Chromosome counts of Zimbabwean grasses (Poaceae) and an analysis of polyploidy in the grass flora of Zimbabwe G. Davidse, T. Hoshino and B.K. Simon Missouri Botanical Garden, Missouri, U.S.A., Biological Laboratory, Okayama University of Science, Okayama, Japan and Queensland Herbarium, lndooroopilly, Australia Chromosome numbers and meiotic behaviour are reported Introduction for 64 collections of grasses representing 34 genera and 54 Information about carefully vouchered chromosome numbers species. First chromosome counts are reported for the and behavior is of fundamental importance in broadening our genus Hylebates and the following 14 species: Agrostis understanding of plant phylogeny in general (Raven 1975) and continuata, n = 14; Andropogon mannii, n =7; Eulalia vil/osa, n = 10; Pentaschistis natalensis, n = 14; Oactyloctenium especially polyploidy. Polyploidy is extremely common in the giganteum, n = 5; Eragrostis acraea, n = 10; E. caesia, n = 20; Poaceae, even at the species level (Goldblatt 1980), emphasizing E. nindensis, n =20; E. trichophora, n =20; Hylebates the need for broad-based and intensive sampling. For the rich cordatus, n = 9; Panicum novemnerve, n = 9; P. trichonode Zimbabwean grass flora relatively few cytological data are n = 9; Sacciolepis luciae, n = 18; Setaria orthosticha, n = 9. available. Only one study has specifically been based largely on Counts differing from any previously reported number were obtained for 7 species. Chromosome numbers are now Zimbabwean grasses. In this study Moffett & Hurcombe (1949) known for 22% of the Zimbabwean grasses and 73% of presented 86 counts for 80 species. Additionally, Bourreil et at. these are polyploid. (I972, 1974), Celarier (1957, 1959), Celarier et a/. (1958), S. Afr. J. Bot. 1986, 52: 521-528 Harlan eta/. (1958, 1963, 1964), Li eta/. (1966), Moffett (1944), Phipps & Mahon (1970), Pritchard (1970), Snyder eta/. (1955), Verslag word gedoen oar chromosoomgetalle en meiotiese and Tateoka (I969) have published smaller numbers of counts gedrag van 64 versamelings grasse wat 34 genera en 54 spesies verteenwoordig. Eerste chromosoomtellings word based on Zimbabwean grasses. In our report we present data vir die genus Hylebates verstrek asook vir die volgende 14 for 64 collections representing 55 species and analyze the degree spesies: Agrostis continuata, n = 14; Andropogon mannii, of polyploidy among Zimbabwean grasses. Where we com­ n = 7; Eulalia villosa, n = 10; Pentaschistis natalensis, n = 14; ment on chromosome or base numbers without specific Oactyloctenium giganteum, n =5; Eragrostis acraea, n = 10; reference to original sources, we use information from the E. caesia, n = 20; E. nindensis, n = 20; E. trichophora, n = 20; summary listings of Fedorov (1969), Moore (1973, 1974, 1975) Hylebates cordatus, n =9; Panicum novemnerve, n =9; P. and Goldblatt (1981, 1984, 1985). Taxonomic implications for trichonode n =9 ; Sacciolepis luciae, n =18; Setaria orthosticha, n = 9. Vir 7 spesies is tel lings verkry wat van individual species are discussed where appropriate. aile voriges verskil. Chromosoomgetalle is nou vir 22% Zimbabwegrasse bekend waarvan 73% poliplo'led is. Materials and Methods S.-Afr. Tydskr. Plantk. 1986, 52: 521 -528 Most of the materials used for this study were collected by Davidse, Simon and Pope in February I974, and fixed in the Keywords: Chromosome numbers, cytology, Poaceae, field. However, 12 of the chromosome counts were made on polyploidy, Zimbabwe plants cultivated at the Missouri Botanical Garden from seeds collected by Crook and Simon from native plants in Zimbab­ we. All counts were made from squashed pollen mother cells. Young inflorescences were fixed in Newcomer's (1953) solution. Anthers were squashed in propio-carmine or aceta­ orcein stain. Photomicrographs and camera Iucida drawings of representative chromosome complements were made for G. Davidse* all preparations. However, illustrations are included in this Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri, report only for new counts or for counts that differ in number 63166 U.S.A, of chromosome behaviour from previous reports. Voucher specimens are deposited at BRI (some), MO and SRGH. T. Hoshino Biological Laboratory, Okayama University of Science, Ridai-cho, Okayama, 700 Japan Results and Discussion A complete list of the species studied, the chromosome B.K. Simon numbers determined, and the voucher specimens is given in Queensland Herbarium, Meiers Road, Indooroopilly, 4068 Table I, where totally new counts differing from any previous Australia (formerly National Herbarium, Harare, Zimbabwe) one for the same taxon are also identified. The classification *To whom correspondence should be addressed used in this report follows the one outlined by Simon (197I) and modified by Bennett (I980). Unless otherwise indicated Accepted 9 1une 1986 in the text, meiosis was regular for all taxa listed in Table I. 522 S.