, * ------- :------ -^— ■ r • - ........ — " ........ .. ^ ~Xt ^ b ^ o n l y ^ a s s o c i a t e d . b . rm A T FALLS COVSTY ^ ' THE P f w f[N F A .LLS TOJLT Y : ^ N i : . m at p .w rn R ta u a gn.Qpi ^ . ..................— f- •-'ABaOCMTgD>RE&s -------- =^==^^^=-'^T'W lN'-J'‘A 'E E S rn J AHOrm^Arwmm<^A-H K-30fl ff2H. ^: ' •~~\'?5PTTR(TOrAT10HS--: :-- ^nndals Hang Beer K eg^- jn p j’iiiw its p i^f“ S ails^for-Arctie^ ^FilllltD F=iM E-s“ “ On^Statuc of^m ^rdv tlLl On Farm Board- * « w i 3 -K>/lT-AU-PHWOB;^ITIrOuno-39 —fl IV-A fltdtue of Bmiieror Uessalfnes. r = M I M i g : Bt5bhoF!iei'0=or=^he=nnitlen-republleri— U=- aosasiifflibBaa riesecrat«l by vinldentlflcd vandals I i .tn»«r ________I^ftn rt— ^ The statue was .smeared w ith w h ile 'ill 11 lllilir irlt Ih ;___ LilU U n ilu L 1L.UU UU paintaln t ond a n empty beer ke^ wrni iiu n g______ ff CLOSE DEJfEjir k'cr the u p lifted rig h i arm. ', --------- GoiGovernm ent clrcleH were inclined to ------- clleve th a t th e vandalism wa.i un a l- nrifish Planes, From A ir- _Snuttei:injr_M_Q,t_aiLJBi:ings Hl<rrr«l1t tli.. A m .rlr.in mnrlTie _'You j L i C an't B lu ff M o.” Rene \ Skartling t a Increase fin In y jrce here and the government. craft Carrier Pick Up ' Gallant Attempt of Two •,B. Creager Tells Brook- I come Tax Receipts Ac­ Uissian Court Metes ' Quartet' 100 Miles O ff Fliers to Dramatic Close h a r t W h i l e Testifying | counts for Huge Sum in Out Death Penalties Small Island, Santa M aria - Aher 150 Hour.'? in A ir Before' Senate Committoe a C!t)ffers of Government - : . MOSCOW.MC Russia. June 20 S e v -' - rn11 i>fh'onsIM described as form er Impc- - ,<By Tiie A'iaoclau'tS P rrs) <By AssaeUnpd Press> >’*“ial 1 secret* ugentji a jiu .«iH‘culntor.s. were (H i' A-<wJa«cfl Pff.'.'.) ifl By CHAHLRS D. WATKTNS ____ MADRID. Jui»e 20-All-Spuln pour- M INNB AIK JLIS , June ao—A S p uiu r - senlti;nltnccd to death loday by the dis* SANg. ANTONIO. Texua. June 2Q- ' S| iA;K-.oclulrd P rrv; S ta ff W rite r) rd Into the strceU of cltlos and vlllates tin s m o io r w hich Kradually lo.sl Us ‘IclIric lcourt-ttt-Mohlle, In Whltr Hiti- yjuoiNKorouhly defcndlnn his ncllons as i i r . jji WASHINGTON,,: Juno 20— . a. Nineteen others wrre senienccd to loday In ono vast, .roarini; Utmonstra- i HQwer. bro ug ht. a dru in uilc tm l loday ■•■ia. >ub)lciin naUomU com m ltti'einan. Reiiu •iBy -.. ..-.JSSSF I:'h(j ’luj frovurninent of th(j United to lhe Kiillant ult.tmiu' of Thorwuld wryl)irylnc terms of Imprl-vunmrni. n}. cCivuiier lt•^llrlcd■ lo ilu y before' th r llon 61 n a tion al Jpy 'fo r the cILscovery “ . /i'-OCllklMI Wri.H I'JIOIO to ! I A*iocl«lr<l rm>. I'lioto SJtate.s ta t which .st.irtnd thc 1929 ihh mornlnif of lla* lour.^panWi uylu- Johnson and Owen Haunhlaiid'to Mt ItII H'as ' charged thal Uie defendants enate patronnge comniltlee.