Arts Library List of New Additions From 01/04/2012 to 31/03/2013 LIBRARY SCIENCE 3 2:(D65,8(B)) Q2 Dobreva Milena Ed.; O'Dwyer Andy Ed.; Feliciati Pierluigi Ed. User studies for digital library development. London : Facet Publishing 2012. xxv, 272p. AL1568216 978-1-85604-765-4 4 2:(D65,8(B)):8 Q2 Sathaiah B. Management of digital libraries : Trends, issues and challenges. New Delhi : Swastik Publications 2012. viii, 272p. AL1568205 978-93-81084-35.9 5 2:(D65,8(B)):8.2 Q2 Sharma R. K.; Parasher R. G. ICT based information management in Indian libraries. New Delhi : Bookwell 2012. xiii, 444p. AL1568203 978-93-80574-33-2 6 2:(D65,8(B))92 Q2 Nagia Rajan. Making of software packages for library automation. New Delhi : Cyber Terch Publications 2012. 256p. AL1568206 978-81-7884-946-1 7 2:(D65,8(B):71W) Q2 Balasubramanian P. Web technologies in library and information science. New Delhi : Regal Publications 2012. xv, 237p. AL1568227 978-81-8484-164-0 8 2:51M96g Q3 Singh K. P. UDC : A manual for classification practical and information resources. New Delhi : Todya &Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers 2013. 389p. AL1568242 - AL1568244 81-7019-468-7 9 2:55 Q2 Welsh Anne; Batley Sue. Practical cataloguing AACR, RDA and MARC 21. London : Facet Pub 2012. xvi, 217p. AL1487304 978-1-85604-695-4 10 2:55 Q2 Welsh Anne; Batley Sue. Practical cataloguing : AACR, RDA and MARC 21. London : Facet Publishing 2012. xvi, 217p. AL1568215 978-1-85604-695-4 Page 1 of 231 11 2:7:(X:51) P6 Rowley Jennifer. Information marketing. 2nd. England : Ashgate 2006. xvi, 228p. CL1568221 - CL1568222 0-7546-4413-8 12 2:81:(D65,8(B)) Q1 Gregory Vicki L. Collection development and management for 21st century library collections : An introduction. New York : Neal Schuman Publishers, Inc. 2011. xvii, 261p. AL1297852 978-15570-651-7 13 2:81:(D65,8(B)) Q2 Kaplan Richard Ed. Building and managing e - book collections : A how-to-do-it manual for librarians. Chicago : Neal Schuman 2012. xv, 197p. (How - to - do it manual for librarians) AL1568399 978-1-55570-776-7 14 2:97 Q2 Keyser Pierre De. Indexing : From thesauri to the semantic web. Oxford : Chandos Publishing 2012. xxi, 249p. AL1568208 978-1-84334-292-2 15 2:97(D65,8(B)) Q1 Fransson Jonas. Efficient information searchig on the web : A handbook in the art of searching for information. New Delhi : Ess Ess Publications 2011. 164p. AL1297663 978-81-7000-637-4 16 2:97(D65,8(B)) Q2 Lee Sul H. Ed. Repackaging libraries for survival : Climbing out of the box. London : Routledge 2012. 162p. AL1568210 978-0-415-69743-9 17 2:97(D65,8(B)) Q2 Gupta Sangita Ed. Innovative challenges in information services : Changin paradigm for sustenance of library & information centers in digital era. New Delhi : Kutub Publications 2012. 