![MM- • ^ V O L . X V I L M a S O N . M I C H I G a N , T H U R S D a Y , F B B R U a E Y 35, 1892. N O . 8 1 1 ! C E F C L](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ih'r MM- • MASON. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FBBRUAEY 35, 1892. NO. 8 ^ VOL. XVIL Yesterday court 'idjoiinied nine die. FAJtiMEKS' INSTrrUTM. for from tlieiii he derives Income, hut 1 eaniiot KiOCAI. AND GEWEKAI. NEWS. gel away fioiii the lliiniglit lhat the linys and girls See "li'or Sale" in business local colnmii. slioulii reeeiveilieprincipallilleiilioii. We shoiihl S. D. Neely has sold his span of irraysio Great (iiillieriiitJ ol" Kiiriuers niiil tlieir not liave such .<eliiioi liuiisos as lie.serllieil ii Ihe See iiolice of IJeallh Yeast, rnniilles essay ot Mr. I'lilliips. 'I'lio fanners'cliihcouhl T. Biirchfor$210. lirolilalily give nini'ii alienliiiii lo Uie soeliilllles licslie villiiRe hns Sl,087.'15 on hand. 11! CE of life. In die.sii ami similar laeeiliigs, lo aliolt er Hook case al a Konnine hargain. In- Only four moro days ol the great .} oH' At tho Court Houso in Mnson, All Un. oi'giinizatloiiofiillllieaKoneieswIlliin their rclieh to ii'oinoio tlieir own growth in lhu heller tiling qnire al this ollice. * sale III L. C, Webb's, the clothier. * dor Iho Dirootion of tho "Incham County Pnrmors' Uluh."—A of life, Nelson S. Ishani of Anrelius, has heen 'i'ho Local says: "h, D, Irish ol Bun- Lnrco Attondanoo ana a llr. 'i'eiii|iletiiii llilaks frnnisomiiUilngsroiiorl Profltablo Aleotinit. I'll as;ii'aiis|ili'iiig in I'oiiiiei'iloii Willi the giiiiie ot 5 B toy* 0 griiiiled on nri/,dtial pension. kerblll, will move to Leslie in a short lime." hln'cni'lit ill a cerliiin ni'lsloeratlc eliih. Unit llie high iiiiiral idiiiracleil iifietiiieii by liov. Wiiians We havo some great bargains in neck Clicapcsl linn of embroidcrips in tlin f cliu u The Kiiniiei's' Iiisllliito lieliliiuilorliuiaiisplees lo liiu clubs of Now Vork ilniis not obiaiii across (Miy at.ibill & DuBois'. * lies at 20 centseaeli. BA'PESiSl; IJENDERSON. of llui I ughiiin Connly h'tirinors' t;luli last week the oeeliii. You will no doubt hnve to tJo Webb it WliilmniiilliB nnwelotliiiiK firm, was, as Is usuiii, a siu'ness, .Mr. llumsey. Wo eoiigralulale ourseivos ililil Thn ohl vetorans of .MIchifian received Tlie ili'sl session, iii'Kliiiiliii,' nl 10 a, in. on liiu we are farmers. All here seem to he or have some papering this spring. Most Who ai-c Selling will make llieir bow to the public iie.tt ISlli, was well iillenili'il iiiiii set liie pace for the liecii fanners. A eeiehi'liled hieliirer iohl us liero ?ll,l|.|,&S:! ill pensions dnrinK 1891, or you know our pl.Tn of doing TncBilay, nfler iiiedlii).',s, After .sliipii/,'hy ilio .siili..i;ii.|| rei.'eiiiiy lhal a'fanner ri'iiiilruil more hrnliis ami Sandiiy fli:liool eonveiiiinn ntSioekbriilge eliolritiid pi'liyer Iiy lite plisiiir of ilie liiipil.-il ot a heller iimilltv than ;i lawyer, a ihiclornr a business. We always strive to Try the "E, F," oysters al thu City Bak­ eiuireli, llev, .Niinnleini Snillh, lite llou. .M. .1. iiiiiilsieriiseil, and as Ihelueiiu'er was a niliilsler iie.