- chiirpInK tora who had been lom untl dw palrcd lCAPTAIN DONALD II. S'u'liew i murk for dn undurance alrplunr tel!t firefl to a.eooiKTutivo farm and at- hc commute*?, hud excci'ded the m i- JAMKSJ j C, STONE. Le.\int'- i.'ical year on hi.m July 1 Avith an— of since they failed to' arrive In the • Mac.MILLAN, famous ex- nii-iflight.'ufU'r nearly 150 hour:; of con- tempi•mpted to ussnsHinate representatlve.s h o rlty Ki'antcd It by lh e :;enr.lr nnd ncilcutod deficit of 59-1,000.000 f Soviet authorities m the town otlj^mj, tftn. KoiUiicky. lloovei'V jj, j Azore.i W a n d last Suturday. ploror, sails . for Arctic •tlnuoiw flyln'j. of Si elllng Senator Sm ith. W. Drookhuri.. ,i. n its busincstt operations cIok- --- t Uiree Mruls. holdlnc what is known Juravuravlchl.__________________ owu. chnlrniun. that "you fun'i, bluff J choice of clmii'inan of tlie (.rf t Alloflt at sca ihrough slomis. luin- to-cw itinut* fW)l;jj' e.xplor- I q, d thc year tonijrht w ith a sur- Bcr and-iatigue In their Dornlfr-wal ;as the "exact vnlvc motion" were iitfon's. -Kijci new I'etlofjil farm bonrd. plu.silu.s o f nearly $200,000,000 due . seaplane. M ajor Ramon Franco and hfs iKhenred o ff In some unexplulnL'd m an- n ill CreOKcr went on the filand n ftc r a ner mechanics espluliu-d. aft'T they Linf s===========ai^ to0 11a staiHIi.n^r increa.'tc in in- three cotnndcs on a round-trip flltfht 'Juil.Jiuwccicd.Jhi-..,--!)!]), _.Thls_,ihey UIQI inrade of wUncs-ses hud defended the ■—^ ------ rfaiU:Spnlnno-Ncw-yorlc-were-i)lt'K«l S _____ ________ — ^ ■ JuiJ WBIPLftNEDEPIliTS 13•exas- RepubHeun' orgpnlianlon. — He — ^ onic tax rece|n^ ------- — b>rtwo-Brltlsl>-olrplonwv-lro.^U»c-i^ == ------------ — -----.r r z : . „ - r said said, allowed comprej.slon to nccunui- latc In the'cyllnaer^rorcinir-itasohnc -------- ircfuced-hUJ ftstlmouy-wiUi ihe-sUiU:-. -lncamc~tax_paymcnia-lor_Lhc. fiscal _I_1 car up t o . close o f business ou craft carrlpr Eagle about - 100 mllev r n back, into the carburctor und tjradu- leni tlm t th c "com mittee has exceeded n I f ____ souUicaaL-Ot Santa M arla Uland. tho -U he iiuthoriiy trrunted ll" by conslderitiK r i f u n e -27. th e Inlesl treasury- flgu rea - -ally .'‘amothcrlngl the .motor--------------------- -- vaUable,-had-tolalcd.g2.327.7C0.723-or____ A z o riii., ■ ' J , U A farmer's poslun-, at Langdon ............ = = . - --------------------- K iibu bjt ]« l* "o U ie r" lh im “ pan-onnRe:-----------I ' ll l E i E M i l i ; ! ---------Pire-naUotwi-iwni ships and alfplanrs ■0uiiciofinp:i • TAaiPA7-Flu. (Sunday Momlng) " I-i refer to the chnlrm an when I suy 8153.1153308.1(U! more than was collected in Minnesota. 