Friday, April 9, 2010 • Volume 95, Issue 29 • nique.net Two times the legend New releases feature twice the action echnique with Titans and T Dragons.415 The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper SGA Elections to take place from April 9 to 14 By Vijai Narayanan undergraduate Vice-President tions in UHR and the Graduate Assistant News Editor and President of the student body Student Senate (GSS). Over 70 participated in an hour-long de- candidates at the undergraduate Candidates running for po- bate at the campanile on Tuesday, level are running for positions in sitions in student government April 6. Common themes of the UHR. UHR and GSS are respon- have campaigned for the past debate revolved around how can- sible for allocating the revenue two weeks in an efort to garner didates would increase student in- collected through the student ac- votes for the upcoming student volvement in SGA and how they tivity fee (SAF), which totals ap- body election. From the graduate would address the current short- proximately $4.3 million for the side, candidates for student body comings of student government. following year. President and Vice-President are Candidates for president were also Voting for legislative and ex- running unopposed. he under- asked about their thoughts about ecutive positions begin on April graduate ield includes a total of the proposed budget cuts from 9 and will continue through April ive candidates for SGA Execu- the state legislature and how that 14. Results will be announced on tive President and two for Execu- would afect their goals for SGA the inal day of voting. tive Vice-President. he Executive for the coming year. Turn to page 4 for the full elec- Vice-President is responsible for In addition to positions in the tion guide to the candidates run- running sessions of the Under- executive branch of student gov- ning for SGA. Photo by Sean Kolk/Student Publications graduate House of Representa- ernment, students have also been Undergraduate SGA president candidates discuss various tives (UHR). he candidates for campaigning for legislative posi- See Election Guide, page 4 campus issues at the SGA Executive Debates at the Campanile. Ground-breaking honors Clough Tin Building to be demolished By Zimu Yang Staf Writer As part of Capital Planning and Space Man- agement’s plan to redevelop the alleyway be- hind the Skiles Building, the Tin Building will be demolished at the end of this yeara Students and organizations currently using the space will be forced to move temporarily before being ac- commodated in a new facility. “We will redevelop area between Skiles and the Weber building. It will serve as the main pedestrian thoroughfare while Skiles is be- ing redeveloped as part of the CULC project. So rather than do [the CULC project] in two phases, [we will be able] to close Skiles walkway so that we can do it quicker and for less money,” said Howard Wertheimer, director of Capital Planning and Space Management. Present eforts to accommodate the clubs afected by the demolition, including GT Mo- torsports, Wreck Racing, RoboJackets and GT Of-Road, consist of relocating their activities Photo by Andrew Guyton/Student Publications of campus to a facility near the corner of 14th Institute President G.P. “Bud” Peterson joins former President G. Wayne Clough to break ground at the CULC Street and Hemphill near Home Park. construction site. The ground-breaking event took place on Skiles Walkway and honored Clough for his work at Tech. A new building is currently under develop- ment to accommodate them, called the Burdell By Emily Chambers need to have more fun. hen, Center. However, the center is still in the early Editor-in-chief six months later the Tech Glee stages of planning and will be unavailable for Club showed up and sang at several more years. Some representatives ques- “As we look around this my oice. People came up af- tion the reasons behind the proposed demoli- campus of course you will terwards and told me ‘hat’s tion, such as safety and student convenience. note many impressive facili- what you were talking about’,” “As you know Home Park is not a very safe ties, many impressive new fa- Clough said. place... One of these robberies was at the corner cilities going up, so one could During the ceremony both of 14th and Hemphill where two students were be excused for thinking this President G.P. “Bud” Peter- held up,” said homas Fraschillo, a third year is just a normal day at the son and Senior Vice Provost ME student and GT Of-Road team leader. “It’s oice. However of course, it Anderson Smith thanked the also a 35-minute walk from North Ave. Apart- is not,” said Errol B. Davis, countless private donors who ments, where most of the team lives.” Chancellor of the Board of have contributed to the con- According to some of the parties involved in Regents (BOR) at