\l week Tiii'Hiiiiy and Wediiesilny, Mnri'iiy, iiinvor of llie elly, iiiaile li hi'iof liiit coiii- he Diiglit to know. This is an agrieiilliiral siiili', ery. A new brand, -x. buy wliat you want and sell so 'I'hii Cily Ibiltery Is Ihe place to pnrohase lirelienslvo iiiliiress ot wole i.,iii wliloii lie loiik llllll ns such Is seeniiil lo iiiiiie. 'lhu eiluealliiiial, Mrs. Genrtio Spade, an old resid.iiit of oei'iisloii ill say lie liopnl io soe siiiiioarningi;- I'liliriliilih', relli^lniis ami |ii'iial iiisliliiiioiis are tliat you can affoi'd to bii\'. We Oyslers. Try the "15. F." brand. * iiieiil iiiaile ofli piiriiinui'iit ehiiraulrr io i;lve np- iii'sl elass and wiH'lliy of a slalu whieli eoiitnliis Williiinislnn, died of la irripjip last week, lii'oprliito w<'li:iiiiiii lo the fiiriiii'i's wlieiii'.vi.'i', ;is wholi.eiiiiiiiies of laial wlih'li In a|i|ieni':iiice nml will simply say, our h'ue of wall Coinpany 1'', tiiiilor eoniinaiui of Cnpt, I'erllllly rival llm liitle heil of "liluo giliss eoiiii. Wednesday night. now, tliev iiii'id In nur i;ily fiirhnsliii'ssaiKi pleas­ paper and window siiadcs is com­ tiemierson, piii'iKledWnsliiiigtoii's liirllidny. ure, ills pro|ier tliat the elly slimihl In llils try," sii.i'lilli'il,which lias inado Isenliieky fliiiioii.s, CHEAP. Thu W, 0. '1'. U. will meet with Mrs. C. Pnif. ilulley. Wns raised on a fiu'in ami i Miss .Itisio Snlycr has moved lier dress tvnv signify iis sense of tiio liepeinlcnee of the plete, and w^c invite you to C.K- D, Cliiipman on l''i'idny alleriiooii nt hnlf- elly upon the fariuers I'or Ils itrowlii liiiil pros- Klaiiil hi'fni'e ynu wllh a brave faeo. it lias hen iiiiiliiiii; rooms lo her lioiiin on Coliiiiiliiii asked liure io-iiiiy why fanners do nol luiy mon: aniine lliein before you buy. |)iisl 2 o'clock. Everynno cordially iiiviteil. lierlly, mii'iilhiii 111 ainriako hellur iiilvaiiliige of llieir slriiit, Sivlp Col, L, II, Ives respoiiili'il on iielialf ol llie oiuli oppiirimilili'sv I aiiswei', lliey do vory fiilly uii- ].^adie.s, cnll on us for corscLs, Wo do not quote prices. Call D. M. ,Sieiii of Lniisiii);, has heoii np aiitlKavnIii'iefiiitf.'Stiif the lil.'iloi'V of lliiMiliili, lii'i'siiiiiil 1111(1 hiiiii'oveilii'iro|i|iorlmiilli's. Aloro Cnrri'spniuliMils ol the Leslin Local talk ami anioiiK niiiiiy olher iiood IIIIIIKN sliiili "1 You c;iu save money by calling at our store and we will cou- lioinlitd keepor ol tlii) stnle fair t't'omrd llian lifiy per euiil. of llie nuplls of our high ol ('llVetlii}.'an orLOiiiizalioii. Doit. You woiiiil not wililiinly lieciine tlio duly of respoiiil- scliniil aru iioii-i't'slileiils. The fanners aroiinil vincoyouwe are doing just liroporiy, at an niinunl salary of l?r!UO nin: iiiK ill llie wehloiiie KIVOU US Ly the iiiiiyiir of this lis know thai ciliiealloii |iays and lii'iiig llieir on u.s'for ribbons, laces, towels, will derivu heiieru. eilyoii lieliiilf of tlie eltlzeiis, 'i'lils city is, anil bouse'rent. elillilrell in our seliiiiils. table lineiLS, handkci-chiefs, hos­ as wo advertise. II yoi: wiiiil Willi piipor, wn enn make liasalwiiysiiecii onrelnii luniio, ln nur weakness I'i'",'" .Thu reason we sell overcoats and suits anil voiilh, ami early slriii;t;les Ihe elllzeiis of Mr. Itoife. 