-Afr. Tydskr. Plantk., 1986, 52(6) Table 1 Chromosome numbers of Zimbabwean Table I Continued grasses Chromosome Chromosome Taxon number Locality and voucher Taxon number Locality and voucher Tribe Danthonieae Tribe Agrostideae Pentaschistis Agrostis natalensis Stapf n 14• lnyanga: Mt. Inyangani, Davidse, continuata Stapf n 14• lnyanga: Mt. lnyangani, Davidse, Simon & Pope 6558. Simon & Pope 6559. Tribe Ehrharteae Tribe Andropogoneae Ehrharta Andropogon erecta Lam. n 12 lnyanga: 66 km NE of Rusape, eucomus Nees n = 10 Marandellas: W. of Marandellas, Davidse, Simon & Pope 6512. Davidse 73 - 2628 c. Tribe Eragrostideae huillensis Rendle n = 20b Marandellas: W. of Marandellas, Bewsia Davidse 73 - 2612 c. bijlora (Hack.) 2n c. 45 lnyanga: above lnyangombe Falls, mannii Hook. f. n = 7• Inyanga: Mt. lnyangani, Davidse, Goossens Davidse 73-2638 <. Simon & Pope 6561 . Dactyloctenium Cymbopogon giganteum Fisch. n 5• Umtali: 49 km S. of Umtali, caesius (Hook. n = 10 Lomagundi: 64 km NW of & Schweick. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6619. & Arn.) Stapf Salisbury on the Great Dyke, Eleusine Davidse, Simon, Drummond & coracana (L.) n 18 Umtali: 26 km S. of Umtali, Bennett 6476. Gaertn. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6617. Salisbury: Marimba Vlei, Salisbury, Eragrostis Davidse & Simon 6449. acraea de Winter n 10• lnyanga: lnyanga National Park, nardus (L.) n 10 lnyanga: lnyanga National Park, Davidse, Simon & Pope 6586. Rendle Mtarazi Falls, Davidse, Simon & caesia Stapf n = 20• lnyanga: Mt. Inyangani, Davidse, Pope 6590. Simon & Pope 6566. Eulalia capensis (Thunb.) n = 20 Makoni: Rusape, Davidse 10. villosa (Thunb.) n lnyanga: Mt. lnyangani, Davidse, Trin. 73 - 2617 <. Nees Simon & Pope 6560. curvula n = c. 25 Inyanga: lnyanga National Park, Hemarthria (Schrad.) Nees Davidse, Simon & Pope 6536. altissima (Poiret) n 18 Salisbury: University campus, nindensis n = 20• Lomagundi: Rod Camp Mine Road Stapf & C.E. Hubb Davidse 73 - 263 7 c. Ficalho & Hiern. in the Great Dyke, Davidse, Simon, Sorghum Drummond & Bennett 6481 . versicolor n 5 Umtali: Penhalonga, Davidse sclerantha Nees n = 20 Inyanga: Mt. lnyangani, Davidse, Anderss. 73 - 2634 <. Simon & Pope 6576. trichophora n = 20• Melsetter: 78 km S. of Umtali, Tribe Aristideae Coss. & Our. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6622. Aristida Pogonarthria congesta Roem. n = 11 Melsetter: 78 km S. of Umtali, squarrosa n c. 20 Bikita: 150 km SW of Umtali, & Schult. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6626. (Licht. ex Davidse, Simon & Pope 6631. rhiniochloa n = 11 Melsetter: 78 km S. of Umtali, R. & S.) Pilger Hochst. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6624. Tribe Paniceae Tribe Arundinelleae Brachiaria Danthoniopsis erucijormis (J.E. n = 9 Salisbury: Marimba Vlei, Salisbury, pruinosa C.E. Makoni: 15 km N. of Rusape, Smith) Griseb. Davidse & Simon 6451. Hubb. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6506. humidicola lnyanga: Inyanga National Park, n = 24 Victoria: Kyle National Park, (Rendle) Schweick. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6535. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6659. Digitaria Loudetia gazensis Rendle n 9 lnyanga: c. 66 km NE of Rusape, jlavida (Stapf) n 12 Lomagundi: Rodcamp Mine Road Davidse, Simon & Pope 6515; C.E. Hubb. in the Great Dyke, Davidse, Simon, lnyanga National Park, Davidse, Drummond & Bennett 6479. Simon & Pope 6537. simplex (Nees) n 30 1nyanga: c. 66 km NE of Rusape, velutina (Forsk.) n 9 lnyanga: Inyangombe Falls, C.E. Hubb. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6518. Beauv. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6529. Tristachya Hylebates nodiglumis n = 24 Salisbury: Twenty Dales Estate, cordatus n 9• Umtali: main road to Mozambique K. Schum. Davidse & Simon 6460. Chippindall border, Davidse 73-2633 <. Tribe Bromeae Oplismenus Bromus compositus (L.) n 27 Victoria: above the Glenlivet Hotel, leptocladus Nees n 21 lnyanga: Inyanga National Park, Beauv. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6655. Davidse, Simon & Pope 6540. n 36 Umtali: Murahwa Hill Reserve at Umtali, Davidse, Simon & Pope Tribe CWorideae 6597. Chloris Panicum gayana Kunth n 10 Wankie: Kazuma depression, maximum Jacq. n 16 Salisbury: Salisbury, Davidse & Matetsi, Davidse 73-2618 d' Pope 6690. Davidse 73 - 2626 d. Makoni: 15 km N. of Rusape, S. Afr. J. Bot., 1986, 52(6) 523 Table 1 Continued Table 1 Continued Chromosome Chromosome Taxon number Locality and voucher Taxon number Locality and voucher Davidse, Simon & Pope 6499. Tribe Zoysieae Umtali: Murahwa Hill Reserve at Perot is Umtali, Davidse, Simon & Pope patens n 20 Umtali: 49 km S. of Umtali, 6599. Gandoger Davidse, Simon & Pope 6621. 9a novemnerve n Lomagundi: 61 km NW of "First chromosome count for the species Stapf Salisbury on the Great Dyke, bChromosome count differing from any previous one for this species Davidse,
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