AdventHealth University Virtual Commencement Monday, August 24, 2020 11:00 a.m. Our Vision AdventHealth University is a leader in healthcare education, transforming the science and practice of whole-person care and developing influential professionals of uncommon compassion. Our Mission AdventHealth University (AHU), a Seventh-day Adventist institution, specializes in the education of professionals in healthcare. Service-oriented and guided by the values of nurture, excellence, spirituality, and stewardship, the University seeks to develop leaders who will practice healthcare as a ministry. Our Motto Developing skilled professionals who live the healing values of Christ 1 “Each and every one of us comes into the world as a child of God, brimming with unlimited potential to fulfill a unique purpose in this world. A faith-filled education helps us unlock our God-given potential and find our purpose. Education instills in us the capacity to reflect the love and care of our Creator in all we do.” Edwin I. Hernández, PhD President 2 President’s Address to Graduates Today is a day of endings and beginnings, all cause for celebration. As you mark your graduation from AdventHealth University, you deserve to celebrate three important milestones. 1. The successful completion of your studies. You are here today, in cap and gown, because you made the decision to advance your education, to acquire valuable skills, to work hard, to persevere. You are graduates. You are skilled health care professionals who live the healing values of Christ. 2. The transition from student to member of the AHU alumni community. With more than 7,000 AHU graduates working in health care, you are now part of an elite team of professionals working to extend the healing ministry of Christ. As you move forward, you carry the spirit and values of AHU with you. Stay connected to us, and to each other. The AHU community does not end at graduation; it transitions… and your alumni relationships will be valuable for the remainder of your career. 3. The beginning of your career as a healer, one of the highest callings on earth. You carry with you a legacy of excellence and leadership from AHU, a high bar for both competence and compassion. From this day forward, you will be in a position to contribute to the care and healing of your fellow humans…the greatest cause for celebration I can imagine. I pray that God will bless each and every one of you with His healing grace: your hands, your heads, and your hearts. May you do both great and good things in His name. Edwin I. Hernández, PhD President 3 Commencement Welcome Dr. Edwin Hernández, President Scripture Galatians 5:22-23, ESV Amaryllis Torres, Department of Occupational Therapy Invocation Allison DiBiasio, Department of Imaging Sciences Musical Selection Climb Every Mountain Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein Melissa Taylor, Vocalist, Department of Nursing Distinguished Service Award Deena Slockett, Chief Operations Officer, Online Education Conferring of Honorary Degree Dr. Edwin Hernández, President Commencement Address Unleashing Human Kindness Yolanda Londoño, Managing Director, Harvard Group International Class Response Aurora Dean, Department of Nursing Conferring of Degrees Dr. Edwin Hernández, President Presentation of Degree Candidates Dr. Sandra Dunbar-Smalley, Provost President’s Charge Dr. Edwin Hernández, President “The Song of AHU” Benediction Yarilynne Regalado, Department of Health and Biomedical Sciences 4 The Song of AHU Dedicated to the Faculty, Staff, Students, and Alumni of AdventHealth University The Song of AHU Dedicated to thWordse Facul tandy, Sta Musicff, Stud ebynts Len, and AM.lum Archer,ni of Ad v2012entHealth University Words and Music by Len M. Archer, 2012 Allegretto q = c 108} Melody 4 &4 œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ We are haœnds thœat touch œin œ- hœea - lœing Wœe aœre the feet that lead the 4 & ˙. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ w way; We are ser - vants oœf aœll wœho need u˙s; Wœe aœre caœlled to light the way; 9 œ & ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. Nur - tu˙re, Eœx. - cel-lence, Spi - ri - tu - a - li - ty aœnd œ Sœte - wœard - ship! 13 j & ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ Four woœrd.s with - in our heœarts aœs wœe shœare œin love and ser - vi˙ce. Wœe 17 ˙. œ œ œ & œ œ j j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ stand œto - ge - thœer gœiv-iœng oœur aœll to serve hu - ma - ni - ty; U - ni - ted to-wards our 22 rit. & œ œ œ ˙. