Federal Communications Commission § 97.307 § 97.307 Emission standards. (1) No angle-modulated emission may have a modulation index greater than 1 (a) No amateur station transmission at the highest modulation frequency. shall occupy more bandwidth than nec- (2) No non-phone emission shall ex- essary for the information rate and ceed the bandwidth of a communica- emission type being transmitted, in ac- tions quality phone emission of the cordance with good amateur practice. same modulation type. The total band- (b) Emissions resulting from modula- width of an independent sideband emis- tion must be confined to the band or sion (having B as the first symbol), or segment available to the control opera- a multiplexed image and phone emis- tor. Emissions outside the necessary sion, shall not exceed that of a commu- bandwidth must not cause splatter or nications quality A3E emission. keyclick interference to operations on (3) Only a RTTY or data emission adjacent frequencies. using a specified digital code listed in (c) All spurious emissions from a sta- § 97.309(a) of this part may be transmit- tion transmitter must be reduced to ted. The symbol rate must not exceed the greatest extent practicable. If any 300 bauds, or for frequency-shift key- spurious emission, including chassis or ing, the frequency shift between mark power line radiation, causes harmful and space must not exceed 1 kHz. interference to the reception of an- (4) Only a RTTY or data emission other radio station, the licensee of the using a specified digital code listed in interfering amateur station is required § 97.309(a) of this part may be transmit- to take steps to eliminate the inter- ted. The symbol rate must not exceed ference, in accordance with good engi- 1200 bauds, or for frequency-shift key- neering practice. ing, the frequency shift between mark (d) The mean power of any spurious and space must not exceed 1 kHz. emission from a station transmitter or (5) A RTTY, data or multiplexed external RF power amplifier transmit- emission using a specified digital code ting on a frequency below 30 MHz must listed in § 97.309(a) of this part may be not exceed 50 mW and must be at least transmitted. The symbol rate must not 40 dB below the mean power of the fun- exceed 19.6 kilobauds. A RTTY, data or damental emission. For a transmitter multiplexed emission using an unspec- of mean power less than 5 W, the at- ified digital code under the limitations tenuation must be at least 30 dB. A listed in § 97.309(b) of this part also may transmitter built before April 15, 1977, be transmitted. The authorized band- width is 20 kHz. or first marketed before January 1, (6) A RTTY, data or multiplexed 1978, is exempt from this requirement. emission using a specified digital code (e) The mean power of any spurious listed in § 97.309(a) of this part may be emission from a station transmitter or transmitted. The symbol rate must not external RF power amplifier transmit- exceed 56 kilobauds. A RTTY, data or ting on a frequency between 30±225 MHz multiplexed emission using an unspec- must be at least 60 dB below the mean ified digital code under the limitations power of the fundamental. For a trans- listed in § 97.309(b) of this part also may mitter having a mean power of 25 W or be transmitted. The authorized band- less, the mean power of any spurious width is 100 kHz. emission supplied to the antenna trans- (7) A RTTY, data or multiplexed mission line must not exceed 25 µW and emission using a specified digital code must be at least 40 dB below the mean listed in § 97.309(a) of this part or an un- power of the fundamental emission, but specified digital code under the limita- need not be reduced below the power of tions listed in § 97.309(b) of this part 10 µW. A transmitter built before April may be transmitted. 