<'111< < I 'I ~Il Serving the fh (' (irosse Point('~ dud Harper Woods Police: Illegal • SIX drunken men destroyed one tree and damaqed two others dunnQ a beer-fueled night of vandalism .on Lakeshore Page 4A fireworks • A 17-year-old Detroltheld a Mack Avenue gas stalton attendant at the pOint of a pistol, waited on a customer and took off with $1,200 cash Police nonexistent from the City of Grosse POinte caught the accused felon a few days later Page 10A • An 18-year-old Detroit man car- problem here Jacked and kidnapped a woman, crashed her car on 1-94and was caught By Michael Shelton hiding In a Harper Woods garage Page SpeCial Wnter 10A If you deCIdeto hght off a • The Harper Woods school board firecracker, bottle rocket or passed a budget totaling approximately Roman candle thIS Fourth of • Illegal fire- $11 million dollars It allows for the dls- July weekend, you could end tnct to maintain Its teachers Page 15A Happy Fourth of July! up paYll1ga pnce works need to • Anna Kaczmarek, an upcoming Those types of fireworks senior at Regina High School won the are Illegal, accordll1g to the be snuffed out . The Erickson family started celebrating Independence Day last MIchIgan FIreworks Law Prudenltal Splnt of Community Student Sunday during the Mack Avenue fireworks display, which was Volunteer award for her work with the "Our poltcy IS If It leaves See related edi- again a resounding success this year! For more Mack Avenue fire- the ground or makes nOIse, Catholic Youth Organization Page 15A works photos, see Page SA It'S Illegal," satd Grosse torial/ page 6A Pomte Shores poltce Chief Gary Mitchell WEEK AHEAD The law restncts what kll1ds of fireworks can be Tasers shock violent problem WIth It, lllcidents used, transported and sold Thursday, July 3 It IS part of Act 328 of the are very few and far Due to the July 4 holiday, residential MIchIgan Penal Code, whIch between, we'll have hIgh and commercial rubbish normally col- offenders into line was passed back m 1931 school kIds who WIll get lected In Grosse POinte farms on Fnday "If we find a person dls- them out of theIr basement Will be picked up one day early - By Brad Lindberg Taser;, plovlde an alternatIve chargmg somethmg Illegal, and fire them off III September," Powell saId today Slaff Wnl'H Patter"on \\ a" mtroduced to the the fireworks WIllbe confis- "It's really a non-eXIstent A m,m In ped-up on drug" \\ ouldn't weapon at an m"tructors "chool last cated, and the report WIllbe BraZil and Beyond featuring Latin "top figh!mg arrest Apnl He'll never forget ledrnmg theIr forwarded to the cIty attor- problem If there IS a com- plamt, by the bme officers Jazz with a Beatlesque tWist wings Into Lt .J,lek Pdtter"on drrw d Ta"rr effectIVenessfirst-hand ney for pOSSIble charges," reach the scene, the people the Village for MusIc on the Plaza The and promIsed to shoot If the man dId- "It wa" the mo<;tpamful thmg I've saId Grosse Pomte Park fire are m the house," MItchell free outdoor concert on St Clair at n't calm do\\ n ever expenenced III my hfe," he saId marshal Sgt Chnstopher saId Kercheval In the City of Grosse POinte Failure to obry meant a five-second "There was no way I could have Powell Legal (Class C) fireworks starts at 7 p m bur,,! from a Ta"er gun that sprws fought back There were guy" m the The charges could range that can be used Include In case of bad weather, the scene mlmature hghtmg bolts like some- 300-pound range \\ ho couldn't fight anywhere from a warnmg to sparklers, toy snakes, cone shifts to the Maire Elementary School thlllg out of Frankenstem's workshop through thIS .. a 90-day mIsdemeanor and a gymnasium and cylInder fountaIns, toy "He Immediately comphed: saId Patterson was so Impressed he $500 fine smoke deVlces (smoke pots, For more Information, call (313) 886- Patterson, a pubhc safety shIft com- bought hiS own, WIth hiS dIrector's "It depends on the sItua- smoke balls), flat paper 7474 or VISitwwwthevillagegp com mander m Grosse Pomte Farms permISSIOn The Taser cost $480 tIOn because there are a lot caps, and toy tnck nOlse Another time Patterson met up mcludmg three one-tIme cartndges of thmgs to be consldered, makers Friday, JUly 4 WIth a house breaker Out came the He plans to buy two guns and extra we leave the deCISionup to PublIc safety departments stun gun and a demand of surrender cartndges for the department thIS the dIscretion of the officer," urge extreme cautIon when Independence Day City and school "He ImmedIately compiled" year, WIth more as room opens m MItchell said offices and most businesses Including USIng fireworks and not to In terse tales of catchmg Cllmlndb, future budgets Illegal or "Class B" fire- let chtldren use fireworks the Grosse POinte News, are closed Patterson has been spelhng out the Tasers resemble Colt 45s and have works can also mclude cher- WIthout adult 8Upel'V18Ion. • advantages of nonlethal weaponry to a range up to 21 feet Guns are SIght- ry