i- T r1l 1 THE SUN FRIDAY AUGUST 1 8 1890 battlnff The samq abounded In brilliant j At the Tsndirloln Club last night and two nvndred bus half before Ore Dawn The gray horse was ODQ8 AMD BUDS OF SPOttTS- TO THE FRONT plays and decisive Tho score ball enthusiast arose In A body and told him IbUuwl- FIRENZE GETS HER REVENGE coming very strong TROTTERS IN THE CIRCUIT harp and work rraaliit game that was ever played at the end 4 FAVORITE sioou Ip U roUDn r r honldonbllh Sweepstakes of 515l each with ITSO added ef which J n Newark N O oorgmisute 1J ai I Ib4r rn 1100 to second and flo to thlrdi telling allowances seconds at London JWAnt 23 leeu laraArnI I S I 1 Clnbsj levin forloogi The on 17th Xtttt CLUBS VanWaritas0 0 00lrtmnot2 1 2201 nOW the A A Hts nd Kiwburgb Mary Uetinlci will hay their clnbrac the and A FIELD DAY Eon llnlfacvf 2 0 IShlndle 11 MAUD HEATS xmtsr ran XUE 8 tmsry br h 4 by Hindoo Lan the Nswarg 16th NOrnr7G SIIYRA2101V4L AT Tfl2Cfl7fl I niJItKIl Tiauer d garty 83201 a inn 1 Barton the The Atalintal ot llobo c 3240O- lIght for the Eastern championship of PhlrlooTrlor> ken 1baseball will have on ELL VI IN Xlttl Istb b20 112 O OMtuleySdb0rf0 o l 001 I Th STAKES J II Haggln s h h Hem 4 2 their club rae Jot soth MJfITXIXG jaAT AUK If DACE rrMcOeschy Union I highly interestIng men FiiEEuotn llu lUmllton FALO rIf82LZWAr r 1120 o Woo1tr0 0 I 0 I the Amateur Alhlitlo li toads J K McDonald gr h orey Dawn 6 loiS Aims 8 A purse of SW ha been offered for a tenronnd go Joyo3b1 0 0 a 0 Picket 2db by the New York A C New Jerssy C YlTld Hamburg Gui oral ant LAdy Arnei Also ran between Tommy Kelly the Harlem Spider and Tommy to New York 2 2 0 Farrar Istb 0212s0 0 10 0 0 last Saturday and dtlnliha winged > Wit- Time RuiselLalsoof harlem to contest for wllh twoounce Defenti AdmlnUtBMd Cook o 0 3 6 1 Cross c 1 0 3 2- Ihst the A hattIe Itoyal t Monmoath Park BettingFly la 4 on ltsyi2ifDawni against Niwhargh gloves In about two weeks Damson VTon tIcs Bi07 Clnn In MtralEht To for nrooklynNew owderLp0 0 U Knell p 0 0 1 2- tool representatives may be the boys to meet the by 1OOOO 4 to li Kern 5 to 11 oily Gray B to II VIvId Lady Ag Frank McCabe of the llndson O who Two Vlclorle I gl Seseell FeriOBBKlldeerVlni 1 River X li IleskU llssl Painter Could Slave and llunds7ct0 0 0 f ot Washington The record to date U ai ass each IS to I Hariburg so to matched to light Jim RMIIy the Molt Haven Cy Lade4 > New 1127 0 Colnmhla IN L Clllb a FIr t flne Totals the Cllmdea Stake und Clarendon Lands TUB SIXTH HACK clone li training assiduously In a New jeriiy vlltait the Pnca In Htrstlaht Steal York Total I tolo The light will 31 Freefor 11In lloDtonHovr the 41027 Jvr row Ilelmont take place shoot Ang MeCabai 11KeII7 flncU Broklyn 0 1 I O 2 0 O I 03- nun Tlon JUutOnt nutt Km jest the Trentin Htake Mr Gloaming wont away from tho rest like a friends have the utmost confIdence in him but Dropped the rivet Alfred H R lt 333 I nnd Philadelphiai 0 u u o O 24- NewJerseyXn l no I 1 quarter horse and oponod UP n grip of ton In st tout for between Ryan Lewis Were Won 200 H Taylor Ride roar Winner wreitllnr H sad Too Opponent Maiy New lork A O1I MnblnA04 lengths In run DP Bho n H MoLeod of California tm Aug B Lewis to fast for his Oa0 Earnsii runsBrooklyn 2 rbtladelphKt 3 Left on Yonkers A 71 tile tho backstrotcb failed Lt bsses n I o FIres base on I O appeared to while rounding throw Mcleod In the prescribed lost lout the chamrlonBhlD Ini Philadelphia Cheers ton thousand throats created tire the turn but time and the BUFFALO Aupj 7 Tile Miultsof Imos errors 2 Vlrst on Bowdere The New VerbsCI meet the New Jerseys igaln next from challenged Sluggard Lewis was completely exhausted at the end ot the fif- Nothing sensational loaguoa ns tot okrn bus Wednesdav 3 prove victors the past post when br and Fltziames major yesterday ws 21 off Knell e oqtIly 0 Knell and If the former should Flronze when sho flashed the a nocjc teen minutes marked tile performances ot tlio the three bHIu re- she IbId her own Taylor moved up with Url trotters and Items rnns Bauer t2l stolen basesWard Beery Jerevltei would liar to win every one of their tour In front of tho Freehold Stakes at mal In tho last furlong collaring Jack flalliiher bm challenged fleorge Reynold or pacers IOWA Cook m Hhlndle m Three base lilt Rhlndle Burl maining games In order to carry oft thus honor should Tenny la nnd Prank Moore to a nnlsh lIght slUt skin tIght this att rnoon and the card wits dts I providing Gloaming Bluggnrd woro Cloves for THE NATIONAL IEAOUK nee bllFarrar Two basS bltsilrlmn U Double they drop one u would result In a tie lbs Monmouth Pork yesterday afternoon running nod who fighting a stake of IJO the Rosa to light at potmli giva or posed ot In shorter order bios boon I New I yam with tile bo won 3d than the