Oral Roberts University Digital Showcase Oracle: ORU Student Newspaper Oral Roberts University Collection 2-22-1974 Oracle (Feb 22, 1974) Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/oracle Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, and the Higher Education Commons 'Show Me Jesus!' hqils tomorrow rhe by kot wolker And Roger has "friends" who are more than willing to show him Stone Productions, which pre- how to ease his troubled search- last serted Have A Nice Day ing. How about Drugs? As- 1, semester, will present Show Me! trology? Meditation? Somewhe¡e tomorrow evening at 8 in Howard there has to be an answer! Auditorium. Show Me! is a new Jon Stemkoski, Executive Di- kind of musical about Jesus, rector for Stone Productions, has which features Roger Sharp and featured several outstanding hits Vo|ume 9, NumbeT I7 ORAL RoBÉRTS UNIVERSITY, TULSA, oKLAHoMA Februory 22,1974 Stephanie Boosahda in the leading since Stone Productions began in roles with Jim Sharp, Michie Ep- April 1973. First featured was 1/'s stein, and Andy Melilli in the sup- Gettíng Late, a musical about porting roles. the end time and the Lord's re- Show Me! has the nerve to turn. Hal Lindsey, author of poke fun at the hypocrisy in the The Late Great Pianet Earth, was establishment churches of today. also featured. But it also shows how beautiful Stone Productions is a non- a life becomes when the Lord profit, student organization for is in it and when the person be- the purpose of witnessing about gins witnessing in earnest. From Christ and seeing lives changed. the beginning it is the Christian Jon says, "We feel that God has versus the non-Christian. Andy called us to this particular type and Michie, two young Chris- of ministry and that we provide tians, are wondering why they a very important contribution to can't seem to reach other people the Body of Christ through our with an effective witness. Roger, work. The students involved a non-Christian, states his reason grow a great deal by developing for not wanting to listen: a unity and a oneness of spirit "I met a man who called me in group prayer and devotional 'Brother,' times." Preachin' 'bout loving one Show Me! demands a response another, from the audience. The viewer Just when I thought I could dig may see himself as a phony or ir he may realize how many oppor- That man turned out to be a tunities for real Christian witnes- bigot." sing he has passed by. Elvis hot, Tulsqhs, too When you're hot, you're hot. tions. It was on a first-come-first Elvis Presley is hot, but so are serve basis. 1'he performance was ANDRAE CR.OUCH AND THE DISCIPIES will be pre- lions, lhe two groups becqme friends when their Tulsans-the fiery issue being sold out wiihin days of its first senled in q double concert with Living Sound, Feb- pofhs begon crossing on the rood ond decided to tickets for the Elvis Presley advertisement. ruo.ty 27 ot I p.m. in Mobee Cenler. According to do o concerl together. And whot o better ploce concert, March I a¡d 2. "People Carson Attractions, however, Jon Stemkoski, executive director of Stone Produc- rhon ot ORU? will no longer take the chance has nothing to do with advertis- of buying first-class seats through ing, seating arrangements, or the the mail knowing that they won't method of selling tickets. It is get what they have paid for," merely the ticket agent. Presley said one Tulsan. and his management required 80 All tickets were sold by mail percent of the seats in Mabee ORU to cohost speech tourneys order only-as decreed by Pres- Center to sell for $10, the high- ley's management. Half the house est price. The $7.50 and g5 seats was sold when the first day's mail zÍe all behind the stage and by rhondo schell working their way to the national There will be 140-150 students was received by Carson Attrac- above the walkway. tournament. Included in the pro- entered from about 20 high ORU is taking its first step in gram will be a student congress schools, mostly from the Tulsa developing active relations with which will coDvene at 8 a.m., area. Ten competition areas will high school speech programs in March 9. range from public speaking to or- the Oklahoma area by cohosting Needed are 150 persons, rang- al interpretation to drama. the National Forensic I-eague ing from students to faculty to Winners from regional compe- District Tournament with Tulsa businessmen, to act as judges and tition will go to the state com- University, March 7, 8, and 9, timekeepers. Students applying petition. addition Oklahoma in to the for judges should be of the