114th Year, No. 28 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1969 15 Cents CITY, SCHOOL BOARD AGREE ON PARK LEASE A motion by St. Johns city athletic field at the city park. is executed. dividual or group leasing the that the lease and memorandum commissioner Charles Coletta The basic structure of the The lease provides the school, athletic field. agreement were accomplished by Monday night brought to a close lease calls for a term of 10 as lessee, right to install capital At a special School Board a joint committee consisting of an extended period of negotiation years with a renewal option of meeting earlier in the evening, two members of the City Com­ between the city and school dis­ improvements at the football a like period and annual rent of field and to retain ownership of board members discussed the mission, Charles C. Coletta, and trict which had centered on a $2,400, an amount which would measure indicating agreement Dr James M. Grost, and two leasing arrangement for the same with the privilege to re­ be renegotiated if the renewal move or sell such improvements but didn't believe it was neces­ members of the Board of Educa­ if and when the lease is ter­ sary to take specific action on tion, Alden Livingston and Wil­ minated. it. liam Richards, Jr., and Attorney Hundley explains tax "It may not be everything we Jack Walker, representing the THE DOCUMENT stipulates like or everything the City Com­ St. Johns Redwing Association, that the mayor of St. Johns and mission would like," said Wil­ who voluntarily served as medi­ the president of the board of liam Richards. "But it's a com­ ator and chairman of the com­ payment procedure education constitute a permanent promise." mittee. Upon reaching the agreement Also active in assisting the City Clerk Tom Hundley this ment and temporary receipt so board ofarbitrationfor the deter­ the two bodies issued a prepared committee was City Attorney, -week issued an explanation of that proper credit can be given. mination of questions which may statement: Paul A. Maples. The committee current tax billings along with If paying by mail the two forms arise and the provision states held several conferences and the procedures to follow for pay­ should accompany tax payment that in the event of disagreement terms of the lease and memor­ ment. check. they shall name a disinterested "THE ST, JOHNS CITY Com­ third party for seeking a major­ mission and the St. Johns Board andum were openly discussed Sft^KWST^ Almost all of St. Johns res­ Hundley pointed out that tax­ ity decision. of Education announce tonight and negotiated in an orderly and idents have made prepayments of payers who have not made any the signing by both municipal harmonious fashion. their summer taxes based on prepayment will not have a bodies of a new lease for the last year's rates and payment of temporary receipt attached to In addition to the actual lease, rental of the football field for a "Both the St. Johns City Com­ current billings should reflect their billing and whatever amount a covering memorandum was term of ten (10) years, with an mission and the St. Johns Board only differences caused by in­ shown on the statement is the read by both participants out­ option to renew for an additional of Education stressed that the creases. total tax currently due. lining use of land adjacent to the ten (10) years. alleged past differences between City taxes could not be of­ athletic field as "practice field" the two groups were due pri­ Hundley explained that city or "parking lot." "The two municipal subdivi­ residents have received billings ficially billed earlier this year marily to a lack of communica­ during the regular June period sions also announce the recog­ which' reflect total tax assess­ During discussion of the mem­ nition of a memorandum agree­ tion rather than fundamental dif­ ments and in addition a tempor­ because of an appeal before the ferences in policy. Both legisla­ State Tax Commission whichre- orandum commissioner John ment for the use of,the practice ary receipt showing amount pre­ Hannah pointed out that these field and parking lot on a year tive bodies were highly en­ paid. sulted in the freezing of all tax couraged and pleased with the billings. uses are as they have been in to year basis, as in the past. the past and these areas would attitude of the committee as well • To determine exact amount The city, however, r£qu3siad "The City Commission and be allowed useable by any in­ as,wltkthe results reached.?. F - - - „,' _ _i . , • **- _. .' „ ,"• i •* i) -nQjy—ow'ed, 'Hundley explained, prepayment of summer-taxes in Board of Education pointed, .out taxpayers should subtract the efforts to keep sufficient money It didn't have any bearing on the city .park agreement between the amount on the receipt from the flow so city commitments could c[i;y and the school's, but Monday afternoonSupt. Earl Lancaster and Mayor. total shown on the statement. be met. In making payment .of this dif­ Residents who paid on this Bob Wood took to the gridiron in symbolic agreement.