ISRAEL HONORS TEN MORE POLES • INTRODUCING A POLISHNEW POLISH AMERICAN LANGUAGE JOURNAL •FEATURE SEPTEMBER 2014 www.polamjournal.com 1 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT BOSTON, NEW YORK NEW BOSTON, AT PAID PERIODICAL POSTAGE POLISH AMERICAN OFFICES AND ADDITIONAL ENTRY JOURNALDEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION AND CONTINUANCE OF POLISH AMERICAN CULTURE WARSAW RISING ESTABLISHED 1911 SEPTEMBER 2014 • VOL. 103, NO. 9 | $2.00 www.polamjournal.com REMEMBERED — PAGE 5 A POLISH COMMUNITY CENTER FOR TOLEDO • PAC TAKES ON NJ DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION • POLISH PEDAL POWER ALLIANCE COLLEGE REUNION • “GOLGOTA PICNIC” SPARKS CONTROVERSY • HEARTY POLISH AUTUMN FOOD FEST WYCINANKI MURALS ADORN CHICAGO • POLISH CHURCH RECORDS IN THE UNITED STATES • THE FAMED BLIKLE NEWSMARK Poland on Frontline Heritage Month 101 October is Polish Heritage Month, SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Poland’s Foreign Minister of Putin’s Trade War Radek Sikorski says Poland can withstand Russian energy and Now is the Time to Make Plans threats should Russia enact sanctions. Embargo Could Cost $300 Million IMAGE: NPS This year, Poles will mark “Russia needs to sell its energy even more than we need the 406th Anniversary of the to buy it,” he said, adding Poland could purchase energy First Polish Settlers, who from Norway or from North Africa. He also said Poland were among the fi rst skilled is completing its liquifi ed natural gas terminal, which will workers in America. We, decrease reliance on foreign energy sources. therefore, will also Salute Russia has already blocked imports of Polish vegeta- All American Workers and bles and fruit after EU foreign ministers agreed recently on urge people to purchase the sanctions against Russia. products and services offered “Russia is an important trade partner for Poland, twice by American workers. Pol- Since 1608, when the fi rst as important as for Germany in proportion,” said Sikorski. ish Americans will also mark Polish settlers arrived at So there will be losses all around. But we just cannot stand the 235th Anniversary of the Jamestown, Virg., Polish idly by when Russia annexes, for the fi rst time since the death of General Casimir Pu- people have been an im- Second World War, a neighbor’s fi rst province,” referring laski, Father of the American portant part of America’s to Russia’s seizing of Crimea. Cavalry. history and culture. In He also said Russian advances in Ukraine “don’t make The Polish Heritage 2014, Polish Americans us feel more secure.” Sikorski argues that the EU should Month Committee has com- will mark the 33rd Anni- take a fi rmer stand against Russia in the Ukraine confl ict. piled a list of suggested ac- PERSECUTION COMPLEX? “The world is against us and versary of the founding of “The Ukrainians are our neighbors. They are fi ghting tivities in October to enhance is trying to harm us,” said Russian President Vladimir Putin, Polish American Heritage the celebration: for the same things we did back in 1989,” he said. who has “recovered” Crimea for Russia and is protecting Month, an event, which Russian-speaking Ukrainians against the “military terrorism began in Philadelphia, Things to Do During Polish RUSSIA BEHIND CYBER ATTACK? The Financial Times of the fascist Kyïv junta.” and became a national American Heritage Month claims that the computer systems of Ukranian embassies celebration of Polish his- by Robert Strybel The embargoed produce 1. Meet with your local and government have been penetrated by the “Snake” mal- tory, culture and pride. ware, also known as Ouroboros, the tail-swallowing ser- WARSAW–Poland be- could cost Poland country Polish American organiza- pent of Greek mythology. came the fi rst victim of Presi- some $300 million. tions to discuss a success- of Poland. During October Data from the Symantec security fi rm and intelligence dent Putin’s retaliatory strike In the past, the Kremlin ful, well-coordinated Polish we mark the death of Ameri- offi cials indicates that the very sophisticated cyber attack against Western sanctions im- would concoct food-safety American Heritage Month can Revolutionary War Hero — which has compromised highly sensitive information, posed on Russia for its Crime- pretexts to ban imports from event. General Casimir Pulaski on says the newspaper — must have the support of a well- an land-grab and continued countries whose policies it 2. Request local elected October 15th. You can con- resourced and state-backed group. destabilization of Ukraine. disagreed with, but this time offi cials to present a procla- duct a tribute ceremony in Polish apples were the fi rst Symantec says in a report that 60 computers in “the of- it openly declared that the mation or special greetings front of a portrait of Pulaski. item mentioned by Putin and measures were aimed against to the Polish American com- fi ce of the prime minister