447p. AL1568226 978-93-80640-05-1 18 2:97(P15) 152Q1 frokjh] fnus'k dqekj- laLd`r ,oa izkP; fo|k ds izeq[k lUnHkZ ,oa lwpuk lzksr- okjk.klh % dyk izdk'ku] 2011- 240i`0. AL1485855 978-93-80467-98-6 19 2:f P7 Pickard Alison Jane. Research methods in information. London : Facet Publishing 2007. xix, 329p. AL1568218 - AL1568220 978-1-85604-545-2 20 20aD65,48 Q2 Walsh Andrew. Using mobile technology to deliver library services : A hand book. London : Facet Publishing 2012. Page 1 of 231 xxiii, 134p. AL1568217 978-1-85604-809-5 21 233:4 Q0 Mcadoo Monty L. Building bridges : Connecting faculty, students, and the college library. Chicago : American Library Association 2010. x, 159p. AL1297851 978-974-652-235-9 22 2N7 Q2 Salles Martin De. Information 2.0 : New models of information production, distribution and consumption. London : facet Publication 2012. x, 143p. AL1568211 978-1-85604-754-8 23 2N7 Q2 Bawden David; Roninson Lyn. Introduction to information science. London : Facet Publication 2012. xxx, 351p. AL1568213 978-1-85604-810-1 24 2N7 Q2 Ashraf Tariq Ed. Repositioning libraries for user empowerment : Policy,planning and technology. New Delhi : Bookwell 2012. xix, 443p. AL1568207 978-93-80574-29-5 25 2N7:(Z2,2674) Q1 Subramanian Ramesh Ed.; Shaver Lea Ed. Access to knowledge in India : New research on intellectural property, innovation and development. New York : Bloomsbury Academic 2011. xx,172p. AL1297601 978-1-84966-526-1 JOURNALISM 26 4 152Q0 izlwu] viwoZ dqyJs"B- lekpkj ys[ku vkSj osc i=dkfjrk- fnYyh % Jh uVjkt izdk'ku] 2010- AL1487929 978-81-89997-71-7 27 4 152Q1 ipkSjh] lq/kh'k- ehfM;k % ledkyhu lkaLd`frd foe'kZ- u;h fnYyh % ok.kh izdk'ku] 2011- 320i`0. AL1487422 978-93-5000-730-3 28 4 Q2 King Elliot Ed. Key readings in journalism. New York : Routledge 2012. 413p. AL1487975 978-0-415-88028-2 29 4,1 152Q0 esgrk] d`- f'k- tulaidZ % vo/kkj.kk ,oa cnyrk Lo:i- u;h fnYyh % fdrkc?kj izdk'ku] 2010- Page 1 of 231 160i`0. AL1487917 978-93-80146-09-6 30 4,1k P6.1-.14 Prabhakar Naval; Basu Narendra. Encyclopaedia of mass media and communication in 21st century. Vol. 1 : Mass media : Origin and development (269p.); Vol. 2 : Introduction to communication (270p.); Vol. 3 : Charactristics of mass media (286p.); Vol. 4 : Mass media and development (303p.); Vol. 5 : Mass media and contemporary social issues (309p.); Vol. 6 : Mass media and society (300p.); Vol. 7 : Media, ethics and laws (312p.); Vol. 8 : International communications (303p.); Vol. 9 : Journalism and mass communication (271p.); Vol. 10 : Journalism : Editing, reporting and feature writing (303p.); Vol. 11 : Nwws reporting (317p.); Vol. 12 : Public relations : Nature and scope (300p.); Vol. 13 : Public relations : Principles and functions (279p.); Vol. 14 : Public relations : Strategies and concepts (296p.). New Delhi : Commonwealth 2006. AL1487629 - AL1487642 81-311-0034-0 31 4,42 168P8 Usmani Anjum. Television nashriyat : Tareekh, tehreer, technique. New Delhi : Faisal International 2008. 240p. AL1486681 32 4:(P153) 153Q1 Ekgo, fgqEth okiH gzikph whvhnkH fdZbh L wBgqhs gqekFB, 2011H 88gz. AL1486385 81-87654-206-6 33 4:(P168) 168P9 Dehlavi Anwar Ali Ed. Urdu sahafat. Delhi : Urdu Academy 2009. 358p. AL1486436 - AL1486437 34 4:g 168P6 Zahoor ud din. Fun e sahafat. New Delhi : International Urdu Pub. 2006. 141p. AL1486527 - AL1486529 81-88368-19-9 35 4:r 168P6 Rahman Sami ur. Reporting fun aur tareequa e kar. 2006. 218p. AL1486451 - AL1486452 36 4'AIR 168P8 Zubair Shadab. Radio nashariyat tehreek e asnaf aur peshkash. 