ACADEMIC VITAE Guy Bailey August 8, 2008 Office of the President Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas 79409-2005 (806) 742-2121 [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE Aug. 08- President, Texas Tech University Jan. 06-08 Chancellor, University of Missouri at Kansas City 2002-05 Provost & Executive Vice President, University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Peter Flawn Professor of English Language and Linguistics 1999-02 Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, UTSA 1998-99 Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, UTSA 1997-98 Dean of Graduate Studies and Associate Vice President for Research, UTSA 1995-97 Dean of Liberal Arts, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1993-95 Professor and Chair, Department of English, University of Memphis 1993 Professor, Seminar on American Sociolinguistics in the 1990s, University of Regensburg (Germany) 1990-93 Professor and Head, Department of English, Oklahoma State University 1982-90 Assistant and Associate Professor of English, Texas A&M University 1979-82 Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Emory University TEACHING FIELDS Linguistics (sociolinguistics, dialect geography, history and structure of English, computational linguistics) EDUCATION 1999 Governor's Executive Development Program (Texas), Class XVIII 1986-87 Postdoctoral work on computational linguistics, LSA Summer Institute, CUNY and Stanford 1978-79 Postdoctoral work on the Linguistic Atlas of the Gulf States, Emory University 1977 Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute (on LSA Fellowship) 1974-79 Ph.D., University of Tennessee (Major: English Linguistics) 1968-74 B.A.; M.A., University of Alabama (Major: English) NATIONAL, STATE, AND LOCAL BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Kansas City 2006- Midwest Research Institute 2006-08 BioMed Valley Corporation (subsidiary of Stowers Research Institute) 2006-08 Civic Council of Kansas City 2006-08 Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City 2006-08 Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 2006-08 Kansas City Area Development Council TX/OK State Coordinating Board Committees and UT System Committees 2004 UT System Task Force on Public Health 2004 UT System Task Force on Campus Efficiency and Productivity 2003-04 TX Higher Education Coordinating Board Univ. Formula Advisory Committee 2003-04 TX Higher Education Coordinating Board Instruction and Operations Study Committee 2003-04 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Advisory Committee on Awarding Bachelors degrees at Community Colleges 1999-00 University of Texas System K-16 Leadership Council 1998-02 University of Texas System Alliance for Minority Progress Governing Board 1992-93 Oklahoma Higher Education Board of Regents Committee to Review Learner Outcomes for Public Education NASULGC Committees and Task Forces: 2006-08 NASULGC Council on the Urban Agenda Executive Committee 2002-04 NASULGC Task Force on the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act 2001-05 NASULGC Libraries and Technology Committee OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Editorial and Advisory Boards 1988-99 American Speech, Language Variation and Change, Dialogue, Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States, Linguistic Atlas of Oklahoma, Journal of the Oklahoma Speech, Theatre, and Communication Association, SECOL Executive Committee Manuscript Reviewer and Panelist 1984-99 NSF, NEH, NIH, University of Alabama Press, Cambridge University Press, University of Texas Press, State University of New York Press, Prentice-Hall, Language, Diachronica, Language Variation and Change, Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, SECOL Review, US News and World Report Consultant for School Boards 1979-87 Orleans Parish School System (New Orleans), Bryan (Texas) School District Other Activities 1976-99 Fieldworker, Scribe, & Assistant Editor, Linguistic Atlas of the Gulf States; Member, Knowledge Based Systems Lab, Texas A&M; Moderator, teleconference on grant writing in the humanities, OSU; Instructor, Seminar on American Sociolinguistics in the 1990s, University of Regensburg (Germany); Consultant, NIH Grant on Investigations of Vowel Misarticulations in Children (Karen Pollack, PI); Consultant. NEH Grant on the WPA Slave Narratives (Institute of 2 Language and Culture, Kathie Farnell, PI); Discussion Leader, Case Study Section, CCAS 1996 Annual Meeting; Consultant for radio program “Remembering Slavery” (Smithsonian Productions); External Reviewer for Linguistics Program Review, Pomona College; Consultant for PBS TV Documentary “Voices from Slavery” (University of Alabama Center for Public Television) SUPERVISION OF GRADUATE/UNDERGRADUATE WORK: I have worked extensively with graduate students and have sponsored several undergraduates on funded research projects. At Texas A&M, Oklahoma State, and the