—Photo by Ed Cheehey. ference, taxpayers should bring basis now owe only the differ­ to the city hall both the state­ ence. A fourth service station Writer-photographer requested at U.S. 27, State St. Johns School Board \ The St. Johns city commission Favoring the proposal was a the resolution after Mayor Joins News staff Monday night tabled a rezoning representative of the Boron Oil Robert Wood had presented the request which, if passed, could Co. certificate to Woodbury. ok's $2.5 million budget Bob Calverley, a 24-year-old Journalism background, he has eventually lead to a fourth ser­ The matter was tabled until In other action the commis­ Vietnam veteran, last week considerable experience in vice station at the intersection next meeting to allow a safety r sion opened considerations on By RON KARLE stating the reason for the ab­ —Established rental fees for.' joined the editorial staff of the Pn°t°e aphy, of State Street and US-27. study to be conducted. new street lighting in the area Editor sence and the length of time auditoriums at the high school! Clinton County News. Calverley is from Sault Ste. Under consideration is re- In a break from more routine of the high school and along S. Marie. they will be gone. and Rodney B. Wilson Junior' Calverley, who served with zoning of property owned by E. O. items, the commission passed a Lansing Street and look to move The St, Johns Board of Educa­ Students will be responsible High. Supt, Earl Lancaster noted*, 187th Assault Hellocopter Com­ Hyler, 602 E. State, from resi­ resolution commending employes on the matter after each com­ tion last week held a budget for the work missed on these that the fees are only to meet pany for one year in Vietnam, dential to commercial. Property of the city water and sewer missioner has opportunity to in­ hearing and then approved the vacations and such arrangements expenses that "the school makes"; was honorably discharged from adjacent to his, on the intersec­ department, and Chan Woodbury spect, the area involved. 1969-70 budget of more than are to be made with their teach­ no money off of this." • the Army last summer. tion is currently commercial in particular, for a three-year —Accepted a trade-in bid for $2.5 million. ers. —Agreed to allow high school, zoned and a major oil firm is period of accident-free opera­ Following his discharge, Cal­ the purchase of a new sewer Except for school officials, Pre-arranged absence slips students In the junior high school*' seeking an enlarged area for tion. verley was hired as an assistant catch basin cleaner in the total no citizens or taxpayers attended must be taken to each teacher, area to board buses there in the, construction of a service center. editor on a technical journal for The department was presented amount of $6,680. the meeting and the entire action signed by each teacher Involved mornings for rides to school, the American Concrete Institute On hand in opposition to the a certificate, accepted by Wood­ —Voted to withhold member­ took about one minute. and returned to the assistant during cold weather. This will;, in Detroit. change were Mr Franklin Moore, bury, for the achievement which ship in the Grand River Water­ The $2,540,933 budget covers principal's office at least two not result in any additional cost'; This fall he enrolled in -Jhe 604 E. State Street and Miss included the years 1966-1968. shed Council because of current salaries, building operation and days before the absence. to the school since boarding stu--; Julia Walton, 105 S. Whittemore. graduate school of journalism Dr James M. Grost moved for financial status. maintenance, transportation The board also agreed to take dents will take seats vacated by at Michigan State University. costs and supplies, among other bids on snow-removal equipment. rural students leaving the buses> Calverley received his bach­ things. At a special meeting Monday, at the junior high school. ; elor's degree in journalism from In other action, the board ap­ the board reviewed several bids Michigan State in 1967. —Agreed to replace a 20-year- proved a policy excusing students and authorized Don Bast and bond covering the roof of .the- Calverley is assigned primar­ Pool open to students, from class for hunting vacations. Wendall Waggoner and Principal ily to the southern portions of new' high school at a cost o£ The policy requires that stu­ Gordon Vandemark to investi­ $3,900, plus a three-year guar­ Clinton County, including Bath dents present a note from home gate the offers and made a pur­ and DeWitt.
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