October 16, 2015 SSOUTHOUTH PPOTOMACOTOMAC PPILOTILOT NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY SOUTH POTOMAC DEFENSE COMMUNITY Adkins Brings Country, Patriotism to NSF Dahlgren Stage By Jeron Hayes, er to form a dynamic duo. NSASP Public Affairs Smith and Auer met while active duty Marines and de- It would’ve been hard to or- spite being separated geo- der up a more beautiful day graphically for the last few for a concert. The sun shone months, Smith as a Reservist Link directly to the brightly and a fall breeze in Kentucky and Auer at Ma- NSASP Facebook rustled fallen leaves as over rine Corps Base Quantico, page on your 3,800 attendees filed onto the the duo picked up where they smart phone Naval Support Facility (NSF) left off, closing their set with Dahlgren Parade Field to a raucous version of “Wagon hear country superstar Trace Wheel” that brought an avid Adkins perform his top hits, accompanying chorus from INSIDE: and one song in particular the crowd. that was a once-in-a-lifetime The man of the hour, how- performance. ever, would soon take the The concert opened with stage. Adkins is a veteran performers The Virginians, performer who started by a barbershop chorus that U.S. NAVY photo BY ANDRew REVELOS singing in a gospel group in sings across the world and Trace Adkins and the Virginians perform “Say a Prayer for Peace” high school. After lots of jobs at Naval Support Facility (NSF) Dahlgren on Oct. 10. competes internationally. including time on an oil rig, After a beautiful rendition of whom are veterans, would their Smith Auer Band acous- Band have performed nation- his talent was noticed by an the National Anthem, they take the stage again later in tic country style to the stage ally on Fox & Friends, as well agent in Nashville. Dahlgren Stands lent their a capella harmony the evening for a memorable and played original songs as as at the White House, rep- Asked if performing was as One Against to a medley of songs saluting finish to the night. well as country staples, such resenting the Marine Corps all branches of the service. U.S. Marines Matt Smith as “Folsom Prison Blues” while bringing their extensive Domestic The group, more than half of and John Ed Auer brought and “Rocky Top.” Smith Auer musical backgrounds togeth- See Adkins, Page 4 Violence Page 2 Sen. Barbara Mikulski visits NSWC Indian Head EOD Technology Division By From NSWC otism, true American values, IHEODTD Public Affairs to the job,” Senator Mikuls- PAID ki said. “I’m here at Indian SO. MD. PERMIT #1 PERMIT Head on my Maryland Jobs US POSTAGE US POSTAGE U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mi- NEWSPAPERS PRESORT STD PRESORT kulski (D-Md.) visited and Tour to discuss my fight for toured Naval Surface War- jobs, jobs, jobs and the work fare Center Indian Head Ex- being done to keep us safe plosive Ordnance Disposal over here while protecting Technology Division (NSWC our troops over there. I’m also IHEODTD), Oct. 5. so pleased to see first-hand The senator first met with the cutting-edge work being NSWC IHEODTD Com- done day in and day out to manding Officer Capt. Vin- keep our nation safer and cent Martinez and Technical Maryland’s economy stron- Director Ashley Johnson for ger. Every day and in every organizational development way, they provide our fighting updates — such as the divi- troops in uniform with the sion’s recent designation as tools they need to keep us a Center for Industrial and safe. I will continue to fight for Technical Excellence activ- the extraordinary workforce ity — before touring the Ad- at Indian Head and their mis- vanced Energetics Research sion critical to our national Laboratory to discuss how security.” U.S. NAVY photo BY Matthew POYnoR NSWC IHEODTD supports At the Advanced Energet- U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) learns about the com- the warfighter. ics Research Laboratory, Mi- mand’s Hybrid Rocket Propulsion efforts from propulsion engineer and program lead Dr. Greg Young, shown with Commanding Officer “The men and women of kulski met with propulsion Capt. Vincent Martinez, during her visit to Naval Surface Warfare Indian Head bring loyalty, Center Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Divi- honor, hard work and patri- See Visit, Page 7 sion (NSWC IHEODTD), Oct. 5. FREE CLASSIFIED ADS FOR MILITARY AND GOVERNMENT CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES E-mail [email protected] or Call (540) 653-8153 2 The South Potomac Pilot Friday, October 16, 2015 Dahlgren Stands as One Against Domestic Violence BASE HAPPENINGS By Barbara Wagner Dahlgren Staff Writer Second Tour Thrift Store One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. The Second Tour Thrift Store is open for