Index Acorn field 35 biostratigraphy 76-9, 102-3 Adda field 248, 265-7 Biscathorpe well 12, 14-17 ]kl Basin and Terrace 153 Bosun Trend 187 Alba Sand Formation 131 Bouma cycles 194 Alpine inversion 33 Brae Formation 66, 100 Amethyst field 10 Brent Group 74 ammonite zones 77 Broom Formation 101 amplitude extraction 232-4 Buchan Ridge 32 Andrew Formation 54-5, 131,292 bulk density measurements Andrew Sequence 131 Angus field 156, 157 Angus Embayment 153 Kilda field 191 Angus field burial drilling history 154-9 estimates of 22-3 geological setting 151-3 heat flow effects 8-9 gross pay 182-3 structure 159-67 calcite cement 209-11,215, 219, 302 Angus sands cap rocks 57-8 depositional modelling 175-82 Nelson field 297 facies analysis 168-75 Scapa field 231 anhydrite 39-41 Viking Graben 101 apatite FTA 3-5, 8 cementation Cleveland Basin study 19-20 calcite 209-11,215,219, 302 East Midlands Shelf case study 9-10 clays 211-13, 215,219 combined VR data 14-17 quartz 213-15, 219 measurements 11-14 Cengio 231,232 North Sea Basin study 17-19 Central Graben (Danish Sector) Apley well 12 chalk play studies 267-9 Arbroath field exploration history 247-50 exploration history 283-5 field history 253-67 sedimentology 291-4 geological setting 250-3 Argyll Embayment 153 Central Graben (UK Sector) 31-2 Argyll field 32 sedimentary history Auk field 32 Tertiary 54-7, 291--4 Auk Shelf 33 Cretaceous 50-3 authigenic minerals Jurassic 44-50 calcite 209-11,215,219, 302 Triassic clays 211-13, 215,219 basin evolution 35-7 quartz 213-15,219 facies analysis 41-3 halokinesis 37-41 Balder Formation 58, 131,142, 143,292, 297 sedimentology 43-4 Beauly Formation 131 Permian 32-5 Beechnut field 35 water-depth history Beinn-East Miller Shelf 68, 69, 76, 78, 92 modelling methods 113-15 308 INDEX results 115-19 doggers 209, 215, 219 sources of error 119-23 dome play structures 57, 254-5 Chalk Group 154, 258, 297 Dornoch Formation 131 chalk plays 53,247, 253-60, 267-9 Draupne Formation 74 problems of development 269-78 Dunlin Group 73 Chalk Sequence 131 chlorite 44, 211-13 East Midlands Shelf chromostratigraphy 43 apatite FTA study 11-14 clay minerals 211-13,215, 219 geological setting 4, 9-10 Cleethorpes well 12, 14-17 inversion 10-11 Cleveland Basin uplift and erosion estimates 22-3 apatite FTA studies 19-20 vitrinite reflectance study 14-17 maturity estimates 23 East Shetland Basin 27, 67 uplift studies 10 Eastern Trough 32, 39, 46, 48, 51-2, 53-4, Cloughton well 20 57, 58 Clyde Terrace 44, 45 Ekofisk Formation 53, 131,154, 292, 297 Cod field 57 Eocene Cretaceous stratigraphy reservoir rocks 129 Central Graben 50-3, 251 stratigraphy 131 Witch Ground Graben 187, 188, 224, 228 water depth estimates 119 Cromer Knoll Group 154, 189 Etive Formation 73, 74 Dagmar field 254-5 facies analysis Dan field 248, 255-9, 268 Angus sands 168-75 debris flow Kopervik sands 197-208, 216-19 process 193 Faeroe Trough 67 sediment associations 208, 302 fan models 144, 293 delta environments 80-3 feldspar cement 211 Denmark fill points, significance of 27 chalk plays 267-9 Fisher Bank Basin 188 fields developed 253-67 fission track analysis (apatite) 3-5, 8 future exploration 269-78 Cleveland Basin study 19-20 oil production