2008. AL1484799 37 4wN23 Q2 Nayar Kuldip. Beyond the lines : An autobiography. New Delhi : Roli Books 2012. xii, 420p. AL1487671 978-81-7436-910-9 Page 1 of 231 NATURAL SCIENCE 38 A:(Q7) 168Q1 Virk Mohammad Zakariya. Musalmano ke scienci karname. Delhi : Kitabi Duniya 2011. 560p. AL1486460 18-89461-90-70 39 A:g 168P6 Asar Izhar. Aaj ki science. Delhi : Urdu Academy 2006. 220p. AL1486434 - AL1486435 40 A0aFk 152P8.1-.2 feJ] fouksn dqekj- lfp= foKku o izkS|ksfxdh fo'odks'k- [kaM 1 % , ls vkbZ rd ¼431i`0½( [kaM 2 % ts ls vkj rd ¼452i`0½( [kaM 3 % ,l ls tsM rd ¼387i`0½- u;h fnYyh % fdrkc?kj izdk'ku] 2008- AL1487935 - AL1487937 978-81-89859-56-5 41 A0aR 152Q1 nqcs] T;ksfr Lo:i- foKku] n'kZu ,oa MkW- jk;- fnYyh % U;w Hkkjrh; cqd dkiksZjs'ku] 2011- 173i`0. AL1486006 81-8315-154--X 42 a12-315 Q1 Shastri Harabhatta; Kak Ramchandra; Chandra Lokesh Ed. Descriptive catalogue of sanskrit manuscripts and mahacinacara, kaksaputa and tararahasya. New Delhi : Aditya Prakashan 2011. 244p. (Sata - pitaka series : Indo - Asian literatures, Vol. 634) AL1487244 978-81-7742-104-0 43 Av 157P5 Burnal J D. Itihase vigyan. 2005. AL1347019 44 Av Q2 Trefil James. Science in world history. London : Routledge 2012. 160p. AL1487772 978-0-415-78255-5 45 AvL Q1 Fleming James Dougal Ed. Invention of discovery 1500-1700. England : Ashgate 2011. ix,217p. AL1487820 978-0-7546-6841-1 46 Awk 28P6.1-.2 Al - Mrashley Yusuf. Nasr ul jawahar wa al durr fi ilam al -Quran - Robia Ashr. Vol. 1 : 954p.; Vol. 2 : 955 - 2200p. Beirut : Dar - el - Mrashley 2006. AL1487022 - AL1487023 Page 1 of 231 MATHEMATICS 47 B.2'C Q1 Umashankar C Ed.; Ramesh Babu V Ed. Ancient Indian mathematics : With special reference to vedia mathmatics and astronomy. Tirupati : Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan 2011. xiv,241p. (Rashtriya Sanskrit vidyapeetha publication, 265) AL1487485 48 B9:8 Q2 Krauss Lawrence M. Universe from nothing : Why there is something rather than nothing. New York : Free Press 2012. xix, 202p. AL1487669 978-14516-2445-8 49 B9xD476,1 Q1 Clark Walter Eugene Tr. Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata : Ancient Indian work on mathematics and astronomy. New Delhi : Cosmo Pub. 2011. xxix,90p. AL1487784 978-81-307-1218-5 50 Bv461 Q2.1 Rashed Roshdi; El-Bizri Nader Ed. Founding figures and commentators in Arabic mathematics : History of Arabic sciences and mathematics. London : Routledge 2012. xxiv,808p. AL1486423 978-0-415-58217-9 PHYSICS 51 C K5 Feynman Rchard P. Character of physical law. London : Penguin Books 1965. 173p. AL1297446 978-0-140-17505-9 52 CwN42 N1 Ferguson Kitty. Stephen hawking his life and work : Story of science of one of the most extraordinary celebrated and courageous figures of our time. London : Bantam Press 1991. 406p. AL1487668 978-0-593-06863-2 ENGINEERING 53 D65,48 P6 Lee William C. Y. Moblie cellular telecommunications : Analog and digital systems. 2nd. New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill 1995. xii, 664p. AL1296691 978-0-07-063599-9 54 D65,48 Q0 Verma Brijesh. Moblie communication. New Delhi : S.K. Kataria and Sons 2011.
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