Boston Symphony Orchestra

Boston Symphony Orchestra

Arnbrmy of .tlusir • 1Brnoklyn BOSTON SYf\PliONY ORCtiESTR~ FOUNDED IN 1861 BY HfNRY L. HICC!NSOJ'I SIXTY-THIRD SEASON 1943-1944 {ll Friday Evening, November 19 Under the auspices of the BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE.S ancf the PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY OF BROOKLYN I VICTOR RED SEAL RECORDS by the Boston Symphony Orchestra SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Conductor Also Sprn<'h Znrathustm ..................•.......•.. • ....•..... Strauss Battle of Kershenetz .•••••••••..••..•.•....•.••••••••••• Rimsky-Korsakov Bolero .. ...........•......................... ................... Itavel Capriccio (.Jesus Marfa Sanrom(t, 8oloi:-;t) .................... Stravin~;ky Classica I Symphony ............................................ ProkofieU' Concerto for Orchestra in D major .. .•................ ... K. P. E. Bach Concerto Grosso in D minor .... .........................•......... Vivaldi Concerto in D major (Ju~;cha lleifetz. Soloist) ••.................. Brahm~ Concerto No. 2 (Jnschn Heifetz, Soloist) .................... ... ProlwflPIT Concerto No. 12 - Lnrgh<'lto .. ............................. ..... Jlau<lel Damnation or I•'aust: :\Iinn<>t - Wnltz - Hnkorzy l\larcll ............ Berlioz Daphni:-; Pt Chloe - ~nit(' No. 2 .... ... ........ ....•... ... .. ... .. H:l\'{'1 Dnhin u~hk n . Hiut~ky- Kor ~a l, oll' "Enchanll•d Lal,e'' ....... ..... ............................ ... I.iuolov Frlihliu~sstimmt>u-,Valtzet-J (Yoices of Spring) .................... ~tr:tnsl!l Gymnop<'<lie ?\o. 1 .................................... Erik Satie-Dehussy "Khovaustrhina" Prelude .... ... .......................••... Moussorgsky "La l\'ft>r'' ("The Rea ·•) .. ....................•..••.•..•••. ..... Debussy La!':t ~pring .... .. ... ........................••..•.••..••.......•.. Grieg "Lieu! ennut Kije" Suite ..... ............ ..•.............•.... Prokofieft LO\·e f or 'l'hrPe Orang-es - Scherzo and :\larch .................. Prokofielr :\Ja ilh·H with thP Hosps . Sibelius 1\la :Mere L'Oye (Mother Oom::e) ............. ...................... Ravel :1\Iefil'>to Waltz .. ... ............ ...... .............................. Liszt 1\IisRa Roh•mnl~ ..................•.•.•••....................... Beethoven PelleaR C't l\Ielisnnde . ... ... ....... ... .. ... Faur~ "PetPr and the 'Volf'' .. ........................................ Prokofieff Pich1res nt an Exbibilion ... ........................... Moussorgsky-Ravel Pohjola's Dang-hter .........................•....•.•............. Sibelius "Romeo and .Juliet," Orertnre-Fnntasia ............ .......... Tchaikovsky Rosaumnde - Ballet :\Iusic ...................................... Schubert Salon :\IPxico, El ............. ..........•...•.....•....... Aaron Copland Sarabande ................................•........••.•.•.. Debussy-Ravel Song of Volg-a Roatn1C'n .........•......••..........•... Arr. by Stravinsky "Swanwhite" ("The Malden with Roses") •..••....•..•........... Sibelius Symphony No. 1 in B-flat major ("Spring'') .....•..•........... Schumann Symphony No. 2 in D major ..................••...•.••........ Beethoven Symphony No. 2 in D major .......•...••..•••.•..•..