XAXIiWAT TIMH0AXD8 PUBLIC LAND SALE, ai- - . ..-s- . K About no acres well Improved Land, nnd also Queen Uicteria's family! COOL YOUR BLOOD IIouse and Let, near liOwlsburg, Ky., property of the late KIlHibeth Herry, will bn sold en theprem Isestethe highest bidder en 8ATUIID Y, TKII-KUAII- 2d, 1U01, t 2 p. m. Ternis-Oue-th- lrd Leave i. MAV8VH.I.K tltVlSlOK. Arrivti. cash, one-thir- In one year, one-thir- d In two years fl particulars a m " with per cnt. Interest. Fer further iM . Maysvllle. 9:45am; apply tn W. T. KKUUY, Administrator and Agent 1:18 pm 8:80 pm i In All Cases of Itching Ne. 221 Weml street, Mnysvllle, Ky. JanJlm All trains dally except Hunday. Burning and Scaly IF WANTING AHItlVALB ATHAYHVILLK. Ne 18.10:03 am Humors with Ne, 2... lunpmV TMt Ne. 18...i:l0pmr ...Dental Werk Ne. 20...8.00pml Call at once anil learn nrlces. The rlienn- - .Ne. 4...10.41pm est ever heard of mid Ural-clan- All work GUTICURA RESOLVENT guaranteed ' Ne.l9...5:Maml Ne. i am Weal Ne.l7....8.B0aml.. Of all the remedies for cooling and cleansing the bleed and & s: Ne.3..-20p- circulating smith. Ne.l5..430pmt fluids of Itching, burning, scaly humors, neno approach, In specific action, the wonderful properties of CUTICURA RESOLVHNT. It neutralized and 'Dally. Dally except Sunday resolves away (hence Its name, Roselvent) scrofulous, Inherited, and ether humors, which float In the bleed, nnl which glve rise te swellings of the Frankfort, elands, pains In the bones, and torturing, disfiguring eruptions of the skin OSTEOPATHY FHANIiFOItT ANI Oeorvcteuin, and scalp, with less of hair. CINCINNATI ItAIUVAV. Oarllif end CUTICURA RESOLVENT extends its cooling, purifying lnfluenee by Mayn-Ult- . means of the pores te the surface of the skin, allaying Irritation, inflamma- Dr. C. S. KENNEDY. Jtead Jevm v a and k. c. Itrml Up. tion, itching, and burning, and seething external humors, becauae of Its p. u. a. m. i'. u. r. m, OFFICK-N- e. 221 WEST BKCOND 8TIIEKT 2.00 6:20 I.v Richmond ..Ar 1:00 7:20 power te ncutrallze HUMOR-GERM- S which float in the bleed and circulating fluids. It exerts a purifying lnfluenee upon the bowels, liver, and kidneys, flVConsultatlen and examination free."Wi 2.S5 7:09 " Winchester ...... " lUil' :18- - thus removing a common cause of yellow, roethy, greasy skin, mere 1:15 B: " Mnysvllle " 8:30 and or 5:40 n.30 " 1'arls. " 8:40 8:10 less of pimples, blotches, and blackheads. Many forms of debility, for 8:17 10.28 " Ueorgetewn " 7:50 4:28 which no cause can be discovered, are due te the presence of humors In 7:10 11:20 Ar Frankfort I.v 8:50 3:40 the bleed, bones, and fluids. CUTICURA (RESOLVENT possesses, In the degree, Aumer the same tlme lushest cpeW(n.7preperfie,and at acts as a VANDKRIIII.T HYNTEM. gentle aperient, diuretic, and digestive. It promotes the general health, while . 3TRWri?aV Insuring the expulsion of humors which manifest themselves In the olwcure CLEVELAND, forms of rheumatism, gout, kidney pains, and liver troubles. CINV1NNATT, CJUCA OO and Mothers arc assured of the absolute purity of CUTICURA RESOLVENT 6T. LOUIS and Its freedom from any Ingredient that Is In the least objectionable In RAILWAY. taste or odor. It is therefore readily taken by children of all ngee freely Tickets en sale at the O. and nnd conditions, nnd should be given en the first appearance of humors, rj&ifs&LSA O.Htntten In this city for all vhthcr simple, scrofulous, or hereditary. It is nlse a mother's remedy, HA VE... points en this read. Hours of emulating and strengthening arrival and departure are at i the maternal functions, while purifying the Cincinnati. t j stem of ulcerative weaknesses and humera. It Is economy te take It en every occasion possible, while using warm Taken .in account of stock, Leave). CllICAtlO.ST. LOUIS AND 4rr(tie. Mths of CUTICURA SOAP te cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and I'KOIIIA UIVIHION. pnften the thickened cuticle, nnd gentle applications of CUTICURA Ointment and as thore are always seme In 8:30 a m ...Chicago, St. Leuis. Peoria... 9:06 p m vi nllny Itching, Inflammation, nnd Irritation, and seethe and heal externally, geed goods all tlrstclass tlilOp m ..Chicago HneclBl.-..- .. tu.es p m rx the readiest means of Insuring speedy, permanent, nnd economical cures, stocks that bocemo out of date 8.00 p m .St. lieuls, l'eerla........ 9.05 pm HER MAJESTY, QUEEN VICTORIA, end realizing that greatest of human blessings, "a skin without blemish and 7:20 a m Indianapolis. ......... 