University of Memphis I supervised eight doctoral dissertations, eight masters’ theses, three post-doctoral and four undergraduate fellows (all sponsored by NSF), and six non-thesis option masters' degree students. My former students hold positions at places such as Cornell and North Carolina State Universities and the Universities of Memphis, North Texas, and South Alabama. RESEARCH External Funding 2004 Subcontract to 21st Century Technologies for USAF RFP #052, Pattern Recognition for Aircraft Maintainer Troubleshooting (with Jan Tillery) Amount: $25,000 2004 Subcontract to 21st Century Technologies for USAF RFP #087, Expert Intelligent Match of Requirements and Solutions (with Jan Tillery) Amount: $25,000 2001-02 NEH Grant for the production of a radio documentary on the social history of early country music (with Kathie Farnell) Amount: $100,000 2001-02 NEA Grant for the production of a radio documentary on the social history of early country music (with Kathie Farnell) Amount: $20,000 2000-01 Texas Council for the Humanities Grant for initial production of a radio documentary on the social history of early country music (with Kathie Farnell) Amount: $11,000 1999-00 NEH Grant for pre-production of a radio documentary on the social history of early country music (with Kathie Farnell) Amount: $10,000 1999-00 Texas Council for the Humanities Grant for a one-hour radio documentary on John Henry Faulk (with Kathie Farnell) Amount: $9395 1999-00 National Geographic Society Grant for field interviews for a Survey of Texas Dialects (with Tom Wikle and Jan Tillery) Amount: $12,870 1993-94 National Geographic Society Grant for field interviews for a Survey of Oklahoma Dialects (with Tom Wikle) Amount: $11,250 1991-93 NSF Grant Renewal for a study of urbanization and language change Amount: $74,140 1991 NSF REU Supplement for a study of urbanization and language change Amount: $4000 1990-91 NSF Grant Renewal for a study of urbanization and language change Amount: $37,000 3 1990 NSF REU Supplement for a study of urbanization and language change Amount: $7600 1988-90 NSF Grant for a study of urbanization and language change Amount: $95,600 1987 American Council of Learned Societies Grant-in-Aid for a study of the roots of Black English Vernacular Amount: $3000 1987 United States Air Force Grant for the development of an integrated information management system (with Richard and Paula Mayer) Amount: $359,500 1986-87 Scott-White Clinic Research Grant (No. 32525-21980) for development of an intelligent data collection system (with Paula and Richard Mayer) Amount: $81,000 1986 NEH Grant for publication of Language Variety in the South: Perspectives in Black and White (with Michael Montgomery and the University of Alabama Press) 1985-86 Texas Instruments Software Grant for exploring the potential of spectrographic software for the TI PC Amount: software and equipment worth $5000 1984 Texas Instruments Equipment Grant for a study of discourse strategies in computer languages (with Ellen McDaniel) Amount: equipment and software worth $15,000 1984 Texas Engineering Experiment Station grant for a study of human-computer interaction (with Ellen McDaniel) Amount: $1667 1977-78 NEH YOUTHGRANT (AY-27409-77-389) for writing a high school textbook and workbook on American English (with Michael K. Smith) Amount: $9945 Publications Books and Monographs Forthcoming Bailey, Guy, and Patricia Cukor-Avila. The Evolution of a Vernacular: The Development of African American Vernacular English Since 1850. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1998 Mufwene, Salikoko, John Rickford, Guy Bailey, and John Baugh, eds. The Structure of African-American Vernacular English. London: Routledge. 1991 Bailey, Guy, Natalie Maynor, and Patricia Cukor-Avila, eds. The Emergence of Black English: Texts and Commentary. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1986 Montgomery, Michael, and Guy Bailey, eds. Language Variety in the South: Perspectives in Black and White. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. 1986 Pederson, Lee, Susan Leas, Guy Bailey, and Marvin Bassett. The Linguistic Atlas of the Gulf States, Vol. 1: Handbook. Athens: University of Georgia Press. 1985 Bailey, Guy. A Social History of the Gulf States. LAGS Working Papers (2nd Series), No. 1. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms. 1981 Pederson, Lee, Susan Leas, Guy Bailey, and Marvin Bassett. The LAGS Idiolect Synopses. LAGS: The Basic Materials, Part III. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms. 1981 Pederson, Lee, Susan Leas, Guy Bailey, and Marvin Bassett. The LAGS Protocols. LAGS: The Basic Materials, Part IV. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms. 4 1981 Pederson, Lee, Susan Leas, Guy Bailey, and Marvin Bassett. 1981. Unabridged Table of Informants. LAGS: The Basic Materials, Part II. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms.
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