your back- Three Mississippi...Nine Mississippi. to-school shopping! The store is open Thursdays from Nine seconds. That is how often a wom- 11:30 a.m. — 2 p.m. an is the victim of assault. On the aver- age, almost 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate part- NSF Dahlgren to Hold Energy Fair ner in the United States. That equates to NSF Dahlgren will hold an Energy Fair on the Parade more than 10 million men and women Field, Oct 21 from 11 a.m. — 1 p.m. Come out to learn annually. Domestic violence not only af- more about how to conserve energy at work and at home! fects women but men as well and across all social strata. While the statistics may be unimaginable, the fact is this is an Dahlgren School Child Find Screening issue that touches more lives than we Dahlgren School will hold their fall Child Find screen- may be aware of. October is recognized ing on Oct 22 from 10 a.m. — 2 p.m. for children aged as Domestic Violence Awareness Month 3-5 years of age who live on base. Appointments can be and for 2015 the U.S. Navy is continuing U.S. NAVY PHoto BY DARYL ROY made by calling 653-8822. Walk-ins are welcome. its “One” campaign by declaring that, Capt. Pete Galluch, commanding officer of the AEGIS Train- “Together We Are One Voice Against ing and Readiness Center (ATRC) displays a purple aware- Domestic Violence.” ness ribbon on his desk to show his support for eliminat- “Treasures” Thrift Store Donations “Domestic abuse is no longer just ing domestic violence. “Treasures” is open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. thought of as a man being physically, mestic violence, however it does hap- The store is located at 12 Strauss Ave. next door to the emotionally or monetarily abusive to a pen. Preventing a partner from receiving USO. Donations of gently used items are currently being woman. It cuts across all facets of rela- proper medical attention, necessities accepted. tionships to include husband versus hus- such as food, clothing and shelter is a band, wife versus wife, and so on,” Capt. form of domestic abuse. Mary Feinberg, commanding officer of One aspect of neglect that can be more Indian Head Naval Support Activity South Potomac prevalent in military families stems (NSASP) said. “Every human being mat- from the fact that there are multicul- ters and deserves respect and kindness tural households in the military where NSF Indian Head to Hold Energy Fair throughout their lives.” one partner is from outside of the Unit- NSF Indian Head will hold an Energy Fair at the Mix It is often a misnomer that domestic ed States of America. Preventing the House, Oct 22 from 11 a.m. — 1 p.m. Come out to learn violence only involves physical abuse. non-native partner from proper accul- more about how to conserve energy at work and at home! Another misnomer is the idea that, “they turation to a new environment creates don’t hit me, so it’s not abuse.” There are stress, isolation and other psychological To publish information on your event or program un- many levels of abuse that can occur in repercussions. Conversely, preventing der “Base Happenings,” contact Andrew Revelos at 540- a relationship that might never leave a the non-native partner from participat- 653-6012 or email [email protected] physical mark but can cause long term ing in their own cultures and traditions emotional and psychological damage — can be equally as unfair. PTSD isn’t just a wartime occurrence. While October is the month that we Emotional abuse can range from con- recognize and raise awareness of the stant name calling, humiliation, exces- issue of domestic violence, this is a year sive control, threats of violence or other round issue. Engaging the local com- tactics such as the threat of losing custo- munity in awareness and offering sup- dy of a child and in this high-tech society port to those who have been a victim U.S. NAVY PHoto BY BARbaRA WageR there is also the threat of digital stalking. of domestic violence is part of the solu- Alex Scott of Naval Support Facility (NSF) Dahlgren’s Mo- Another misconception that may oc- tion, and Naval Support Activity South rale, Welfare and Recreation cur is, “It’s not rape if we are married.” Potomac (NSASP) Fleet and Family (MWR) places the purple The law of the land disagrees with this Readiness staff are prepared to offer -as awareness ribbon, one of sev- statement. Sexual abuse can and does sistance and relief. eral, at a prominent spot on happen within the confines of marriage Throughout the base purple ribbons the base as a reminder that and regardless of the marital state; rape, have been hung as a visual reminder ‘’Together we are ONE VOICE against domestic violence.
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