PROPOSED ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2019-20 GOVERNMENT OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT http://www.khyberpakhtunkhwa.gov.pk http://www. pndkp.gov.pk Annual Development Programme 2019-20 Table of Contents S.No. Sector/Sub Sector Page No. 1 Abstract-I i 2 Abstract-II ii 3 Abstract-III iii 4 Abstract-IV iv 5 Abstract-V vii 6 Abstract-VI viii 7 Agriculture 1 8 Auqaf, Hajj 18 9 Board of Revenue 23 10 Building 25 11 Districts ADP 32 12 DWSS 33 13 E&SE 45 14 Energy & Power 54 15 Environment 62 16 Excise, Taxation & NC 64 17 Finance 66 18 Food 68 19 Forestry 70 20 Health 77 21 Higher Education 96 22 Home 106 23 Housing 115 24 Industries 117 25 Information 126 26 Labour 128 27 Law & Justice 130 28 Local Government 137 29 Mines & Minerals 143 30 Multi Sectoral Dev. 145 31 Population Welfare 153 32 Relief and Rehab. 155 33 Roads 160 34 Social Welfare 212 35 Special Initiatives 216 36 Sports, Tourism 217 37 ST&IT 232 38 Transport 235 39 Urban Development 237 40 Water 243 41 Annex-I FA 1-5 Abstract-I Annual Development Programme 2019-20 Sector-wise Throwforward (Million Rs.) S.# Sector Local Cost Exp. Allocation TF 1 Agriculture 29,755 2,727 4,200 22,829 2 Auqaf, Hajj, Religous & Minority Affairs 1,845 373 424 1,048 3 Board of Revenue 6,016 1,467 489 4,060 4 Building 6,630 3,069 812 2,749 5 Districts ADP 46,000 - 46,000 - 6 Drinking Water & Sanitation 25,294 8,121 3,799 13,374 7 Elementary & Secondary Education 58,805 26,709 9,698 22,398 8 Energy & Power 10,477 6,710 812 2,954 9 Environment 146 69 40 37 10 Excise, Taxation & Narcotics Control 922 265 185 472 11 Finance 568 284 229 55 12 Food 1,343 296 404 643 13 Forestry 25,296 6,631 4,086 14,578 14 Health 98,148 29,984 10,003 58,161 15 Higher Education 38,539 17,128 5,757 15,654 16 Home 12,661 4,578 1,872 6,210 17 Housing 2,351 811 310 1,230 18 Industries 12,470 3,342 1,478 7,650 19 Information 323 - 156 167 20 Labour 287 13 58 216 21 Law & Justice 13,886 4,500 1,040 8,346 22 Local Government 22,108 7,370 3,219 11,518 23 Mines & Minerals 1,743 376 378 989 24 Multi Sectoral Development 55,232 4,316 11,579 39,337 25 Population Welfare 725 12 242 471 26 Relief and Rehabilitation 9,662 3,422 2,282 3,958 27 Roads 159,744 59,099 11,270 89,375 28 Social Welfare 1,082 260 388 433 29 Special Initiatives 8,036 - 8,016 20 30 Sports, Tourism, Archaeology, Culture & Youth Affairs 32,810 6,091 5,907 20,811 31 ST&IT 1,530 249 638 643 32 Transport 13,943 11,616 1,972 355 33 Urban Development 52,544 23,346 6,719 22,479 34 Water 86,202 29,471 9,538 47,193 Grand Total 837,122 262,705 154,000 420,416 i Abstract-II Annual Development Programme 2019-20 Sector-wise summary (Million Rs.) S.# Sector Number of projects Cost Allocation % Local F.Aid Total Local F.Aid Total Local F.Aid Total Share 1 Agriculture 40 3 43 29,755 26,151 55,906 4,200 5,310 9,510 4.0 2 Auqaf, Hajj 24 24 1,845 1,845 424 424 0.2 3 Board of Revenue 5 5 6,016 6,016 489 489 0.2 4 Building 38 38 6,630 6,630 812 812 0.3 5 Districts ADP 3 3 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 19.5 6 DWSS 44 1 45 25,294 5,314 30,608 3,799 1,000 4,799 2.0 7 E&SE 55 12 67 58,805 26,514 85,319 9,698 7,682 17,380 7.4 8 Energy & Power 35 6 41 10,477 179,248 189,725 812 8,204 9,016 3.8 9 Environment 3 3 146 146 40 40 0.0 10 Excise, Taxation & NC 7 7 922 922 185 185 0.1 11 Finance 3 1 4 568 11,500 12,068 229 5,000 5,229 2.2 12 Food 10 10 1,343 1,343 404 404 0.2 13 Forestry 25 25 25,296 25,296 4,086 4,086 1.7 14 Health 112 5 