V24, N33 Thursday, May 16, 2019 Holcomb reelect on historic footing As governor weighs final decision on 2020 campaign, he’s in best position to succeed since 1976 By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS – Has there been such a thing as a slam-dunk reelection for an Indiana governor? This question is posed as Gov. Eric Holcomb and First Lady Janet are in the midst of their deliberations on whether he will seek a second term. On the face of it, the notion that Holcomb wouldn’t run would be a stunner. Republican Chairman Kyle Hupfer told HPI “I would be very disappointed if he didn’t seek a on Monday, “He’s publicly said he second term,” Hupfer said. Short of that silly “rumor” that and Janet will spend some time talking and thinking about he was on a short list to become ambassador to Italy, it’s things. That will happen on his own timeline. As a state hard to fathom Holcomb not seeking a second term. He chair, he’s done the work and had achievement that should he desire, he’d been in a strong position. Continued on page 4 Sen. Lugar, into the ages By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS – The people of Indiana, and the Lugar family, handed Richard Green Lugar into the hands of his maker and the pantheon of Senate statesmen Wednesday during what resembled a state funeral. In do- “It looks like the fox is watching ing so, the man who cre- ated the modern India- the hen house. And this is a re- napolis, fed its children, then used his mighty wit curring theme that we see at and indefatigable study every level in the Statehouse.” to do more than perhaps any American to assure - State Rep. Karlee Macer, on their safety in a terror- $750,000 in misappropriated ized world on a planet under duress. veterans funding. Macer is Lugar’s passing exploring a Democratic at age 87 on April 28 gave him a final historic gubernatorial run. Page 2 destination, joining Senate giants like a cynical age. I can’t be the only one Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, Daniel here who is really weary of people Webster, Robert Taft, Robert La Fol- issuing these blanket condemnations. lette Sr., Birch Bayh and Daniel Patrick Dick Lugar’s mode of service went Moynihan, who steered the nation in way beyond that.” profound ways and fueled the soul of Vice President Mike Pence mankind's most dynamic republic. paused before Lugar’s casket before With Chief Justice John relating the vast impact on Indianapo- Roberts, National Intelligence Direc- lis where he was a two-term mayor tor Dan Coats and Senate Majority before his six terms in the Senate; Howey Politics Indiana Leader Mitch McConnell looking on where he drew 7.5 million votes from WWWHowey Media, LLC in the huge sanctuary of St. Luke’s Hoosiers and cast 13,000 roll calls. 405 Massachusetts Ave., United Methodist Church that had “Perhaps the greatest Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN been founded with the help of Dick monument to Dick’s leadership here and Char Lugar, Purdue President ... is the skyline of Indianapolis and 46204 Mitch Daniels initially cast the senator the world class city he leaves behind,” www.howeypolitics.com in personal terms: “Boss, tutor, men- Brian A. Howey, Publisher tor, role model, and Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington though it took me decades to think of Cam Carter, copy editor him this way, just as Joel Weyrauch, copy editor it took me decades to Mary Lou Howey, Editor call him anything but Jacob Curry, Statehouse senator, my friend.” Jack Howey, editor emeritus Daniels quick- ly related the senator to the crux of his be- Subscriptions ing. “Most Americans HPI, HPI Daily Wire $599 will remember him for his public achieve- HPI Weekly, $350 ments which were Ray Volpe, Account Manager legion and signal, 317.602.3620 to use a couple of email: [email protected] Lugarisms,” said Daniels, his former Pence said. “For many, that legacy chief of staff. “He was as stunningly of transformational leadership would rare a person as he was a public ser- have been enough, but not for Dick Contact HPI vant.” Lugar was a man “with a set of Lugar,” Pence said. “No sooner had [email protected] principles grounded in patriotism and he set in motion reforms that would Howey’s cell: 317.506.0883 a commitment for equal opportunity transform this city, he was off to for every American to rise and flour- another race. In 1974 he took off for Washington: 202.256.5822 ish. a long shot race for the U.S. Senate Business Office: 317.602.3620 “Something more funda- against Sen. Birch Bayh. It’s remark- mental took precedence,” Daniels said. able that two giants of 20th Century © 2019, Howey