PPPL-Q--42 DE86 008595 Annual Report Covering the Period October 1. 1983 to September 30. 1984 Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory Princeton, New Jersey PPPL-Q-42 Edited by Carol A. Phillips DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency or the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi­ bility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer­ ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recom­ mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Unless otherwise designated, the work in this report is funded by the United States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC02-76-CHO- 3073. Printed in the United States of America1 *» vV •J SSTRIBUTieS CF THiS atCUffltRT JS tm££TO CONTENTS Preface 1 Principal Parameters Achieved in Experimental Devices 3 Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor 5 Princeton Large Torus 31 Princeton Beta Experiment 40 S-1 Spheromak 51 Advanced Concepts Torus-I 55 X-Ray Laser Studies 58 Theory 63 Tokamak Modeling 69 Reactor Studies 73 Spin-Polarized Fusion Program 75 Tokamak Fusion Core Experiment 77 Engineering Department 80 Project Planning and Safety Office 95 Quality Assurance and Reliability 98 Administrative Operations 99 PPPL Invention Disclosures for Fiscal Year 1984 109 Graduate Education: Plasma Physics 111 Graduate Education: Plasma Science and Fusion Reactor Technology 114 Section Coordinators 119 Glossary of Abbreviations, Acronyms, Symbols 120 PREFACE During FY84, experimental research on the device, with a resultant improvement in plasma Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) confirmed parameters. A promising new ICRF-type heating the favorable size-scaling of energy confinement technique, based on the ion Bernstein wave, was in large ohmic-hoated tokamak plasmas. Initial developed on the Advanced Concepts Torus auxiliary-heating studies were carried out with (ACT-I). neutral-beam injection and adiabatic compres­ The single-pass gain in the Soft X-Ray Laser sion. Substantial progress was also made Experiment has been advanced to 6.5 (corre­ towards full-parameter machine operation and sponding to a level of stimulated emission 100 towards the development of technical capabilities times larger than spontaneous emission) for the for the deuterium-deuterium and deuterium- 182- A line of a carbon plasma. A small experiment tritium O ~ 1 experiments. on the spin-polarization of hydrogen, which is The Princeton Large Torus (PLT) extended its aimed at investigating the prospects tor polarized ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) heating fusion-reactor plasmas, has reached the 28% experiments to the 4-MW power level, producing polarization level in atomic hydrogen of 1012 cm-3 ion temperatures above 4 keV. Lower-hybrid density. current drive was advanced to plasma regimes Theoretical studies in the area of lower-hybrid- in the 1013 cm-3 density range, by means of a driven current ramp-up have produced remark­ new 2.45-MHz source. The problem of intense ably detailed agreement with the PLT experiments. focal Iimiter heating during long-pulse radio- New predictive capabilities for MHD stability and frequency discharges was addressed success­ transport have been developed in supportof'two- fully by introduction of a rotating limiter system. dimensional" experiments, such as the PBX and The reconfiguration of the Poloidal Divertor S-1, as well as advanced "three-dimensional" Experiment (PDX) into the Princeton Beta concepts, such as the Heliac h igh-beta stellarator. Experiment (PBX) resulted in a doubling of the Sophisticated new codes are also L-Jing devel­ achievable beta value: stable tokamak plasmas oped to treat edge-plasma phenomena and with average /3's above 5% werp reached for the atomic effects in the vicinity of lokamak divertors first lime. The bean-shaped tokamak was found and limiters. to enter readily into the favorable H- mode plasma- The national design effort in support of a confinement regime. Tokamak Fusion Core Experiment (TFCX), which The predicted stabilization of spheromak was coordinated by PPPL, led to the publication plasmas by means of external figure-eight coils of a TFCX Preconceptual Design Report in July, was demonstrated successfully on the S-1 1984. PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS ACHIEVED IN EXPERIMENTAL DEVICES (Fiscal Year 1984} Ar-mate Parameters Tokamak Facilities Concept Facilities TFTH PBX PLT S-1 ACT-I R<m) 2.56 1.45 1.32 0.40 0.59 a Cm) 0.82 0.4 0.42 0.25 0.1 Ip <MA) 1.5 0.5 0.7 0.4 — BT(T) 3.9 1.0 3.3 0.4 0.57 TAUX (sec) 0.5 0.3 0.3 — dc PAUX (MW) NB 