US Coast Guard & US Coast Guard Auxiliary Acronyms A BARD: Boat Accident Reporting Data BM: Boatswain's Mate ADIZ: Air Defense Identification Zone BMR: Boat Mission Report AIRSTA: Air Station BNTM: Broadcast Notice to Mariners AOI: Area of Interest BWI: Boating While Intoxicated AOO: Area of Operations BY: Budget Year AOP: Area of Probability BZ: Bravo Zulu (well done) AOR: Area of Responsibility AOU: Area of Uncertainty C ATC: Air Traffic Control CAA: Commander, Atlantic Area ATON: Aids to Navigation CAP: Civil Air Patrol ATONIS: Aids to Navigation CAPT: Captain (USCG O-6) Information System CBP: Customs and Border Patrol AUXACN: Auxiliary Advanced Coastal CDR: Commander (USCG O-5) Navigation Specialty CERCLA: Comprehensive AUXCOM: Auxiliary Communications Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act Specialty CFR: Code of Federal Regulations AUXMIS: Auxiliary management CFVSE: Commercial Fishing Vessel Information System Safety Exam AUXNAV: Auxiliary Navigation CG: Coast Guard (USCG) Specialty CGA: Coast Guard Academy (USCGA) AUXOP: Operational Auxiliarist CGAUX: Coast Guard Auxiliary Qualification (USCGAUX) CGC: Coast Guard Cutter AUXPAT: Auxiliary Patrols Specialty CGHQ: Coast Guard Headquarters AUXSAR: Auxiliary Search and Rescue CGI: Coast Guard Institute Specialty CGMA: Coast Guard Mutual Assistance AUXSARDET: Auxiliary Search & CGYD: Coast Guard Yard Rescue Detachment CIM: Commandant Instruction Manual AUX SC&E: Auxiliary Search CINC: Commander-In-Chief CIP: Container Inspection Program Coordination & Execution AUXWEA: Auxiliary Weather CMC: Command Master Chief Specialist CME: Courtesy marine Examination AWACS: Airborne Early Warning and CNO: Chief of Naval Operations Command System CO: Commanding Officer COCO: Command and Control COMDT: Commandant, US Coast B Guard COMDTINST: Commandant Instruction BA: Bridge Administration COMMS: Communications BAH: Basic Allowance for Housing CONUS: Continental unites States BAQ: Basic Allowance for Quarters COPT: Captain of the Port CPA: Commander, Pacific Area 1 US Coast Guard & US Coast Guard Auxiliary Acronyms CPA: Closest Point of Approach CPO: Chief Petty Officer (USCG E-7) F CVS: Commercial Vessel Safety CWA: Clean Water Act FAA: Federal Aviation Administration CWO: Chief Warrant Officer (USCG FAQ: Frequently Asked Question CWO2 – CWO4) FC: Flotilla Commander CZ: Coastal Zone FCS: Fire Control System FCZ: Fisheries Conservation Zone D FINCEN: Finance Center FLAR: Forward Looking Airborne DC: Damage Control/Direct Current Radar DHS: Department of Homeland Security FLETC: Federal Law Enforcement DIST: District Commander Training Center DIW: Dead in the Water FMLA: Family and Medical Leave Act DMB: Datum Marker Buoy FNP: Federal navigation Plan DO: Direct Operational Auxiliarst FO: Fuel oil DOD: Department of Defense FOSC: Federal On-Scene Coordinator DOT: Department of Transportation FOUO: For Official Use Only DR: Dead Reckoning FSO: Flotilla Staff Officer DRM: Direction of Relative Movement FVS: Fishing Vessel Safety DSO: Designated Senior Official FWPCA: Federal Water Pollution Control Act E FWC: Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission EAD: Extended Active Duty FY: Fiscal Year EBA: Emergency Breathing Apparatus EEZ: Exclusive Economic Zone G ELF: Extremely Low Frequency EN: Ensign (USCG O-1) GAR: Green, Amber, Red Scale EO: Engineering Officer/Executive GHA: Greenwich Hour Angle Order GIS: Geopgraphic Information System EOQ: End of Quarter GMDSS: Global Maritime Distress and EOW: Engineer Officer of the Watch Safety System EP: Estimated Position GOMEX: Gulf of Mexico EPA: US Environmental Protection GPS: Global Positioning System Agency GQ: General Quarters EPAC: Eastern Pacific Ocean Area EPIRB: Emergency Position Indicating H Radio Beacon EPOY: Enlisted Person of the Year HAZMAT: Hazardous Material EPPP: Emergency Planning, HDC: Harbor Defense Commander Preparedness, and Prevention HF: High Frequency Guide HIN: Hull Identification Number ESA: Endangered Species Act HR: Human Relations ETD: Estimated Time of Departure EWS: Early Warning System I 2 US Coast Guard & US Coast Guard Auxiliary Acronyms LONG: Longitude IADT: Initial Active Duty for Training LOP: Line of Position (basic training) LORAN: Long-Range Aid to Navigation IAP: Incident Action Plan LOS: law of the Sea/Line of Sight IC: Internal Combustion LPO: Leading Petty Officer ICS: Incident Command System LPOC: last Port of Call IFQ: Individual Fishing Quota LPOP: Listening Post/Observation Post IFR: Instrument Flight Rules LPV: low Profile Vessel IHP: Indicated Horsepower LRA: long Range Aircraft IIP: International ice Patrol LRS: Long Range Surveillance/Search IMO: International Maritime LT: Lieutenant (USCG O-3) Organization LTJG: Lieutenant Junior Grade (USCG INMARSAT: International Maritime O-2) Satellite LWOP: Leave Without Pay INS: Immigration and