tlay shlnillecrois and tarrar lilt by pitcher Nan Yrks ala their nile remainingI out a grandly contested race bv a take two tiouuda laliagher will meet either or them 5 Now York 4 llaftren Passed ball Cook UmplreeUalney- Berkeley The Jersey team has t In phenomenal the mllo and a half In 233U onequarter ot a Sluggard rule since tho grand circuit began tbroo weeks knell layid game room short head boat Olonmlng ns far at the riTuuraied Atu t al any time for tin purpose oC rhlaelrhln 6 and Sheridan Time UM Attendance lock throughout th erle winning one the second slower than her own best on record for the plrtco Fltzjamoa quit badly signing artlclea ago M Boston when scars was 5 to 1 against them lu the at tho end CHICAGO r Li Ill cttvtLmn I 4 MAC the of tlio mile To IIIK 1C Chicago 4 MXO ninth Inning Seldom had such a tumult boon soon on n Enirox of rnr Soi sir You will favor me by The patronage for tho second daywna quits Cleveland CBICICO Aug The game today resulted aifollowiiLK- Free hsndlcap sweepstakes with II1000 Inserting In your paper that Charley Birnett IlLS am 23 moo course and surely not this year with tho added of which 200 to second anaalneachto one ateur boxer he will enter in most of the tottrna npto the average though tho crowd waits Cincinnati Pittsburgh CHICAGO P VKLAKD IfI IU Itnnei llall floo third tal for Note single exception 10000 raco be- ¬ tulle soil a furlong meals and especially In the champloniblp this season S 5 Is PO of tho match U T will the appearance ot Hunol tomorrow whoa sho rLATKTuS1 LEAGUE 1 Van HAliren was hit In tbe arm by Pitcher Knell in Pulslfer to b Orlmaldl aged by LisbonNora sail represent tile National AtbltUe Ctub ot Brook TltE Dnly r f 3 0 trlokeri s2bu l a grand J ito o- tween Balvator and Tcnny The hUllo 101 Taylor 1 Captain National Athletic Club ocllpno I 5 3 0 Deleba I 2- yesterdays game and had to retire lti Fiche will make nn effort to her mllo In SilOX 2 treiL IKso I 3 e Pluggard 4 KB 4 Now Yori o 0 Brownlnc I ftL- I I I The attendance yesterday at Washington Park was stand was ono vast sounding board and tho PI Withers br Martin 2 A new future will be Introduced In the ring at the at three years Between heats this DOBIOI ltancf 1 0 George iiesistc b f illoamlnir 3 W 1 Mldgley 3 next boxlnn ethlblilou held by the Culilornla Athlello afternoon jjrooklynfi Philadelphia 4 Comlikey t2lbS I 0 arkln InthI I 7 0 I oni of the most select and appreciative ot the season struc- ¬ Niagara a 1 I e 0 2 I 3 echoes swelled anti throbbed until tho Htrjames and also ran club There wIlt be BO more bare Boors and this ring the young maro was led down the Quarter 3 Dirllnsj s I TbOU3db1 Phlndle played a beautiful game at short for the PhilI Time Uuffalo 10 Plttsburch 1 0 I U V was ture quivered perceptibly Tho gallant little 10 will be padded and covered with cloth similar lu a by groom peculiar Farrell 161 I Adelphla Kteam yesterday Ills batting also netting tiiilnit Bluggsrd rnontyiI Fltslimea no one may he In stretch a her formation Chicago 18 i Cisvoland Williams 3btl- I I 2 9 Hartford a oatI I 2 I een wrestlers mat lo that Injured a I very heavy mare was In receipt of five pounds from tho SUto It Qloamlnir 44 to It UrlrasldUU to II knook down glove wIlt ot luQlcfent size to slopo hips lsMlsn 3d 0 2 0 Kutcllfle rI1 l s I 0 I Mania and the bi with the from to withers being a b12 I 0 U Bakeley p 0 I U Time makes no chance In the character ot Bsnnetti 710 avoid serIous Injury AMKHICAN 4 Baldwin I 0 00 colt but desplto that fact she was at good odd revelation to those who saw her for the I11C AS8Cn- Dwyer p Brenner c o I 8- I a playIng He Is undoubtedly aa clever today AS ho ever TUB BKVKNTIt RACF llRinoitrORT Atig 0A 2rolU road rare took place first Brooklyn 01000 hu been during his bus ball career tile talent almost to a man supporting Tonny Kings Own and Monroo nltornMed In the here yesterday afternoon with seventeen entrust The time Marvin keeps his own counsel but elvon- i7 Totall 181727102 Fsterbrook has got 10 to have the splints course was from the Bridgeport tins to South Norwalk OLullo 8 Syracuse 9 Totili4 far ai IlotU racers woro applauded as they wont to load until well Into tho stretch where Chesa- ¬ a favorable day and a track as good as It U Btt Louis Chicago 2 2 3 2 0 7 nT his arm but then It will bo A good long 11m Ihl saucy peake moved up and appeared to bo winning and return and first prize gold watch wii won by 0 Cleveland U I 4 fore hi will be able lo resume playing tim post Tin mare was and carried rank a Xoule ot the Brltlgepori Wheel Cl l in 2 hours now Hunol Is pretty snrotto show that she Is Iloclifitor 2OOOOU02 i untidily Opposite tile Monroo Vi L lb Toledo club house and J seconds Selitam ot Rambling Chicago 1 The only two
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