from die Grievance Committee . Adhcr· cncc to simple tcnctS can preclude most Disciplinary Report ..... 169 Lmintcntionalgr ievances. The Fina.I Judgment ..... 172 Classifieds ............. l75 Federal courthouse gets new ll3Jll e -pg. IS4 Et Cetera ....... •.. .. .. 176 Toe Fcdernl Courthouse in Mobile wa.< recently named in honor of John Archibald C.11npbell.Campbell was one of the few Alabama lawyers to serve as a Justice of the United States Sup reme Court:. The AIIW111n11La"1" "9 <¥residettt's <¥age S ince our list issue ()W' bbors have d:ttcs for public office. The Canons of continued on a more or less even keel. I Judici:tl Ethics do ooL, nor should they. would like to commcnr on what I sh~ permit response by the courr or the designate "T he Four C's( - Com· judge; and they $imply do not have • pliancc, Criticism, Commme.-.s a.nd forum in which to respond. I am not alone in this concern. During die year Convention. your Executive Committee h,s :tu· Compli1111ce.The response of the d,ori,.cd one reply by me in the form of a mcmbcn to the reporting rcquirctncnl.:j lcner to die cdiror of a major daily news­ of Mandatory Continuing Legal Educa­ paper (which did nor, incidcnt:illy, pub­ tion has been, :is l have mted before, lish rhe full content of the lcner). Tiicre simply great. We do have a number is now in effect a prog= in which each of lawyers who, for one ru.son or Bar Commissioner has been asked ro re· nnothc r, have not complicJ . Ea~h pon on instances of what he ~idcrs member of the Board of Bnr Comml$­ unf.ur criucism. These rcpons will be sioners was furnished with n list of reviewed by the f.x«utivc Co~ttcc lawyersin his circuit who have not com· and, if wnrraJHcd, .tn appropnarc re­ plied and they have been :isk~-dro per· sponsewill be made by me in the name of son~ conrocr those lawyers. By lhe the Alabama Srare Bar. 11,crc is no rca· time you read this, a list will have been §On why individu:u members could not certified ro the Supreme Court of those assume the s•mc reporting rosk, and we who failed to comply and, r am conli· do solicit yoursuppon. Pl~be~ dent, sanctions will be imposed as re· d,ar I speak nor oi objccnvc, f.ur criu­ vwan,,he •'Otld'•b'll,C'l tron """' • .,,..r1oc,1.. quir,-d by the Rules. rumdone in • responsible m.mncr. ingRirm1nghan, . Committ eeJ. We function mnloly through commim:cs. Moll of the .com­ Con11,11tw11. More time is devoted One dcpam ,rc from my outline. As a miccccs have addressed thcir :iss,gncd each cby to trying_ro put roged,~r. an result of our investigationsinto abusesof cask and h3\·e done a good job. Others interesting, rewarding and cn1crta1nmg the lndigcnc Defense Fund die Discipli· have not. For the Inner I am at least ger•togcthcr in July in Birrningharn.
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