117 98,148 12,118 110,266 10,003 1,846 11,849 5.0 15 Higher Education 55 1 56 38,539 1,567 40,106 5,757 94 5,851 2.5 16 Home 34 5 39 12,661 10,917 23,577 1,872 1,577 3,449 1.5 17 Housing 5 5 2,351 2,351 310 310 0.1 18 Industries 23 2 25 12,470 3,443 15,913 1,478 821 2,299 1.0 19 Information 6 6 323 323 156 156 0.1 20 Labour 3 1 4 287 98 385 58 39 97 0.0 21 Law & Justice 30 30 13,886 13,886 1,040 1,040 0.4 22 Local Government 37 2 39 22,108 13,060 35,167 3,219 3,901 7,120 3.0 23 Mines & Minerals 8 8 1,743 1,743 378 378 0.2 24 Multi Sectoral Dev. 32 18 50 55,232 79,571 134,803 11,579 12,714 24,293 10.3 25 Population Welfare 6 1 7 725 1,753 2,477 242 585 827 0.4 26 Relief and Rehab. 29 1 30 9,662 1,164 10,826 2,282 700 2,982 1.3 27 Roads 307 6 313 159,744 124,633 284,377 11,270 12,429 23,699 10.0 28 Social Welfare 15 15 1,082 1,082 388 388 0.2 29 Special Initiatives 2 2 8,036 8,036 8,016 8,016 3.4 30 Sports, Tourism 75 1 76 32,810 14,000 46,810 5,907 3,000 8,907 3.8 31 ST&IT 13 2 15 1,530 556 2,086 638 356 994 0.4 32 Transport 3 2 5 13,943 54,340 68,283 1,972 12,318 14,290 6.1 33 Urban Development 29 6 35 52,544 53,879 106,423 6,719 700 7,419 3.1 34 Water 155 9 164 86,202 16,222 102,424 9,538 3,723 13,261 5.6 TOTAL 1271 85 1356 837,122 636,047 1,473,168 154,000 82,000 236,000 100 ii Abstract-III ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2019-20 Sector-Wise Local & Foreign Aid (Million Rs.) S.# Sector Foreign Local Total Aid CP Ongo New Total F.Aid + Local 1 Agriculture 5,310 148 1,665 2,387 4,200 9,510 2 Auqaf 278 146 424 424 3 Board of Revenue 389 100 489 489 4 Building 744 68 812 812 5 Districts ADP 46,000 46,000 46,000 6 DWSS 1,000 1 2,220 1,578 3,799 4,799 7 E & SE 7,682 0 8,607 1,091 9,698 17,380 8 Energy & Power 8,204 10 522 280 812 9,016 9 Environment 36 4 40 40 10 Excise, Taxation 80 105 185 185 11 Finance 5,000 0 205 24 229 5,229 12 Food 354 50 404 404 13 Forestry 2,231 1,855 4,086 4,086 14 Health 1,846 3,327 4,929 1,747 10,003 11,849 15 Higher Education 94 0 4,892 865 5,757 5,851 16 Home 1,577 22 1,691 159 1,872 3,449 17 Housing 295 15 310 310 18 Industries 821 121 661 696 1,478 2,299 19 Information 36 120 156 156 20 Labour 39 6 52 58 97 21 Law & Justice 1,020 20 1,040 1,040 22 Local Government 3,901 1,060 1,439 720 3,219 7,120 23 Mines & Minerals 180 198 378 378 24 Multi Sectoral Dev. 12,714 137 1,844 9,599 11,579 24,293 25 Population Welfare 585 0 206 36 242 827 26 Relief and Rehab. 700 86 1,257 939 2,282 2,982 27 Roads 12,429 656 9,413 1,201 11,270 23,699 28 Social Welfare 272 116 388 388 29 Special Initiatives 8,016 8,016 8,016 30 Sports, Tourism 3,000 750 3,056 2,101 5,907 8,907 31 ST&IT 356 100 228 310 638 994 32 Transport 12,318 1,840 122 10 1,972 14,290 33 Urban Development 700 85 5,694 940 6,719 7,419 34 Water 3,723 1,004 7,414 1,120 9,538 13,261 Total 82,000 9,353 62,031 82,616 154,000 236,000 iii Abstract-IV Annual Development Programme 2019-20 Sector-sub sector wise ongoing/new programme (Million Rs.) Ongoing New Total % S.# Sector Sub sector No. Alloc. No. Alloc. No. Alloc. Share 1 Agriculture Agriculture Extension 3 233.150 4 266.000 7 499.150 Agriculture Mechanization 1 80.743 1 80.743 Agriculture Planning 3 250.142 3 250.142 Agriculture Research Systems 3 100.000 3 100.000 Agriculture University 2 29.129 1 125.000 3 154.129 Co-operatives 1 7.000 1 7.000 Crop Reporting Services 1 15.000 1 15.000 2.7 Fisheries 4 102.465 1 102.000 5 204.465 Livestock & Dairy Dev.
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