•........... Sibelius Symphony No. 3 ................•........•.. ••••••.••.•.•.•....... Harris Symphony No. 4 in A major ("Italian") •........•..•••.••... Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4 in E minor ............•••....•..••.•..•..••.... Brahms Symphony No. 4 in F minor .............. ..••..•...•.••.... Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5 in E-fiat major ....•...............•.....•....... Sihelius Symphony No. 6 in B minor (''Pathetique") ....••.. ...•..... Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 8 in F major .... ....•.....••••.•••... .. ........ Beethoven Symphony No. 8 in B minor ("Unfinished") ....•.............•. Schubert Symphony No. 29 in A major ..••...•••.•••..•• . •.••••...••....... Mozart Symphony No. 34 in C majc.r ........•••..•..••.•.................. Mozart Symphony ?\o. !H in G m:tjot· ( " ~unn·i~e·•) ( ScC'ond mo,·em<'nl) . ITnydn Symphony No. 102 in B-flnt major ....•.•............•.......... .. Haycln Tapiola (Symphonic Poem) .....•....••••.•.••..••••.............. RihPlins Voices of Spring . St ran~,:; Waltz (from String Serenade) . - .. ....•........••. .......•. Tchalkovsky Wiener Blut-Waltzes (Vienna Blood ) •...••....••.............. Strauss acalJrmp of flttu~ft Jatooklpn SIXTY-THIRD SEASON, 1913-19<14 Boston Symphony Orchestra SERGE KOUSSEVITZK Y, Conductor RICHARD Bt RCI'-1 , Associate Conductor Concert Bulletin of the First Concert FRIDAY E\'Ei\ING, .Yovembcr 19 with historical and descripti·ve notes by J OJIN N. BURK TilE TRUSTEES OF TilE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, INc. JEROME D. GREENE President HENRY B. SAWYER Vice-President HENRY B. CABOT Treasurer PHILIP R. ALLEN N. PE!\ROSE HALLOWELL JOHN NICHOLAS BROWN M.A. DE WoLFE HowE REGINALD C. FosTER RoGER I. LEE ALVAN T. FULLER RICHARD C. PAINE BENTLEY W. '~ARREN G. E. JUDD, Manager C. W. SPALDING, Assistant Afanager ( I ) Boston Symphony Orchestra [Sixty-third Season, 1943-1944] SERGE KOUSSEVITZK Y. Conductor Personnel VIOLINS BURGIN, R, El.CUS. c;, l.AUGA, N. KRII'S, A. RI:S:'\ IKOFF, \', Concert-master TAI'LEY, R. KASSMAN, N. CIII:.RKASSKY, P. IFIIJOHCI, .J. TIII.OI)OROWICZ, J. IIA 'iSEN, E. DICKSON, II. I I OOilOVSKY, P. Z.\ZOni<Y, G. EISLER, D. PINF!ELD, C. BEALE, l\1. DUBns, 11. KNUDSON, C. ZUNC:, 111. I.I'VEEN, P, C:ORODETZKY, L. MAYER, I', DIAllfOND, S. l>F.L SORDO, R. IIILLYER, R. BRYANT, M. STONruiTREET, L. 1\!ESSINA, S. TRAMPLER, W . 1\!URRAY, J. LRKFLENS, 11 . SEINIGER, S. SAUVLET, II. VIOLAS LEl'RANC, J. lOUREL, G. \AN W\'NBERCEN, C. GROVFR, II. CAUHAPE, J. ARTIERrui, L. BERNARD, A. \II R"'ER, 11. LEII:"IIER, E. KOR"'SAI\D, F. GERHARDT, S. IIUl\IPIIREY, C . • \ 'IOLO'ICELLOS BEDI:.,Tl, J. LAi'>GE"'DOEN, J. DROEGII:\lANS, H. ZF.ISE, K, F \IlRIZIO, F. ZIGIIFRA, A. /L\IBLER, J, NIELAND, 1\1. l\L\R.)OLLET, L. BASSI;:S MOLEUX, G. .JUIIT, L. C:REENilERG, H. C.IR.\RD, B. BARWICK!, .J. DUFRESNE, C. FR.\:>IKEL, I. I'ORTNOI, II. PROSE, P. FLUTES Onoru; CLARINETS BASSOONS LAURENT, G. GILLET, F. PO!.ATSCIIEK, V. ALl-ARD, R. PAI'POUTSAKTS, J . DF.VERC:IE, J. \AI FRIO, lll. I'A:\ENK \, E. KAPLAN, P. LUKATSKY, J. C,\RDILLO, 1'. I.AUS, A. PICCOLO E"'CLISII IIORN B \SS CLARINET CONTR.\-B-\SSOON lllt\DSEN, G. SPEYER, L. :'II \ZZ£0, R. I'ILI.FR, B. HORI'iS HORNS TRUMPETS TROMBO"'ES VALKENIER, W. l \:-.1:-\0YF, l\1, :'11\GFR, G. RAICII!