13370 pm " body nourished with pure bleed." ve have arranged a CHEAP T2:30p m mflOpm ta. Dally, t Dally v.'oinpleto External and Internal Treatment for Eiery Iinmer, SI. 25, TABLE, upon which we have except Sunday Her Majesty tlie Queen Alcxamirinn Victeria was the only child of II. H. ' -- M.tlnir of CUTlCUriA SOAP f2.Sc), te cleanse the skin of crusts and scatfs nnd placed such goods, and are mftpf) tna thicken! cuticle: CPTICUrtA OINTMENT (WV ). tn Instantlv nllay Itch-ir- r H. the Dukoef Kent (dletl lSS),) fourth son of Gcorpe III., and of II. S. 11. Victeria nnd Irritation nnd seethe nnd heal, and CUTICURA ItESOLVENT (50c.), te cool new ready te show them. All rlpnnse K' Mary Louisa (died 1SC1,) daughter of the ttuke of Saxe-Cobur- The Queen's end the bleed. Sold throughout the world. old residents remember our mother had previously been married te the l'rlnce of Lenlngcn. ,The chief dates famous Cheap Tables, and that in the Queen's life are I will Senater Lindsay has introduced in theso goods be Just as 1S19. 10, 1810. Bem May 21, Mnrrietl February Congress n bill appropriating $3,000 for represented. This "atP Is a Queen June 'JO, 1S37. .Jubilee ISh". PUBOCLEDGER little out our ordinary way Crewnvd June 28, 1838. Diamond Jubilee 1K7. the purchase of a marble bust of Henry of M MAYSVILLE. KY tk Died Tuesday, January 22, 1001. Clay, the bust being the work of the of doing business, but we are SV Saxe-Cobur- Kentucky artist Joel T. Hart. still progressive. The old re- THE PRINCE CONSORT, l'rlnce Albert, Duke of was born Mutsville Weather. August 2(5, 1819, and died December 11, 18(51. liable; MAY YOU. Her Majesty has had nlne children five daughters, of whom eno Is dead, INTEREST 8:15 a m 1 Wnshlngten, Baltimore, f Jfflsm ''nut Mmf lip Kxiwek1 Hrrc During Che 12:15 p m f Fhllnderphla. New Yerk.l '5:15 pm two are - and four sons, of whom dead Aexi Tiui-ty-a.- Heur. GEO. 1810. GOX. lilSHIHHIFPt DIVISION. PRINCESS ROYAL, Empress Fred PRINCESS HELENA, born Awaiting Claimants wkbt, BQpmwKST. erick, born 1810. PKINCESS LOUISE, born 1818 (Duch- .Letters at the south, 1811. ess of THE LEDOEh ODE. PRINCE OF WALES, born Argyll.) Maysville Postoffice. & 8:50 ami ( ':( P PRINCESS ALICE, born 1813, died DUKE OF CONNAUGIIT, born 1850. While streamer faib; SON... 8.05 p m . .. 8t. I.euls.....-- i 7ae a m 1S78. OF 1853, 48:85 am) I' (7;(W p m DUKE ALBANY, born died Blue or sew 2:25 a m Leuis '11: m 1811, ISM. rain 82 Vears In Drygoeds Business. St. and Louisville a DUKE OF EDINIJURGII.bern Black ABOvr-'tw- llI grew. Hclew U a list of lotters remaining 8:15 am Louisville and Jeflersenvllle S:30pm (Saxe-Coburg- .) 1857. wamiii 6:00 p m '11:53 died 1900 PRINCESS BEATRICE, born EH Leulsv'e, Mem., New Orleans a m m- - D II UlCk niNHATll-CttLD- 'tWlll Of, the 2:00 pirn 9JW uncalled for at city Postelllco for the Louisville a m 11 net no cbangeme'U see, The Families Queen's Children. Black't shown week ending January 22, 1901: Dally. of the ItWThe above nrreaiti are maitt for a period e tDally except Hnndav 1- - --THE EMPRESS FREDERICK OF ROUMANIA, born 1875; GRAND ihirtyiix heuri, ending at t o'clock tomorrow te-- fates, Mist A una 1.. Kelly, Mm. K. A. OF GERMANY, the Queen's eldest DUCHESS OF HESSE, born 1870, and I'licnewt'tli, Mri. I.ury dauchter. married In 1858 the late Em HEREDITARY PRINCESS OF One cent due en each of above. perer Frederick, (died 1888.) the son of Persons calling for theso lotters will Emperor William I. of Germany. S PRINCESS HELENA (PRIN- There are two sons and four daughters CESS CHRISTIAN,) married Prlnce please say that they are advertised. living. Christian of Schleswlg-Holstei- n, 18(36, Cf.AHKNGK Mathkws, P. M. The eldest son is new WILLIAM II., has two sons and two daughters - GERMAN EMPEROR, KING OF Prince Christian Victer, born 1807, died The frnKlle babe and the growing child .. are strengthened by Ver- PRUSSIA, born 1859, married the eld-a- s '1900; Prince Albert Jehn, born 1SG9; White's Cream SMASH-UP..- n, mifuge It destroys worms, gets diges- daughter of the Dukoef Schleswlg-Helstel- Princess Arlbert Joseph of Anhalt, tion at work, nnd se rebuilds the body. succeeded his fatlier In 1888. born 1872, married 1S91. I'rice 25 cents. J. Jas. Weed & Sen. Has sir sons and eno daughter. The 6 PRINCESS LOUISE (DUCHESS eldest seu, the CROWN PRINCE, born OF ARGYLL,) married the Marquis AT THE NEW 1882. of Lerno in 1871. Ne children. WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS? The ether children of the Empress 7 PRINCE ARTHUR, DUKE OF Y0RK ST0RE 0F are-PRI- NCE DBIHF0 Frederick HENRY, born CONNAUGIIT, married 1879 Prlncess I EL Rear-Admira- Cbrretpendentt wilt pltate give briefly .
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