15, 1977, or first marketed before Janu- (8) A RTTY or data emission having ary 1, 1978, is exempt from this require- designators with A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, ment. J or R as the first symbol; 1, 2, 7 or 9 (f) The following standards and limi- as the second symbol; and D or W as tations apply to transmissions on the the third symbol is also authorized. frequencies specified in § 97.305(c) of (9) A station having a control opera- this part. tor holding a Novice or Technician 691 VerDate 10-JAN-97 14:07 Jan 17, 1997 Jkt 167186 PO 00000 Frm 00691 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:\CFR\167186.074 167186 § 97.309 47 CFR Ch. I (10±1±96 Edition) Class operator license may only trans- may use any technique whose technical mit a CW emission using the inter- characteristics have been documented national Morse code. publicly, such as CLOVER, G±TOR, or (10) A station having a control opera- PacTOR, for the purpose of facilitating tor holding a Novice or Technician communications. Class operator license may only trans- (b) Where authorized by §§ 97.305(c) mit a CW emission using the inter- and 97.307(f) of this part, a station may national Morse code or phone emis- transmit a RTTY or data emission sions J3E and R3E. using an unspecified digital code, ex- (11) Phone and image emissions may cept to a station in a country with be transmitted only by stations located which the United States does not have in ITU Regions 1 and 3, and by stations an agreement permitting the code to be located within ITU Region 2 that are used. RTTY and data emissions using west of 130° West longitude or south of unspecified digital codes must not be 20° North latitude. transmitted for the purpose of obscur- (12) Emission F8E may be transmit- ing the meaning of any communica- ted. tion. When deemed necessary by an EIC (13) A data emission using an unspec- to assure compliance with the FCC ified digital code under the limitations Rules, a station must: listed in § 97.309(b) also may be trans- (1) Cease the transmission using the mitted. The authorized bandwidth is unspecified digital code; 100 kHz. (2) Restrict transmissions of any dig- [54 FR 25857, June 20, 1989; 54 FR 30823, July ital code to the extent instructed; 24, 1989, as amended at 54 FR 39537, Sept. 27, (3) Maintain a record, convertible to 1989; 60 FR 15688, Mar. 27, 1995] the original information, of all digital communications transmitted. § 97.309 RTTY and data emission codes. [54 FR 25857, June 20, 1989, as amended at 54 (a) Where authorized by §§ 97.305(c) FR 39537, Sept. 27, 1989; 56 FR 56172, Nov. 1, 1991; 60 FR 55486, Nov. 1, 1995] and 97.307(f) of the part, an amateur station may transmit a RTTY or data § 97.311 SS emission types. emission using the following specified digital codes: (a) SS emission transmissions by an (1) The 5-unit, start-stop, Inter- amateur station are authorized only national Telegraph Alphabet No. 2, for communications between points code defined in International Tele- within areas where the amateur service graph and Telephone Consultative is regulated by the FCC. SS emission Committee Recommendation F.1, Divi- transmissions must not be used for the sion C (commonly known as Baudot). purpose of obscuring the meaning of (2) The 7-unit code specified in Inter- any communication. national Radio Consultative Commit- (b) Stations transmitting SS emis- tee Recommendation CCIR 476±2 (1978), sion must not cause harmful inter- 476±3 (1982), 476±4 (1986) or 625 (1986) ference to stations employing other au- (commonly known as AMTOR). thorized emissions, and must accept all (3) The 7-unit code defined in Amer- interference caused by stations em- ican National Standards Institute X3.4± ploying other authorized emissions. 1977 or International Alphabet No. 5 de- For the purposes of this paragraph, un- fined in International Telegraph and intended triggering of carrier operated Telephone Consultative Committee repeaters is not considered to be harm- Recommendation T.50 or in Inter- ful interference. national Organization for Standardiza- (c) Only the following types of SS tion, International Standard ISO 646 emission transmissions are authorized (1983), and extensions as provided for in (hybrid SS emissions transmissions in- CCITT Recommendation T.61 (Malaga- volving both spreading techniques are Torremolinos, 1984) (commonly known prohibited): as ASCII). (1) Frequency hopping where the car- (4) An amateur station transmitting rier of the transmitted signal is modu- a RTTY or data emission using a digi- lated with unciphered information and tal code specified in this paragraph changes frequency at fixed intervals 692 VerDate 10-JAN-97 14:07 Jan 17, 1997 Jkt 167186 PO 00000 Frm 00692 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:\CFR\167186.074 167186.
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