\IA'I, J. MACDONALD, W, SII \PIRO, II. I \lOSSE, M. IIA '\SOTTE, L. !\H:F.K, II. C:Filll -\ROT, W. \OISI"', R. L. COFI'TY, J. KEANEY, P. \·OtSIN, R. OROSZ, J. TUBA HARPS Ttl\II'ANI PERCUSSION AD.\M, E. ZIC:llFRA, B. S7.ULC, R. STFR:'\IllJRG, S. CAUC:IIEY, E. POLSTER, M . S:'I!ITII, C. ARriFRI, F. LIBRARIAN ROGERS, L . .J. ~cabemp of ~usir · Jaroohlpn Boston Symphony Orchestra SIXTY-THIRD SEASON, 1943-1944 SERGE KOUSSEVITZK Y, Conductor FIRST CONCERT FRIDAY EVENING, 'mEl\IBER 19 Programme BARBER . ...................................... Commando l\Iarch KHATCllATOURIAN ........ .. .................. .. Piano Concerto I. Allegro ma non tmppo e macstoso 11. Andante con anima III. Allegro brillante I '-1 I E R ;\l 1 S S I 0 N BRAHMS ... .................. Symphony r\o. 1 in C minor, OjJ. 68 I. Un poco sostenuto; ,\llegro II. Andante sostenuto III. Un poco allegretto e grazioso IV. Adagio; Allegro non troppo, macon brio SOLOIST 'VILLIX;\f KAPELL STFINW,\Y PIANO [ 3 ] COMMANDO MARCH By SAMUEL BARBER norn at \Vest Chester, Pa., l\Iarch g, tgto Samuel Bat bet, no\\' a member of 0111 ::trmed f01 ccs, composed this l\J::trch 111 Fehruar), t!)13· for militaq hand, and it was first perfonned by the Army Air h11n: nand ::tt Atlantic City, New .Jersc), in Aptil last, and later b) the Goldman nand in Ne'' York. After Eel" in Fr::tnko Goldm:m had performed the Commando \£arch, the Goldman nand recorded it for the Office of \\'ar lnfonnation, the com­ poser conducting. and it has been used in American short \\"aYe propaganda lnuadcasts throughout the \\'Orld. The orchesual Yersion, which the composer later prepared at the suggestion of Dr. Kousse' illk\, is scored for three flutes and piccolo, three oboes and English hom, three clat inets, F.-flat clarinet and bass dat inct, three bassoons and contra-bassoon, four horns, tlnee trumpets. three trombones and tuba, timpani, snare dttun, bass drum, C) mhals, triangle, xylophone, \\'OOd block, and strings. us1c has figured in the background o( Samuel Barber's upbring­ M ing. lie is a nephew of the famous contralto Louise Homer. It is told that he had piano lessons at the age of six, and at seven made his fir~t attempt at composition. lie entered the Curtis Institute of :\lusic in Philadelphia when he was thirteen, and "·as shonly a" arded the P1 i~ de Rome in IrJ35 and the Pulit7er Prize for music in the following year. There haYe been performances o( his music by the orchestras of the United States, in London, in Rome, and at Salzburg. The Boston Symphony Orchestra has performed his 0\'erture ''The S< hool for Scandal," his Essay for Orchestra No. 1, and his Violin Conce1to. His Adagio for Strings was conducted numerous times by ,\rturo Toscanini and taken by him to South America. 1\Ir. Barber has aho written a Symphony in One Movemem, a second "EY~say," and "i\Iusic for a Scene from Shellc)." His chamber music includes a Serenade for String Quartet, "Do' er Beach" (for baritone yoice and string quartet), a Violoncello Sonata. and a Suing Quartet in B minor. For chorus he has wriuen "The Virgin l\Jartyrs" (women\ \Oiccs). "Reincarnation," and "A Stop ·watch and an Ordnance Map" (for men's YOices and kettledrums). He has also written

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