| | * . 3.CONtRAC1aoCODE PAGE OF PAGES * AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION / MODIFICATION OF CONTR ACT 1 | 11 5. PROJEC1 No. vit appure64, s 2. AM{ NOMEN 1/MOOir eCAt SON NO. 3. EF F ECi evt DAt t 4.REoui$ sis 0N/ PURCHASE REQ. No. 5 /o /7J/U RFPA RES-84-120 ' 9. e55UEO ev / / 7. ADMiNs5TE REO ev (sf anner men hem as - CODE! U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission - Division of Contracts . Llashington, DC 20555 4. N AME AND ADORE 55 OF CONT R ACTOR (No.. street, county, ssere end 24P CodeJ y} *A. AMENOMENT OF SOLICIT AT TON No. cime) US Small Business Administration Washington District Office 1111 18th Street, NW *e DAtEOtszz m u n; Washington, DC 20417 sub) Engineering and Economics Research,- Inc. 20^. MOOie :CAviON OF CONI a^CTfoaOEA " NRC-04-84-120 Attn: Mr. Harpal S. Dhillon, President X 1951 Kidwell Drive SB3-84-1-6437 Vienna, VA 22180 nos. OAT ED ists nru u, CODE |F ACILITY CODE 10/5/85 11. THis ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS Or SOLICITATIONS The ebow numeered solicitation is emended as set forth in twm 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers is extended. is not e o tenOed. Offers must acknowiedge receipt of this emendment prior to the hour and date specif ed in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods- (e) By completing foems 8 erd 15.end retuming copes of the amendment. (b) By ecknowledging receipt of this -.4mt on each copy of the ot+e- submitted; or ici ey .ap . wtw, e, awgr.m waien inciuoes e reverence io the soi. cit.i.on .nd sm.ndment nombres. F AILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWL EDC-- MENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE oESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE sPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change en offe, stready osbmitted,such change may be made by telegram o- letter,provided each wiegram or letter mehes reference to the solecitetson and this amendment, and is reaived prsot to the openirg Mut and date specifeed 32. ACCOUNTING AND APPROGRt ATION DAT A (J/ meesred) B&C No. 60-19-20 FIN D1143 13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS / ORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT / ORDER FO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. y) A. T H15 CH ANGE OR DE R 15 ISSUED PUR5UANT TO: (Specsfy earhorary) THE CHANGES SET FORTH 4N eTEM 14 ARE M ADE IN THE CON- T R ACT OR DER NO. IN IT EM 30A. B. THE ABOVE NUMSE RED CONTR ACT/ ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTR ATIVE CHANGES tauch as thentes in peydne offect appropraerson dese, etc J SET F ORTH IN ITEM 34. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHOR 6TV OF F AR 43.IO3(D). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREES /ENT 35 ENT ERE D INTO PUR5UANT TO AUTHORIT Y OFs O. O T HE R (Specsfy type of modstscatoon and eethorntyi X Mutual Agreement of Parties E. IMPORTANT: Contractor O is noi. n is ,eoui,sa to sion ini, oocument .no ,eio,n 3 coo;es 10 ine issuino Oie,Ce. DESCR*PT60N OF AMENOMENT/MOOiF # CATION (Orgenssed by UCF eterion heedenas, snededing schedsenon/contmer autteet netser avhere feasibia.s This modification is being issued to incorporate the following Article into the above- ~ numbered contract. Accordingly, the following contract changes are made: i * | | 8511120239 851028 PDR CONTR NRC-04-84-120 PDR .. ... t...n. .n con. .on. et ta. ..co-ni .....ene.. n n. n e A ., 2 0 A. .. .... e,. ~ne . .e-ins .nene ne.. .ne in . .. to,ce g,.,, ,,orioe., 35 4. N AME AND T sTLE OF SeGNE0 fType or prfat) 36A. N AME AND T tTLE OF CONT R ACT SNG OFFICER iType or print) Harpal S. Dhillon . Paul J. Edgeworth tw w..u- w n 358. N T R ACT OR/OF F ut D ur "* A SC. DATE *,,GN EO 8 68. U O TAT OF Jt sC A ' 36C. OATE SIGNEO - + f $f K' Pfb r , Y IbUYJg BY ' ' * iS{t imetas * of person authorsned to esen) t$sgQtu,e of Cogettung Offseert D, N7N 7540 01152 8070 30 305 (RE .10-s3 MEV4OUS EDITION UNUSASLE STANDA.RDP..scelte By GSA FORM 3 F AR (de CFR) 53.243 -~ _ - - __ __ _ - . tiodification No. 5 . Page 2 of 11 Add: " Article XV - Contractor Acquired ADP Equipment and Software Development A. Purchase of Personal Computer The Contractor shall obtain the NRC Contracting Officer's written approval prior to purchase of the proposed personal computer of which the title shall be vested to the Government. The following specifications for the personal computer shall apply as much as applicable: ' NRC STANDARD PC EQUIPMENT i Description Prerequisite Systems - S-1 IBM PC/256kb/2-360kb Disk Drives S-2 IBM PC-XT/256kb/1-360kb & 1-10mb Disk Drives - S-3 IBM PC-Portable /256kb/2-360kb Disk Drives S-4 Compaq Portable /256kb/2-360kb Disk Drives Options ' OlI 384kb Memory Expansion - 0-2 Math Co-Processor . 