Political Reviews The Region in Review: International Issues and Events, 2015 nic maclellan Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2015 jon fraenkel, michael leach, howard van trease The Contemporary Pacic, Volume 28, Number 2, 429–488 © 2016 by University of Hawai‘i Press 429 political reviews • melanesia 473 http://static1.squarespace.com/static/ how intent the current government 544602fae4b076f26051926a/t/ was to pursue the investigation of 55aed867e4b025f8fc5e79ba/ alleged bribery involving a number of 1437522023679/MBO+Booklet members of Parliament (mps) dat- +040615+Med+Res+ENG.pdf ing back to the previous year (VDP, 2 [accessed 29 March 2016] Jan 2015). Indeed, the bribery case rdtl, República Democrática de Timor- dominated the news throughout 2015, Leste (Government of Timor-Leste). making it the most politically unset- 2015a. 500th anniversary of the Affirma- tled year since Vanuatu’s independence tion of the Timorese Identity. 5 September. in 1980. http://timor-leste.gov.tl/?p=13165&lang In early November , the local =en [accessed 21 March 2016] 2014 press reported that the leader of the ———. 2015b. Meeting of the Council of Opposition, Moana Carcasses, had Ministers of 14 April 2015. Press release, deposited a check for 35 million vatu 14 April. http://timor-leste.gov.tl/?p in his personal account at a local bank =11656&lang=en [accessed 29 March 2016] and subsequently transferred sums of money ranging from Vt500,000 ———. 2015c. Program of the Sixth to vt1 million into the accounts of a Constitutional Government 2015–2017. number of s ( vatu [ ] aver- 3 March. http://timor-leste.gov.tl/wp mp 100 vt -content/uploads/2015/04/Program-of-the aged around us$.91 in 2015). Ten -Sixth-Constitutional-Government-2015 days later, the prime minister, Joe -2017.pdf [accessed 29 March 2016] Natuman, and deputy prime minister, Ham Lini, lodged a motion in Parlia- rtp, Rádio e Televisão de Portugal. 2015. Rui Araujo sera PM pela sua experiencia e ment to suspend sixteen Opposition conhecimento profundo do sistema finan- mps on charges of alleged bribery, ceiro diz Xanana Gusmao. rtp Notícias, based on provisions in the Leader- 9 February. http://www.rtp.pt/noticias/ ship Code that leaders in government index.php?article=803330&tm=7&layout should conduct themselves so as to =121&visual=49 [accessed 14 March avoid demeaning their office or the 2016] integrity of the Republic of Vanuatu. Sainsbury, Michael. 2015. Timor-Leste The next day, Carcasses tabled a to Sign Historic Treaty with the Vatican. motion of no confidence against the UCANews (Union of Catholic Asian Natuman government. News, Hong Kong), 6 August. Speaker of Parliament Phillip http://www.ucanews.com/news/timor Boedoro ruled that the two motions -leste-to-sign-historic-treaty-with-the should be dealt with in the order they -vatican/ [accessed March ] 74035 14 2016 were received; thus the bribery case against sixteen Opposition mps was debated first. Carcasses denied the allegation of bribery, claiming instead Vanuatu that he had offered the money as The headline in the Vanuatu Daily “loans” to any mp—either Opposi- Post on the first day after the New tion of Government—who was willing Year holiday—“Police Boss Orders to “pledge their allegiance to him.” Bribery Case Completion”—indicates On 25 November, however, Parlia- 474 the contemporary pacific • 28:2 (2016) ment voted for suspension of sixteen tee engaged to investigate the project mps on the basis that the Leadership had concluded “did not favor the Code specifically states that “a leader government, the people and Vanuatu must not accept a loan (other than on but ‘only foreigners and it could cause commercial terms from a recognized a catastrophe’” (Van Trease 2015, lending institution) and only if the 546–547, 554–556). Natuman cau- leader satisfies the lending institution’s tioned that “there were people around usual business criteria” (Leadership trying to get the Opposition to return Code Act [Cap 240], part 3—Breaches to government to reopen the agree- of Leadership, section 21). ment” (VDP, 5 Dec 2014). Whether The sixteen mps left Parliament and or not there was a link between the remained absent for the rest of the airport project and the alleged bribing session. Carcasses, however, turned to of MPs remains to be seen, as the whole the Supreme Court for redress, argu- incident has yet to be fully inves- ing that “only the court has the right tigated—in particular, the original to punish anyone and not parliament” source of the vt35 million. (VDP, 26 Nov 2014). The court ruled The Public Prosecutor’s Office in favor of the sixteen mps, stating began preparing a case against those that the motion “to suspend the Peti- alleged to have been involved in the tioners from Parliament amounts to bribery, which it was expected to breaches of their Constitutional rights present in court around mid-March and is therefore invalid, void and of 2015. The investigations were dis- no effect” (vusc 2014). The accused