15 miles .south of St. Paul ' T ) she cnlJrc IW fl fJscaJ ycar.j to scarch for thi‘in througfi a week o: wns ttie landing fie ld of Ihe tin y Ce:.s- JunrJun 30 — Captaffi John Jf. hutthut even common courtc.sy fius' not | anxious watchlni:. which lunicd\ elow- nu mono|>lnne which fu r six duys and MMoi ontgomery and liN crew o f five In beeneen extended lo persons appeitrlnK be- I Stork Market.ContrlbQtary iv to i ST. LOUIS FIREinights had bnltlt-d to >.(iiy a lo ft more thethe g ia n t blp lan r .Southern .Star. ore.rorc the com mlitee.;' Creager .tuld. U l(IT F E O E i BOiifiD took-off from Ihe munlcipal abT>ort------------ Thc cxact figure on-Uie govemment'a ---------------------------- :---------------------------------linttniin73~T^"htranr~tne-rccord“ n i foi— tool -------Aii.wetS-TCl.amrphig Charger-------- j _ ^ - where the Spanblv-govyrnmcnt-thOUKht - ‘ • ■----- ; .................................... tcndicndurancc Jlying. \' ' hereher at 1:55 A. >L loday ott w ha l Undl2inaycd„by theirlll_Jortune, _ theythe r z i^ le d lo be a 1200-mtIe CrcnRorOn flrsl answered testimony by :• z i or r ’tHthV surplus' f0r:thi>'flBC0l year wur - — - they Jiad-landiid-on the twcnty--i«*no,i -p o t-b e known—lihU l -io m tir'ro w -n lg lil------- 3.\plosion of Fireworks in • Moft-ilop flight tiC olon t'anaina. aI.. C,C, Murtln tlinl officers uiniolnted by l.^aiBirjM ntf^and-Fruit Grow- not- Mysterious Messafc , ‘ Haiiiihland and Johnson r so|d ihere uor when'hen Ihe treosury w ill issue th e totals will be unother assault cn tho record, Hh urold u i U. M cM ahon wiu* a t the con- Ci;ieuRei- eUi hnd kldnut)ed "und imprisoned A myfcterlous and nmraced mc*sa«e, ^ Ilm, by nsserlltiK llu it'w h lle It wu.< iru e . ling l W in Recognition nn sr the 12-month purled but the flg- Store Ig n ite s Buik1ingj"K,From lhe time the fllprs took'off (rel*(rel as the ship took ihe air. him. res of Junc 37 In d ica te 'lh a t th e pre- purported to be from Mujor Franco, . fronfrom Wold-Chamberluln field here at IViUiy Captain .Montgomery and thuthut M artin wus k{dnQ|>cd. It wus iiec- - tlJcn said thc lllcrR were inndttur on fcdon of Secretory Melton of a gov-' and Blaze Takes TolliJ-^os5;02 A. M,. Sunday u n til they landed McMflJton were U. It. Huntington. vH.sar!«ary becanse he wus "o crazy m an'’ Appointiyents By Hoover iSrnm cni surplus o f . SIOO.000,000 or Snn MlBUcl bland, nearest of the « ftl 10:53 A. M.. today they hnd bren ,1^, navigator; PowtU Hunter, radio undIld lhal hewa-i placed In un Iniiane ’ I sno.fno,000.000 w ill be sligh tly exceeded, A7«rc8 Rroup to Santa M arla where they • ______ iinIn 11the a ir MD hours nnd Ii3 minutes. operator,gp, an d Louis .Medina and n.'«ylu.■•ylum. were found by B ritis h alrplanc.s scout- ^ --------- ] Thehe Isurplus due almost enUrely to Uie -; Benjam in Sherman, mechanic*.
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