summary 247 East Midlands Shelf study 9-10 density inversion, salt-driven 37 combined VR data 14-17 density measurements measurements 11-14 Angus field 156, 157 North Sea Basin study 17-19 Kilda field 191 Fjerritslev Formation 44 Derbyshire Dome 22 Fladen Ground Spur 32, 67, 92, 93, 188 Devonian 231,232 Fladen Group 68, 72 diagenesis flow stripping 56 calcite 209-11,215, 219, 302 fluidization 194 clays 211-13, 215,219 fluvial environment characters 79 quartz 213-15,219 foraminifera 76 diapirs 52, 53 Forth Approaches Basin 32, 44, 67 trap formation 57 Forties Formation turbidite interaction 55-7 depositional history 56-7, 291,293, 296, dinocyst zones 77 297 dipmeter logs 146-7 reservoir-play development 129, 136, 145, INDEX 309 283, 284, 287, 299-302 Palaeocene 57-8 stratigraphic setting 131,142, 143, 292 Jurassic 44-5, 47-50 Forties-Montrose Ridge 32, 44, 284 Triassic 37--41 Forties Sequence 131 Haugersund Formation 45 Frigg/Tay Sequence 131 heat flow Fulmar Formation 47, 48-50, 287 links with burial 8-9 Fulmar Terrace 44, 45, 47 links with thermal gradient 5-6 Heather Formation 66, 72, 73, 74, 79, 81 gamma ray logs Heno Plateau 248 Angus sand 156, 157 Hidra Formation 189 Kilda field 191 Hod Formation 53 Montrose High 292 Horda Formation 131 Scapa field 224 Horda Platform 67 Viking Graben 81, 84, 85 Hordaland Group 292 Gannet fields 133, 134 Horn Graben 249 Gardenstown 231,233 Hugin Formation 65, 66, 72, 73, 74, 79, 81, gas, phase reversal effects of 274-8 84 Gassum Formation 43 Humber Group 72, 154 geochemistry and reservoir variations 27-8, 139 illite 215 geothermal gradient analysis 5-9 Inge High 153 glauconite authigenesis 209 inversion Gorm field 261 measurement 10-11 grain flows 193 salt-driven 37 gravity flow studies 192-7, 299 Grensen Nose 151,153 Jaeren High 32, 33, 44, 47 Grove well 12, 14-17 Joanne field 35 Gudrun sub-basin 69, 92 Josephine field 35 Gudrun Terrace 69, 72 Judy field 35 Guillemot D field Jurassic core palynology 146 palaeogeography 90, 96, 97 core radiography 147 stratigraphy depositional modelling 140-5 Central Graben 44-50, 251 development 136-9 Viking Graben 68-75, 79-86 exploration history 129-30, 1324 tectonics 33, 109 migration modelling 140 volcanism 66 seismic section 135 stratigraphy 131 kaolinite 211-13 gypsum 39-41 Kilda field 220 exploration history 187-8 Haisborough Group 154 geological setting 188-91 Halibut Horst 188, 223, 296 Kimmeridge Clay Formation 57, 74, 79, 81, Halibut Shelf 223,224 84, 153, 154 halokinesis 59, 69, 254-60 Kittiwake field 35 field effects Kopervik sand dome fields 254-5 depositional studies 192-7, 219-20 swell fields 255-60 diagenesis 208-16, 219 stratigraphic effects discovery 187-8 310 INDEX facies descriptions 216-19 subsidence history 109-13 debris flow 208 southern 17-19 liquefied sand 205-8 western 10-11 turbidite 197-205 see also Central Graben; Viking Graben; geological setting 188-91 Witch Ground Graben Kraka field 248, 255,259-60, 269 Northern Permian Basin 32, 33-4 Lapworth field 187 oil stain 27 Lindesnes Ridge 153 Oligocene water-depth estimates 120 Ling Formation 74-5, 85, 100, 101 ostracods 76 Ling Graben 32, 69 Outer Rough Basin 153 Ling High 78, 93 liquefaction Palaeocene process 