rupted, however, due to the devas- mps were, therefore, reinstated. The tation inflicted on the country on Speaker, however, called for a judicial the night of 13–14 March by Super review, arguing that the court’s deci- Tropical Cyclone Pam—a category 5 sion had “intruded” in the affairs of hurricane. Maximum sustained winds Parliament—that it “interfered with reached 270 kilometers/hour (167 the separation of powers between the mph) in the capitol of Port Vila—mak- legislature and the judiciary under the ing Pam one of the worst hurricanes in constitution of the country . [and] Vanuatu’s recorded history. The storm that the Parliament had a duty to act passed down the eastern side of the to protect its integrity by deciding to Vanuatu chain, veering westward as it discipline those members concerned” neared the central Shepherd group and (VDP, 4 Dec 2014). the main island of Efate, where Port Realizing they did not have the Vila is located, and continuing in a numbers to proceed, the Opposition southwestward direction, passing over allowed the motion of no confidence the islands of Erromango and Tanna. to lapse. Nevertheless, Prime Minister The islands directly affected by the Natuman responded to the accusa- hurricane suffered immense devasta- tions that had been leveled against him tion. Homes and government facili- as part of the motion. In particular, ties, such as schools and hospitals, he focused on the airport concession were destroyed or severely damaged. agreement signed by the Carcasses-led Most significant was the loss of food government, which an ad hoc commit- gardens and water supplies for those political reviews • melanesia 475 people on the outer islands affected distribution to the outer islands. by the cyclone. Compounding the The United Nations and most of the problem has been the onset of an El major international nongovernmental Niño weather pattern over the western organizations offered assistance and Pacific, which brought severe drought many sent representatives to oversee to Vanuatu. Replanting of gardens its distribution and work with local began everywhere after the storm, communities. but limited rain meant very slow and The Vanuatu National Disaster limited growth. Management Office was up and Port Vila itself survived somewhat running from day one and put in a better, though most small corrugated- tremendous effort to deal with the iron houses lost their roofs or col- crisis. It was soon clear, however, that lapsed completely. Electricity was the biggest problem was not in attract- knocked out, with estimates of vt200 ing enough aid, but managing its dis- million in damages and restoration tribution (VDP, 20–24 March 2015). costs (VDP, 27 March 2015), but was Rumors circulated around Port Vila of restored throughout the urban area heated discussions between the direc- within a month. A representative of tor, who was determined to insure that the International Labor Organization Vanuatu officials and organizations present in Port Vila estimated that should maintain oversight and control Pam caused vt48.5 billion in eco- over the dispatching of relief supplies, nomic loss to the country (VDP, 5 June and representatives of some aid orga- 2015). nizations. Recovery around Port Vila was The Opposition picked up on this quicker due to the close proximity issue when it finally broke its silence of building supplies and transporta- two weeks after the hurricane, Car- tion links through which aid from the casses accusing the disaster manage- outside arrived. Eleven people lost ment office of lacking transparency their lives—but the number could have and not providing “guarantees that been far greater if not for the early any shipment will be received by [the warnings provided by the Vanuatu institution or organization] to whom Meteorological Service and aware- it is being consigned” (VDP, 28 March ness among the country’s population 2015)—the implication being that of what to expect and how to protect certain groups were being favored themselves when a hurricane strikes for political advantage. The response (VDP, 19 March 2015). from Prime Minister Natuman was Countries from around the world that members of the Opposition were offered their assistance with Vanuatu’s merely trying to “capitalize on a situ- traditional aid donors—Australia, ation and exploit the people’s misery France, and New Zealand—provid- and suffering for their own political ing immediate donations of food and gains” (VDP, 30 March 2015). materials for reconstruction. All three For the most part, however, politics committed their military air, sea, and remained quiet following Cyclone ground forces to transport supplies Pam until early May, when it was into the country and to assist in its announced that Prime Minister Natu- 476 the contemporary pacific • 28:2 (2016) man had decided to reshuffle his cabi- the charges out of hand, only the basis net, replacing the existing minister of on which they had been made.
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