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True, the word ‘Plague’ had been uttered; true, at this very moment one or two victims were being seized & laid low by the disease. Still, that cld stop, or be stopped. It was only a matter of lucidly recognising what had to be recognised; of expelling extraneous shadows & doing what needed to be done. Then the Plague wld come to an end, because it was unthinkable, or, rather, because one thought of it on misleading lines. If, as was most likely, it died out, all wld be well. If not, one wld know it anyhow for what it was.” (Albert Camus) “From an epidemic point of view, the Plague is the only disease exactly resembling art.” (Antonin Artaud) 5 6 1 / Caveat Scriptor Y2K (19100) “Am I alone?” The survivor wants to know if she’s alone. That was then. Out there, GOLEMGRAD, KAFKAVILLE, PLAGUE CITY, take yr pick. The vital signs fl atlined a decade ago. 10 years then, 10 days now. Time getting shorter. History wld be over before the century was. I was working blind. In her mind she’d once again become an instrument. She found the fl ashlight in her right coat pocket & stepped over the debris. Picture a map, the secret destination marked by an X. Blank thresholds of deep image- rubble. The roads there stand still, right when laws are reversed. Between one world & the next. Jerking on its wires. Rubbing out the body-chalk. Teleology = History’s ghost. Voices like fl ies beneath dead halogen. Everything was refl ex, effects of oppositeness. The eternal mañana of the infi nite ad-break. Alterations. Restlessly stalking in lopsided mirrorworld. She squinted at the rearview: a mask w/ no face grimaced back. Eye in cracked braincase, pieces falling away, teeth, gums, red pus. Vertigenous clockwork junk. Euclid & planetary extinction vying for precedence. Now the Doomsday Book opens, but I can’t read it. Someone’ll have to bloody the pages fi rst. Going round on black squares. Nothing moved. The air, fetid, stank of orgone fermentation. Infects whoever tries to make sense of it. It rained & then the rain stopped. Tape-delay: YR RANDOM THOUGHTS’VE BEEN CHOSEN FOR YOU. Diagnosis: on a scale between 0 & 1. The sufferers groaning beneath the schist. “They who go mad on my account, let them be wise.” Because G.O.D. likes to repeat. Galactocosmic Ontological Disorder. Despite resisting it, it had her in its grip, forcing to unwilled actions. Day of Juggernaut or Grail of Wrath. From behind the mirror, a shadow falls. Foreign Body in Mind’s Eye. A hole cld weigh more than everything in it. (Explanations only true in other worlds.) 7 Dust strobing the neon. There were hidden watchers, Guy Fawkes masks hacking the idiot box. Outside, fi erce winds began to blow. Everything was refl ex, desperation. It goes w/out saying, all that comic weeping was bound to take its toll. G.O.D.’s zero-day exploit. THIS ROOM, THIS SPACE, ISN’T A UTERUS. Scapegoat nailed to an addition, an addiction. “Like shit warmed up.” The knot in her guts, wound tighter. Staggered to the nearest cubicle, shoved her head under. Vaccine ampules, strewn like spacejunk. The Plague’s just a code y’ve gotta crack to get to the next level or die. Through layers of unsleep, scratching between the walls. She had to bring the label right up to her eye in order to read it: PAPA WALT’S WONDER POTION (wtf?) After a while her head stopped exploding. Could humanity again be content with supernatural explanations? The word “vitiated.” Her coat was lying in the gutter where it’d fallen. Gradually a wall was erected between her awareness & the pain. The furthest place possible. They’d never let her into the Executive Suite like that. What year was it this time? “Keep digging,” they said. I fi lled my hands & let the foul mixture sift back through my fi ngers w/ sick fascination, then ran the tap till it was all sucked down the plughole. In a void, acceleration’s constant. Mirror-blur. How long’ve things been this way? Then she woke again. Her throat burned: a hole in place of a thirst. HIER IST KEIN WARUM! the guard screamed. Winding a wreath from a hard core of dead nerve. She wanted to cut it open, smash it, grind it into a fi ne dust but what if inside was only useless bits of impurity? That knot in her groin. Bit-by-bit it became a thing, objectifi ed, surrounded by dark matter. Like the dying loves of watchful salarymen. Wind, rime, wet earth. Blink hard to force back, tracking the EXIT signs. Nothing (else) she cld’ve done. Waves of shapeless ashen light darkness or at the same time. The pain didn’t stop, but it wasn’t THERE in the same way. Brooding, secret, patient. (Smile kid. Don’t worry, you’ll soon see & hear everything.) Today was Friday. There’s nothing. Eyes shut wldn’t open. They came out of nowhere & didn’t stop. Time-shift. “I was lost, only the outlines were still present.” Meanwhile, staggering back through the world. History wld still be waiting, a commodity, like any other. The hole gaped beneath me. She stayed that way for hours on end, staring into it. 8 2 / Caveat Lector ØDAYS Carboniferous to Hallstat to engined locomotion to now, to here. Under the electric moon mothfl utter stirs the perimeter into spastic motion, where nothing but shadows move. Night grows around us. It oozes in a rancid fog up from the gouged coalpits, across the mantraps of crisscrossed rail buried in pigweed, around freight cars rusted to their tracks. We watch, we scan peripheral. Beyond, container canyons make bullhead silhouettes against starless sky. Time dilates, distends, an invisible horizon, one of many. IN THE BEGINNING IT WAS EASILY FORGOTTEN that the Cosmic Background Radiation, emanating from the Big Bang Hypothesis 13.82 billion years BEFORE-SITUATION (B.S.), had a constant temperature of -270.45° celsius that for 4.5 billion years, the light that warmed their planet was required to travel 150 million kilometres through outer-space to reach it that local monocellular life began at least 1000 years after their planet was formed that 2.7 billion years B.S., the Great Oxygenation Event, which produced their planet’s breathable atmosphere, occurred as a result of photosynthesising cyanobacteria (a.k.a. bluegreen algae) that approximately 225 million years B.S., mammals evolved on their planet from a succession of ”lower species” that only 2 million years B.S., primitive tool-making hominids arose that just 530,000 years B.S., these hominids evolved so as to acquire speech (hyoid bone) that merely 160,000 years B.S., their own distinct species distinguished itself from the “talking apes” that a measly 5,500 years B.S., one of them (supposedly) invented the fi rst wheel &, another 500 years later, the art of writing that a paltry 1,400 years B.S., the ancestors of corporate enterprise began to form that as late as the year 1945, socalled, the dominant corporate-arcology exploded the fi rst thermonuclear weapon & that, at approximately 23.59 Situational Time, on “FRIDAY 31 DECEMBER 1999,” due to a simple computing malfunction any idiot ought to’ve foreseen, their world came more or less abruptly to an end. 9 FIRST THESIS All forms of the Plague today are, in the fi nal analysis, based on the generalised & stable divisions of class society, between those who give orders & those who carry them out. As the activity of the health services & security apparatuses integrate into the overall functioning of the Plague, the necessity to maximise this activity requires the incorporation into it of the Plague’s organisation & hierarchisation. The logical problem of scientifi c synthesis thus intersects w/ the social problem of centralisation.
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