THE LONDON GAZETTE, HTH APRIL 1968 4329 The Part of the highway known as Botolph Passage lateral diversion from the authorised route of the at its south-western end and forming a cul-de-sac Thames-Mersey Pipeline (whose construction was in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets in the authorised on 1st September 1964) in respect of a Thames Petty Sessional Division of the Inner London section of the pipeline in the Municipal Borough of Commission Area as indicated by pink colour and Daventry in the County of Northampton. titled Highway ' A' hereinafter referred to and A copy of the map that accompanied the applica- which said part of the highway has a length on its tion, on which is delineated the route of the pro- north-western side of 157 feet and 6 inches or posed diversion, can be inspected in Room 1127, thereabouts (A-B on the said plan) a length on its Ministry of Power, Thames House South, Millbank, its soufh-eastern side of 157 feet or thereabouts London S.W.I, or at the office of the Company at (C-D on the said plan) and widths of 11 feet 9 inches Lord Alexander House, Waterhouse Street, Hemel to 13 feet or thereabouts (A-D and B-C on the said Hempstead, Hertfordshire. plan) and is more particularly delineated by metes Any objection to the application must be made in bounds and admeasurements on the plan herein- writing and addressed to the Minister of Power at after referred to and thereon titled Highway ' A' and Thames House South, Millbank, London S.W.I, not coloured pink. later than 20th May 1968, and should bear the The aforesaid plan (Number TQ 3782/403/2855) reference PET 16/734/A6 and state the grounds of has been deposited at the Town Clerk's Office of objection. the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Town Hall, C. H. Grinsted, Secretary, for and on behalf of Bethnal Green, London E.2, where it may be United Kingdom Oil Pipelines Limited. inspected free of charge at all reasonable hours. Any person who uses the highway and any other 3 Savoy Place, person who would be aggrieved by the making of Victoria Embankment, London W.C.2. the Order applied for has a right to be heard by 5th April 1968. the Magistrates' Court above-mentioned. (359) Dated this 1st April 1968. The Common Seal of the Mayor LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD Aldermen and Burgesses of the COUNCIL London Borough of Tower L.S. (Amended Notice) Hamlets was hereunto affixed by order of the Council. Civic AMENITIES ACT, 1967 M. J. Durrell, Mayor. Conservation Area: Southgate Green (231) Notice is hereby given that the Council of the /. Wolkind, Town Clerk. London Borough of Enfield, in pursuance of their powers under section 1 of the Civic Amenities Act, WORSLEY URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL 1967, have designated land described in the Schedule Highways Act, 1959—Section 111 to this notice to be a Conservation Area by resolution of the Council dated 19th March 1968. The Worsley Urban District Council (East Lancashire Copies of the map of the Conservation Area have Road-Leigh Road) Public Footpath Diversion been deposited at the Civic Centre, Enfield, and the Order, 1968. Town Planning Office, 269A Green Lanes, Palmers Notice is hereby given that the above Order, made Green, and may be seen at all reasonable hours, i.e. on the 12th day of February 1968, is about to be 9 a.m.-5.30 p.m., Mondays to Fridays. submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Government for confirmation. SCHEDULE Its effect will be to divert part of footpath No. 87 Aldermans Hill: York Court. from where it joins footpath No. 83 at a point 40 Cannon Hill: all properties. yards south-east of the junction of footpath No. 83 Cannon Road: St. Monica's Catholic School. with the East Lancashire Road and then runs south- Selborne Road: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. east for a distance of 327 yards to a point 130 yards The Green: all properties. north of the northern boundary of Rands Clough Arnos Grove: Nos. 1-11 inclusive. Wood, on to a line which starts at a point on foot- Minchenden Crescent: No. 35. path No. 83, 250 yards east of the present junction Waterfall Road: The Walker Sports Ground (part). of that path and footpath No. 87 and runs south The Mall: Selborne Hall. for a distance of 160 yards to the said point 130 yards High Street: Nos. 5-75 (odd), Nos. 8-86 (even), north of the northern boundary of Rands Clough The Church House (No. 88), Chandos Court, White Wood. House Court, Shakespeare Court, Ellington Court and A copy of the Order and the map contained in it Minchenden Court. has been deposited and may be inspected free of Balaam's Lane: Nos. 1-4 (inclusive) and the Baird charge at the Town Hall, Worsley, Manchester, be- Memorial Homes. tween the hours of 8.45 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. and 5.20 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays Dated llth April 1968. inclusive. (648) C. E. C. R. Flatten, Town Clerk. Any objection or representation concerning the Order should be sent in writing to the Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, White- hall, London S.W.I, before the 13th day of May 1968, stating the grounds on which the objection or GREATER LONDON COUNCIL representation is made. NOTICES Dated this 10th day of April 1968. Robert E. Huband, Clerk of the Council. GREATER LONDON COUNCIL Town Hall, The Croydon (Prescribed Routes) Experimental Worsley, Manchester. Traffic Order 1968 (228) The Greater London Council hereby give notice that they are about to make an Order under section 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967, the effect of MISCELLANEOUS which will be, in the London Borough of Croydon: 1. To suspend the London Traffic (Prescribed PUBLIC NOTICES Routes) (Croydon) (No. 2) Regulations, 1956, which imposed one-way traffic working in Eland Place; Notice of Application for a Pipeline Diversion 2. To prohibit all vehicles from entering or Authorisation leaving Eland Place at a point 10 feet south of UNITED KINGDOM OIL PIPELINES the southern kerb-line of Waddon Road. LIMITED This Order will come into operation not earlier Notice is hereby given that the United Kingdom than 25th April 1968. Oil Pipelines Limited, in accordance with the pro- visions of the First Schedule to the Pipe-lines Act, Dated 2nd April 1968. 1962, has made an application to the Minister of W. O. Hart, Director-General and Cleric to the Power for the grant of an authorisation for the (685) Council. (6004.) For any late Notices see Contents list on last page.
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