1.5, (80keV) 7, (50 keV) 1.5, (40 keV) — — ICRF — — 4.0, (30 MHz) — 0.002 LH 0.6, (600 MHz) 0.2 " ~ 0.6, (2.45 GHz) n(0) (cm-3)* 0.6 x 10"" 10"4 0.8xl0"i 3x io14 3x101 T(0) (keV)* 3.5 4.0 4.0 0.06 0.04 TE (msec)* 300 40 40 0.25 0.2 "These highest values of n, T. and T were not achieved simultaneously. TOKAMAK FUSION TEST REACTOR During the first full year of experimental operations bearing runout problems, so that TFTR now has an (FY84), a very considerable effort continued on Ihe operational pulsed-power capability of 950 MVA with fabrication, installation, and commissioning of 4500 MJ of deliverable energy. This was a major neutral-beam systems, on the high-power-capability milestone for the project. internal armor, and on the addition of increasingly The 1984 spring shutdown was carried out sophisticated diagnostics. Major efforts also con­ according to plan. Major activities included instal­ tinued towards providing downstream capability in lation of two neutral beamlines and the addition of the areas of tritium systems, remote handling, and prototype protective armor to the inside o) the vacuum shielding. Progress in all these areas is reported in vessel. All shutdown tasks were completed on detail in the following sections and briefly summarized schedule, and the vacuum vessel was pumped down here. at the end of April. After a series of power tests and Figure 1 illustrates the division of the available several weeks of pulse-discharge cleaning, normal operating time among the various activities. As the high-power operation resumed in June. Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor <TFTR) gradually In this first full year of TFTR experimental operation, assumes its final form, machine availability for there was significant progress on experimental experimental operations is rising steadily towards studies of confinement during ohmic heating and levels equal to or exceeding those anticipated at the plasma compression, as well as on initial experiments time of design authorization. using neutral-beam heating. In addition, a review of the projections for TFTR Q ~ 1 capability was carried ou;. Planning activities for pellet injection and lower- Tr'TR OPERATIONS IFY-BI] hybrid current drive were also initiated. PaljmqW.m Sj The TFTR-ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) NrulrCl Btfims collaboration began during the summer of 1984. The ten on-site ORNL-ISX. (Impurity Study Experiment) physicists immediately began to make important contributions to the TFTR Project. Cumas s t 8S s The TFTR was operated at plasma currents up to P6.I.T,,., ^ S g S ^ lp= 1.4 MA, toroidal fields up to Bp = 2.7 T. and plasma durations up to 4 sec. As indicated in Fig. 1, there N. <K» ^ g 5 B were two major operational periods, a winter 1983- 1984 run period and a summer 1984 run period. The conditioning lor the summer 1984 run period involved a two-week bakeout of the entire torus, including the HjhdO, I S S ! pumping ducts, at 150°C. While the vessel was hot, 50 hours of glow-discharge cleaning (p = 0.7 Pa, I OCT MOV DEC JM FEB VflR 3PH MflV JUtl JUL QUO SEP OCT '83 "ea = 15 A) and 70 hours (45,000 pulses) of pulse- discharge cleaning were performed. For the winter Fig. 7. Division ot available lime tor various activities. 1983-1984 run period. 1he graphite movable limiter (85X3065) was coated with TiC (titanium carbon). Titanium was the major metallic impurity, with a relative concen­ 3 During 19B4, the TFTR Facility continued to extend tration of nji/ne as high as 5 x 10- in low-density its operating capability towards design-rated param­ plasmas. Because of difficulties with the adhesion, eters. The toroidal-field (TF) coil system was tested the TiC coating was removed during the shutdown and now operates routinely at 56 kA (4.0 T). The power period. With the TiC removed, the titanium impurity supplies are ready to support full-field (73 kA, radiation was reduced by a factor of 40. The nickel, 5.2 T) integrated system tests. The ohmic-heating coil from the Inconel inner-wall limiter, increased circuit was operated at full current in both mode A modestly. However, all the metallic impurities (24 kA) and mode B (20 kA). During this period, the decreased substantially at higher densities. Beth X- interrupter mode of operation was successfully ray pulse-height analysis and visible bremsstrahlung commissioned, resulting in a large increase in measurements indicate a significant reduction in ZeH available volt-seconds, and the equilibrium-field (EF) at low densities with the removal of the TiC coating.
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