bombs, comets (or "Youdon't tell Jods to play Glo"se Pomte Shores hosts a con- subdue Vlolentlawbreakers ed by a red laser beam and shoot one- mines), torches, cyhnder WIth matches; so a 5-year cert by Gary PIllow at OSIUSPark on There was the time Patterson came time cartndges contallllng tWIn darts rockets such as an M-80 or old with fireworks can be Fnday July 4, begInmng at 7 pm upon a man burnmg hIS Wife'scloth- tethered to battenes mSlde a pIstol an M-250, and toys in whIch dangerous," Mitchell said FIrework" put on m conjunctIOn mg m a fireplace because of a mantal gnp Darts have 1J4-mch barbs that explOSIves are used (can- Accordmg to a U.S wIth the Grosse Pomte Yacht Club go spat Impale unruly offenders and transmIt nons, guns, blank pIstols) Consumer Product Safety DespIte these regulatIOns, off followmg PIllows performance 'He was nuts," Patterson Said "1 '50,000volts CommiSSIon (CPSC) report put the Taser to hi" che"t, told hIm "It makes your muscles tWItch so Illegal fireworks are set off In 2000, It ISestImated that every year 111 the Grosse Saturday, July 5 what It \\a" and s,ud, SIt dOVvnor I'll fast you can~ot fight back, move or 9000 chIldren, aged 5 to 14, anythmg." Patterson saId "1 hked Pomtes s~ffered fireworks-related Grosse POInte Farm" Boat Club shoot yOU'" that there'" no permanent, lastmg The U S InternatlOnal InJunes that resulted In holds Its 52nd annual regatta at PIer "He Immediately ..You know the effect .. Trade CommISSIOnreports emergency room treatment Park on Saturday, June 5 A decorat- lest Patterson, the department \\ edpon~ that fireworks consumptIOn The CPSC also reports ed bIke parade and contest begIn at ~('(' 1'a..er. page 2A has skyrocketed m the that fireworks-related trammg officer, noon, followed by a sand castle bUlld- L'mted States from 67 6 mIl- lI1Juryrates have decreased has fired every- mg contest on the beach at 1 p m At lion pounds m 1990 to 190 1 over the last decade, from thmg from 2 p m a candy hunt WIll be held 12,000 In 1990 to 8,800 in handguns to an mIllion m 2002 across 'from the tot lot Kids' games But most publtc safety 2002 WIllbe held m the northeast corner of M16 nfle FIrecrackers are the mam "I teach how departments 111 the area the park by the gazebo From 4 to cause of all fireworks to employ dead- haven't seen any major fire- 5 30 pm, an ornamental plaster fig- InJunes (32 percent) accord- ly force," he works-related mCldents dur- unne pamtmg seSSIOnwlll be held m mg to the Amencan saId "But I mg the Fourth of July the actIVItIesbUlldmgfor a $5 charge "We don't have a huge Pyrotechmcs AsSOCIatIOn A table centerpIece contest WIll be don't want to held between 5 and 7 p m Bakers can use that I don't enter the pie contest at 6 pm The want any of our club's boat decoratmg contest takes guys to use place between 8 30 and 9 p m deadly force If Sun"et Boulevard WIllperform at 8 they can aVOId p m followed by fireworks at 10 p m It .. Monday, July 7 The Grosse POinte Woods City Council meets at 7 30 pm, In the coun- Cil chambers of City hall at 20025 Mack INDEX Opmlon. ..... ...... 6A Schools 11A A 50,000- Obituaries, 13A volt jolt of electricity Busmess.... .. 14A awaits violent Harper Woods.... .. 15A lawbreak.ers who don't Seniors 5B obey Lt. Jack Entertainment 6B Patter.on '. command to Classified ads ..5C beba't'e, I , July 3,2003 2A News Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlines 50 years ago this week 50 years ago this week stack constructlOn and the ents usmg the lakeside park • Po"t Ofllce No 3 opens acqUIsItIOn of a new landfill as a drop-off daycare center site where youngsters are let ofllclally mSlde Jacobson's Both the Farms and lose wIthout supervIsion Home Decorative Shop III Woods CIty councils table • A fatal car/bIcycle crash the Village bhoppmg area of actIOn on the request until the CIty of Grosse Pomte lU March that kIlled an 83- forthcommg meetmgs • Sedmdn Jalk Graham year-old Grosse Pomte • The Punch and Judy Woods man results m homi- recelve~ d ut,ltlOn from the Cide charges agamst the Secretan of the Navy for Theater Will present Itb fir"t hve stage play thiS week Woods doctor who wa" herOlbm In d""'l<,tmgthe re<,- when member" of the Young behmd the ",heel cue of fou r men washed PCvplc's Stage pcrfo>"m thp Pol!rp ,ntprv](>w~ with overboard h om the U S S mUSical, «Godspell " neIghbors of the driver dre Arnold J babell key to the lUvestJgatlOn When one of the vlctlms Many people tell pohce appeared to be drownmg, 10 years ago this week they've seen the dnver run Graham dl\ cd from the • An executive search or Just slow down at the .,top super"tructul P deck, helped company Will be hired to "Ign at Stanhope and the stlllk('n man mto a hfe find a new city admlOistra- Bramcaster where the fatal Jacket dnd helped him to a tor for Grosse Pomte Woods lrash evpntually occurred rescue net dlaped over the Members of the city coun.
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