the historic struction of what Undergrad- the relocation, little communication has been ground-breaking ceremony uate Student Body President made between themselves and Facilities. for the Clough Undergradu- Alina Staskevicius called “he “he only information we have about this ate Learning Commons heart of the campus”. has come from our advisors,” Fraschillo said. Photo by Andrew Guyton/Student Publications (CULC). he CULC itself he participants and Davis Facilities maintains that there is transporta- Peterson presents a plaque to honor Clough’s status as was highlighted at the event. also thanked both Governor tion available to those who need it. he building will feature President Emeritus at the ground-breaking ceremony. Sonny Perdue and the Ga. “Right now our transit system does serve “modern facilities… reined State Assembly for working to that building, and we do have the Stingerette laboratories, technologically ing and the revamped Skiles Wayne Clough. help inance the project with service,” Wertheimer said. “We talked to the advanced classrooms and Walkway that will come with Clough, who was also a $60 million in state bonds. faculty and department chair irst but we obvi- interactive learning environ- the construction. Tech alum (CE 64’, MS 65’) Clough was awarded the ously want to get the students involved in the ments” said Davis. In addition to campus served as Tech’s president for title of President Emeritus conversation. If it hasn’t happened yet then it he ceremony was held administrators and leaders 12 years, from 1994 till 2008. by Davis and Peterson, a title will.” on Skiles Walkway at 2 p.m. as well as Chancellor Davis, He left the Institute in 2008 that was conferred upon him Despite the issues, Capital Space and Plan- on April 5. he ceremony in- Tech was graced with a visit to serve at the Smithsonian as a gesture of thanks for his ning believes the decision will beneit Tech. cluded distinguished speak- from a locally famous Fed- Castle. focus on undergraduate edu- “I think it’ll be a win-win situation for ev- ers, light snacks and artistic eral Secretary, Secretary of “When I got to the Smith- cation as well as his contribu- eryone involved. he idea is to allow students two- and three-dimensional the Smithsonian Institution sonian, it was very nice…. tions to the Tech community proper space so they can be successful,” Wert- renderings of both the build- and former Tech president G. But I kept telling people we as a whole. heimer said. 2 • April 9, 2010 • Technique NEWS Events and happenings across campus next week tries all over Asia. Tickets can be purchased at the door. Technique WHO: TASA, CSA, FSA, The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper Campus Calendar HKSA, ISO, CSFA, VSA WHEN: 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the By Vivian Fan resentatives, undergraduate vice WHERE: Biotechnology Quad Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an oicial publication of the News Editor president, undergraduate presi- Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. he Technique publishes dent, graduate vice president and Saturday, April 10 Friday, April 9 graduate president open Friday GT GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CON- on Fridays weekly during the fall and spring and biweekly during the GREEK WEEK morning at 8 a.m. on the SGA FERENCE summer. WHAT: he annual competi- website. Students will be able to WHAT: he Global Leadership ADVERTISING: Information and rate cards can be found online at tion pits Greek house against vote for their respective president, Conference seeks to demonstrate nique.net/ads. he deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. Greek house through a series of vice president and major repre- the importance of leadership in one week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor- academic, artistic, athletic and sentatives until next Wednesday. an increasingly globalized world. mation, or for any other questions please e-mail us at [email protected]. talent competitions, including WHO: SGA he conference features speakers You may reach us by telephone at (404) 894-2830, Monday through Tug, Greek Sing and Stroll and a WHEN: Friday, April 6 to such as Dr. James A. Anderson, Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. number of competitions. Wednesday, April 14 CEO of Fayetteville Univer- COVERAGE REQUESTS: Requests for coverage and tips should be WHO: Interfraternity Council, WHERE: www.elections. sity, and a number of diferent submitted to the Editor-in-Chief and/or the relevant section editor. Panhellenic Council, Multicul- gatech.edu workshops throughout the day. tural Greek Council, National Registration for the conference is OFFICE: EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Pan-Hellenic Council.
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