'i'lio aililress of flov. Wlmiiis lia.s iery and liundreds of other yon liii|ipy nt Browne's Book Store. * i'\lasoii liave aliniy,s heoii Irne lo ns. anil have sL'ii'li.'d a fi!ivi|in'Slliiiis in my iiiliiil. Tliu i.diihs so cluiap.—We bavo to make room fnr fipriiig siilireil no iiaiiis liiiiiakeoiiriissoeliilloii eoiiilorl- referred loliy ibo goveriinr east .so niniili liial no tliiiig'.s. In crockery and lamps ill, C. Tiiiiytr of Aiirelitis, will work for slock, See'? BATES & 11 EN'tiEiisoN, * iilile, llllll lo lisslsl 111 sulislantlal ways lo make fiu'iiicr eiiiihl hu a nicinbur, 'riiey seem to lie Levi Swan ol iil;';liaiii, the cnniiiig year onr iiieelliiKS prollliilihi," In siielikiiiK' of llie iiiaile solely for Iho rieli. Wo I'liii, linweviir, bu- wc have a gi'cat many nice thing's C. A. llaynes brounlit with him from history of the eliih Col, Ives sialoil Hint 11 was eiiiiiii iiieiiilioi's of nur farmers' eliib iieru, for •I liiiiiilling Ills horses, to .show you. Never mind the Now York samples of np|jles - which nro oi'Kaiilzeil .liiniiiii'y '.iTIli, IS.'J, wllh iilioiiliiiio llllll Is within niir means. Tito gnvenior's ae- m. Bi'nieinbnr llio grenl closing out snle of ilozeii 111 iilleiiilaiiee, of whom ,sevei'iil are still ciiiiiitof illll iiilhii'iii'ii of liie '.voallliy eliilis, In imid, but come and see us, 1' liol'h sweet nml annr. The sour part lias Iniliiil ill lliu raiik.s, Uo oiillifil iillentliiii lo Ihe sliii|iliig polllli'al aellmi .so Unit llin.se who are ololllilii.'at IJ. U. Webb's will close jl/onilny llin taste ol {{reuiiingH. fact lliiit ihe must trioiully I'dalions have always not iiii'iiihia's lliliik llii.'y lire leading when lliey lire really led, slioiild be.llioughl iilinut. If Ihe .Jiisi <lic SaiHc as Cash. night, ne.xt, * exisleil lietwoeii the eluli iiiiil ilie pre.ss, 'i'lie Wall paper rotiinanls at your own price great iiiiiss of. Ibe people iu'u being led when they llrst iiieellni,' was lielil In the ulllce of the liiKliniii FORD & KIRBY. Ealoii CDaiily jaii has ill) liiinales, This (Joiiuty jNews, The eoiilriliutloiis of wiiatever should lend, liiere Is soiiieiliiiig wrong. The al Browne's Book Store. * farmers siiiiiilil get logelher nml lead and not be heiii),'a slrniii,' repiibliciiii county tho bnl- foi'iii-liiiil .siiinetluies witliiiiit form mul viilil- led. Wlinlever Is ill Ihe way nf tlieir liilon'st W. M. PKATT. Win. U'alls, a .laekson eounty fanner', wei'c ami siili are reeelveil anil shaiieil lind |iiih. niice iiiiiHl he linhliiit; ollice. should mil lieiiuriiillled liisiaiiil nMlieh'i-'Xiieii.';e. has entered into a eoatract with D, M. iisliuil, ami nlwavs favorably iiolleed, 'i'liii hiisl. All wlio nro iiKlchlcil to S. ?. Stroud it ness iiii'ii iMiil olllciiiis of ilie eiiy have always Mr, ,l,'l'. i;iiiii|ibell, eilllor of liigliain I'liiiiily Ferry it Co., Detroit soeilsinen, to grow them hoen onr frieniis liiiii sii|ipiii'tei'.s, niiii lliey luiw News.
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