Politics “It was the pride of association with a Indiana politics would leave the world Indiana. All rights reserved. man so stellar, so singular, so exem- within a few weeks of each other. plary in both his professional and per- “It’s the end of an era,” Pence Photocopying, Internet forward- sonal life that one enjoyed a sense of said. ing, faxing or reproducing in personal respect by reflection.” Lugar Pence continued, “He’ll be re- any form, whole or part, is a was the “paragon of public service ... membered among with the pantheon violation of federal law without who comprised the whole package: of senators who commanded the re- permission from the publisher. Intellect, work ethic, integrity. If Dick spect of his peers of both parties and Lugar ever had an ill-tempered mo- who exercised enormous influence in ment, I never saw it; if he ever spoke foreign affairs. His contributions to our an unkind word about anyone, I never nation are countless.” heard it; acted out of raw selfishness, Included were the 7,500 I never witnessed it. We live in such Soviet era nuclear warheads that the Page 3 Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Re- proached by a woman at a Lincoln duction Program eliminated, or the Day Dinner. “Sen. Lugar, I’m sure securing of chemical and biological you don’t remember me,” the weapons that could have killed every woman said. Lugar responded, “Of human many times over. course I remember you, Mary, and His partner, former Geor- I think you were wearing that same gia Sen. Sam Nunn, said, “Indiana lovely dress the first time.” and our nation were very fortunate “Talk about scoring some to have Dick Lugar as a public points the first time then giving servant. I was very fortunate to them right back,” McConnell said af- have him as my trusted partner and ter the sanctuary erupted in laugh- friend. Cooperation and compromise ter. is often misunderstood today. Some McConnell compared take it to mean giving up on princi- Lugar to the biblical Lazarus, ples. Dick Lugar never compromised who lived beyond the tomb. “The his principles. Dick made the world a recipient of this miraculous grace safer place and a better place.” didn’t hole up in some monastery. Nunn said, “I almost feel He dove into public service, rolled like a member of the Lugar family. up his sleeves, he tended to the After years of working together on sheep, he repaid God’s generosity the Nunn-Lugar legislation, like Char, by serving others by making the I discovered that when you become church and the world better.” Lugar, Dick Lugar’s partner, you give up he said, “Took the blessings poured half your name.” out on him and poured them back Nunn related the historic to serving others.” opportunity when the pair were Jim Morris, who served trying to convince Kazakhstan, as Lugar’s first mayoral chief of Belarus and Ukraine to give up staff and later headed the United their nuclear weapons following the Nations Food Program, said, “There collapse of the Soviet Union. They are thousands of us who worked met with Ukraine President Leonid for the man and he ultimately gave Makarovych Kravchuk in the fall of all of us the Good Housekeeping 1992, knowing that if that nation seal of approval. Once you became gave up its weapons, the others part of the Lugar family, you had would follow. After arduous talks “as the gift, that privilege for the rest of darkness fell, President Kravchuk your life.” Other than his wife and escorted us out. He had all the news family, “It was the greatest thing media gathered and he announced that ever came my way.” Dick Lugar had just committed Morris credited Lugar $175 million.” Lugar and Nunn were with not only creating Unigov, but stunned, but “offered no serious Vice President Mike Pence reflects at Sen. Richard convincing Purdue and Indiana rebuttal.” Lugar’s casket; and Pence Second Lady Karen universities and the state to forge “Fortunately,” Nunn said, Pence, Gov. Holcomb and First Lady Janet, Chief IUPUI, which has since graduated “President Bush later authorized Justice John Roberts, Sen. Mitch McConnell Sam more than 211,000 Hoosiers, with Sen. Lugar’s unauthorized and un- Nunn and Sen. Patrick Leahy look on. (HPI Photos 90% remaining in the state, nearly constitutional offer.” On later trips, by Brian A. Howey) 70% in central Indiana. “He was a Nunn would look at Lugar and say, great advocate for a great university “Dick, did you bring your checkbook?” In the end, they in our capital city,” Morris said. “Dick Lugar had a brilliant succeeded. The four nations disarmed. way of offering an idea and he was as comfortable in deal- Sen.
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