Naturalization Service M INTEL: Intelligence IR: Infrared MA: Mission Analysis/Materials IS: Information Systems MAR: Mission Analysis Report ISO: International Standards MARAD: Maritime Administration Organization MARB: Marine Assistance Request IT: Information Technology/Instructor Broadcast Training MARIS: Maritime Information System MARPOL: The International J Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships JCET: Joint/Combined Excercises for MBL: Maritime Boundary Line Training MDSU: Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit JOOD: Junior Officer of the Deck MDZ: Maritime Defense Zone JTF: Joint Task Force MEC: Medium Endurance Cutter MEDEVAC: Medical Evacuation K MEP: Marine Environmental Protection MER: Marine Environmental Response L MF: Medium Frequency MFCMA: Magnuson-Stevens Fishery LAT: Latitude/Local Apparent Time Conservation and Management LCDR: Lieutenant Commander (USCG Act O-4) MHA: Military Housing Area LE: Law Enforcement MHT: Mean High Tide LF: Low Frequency MI: Maritime Inspection and LLNR: Light List Number Investigation LMT: Local Mean Time MIL-STD: Military Standard LNB: Large Navigational Buoy MILSPEC: Military Specifications LNM: Local Notice to Mariners MIO: Marine Inspection Office LOA: Length Over All MIS: Management Information System LOB: Line of Bearing 3 US Coast Guard & US Coast Guard Auxiliary Acronyms MISLE: Marine Information for Safety NMFS: National Marine Fisheries and Law Enforcement Service MLB: Motor Life Boat NOAA: National Oceanic & MLE: Maritime Law Enforcement Atmospheric Administration MLT: Mean Low Tide NOV: Notice of Violation MMD: Merchant Mariner’s Document NPOC: Next Port of Call MMPA: Marine Mammal Protection Act NRC: National Response Center MOB: Man Overboard NTM: Notice to Mariners MPA: Maritime Patrol Aircraft NVDC: National Vessel Documentation MPAR: Mission Performance Center Assessment Report MRB: Medium Response Boat O MRS: Medium Range Surveillance/Search OCONUS: Outside Continental US MS: Marine Safety OCS: Officer Candidate School MSDS: Materials Safety Data Sheet OD: Officer of the Day MSEP: Marine Safety & Environmental ODU: Operational Dress Uniform Protection OIC: Officer-in-Charge MSU: Marine Safety Unit O&M: Operations and Maintenance MWR: Moral, Welfare and Recreation OMB: Office of Management and Budget N OOD: Officer of the Deck/Day OPA 90: Oil Pollution Act of 1990 NAS: naval Air Station OPAREA: Operational Area NATO: North Atlantic Treaty OPCEN: Operations Center Organization OPM: Office of Personnel management NAVAID: Navigation Aid OPNAV: Office of the Chief of Naval NAVCEN: Navigation Center Operations NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer OPREP: Operations Report (USCG E4 - E-9) OPSEC: Operational Security NDBC: National Data Buoy Center OPSUM: Operational Summary NDRS: National Distress and Response OR: Operational Readiness System OSC: On-Scene Commander NDS: National Distress System OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health NEPA: National Environmental Policy Administration Act OT&E: Operational Test & Evaluation NIS: Navigations Information Service OVBD: Overboard NISA: National Invasive Species Act of 1996 P NIST: national Institute of Standards and Technology PA: Public Affairs NJP: Non-Judicial Punishment PACAREA: Pacific Area NM: Nautical Mile PB: Patrol Boat NMC: national Maritime Center PCS: Permanent Change of Station NMDMP: National Marine Debris PDS: Permanent Duty Station Monitoring Program PFD: Personal Flotation Device 4 US Coast Guard & US Coast Guard Auxiliary Acronyms PHS: Public Health Service (USPHS) RHIB: Rugged Hull Inflatable Boat PIW: Person in the Water RIG SAAFEARM: Recognition ID PO: Petty Officer (USCG E4 – E6) Guide to Ship Associated Flags, POB: Persons on Board Ensigns, and Aircraft Rondel POC: Point of Contact Markings POD: Probability of Detection RML: Relative Movement Line POE: Point of Embarkation RMP: Risk Management Plan POE: Port of Entry RN: Radio navigation POE: Projected Operational ROD: Report of Discrepancy Environment ROE: Rules of Engagement POV: Privately Owned Vehicles ROTC: Reserve Officers Training Corps PPE: Personal Protective Equipment ROTHR: Relocatable Over the Horizon PQS: Personnel Qualification Standard Radar PSC: Port State Control RP: Reference Point PSS: Port Safety and Security RP: Responsible Party PSTFS: Pollution Spill Trajectory RPM: Revolutions Per Minute Forecast Service RQ: Reportable Quantities PSU: Port Security Unit RRI: Response Resources Inventory PTSA: Port and Tanker Safety Act RTC: Reserve Training Center PVA: Passenger Vessel Association RW: Relative Wind PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride PWC: Personal Watercraft S PWSA: Ports and Waterways Safety Act of 1972 SADT: Special Active Duty for Training SAR: Search and
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