Entry fees will range from $2 Class A Regional Tournament sophomore, junior, or senio¡ to $5 and funds will go for tro- March 29 and 30. classification, while anyone can phies and to offset expenses since The NFL, a national debate or- apply for timekeeper. Those in- it is considered unethical for ganization, was founded tÐ, 1924 terested should contact Dr. profit to be made on a speech and by 1960 had raised its Robert Heath, Communication tournament. Ilere, too, there is a limit to 1,000 chapters. It is Arts Department, second floor need for judges and timekeepers. similar to the American Forensic LRC or extension 228. Dennis Sprouse is student di- Association or College Debate rector and Jeff Jacomet and Ran- Organization. Schools chosen to Regionols com¡ng dal Vaughan are assistant student become chapters of the NFL Besides the NFL meet, ORU directo¡s fo¡ the meets. must have an outstanding debate will host one of the eight Re- Plans are now being made to program. "I think it's a real priv- ohotos by dqvid kloiz gional Tournaments held for have the two state winners de- ilege for ORU to be able to class A schools in Oklahoma on bate in InterAct XII later this host this particular program," March 29 a¡d.3O. year on campus. said Dr. Robert Heath, head of Interpersonal Communication at Hopefuls ORU. Credit points are given for Morgon testifies on futures troding to debqte honor, excellence, and distinction Senote presidentiol condidotes Jim for specific levels of efficiency On January 31 Dr. William Dr. Morgan is considered an Moore, Dennis Sprouse, ond Rondy each year a¡d are used as a basis Morgan of the History Depart- "expert" with experience and Sterns will debote in InterAct Xl for the honor program. ment testified on the Commodity knowledge in the field to which Februory 26 ør 7 p.m. in Cqrdone There will be about 250 stu- Futures Trading Commission Act the bill pertaios. He provided in- Holl. Eoch will give o 4-minule dents participating from 30 to in Washington, D. C. This bill formation and advice for the speech with time for debqte or 35 bigh schools in areas of de- amends the Commodity Exchange Committee of Agriculture to questions by ûe oudience. Condi- bate, extemporaneous speaking, Act of 1936 in order to strengthen draw upon to accePt, reject, or dqtes will eqch hqve q section of persuasive speaking, and drama- the regulation of futures trading modify the bill. Morgan was re- suppoÉers, with o section reserved tic interpretation. Contests in and to bring all agricultural and ferred to the committee by Clem for ccndidoles not listed on the those areas will be highly com- other commodities traded on ex- McSpadden, Oklahoma's Second ballot ond undecided voterc. petitive because the winners are changes under regulation. District U. S. Congressman. Psge 2-THE ORACIE, Februory 22, lg74 LETTERS Color is good, Lord Wife con't skirt the issue (ftom Interrobang by Norman C. Habel) Dead Editor: Dear Editor: Christians, do away with discrinl- I'd like to share a thought wirh I'm all for Women's Lib. The ination of any kind, whether your women it be God, students. women of our country have been of race, color, or sex! Let our Last Sunday some people are sayng afternoon I came downtrodden too long. For too campus be known as a campus out to the ORU library to read many years we have pushed that you are color-blind, the of equal rights for everyone! while my husband studied, and I women back into dark corners. Amen and amen! that sgrnething.that you don't care whether a person 5áw made ¡ne un- There has been too much dis- Bill Blanton is black dêrstlnd the èomments he makes crimination between the sexes. about some.ofthe ORU women. Dead Editor: or white Truly we have been chauvinist A girl going u1i the stairs had on pigs and I believe now is the timc A letter protesting the unmiti- or any other color a skirt so short that it took only t'o give the women of our campus gated murder oí ORU's grass re- and so we shouldn't care either. a glance to see that she had on the equal rights they deseive. cently appeared in the Oracle ot Well, I can't accept that. those "wonderful new sheer-to- (Was that Helen Inbody who said February 1. I admire the sterling the-waist pantyhose." Honestly, "Amen"?) concern behind Mr. Carbone's People are important. Our campus is known with no exaggeration and none for setting the pace for others to valiant attempt at editorializing, Their eyes are important, needed, her skirt barely (never follow so let us not falter here.
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