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ #œ ˙ ut - most gœoal at ˙A - ˙H - U! U - ni - ted we are in heart and soul 27 w & ˙ ‰ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ w to our be - lov - ed A - H - U! CopCopyrightyright by Len ©M . A2012rcher aLennd A dM.vent HArcher.ealth Un ivThisersity 0Arrangement9/04/2012 (revise dauthorized.2018). This Ar raNongem recordingent authorized .use,No re cpublicording useperformance, public performan cfore fo rprofitprofit us euseor a nory o tanyher u seotherrequir inuseg au trequiringhorization, or rauthorization,eproduction or sale oorf c oreproductionpies in any form sh aorll b esalemad eof of or from the Arrangement unless licensed by the copyright owner or an agent or organization acting on behalf of the copyright owner. copies in any form shall be made of or from the Arrangement unless licensed by the copyright owner or an agent or organization acting on behalf of the copyright owner. 5 Soon after, he received a call from a childhood friend, Sy Saliba, PhD, who had recently accepted a position as Academic Dean at a burgeoning healthcare university in Orlando, Florida, known at the time as Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences (FHCHS). Archer enjoyed his visit and appreciated FHCHS’s focus on spirituality and bringing together people with diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds to work for the same purpose. “It has been one of the driving factors for me,” he said about AHU’s mission to develop healthcare professionals who live the healing values of Christ. He also credited Saliba as a strong influence in his ultimate decision to accept the position. When Archer questioned why Saliba left his position at Andrews University to go to a brand-new school, Saliba told him he appreciated the potential and vision of the institution. Archer agreed, liking the idea of getting in on the ground floor to help build Distinguished Service an institution whose mission he believed in. Award Recipient Archer was eventually promoted to chair of the pre-professional studies department in 2000 after Len Archer, PhD his predecessor, Don Williams, PhD, became Academic Dean. Dr. Archer didn’t start his career with ambitions to move up the executive ladder. At the end of this year, Len Archer, PhD, will His devotion to improving AHU and carry its retire after 27 years at AdventHealth University. mission forward led him to happily accept any He currently serves as Academic Dean for responsibilities offered to him, and his expertise Undergraduate Programs and Vice President led many new initiatives and degrees to success. for Academic Administration, but he started in Dr. Williams said, “Len Archer is a true gentle 1993 as an associate professor. man…his honesty and [steady] hand on the tiller of whatever part of the organization he While finishing up his PhD at Indiana State was leading have made [him] a beloved teacher, University and teaching biology, Dr. Archer mentor, and administrator.” interviewed with various higher education institutions, mostly in the northern part of One of his initiatives was the development of the country. “My wife asked me, ‘Can you find the Health and Biomedical Sciences (HBS) someplace warm?’” Archer recalled with a laugh. Department as well as the foundation of the 6 Healthcare Administration Department. Later, Another important piece of Archer’s legacy at he would become assistant to Dr. Williams until AHU, is the University’s official song. “That’s the academic administration office reorganized one thing I’m really proud of,” said Archer. Prior and Archer would officially become academic to his illness, Archer was a vocalist, who had even dean of undergraduate programs while Williams sung semi-professionally. The song is a core part oversaw the graduate programs. of AHU’s campus spirit with meaningful lyrics based on the University’s four core values. Although Archer was a guiding force in many of the University’s initiatives, his true passion was AHU President, Edwin I. Hernández, PhD, always teaching. said, “Len Archer has been a core leader of this organization, whose vision and foresight helped shape AHU to what it is today. He’s mentored “I’d like to say I was a countless students over the years, and many have good teacher…it’s what returned to campus as professors and leaders. He’s a strong advocate for Adventist Christian I really love to do.” education who has exemplified Christ values in all his dealings.” He experienced the fruits of his teaching first-hand after he was diagnosed with throat Archer expressed his gratitude to Dr. Greenlaw cancer in 2007. Going in for his first round of for giving him the opportunity to join AHU’s chemotherapy, Archer discovered that a former faculty back in 1993. Reflecting on his years, he student of his would now be his cancer care nurse. said, “I certainly haven’t regretted it. I worked She wasn’t just a former student though; she with a wonderful group of people with a clear nearly left her program due to personal troubles vision of what healthcare education is about, and before Archer convinced her to continue. She never thought of leaving.” did and then, almost a decade later, she was working to save his life.
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