of a former Soviet Union mem- You can also consider honor- only later were other products countries waging sanctions munity. ber country,” have been infected with the malware. The ing people such as Ignacy Jan and countries added to the against Russia in connection 3. Offer a Mass at your lo- Financial Times has been told that country is Ukraine. Paderewski, Fryderyk Cho- list. Other produce includes with the Ukrainian crisis. Be- cal church for the intention The cyber attack comes as a trade war intensifi es be- pin, Marie Sklodowska Curie pears, plums and other fruit, sides fruits and vegetables, of your area Polish American and others. tween Russia and the West over responsibility for the wors- cabbages, caulifl ower and the year-long embargo will community and invite every- ening confl ict in Ukraine. 5. Encourage people to peppers. Poland has been a encompass meat, fi sh, dairy one to attend. Following the display Polish and American particular thorn in Putin’s products and vegetable oils Mass, hold a reception with fl ags and Polish American STILL WAITING. Poland has renewed its demand of Rus- side for its loyal commitment and affect the European Polish pastries and refresh- Heritage Month posters in sia to hand over the black boxes and wreckage from the to the cause of Ukrainian in- Union, United States, Can- ments, welcoming all in the their homes, organizational April 2010 airline crash near the Russian city of Smolensk, dependence and persuasive ada, Australia and Norway. spirit of Polish hospitality. headquarters, banks, busi- which killed Poland’s president Lech Kaczynski, eigh- lobbying for European Union The day the embargo was an 4. Sponsor an event to teen members of Poland’s parliament, the deputy foreign sanctions against Moscow. See “Embargo ...,” page 7 honor noted men and women See “Heritage ...,” page 2 minister, several military offi cers and others — a total of ninety-six people. The Poles were fl ying to attend an event commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Katyn Forest The Story of One Tragic September Massacre, the World War II mass murder of about 22,000 World War II Started 75 Years Ago When Germany Invaded Poland military and professional Poles by Soviet troops. PHOTO: HARRISON FORMAN / COLLECTIONS.LIB.UWM.EDU by Stan Biernacik powerful explosions emanat- Many have alleged that Russians were to blame for the There were several loud ing from the Northern part crash. Accusations abound and include a suggestion that explosions heard from the di- of the city believed that they artifi cial fog was employed to bring down the plane. To rection of the central railroad were caused by a very re- date, the Russians have refused to release the black boxes station on the early morning alistic practice of the civil and the wreckage to Poland. of that fateful day of Septem- defense units, which were Since the recent crash of the Malaysia Airlines MH17, ber 1, 1939 — the sound of always on the alert — just in the Russians are facing accusations anew of covering up blasts and detonations got me case! Unfortunately every- the truth about what happened to that plane as well. Fami- out of my bed and it thing that occurred lies of the Polish crash victims have penned a letter to the must have wakened on that bright and Dutch Prime Minister warning him that he could also face most of the people sunny day in Sep- obstruction from the Russians as he attempts to uncover of the Southern Pol- tember was not a the truth of what happened to the MH-17. ish city of Lwow, dream, but a pain- who had gone to ful reality. The rest ARMING UP. Poland is accelerating the modernization of sleep on the previ- of the tragic events its combat helicopter fl eet, as the outbreak of civil war in ous night. followed at the fast Ukraine continues. The Polish Defense ministry is consid- They went to pace of the “Light- ering bids from ten manufacturers, both foreign and domes- rest praying that all ning War.” The fi rst A POLISH ARMY MEDIC watches the skies as the German tic, of modern combat-ready helicopters. Operation Raven the threats of imminent war air raids and bombings were Luftwaff e begins its aerial bombardment of Warsaw during aims to replace the country’s aging Mi-24 helicopter fl eet. were just a remote possibility, only the early harbingers of Germany’s invasion of Poland. The poster behind him reads The American-made Apache AH-64E, the British-Italian which surely could be averted cataclysmic and cruel events “WARA!”; a Polish exclamation meaning to restrain. The fi rst Agusta AW129 Mongoose and the European Eurocopter/ by the frantic diplomatic ac- that preceded the long war— aerial strike on Poland took place on September 1, 1939 Airbus Tiger are among the top contenders in the bidding tivity of the time, aimed at full of its dire consequences when the Luftwaff e bombed the Polish town of Wieluń, de- process.
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