0-3 Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter i 0-4 Color / Graphics Monitor Adapter 0-5 Printer Adapter | 0-6 Printer Cable , 0-7 Asynchronous Comunications Adapter and cable 0-9 Bisynchronous Comunications Adapter and cable 0-12 IBM 5253 Emulation Kit 0-13 Hayes SmartModem Board S-3 or 4 Peripherals P-1 IBM Monochrome Display 0-3 P-2 Andek Graphics Display . 0-4 P-3 IBM Color Graphics Display S-2, 0-4 P-4 IBMGraphicsPrinter(80 cps) 0-3 or 5, 6 P-5 EPSON Matrix Printer (160 cps) 0-3 or 5, 6 P-6 DSON Wide Carriage Matrix Printer (160 cps) '0-3 or 5, 6 P-7 Additional IBM 10mb Disk Drive S-2 P-8 Hewlett-Packard Color Pen Plotter S-2 P-9 Modes'(Send NRC Form 34 to Telecom Branch, ADM) 0-7 Note: System S-2, an IBM PC-XT/256kb/1-360 & 1-10mb Disk Drives, is the current . standard for a personal computer with enhanced data storage, retrieval, and ' display capabilities. t ._- _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ .. _ __ - . Modification No. 5 . Page 3 of 11 B. Requirements for Use of Microcomputers by NRC Contractors . These requirements cover the use of microcomputers by NRC contractors to produce machine-readable contract deliverables. The purpose of the guidelines is to assure that such deliverables (e.g., programs, documents, graphs, data, etc.) will be usable on NRC equipment. ' All deliverables intended for use on NRC microcomputers should meet the following criteria: . .' , 1. All diskettes should be capable of use on an IBM PC using one of the software packages supported by the NRC Division of Automated Information Services (see attachment). 2. In particular, documents (e.g., reports) should be produced , with IBM DisplayWrite 2 word processing software. This will allow them to be used both on NRC microcomputers and word processing equipment. 3. Failing criteria 1 or 2 above, data or text should be produced as ASCII files in standard IBM PC diskette fonnat. QuestionsSupport Center, concerning)the (301 492-4160 above (FTS 492-4160). requirements should be addressed to the ITS C. Scientific Software Development. Distribution and Submittal Requirements for NRC Contractors This document provides requirements for contractors developing scientific soft- ware for the Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC). Its purpose is to assure that any such software can be readily implemented and used by staff at NRC head- | quarters and can, if required, be easily disseminated through the National Energy Software Center or transferred to other data processing sites. This implies the use of standard software packages, programing languages, and compilers as well as adherence to good programing and documentation practices. Sections 1-4 below provides recairements for programing languages and practices, code documentation, distribution and submittal to the NRC. 1. Programing Languages and Practices All new mainframe or minicomputer programs developed or converted for NRC shall be written in American hational Standards (ANS) FORTRAN (ANSI Standard X3.9-1978) unless , justified and cleared in advance by NRC, including' con- currence by the NRC Division of Automated Information Services. All micro- computer software developed for the NRC shall be capable of running ender MS-DOS. Source programs provided must be compatible with IBM PC BASIC or i I . , . - , , - - -n , em.-- u * [- . Contract No. NRC-04-84-T20 Modification No. 5 Page 5 of 11 . ~ ATTACHMENT Microcomputer software support by the NRC Division of Automated Information , Services: | Operating System: PC DOS ! s Progranning Languages: IBM BASIC and IBM FORTRAN 2.0 Data Base: dBASE III . Spreadsheet: LOTUS 1-2-3 Graphics: CHARTMASTER and SIGNMASTER Project Management: PERTMASTER - . Word Processing: DISPLAYWRITE 2 Communications: CROSSTALKXVI(asynchronous) DISPLAYCOMM (bisynchronous) . D A 9 - % 4 ,,. _ .-- ., - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _____ - -.m : . - . - flodification flo. 5 - - Page 6 of 11 , This standard is specifically oriented toward computer programs prepared for scientific and engineering computations. The major documentation require- ments included in the standard are: . a) Computer Program Abstt ct b) Application Information fUser's Guide) c) Problem or Function Definii. ton (Theoretical Development) d) Programing Information (Programer's Guide) A copy of this st~andard may be obtained for $8.50 plus $2.00 shipping and handling from: * The American National Standards Institute , 1430 Broadway '| New York, New York 10018 i | ATTN: Sales Department ' In addition to or instead of conforming to ANSI Standard N-413, documenta- , | . tion for large codas or complex systems may be required to conform to FIPS - - Pub 38 (02/12/78), " Documentation of Computer Programs and Automated i Systems." Applicability of FIPS Pub 38 will be determined by the Office of i Resource Management.
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