193 reservoirs 129, 283, 284, 291,297 sediment associations 205-8 stratigraphy 53-7, 131,292 Lista Formation 131,142, 143 water--depth estimates 118 Lola Formation 45 Palaeogene 107 Lomond field 57 subsidence history 109-13 water-depth modelling 108-9 Mads High 248 method 113-15 Marnock field 35, 38, 44 results 115-19 Marnock Sandstone Formation 43 sources of error 119-23 maturity estimation 22-3 palaeogeography 90, 96, 97 Maureen Formation 54-5, 131,142, 143,292 palaeogeothermal gradient 5-9 Mid-North Sea High 33, 151,152 palaeotemperature analysis 3-5 Miocene apatite FTA 11-14 turbidite section 231,232 vitrinite reflectance 14-17 water depth estimates 120 palynology 146 miospores 76 Pennine Axis 22 Montrose field Pentland Formation 45, 68 exploration history 283-5 permeability 156, 157, 158 sediment studies 291-4 Permian Basins (North and South) 32, 33-5 Montrose Group 291,292, 296 Permian stratigraphy 32-5 phase reversal 274-8 Nelson field Pliocene water depth estimates 121 exploration history 283 pod subsidence 37--41 geological setting 294 porosity reservoir evaluation 299-302 Angus field 156, 157, 158 stratigraphy 296-7 Kopervik sands 209-13 structure 297-8 Puffin High 130 Ness Formation 73, 74 pyrite authigenesis 209, 211 neutron porosity 156, 157, 158 Nils field 254-5 quartz authigenesis 213-15, 219 Nordland Group 292 North Sea radiography 147 central raft formation 57 stratigraphy 131 Ran sandstone 187 structure 130 Rannoch Formation 73, 74 INDEX 311 Rattray Formation 45, 68, 73, 88, 296 Scoter field 57 Renee Ridge 188 seal rocks 57-8 reserve estimates 147 Nelson field 297 reservoirs Scapa field 231 development Viking Graben 101 chalk 267 seismic lines Nelson field 299-302 Angus field 162-5 Viking Graben 100-1 Central Graben 252. 264 geometry 144, 145 Eastern Trough 39, 46, 52 resistivity Guillemot D field 135 Angus field 156, 157 Marnock field 38 Scapa field 224 Nelson field 288, 295 reverse modelling 108 Scapa field 230 rift cycles 32 Viking Graben 70, 71 Jurassic-Tertiary 45-57 Sele Formation 58, 131,142, 143, 292, 297 Triassic-Jurassic 35-45 sequence stratigraphy Permian 32-5 Central Graben 31-2 RingkCbing High 152, 249, 251 Central North Sea 131 Roar field 261-5 Viking Graben 86-99 Rodby Formation 189 shelf environments 83-4 Rogaland Formation 129, 131,131-7, 142, Shirley discovery 187 143, 145 shoreface environments 83 Rogaland Group 131,292, 297 siderite 44 Rolf field 254-5 Skagerrak Formation 43, 66 Rotleigendes Formation 34 Skjold field 254-5 Rotleigendes Group 66 Skua field 35 Rufford well 12, 14-17 Sleipner Formation 66, 72, 73, 74, 79, 81, 84 Sleipner Terrace 68, 69, 72, 78, 93 salt deposition 35 slides 193 salt-related tectonics 59, 69 slumps 193 field effects smectite 215 dome fields 254-5 Smith Bank Formation 41, 66, 151,154 swell fields 255-60 Sola Formation 189-91 stratigraphic effects Sole Pit Basin 4, 10 Jurassic 44-5, 47-50 sonic logs Triassic 37-41 Angus sand 156, 157, 158 Scapa field Montrose High 292 appraisal 222-3 Scapa field 224 development 225--6 Viking Graben 81, 84, 85 geological setting 221 sonic velocity and uplift estimates 20-1 reservoir properties source rocks 101
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