September 21, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1593 independence, and direct access to the Presi- Force; Milton Kelm, U.S. Air Force; John will be greatly missed by her family and the dent have been critical to its success. With O’Brien, U.S. Air Force; Robert Stubblefield, City of Brooklyn. these attributes intact, I am confident that U.S. Air Force; Walter Lowblad, U.S. Coast f USTR will continue to fulfill its mission effec- Guard; Billie Tracy, U.S. Coast Guard; Har- tively and commendably for the next 50 years. vard Lewis, U.S. Marine Corps; William Sex- RECOGNIZING TALBOT HILL Today, I honor USTR on its 50th anniver- ton, U.S. Marine Corps, Muriel Yandle, U.S. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL sary, the 16 men and women who have Marine Corps; Douglas Smith, U.S. Merchant served as the U.S. Trade Representative, and Marine; Adam Bachmann, U.S. Navy; James HON. ADAM SMITH the thousands who have proudly served under Bratton, U.S. Navy; Richard Davis, U.S. Navy; OF WASHINGTON them. I wish USTR the best for another 50 Joseph Doyon, U.S. Navy; James Dunn, U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years. Navy; Teddy Freeman, U.S. Navy; Thomas Thursday, September 20, 2012 f Gibbons, U.S. Navy; William Jordan, U.S. Navy; James Kohl, U.S. Navy; James Lan- Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I CONGRATULATIONS TO JASON C. caster, Sr., U.S. Navy; William Matthias, U.S. rise to honor Talbot Hill Elementary School, lo- YUAN Navy; Warren McCoy, U.S. Navy; Jerald cated in Renton, Washington, for being named Muck, U.S. Navy; Franklin Nolan, U.S. Navy; one of the ‘‘Coolest Schools in America’’ by HON. RANDY HULTGREN Leonard Premselaar, U.S. Navy; Vance Parent & Child magazine. The school was OF ILLINOIS Strunk, U.S. Navy; Leonard Swanzy, U.S. also named a Washington State Designated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Navy; Walter Thompson, U.S. Navy; Frank Innovative School. Talbot Hill Elementary School is part of the Thursday, September 20, 2012 Spiegel Jr., U.S. Navy; Richard Watson, U.S. Navy. national MicroSociety program. In this pro- Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- These 48 heroes join more than 100,000 gram, students participate in a fully-functioning gratulate Taiwan’s Ambassador to the United veterans from across the country who, since society. Students apply for jobs, earn money, States, Jason C. Yuan, for his service in the 2005, have journeyed from their home states pay taxes, and participate in government. United States and his recent appointment as to Washington, DC, to reflect at the memorials Each fall, the Talbot Hill Elementary School Taiwan’s National Security Advisor. built in their honor. community elects a Legislature, comprised of I also would like to wish Taiwan a happy an- Mr. Speaker, each of us is humbled by the a president, vice president, at-large members niversary for her upcoming anniversary on Oc- courage of these soldiers, sailors, airmen, and and senators and representatives from each tober 10th. Known as double ten day, this will Marines who put themselves in harm’s way for grade level. Students work on a newspaper, mark Taiwan’s 101st year. our country and way of life. As a nation, we run a post office, start small businesses, and With so much turmoil in the world today, the can never fully repay the debt of gratitude manage a recycling center. region along the Taiwan Strait is one of the owed to them for their honor, commitment, This unique school is made possible by par- important places where hostilities are decreas- and sacrifice in defense of the freedoms we ent and community support. Parents get in- ing. Taiwan has forged constructive partner- have today. volved to invest in the school and in their chil- ships with China, and there is a working My colleagues, please join me in thanking dren’s education. This includes spreading the peace between the two countries. Much of this these veterans and the volunteers of Honor word to the community about the needs of the can be credited to President Ma’s leadership Flight of Oregon for their exemplary dedication school. The community’s involvement is es- and the policies he has instilled. and service to this great country. I especially sential to the success of Talbot Hill Elemen- Since President Ma became president, there want to recognize and thank Dick and Erik tary and helps to build a generation of suc- have been numerous daily flights between the Tobiason and Michael and Cindy Jensen for cessful and innovative students. two countries, large increases in tourism be- their tireless work with Honor Flight of Oregon. Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I rec- tween China and Taiwan, and a pooling of f ognize the students, teachers, administrators, joint resources to reduce crime along the Tai- parents, and staff of Talbot Hill Elementary wan Strait. IN REMEMBRANCE OF MRS. RUTH School. The school’s groundbreaking edu- Happy anniversary to Taiwan, and thanks to COYNE cational techniques prepare students to be President Ma for his part in maintaining peace life-long learners and engaged members of and stability in Southeast Asia. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH their communities. f OF OHIO f TRIBUTE TO HONOR FLIGHT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NATIONAL DAY FOR THE OREGON Thursday, September 20, 2012 REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON TAIWAN Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in HON. GREG WALDEN honor of Mrs. Ruth Coyne, the former ‘‘first HON. DAN BURTON OF OREGON lady’’ of Brooklyn, Ohio. OF INDIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ruth was the wife of John M. Coyne, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES former mayor of Brooklyn. She attended Thursday, September 20, 2012 Thursday, September 20, 2012 Rhodes High School and met John at a dance Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- at Our Lady of Good Council. They were mar- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, on nize the 48 World War II veterans from Or- ried at Old Pete’s Wayside Inn on November October 3, 2012, the Taipei Economic and egon who will be visiting their memorial tomor- 30, 1940. John went on to serve as mayor for Cultural Representative Office, located in row in Washington, DC through Honor Flight an astounding 52 years, from 1947 to 1999. Washington, DC, will be celebrating the 101st of Oregon. On behalf of a grateful state and Ruth provided support for her husband National Day of the Republic of China on Tai- country, we welcome these heroes to the na- throughout the years and came to be loved by wan at the beautiful Twin Oaks Estate. I rise tion’s capital. the community. The couple was married for 72 today in advance of this celebration to offer The veterans on this flight from Oregon are: years. my continued praise and support of the U.S.- Harry Barber, U.S. Army; Clarence Carnahan, Ruth is remembered fondly by everyone she Taiwanese relationship and to acknowledge U.S. Army; Elmer Hendricks, U.S. Army; Burl encountered. Councilwoman Kathleen Pucci the good work of Jason Yuan, who after serv- Jarrell, U.S. Army; Melvin McCoy, U.S. Army; has said that, ‘‘She exemplified grace, dignity ing four years as Taiwan’s Washington Rep- Lowell Miller, U.S. Army; Walter Orum, U.S. and style. She genuinely cared about our resentative is returning to Taiwan to continue Army; Wilburt Rathke, U.S. Army; Fred Riggs, community and its residents.’’ his distinguished career by serving as Sec- U.S. Army; Willard Runion, U.S. Army; In addition to her role as ‘‘first lady’’, Ruth retary General of the National Security Coun- Dennison Thomas, U.S. Army; Frank was a loving citizen and mother. She was the cil. Mr. Yuan has worked tirelessly to further Vaughan, U.S. Army; Harley Hess, U.S. Army mother of four, grandmother of nine, and the mutually beneficial relationship between Air Forces; Marion Kirkham, U.S. Army Air great-grandmother of fifteen. She always put the United States and Taiwan. Forces; Urban Kluthe, U.S. Army Air Forces; her family first. As the people of the Republic of China on Robert Mitchell, U.S. Army Air Forces; Roland Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Taiwan celebrate the 101st anniversary of Stewart, U.S. Army Air Forces; Francis in memory of Mrs. Ruth Coyne, a woman who their nation’s founding, I congratulate them on Ellmers, U.S. Air Force; Jack Keeler, U.S. Air spent her long life working for others, and who their National Day and would like to commend VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Sep 23, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20SE8.055 E21SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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