Page 13 Agenda Item 6 Report to: Beddington and Wallington Local Committee Date: 3 December 2013 Report of: Head of Commissioning Ward Location: Author(s) and Contact Phone Wallington North Number(s): Lynn Robinson 020 /Carshalton 87706461 Central Area Served: Chair of the Committee: Carshalton Councillor Joyce Melican Report title: The Grove Park, Carshalton ± Proposed cycle route through the park. Summary This report recommends the Local Committee agree to allow cycling through The Grove Park between Papermill Close and the High Street via Westcroft Leisure Centre Carshalton and on the footway along the western footway of Westcroft Road to provide a good off road section of cycle route. Recommendations a. Agree to allow cycling in The Grove Park on a designated route and on the footway along the western footway of Westcroft Road as shown on drawing T7-L-TG-01C; b. Agree to delegate authority to the Executive Head of Commissioning, in consultation with the Chair and Ward Councillors, to agree the final scheme and make any changes necessary as a result of the detailed site survey and implement the scheme subject to funding becoming available; c. When funding has been identified the budget will need to be incorporated in the Capital Programme and authority given to incur capital expenditure so that the main work can proceed. Agenda Item 6 Page 14 Background Documents and Previous Decisions Signed: Strategic Director Date: 20 November 2013 1. Background 1.1 The Grove Park Carshalton is within the newly established Wandle Valley Regional Park. The Wandle Valley Regional Park sits within four London Boroughs - Wandsworth, Merton, Sutton and Croydon. All the boroughs are represented on the board of Trustees. 1.2 Last financial year, the Wandle Valley Regional Park Trust was successful in a partnership bid with Sustrans to Transport for London and was allocated funding to undertake a feasibility study along the Wandle Trail and produce a report including a list of possible future improvements. 1.3 Sustrans, in partnership with representatives of the 4 boroughs, undertook a consultation with stakeholders / users of the Trail and produced a report listing a number of improvements. Four schemes were identified as a priority in the LB of Sutton, one being a feasibility study to improve the section of the Trail which runs between Mill Lane and London Road. As a result of the improvements report, Sustrans were successful in securing funding for this project, along with others, from Transport for London, for 2013/14 under the Greenways programme. 1.4 Sustrans has been allocated £11,700 and the borough has been allocated £1,000 to undertake the feasibility study this financial year. 2. Proposed Scheme 2.1 The current Wandle Trail route for cyclists runs along Mill Lane, Butter Hill and London Road. The Wandle Trail walking route runs along Mill Lane, The Grove park, Westcroft Road and London Road. 2.2 The proposal is to re-route the cycle route in to The Grove as shown on the plan T7-L-TG-01C. This will allow cyclists to avoid Butter Hill and add a good off-road section of route to the Wandle Trail. 2.3 The proposed route will run past Westcroft Leisure Centre so not only will users of the Wandle Trail benefit from this new section of route but so will local residents using the Leisure Centre. Page 15 Agenda Item 6 2.4 Whilst looking at this section of route, Sustrans and officers felt there was benefit in having another section of route between the Leisure Centre and Carshalton High Street so this section route was also included in the scheme. This will provide a good link to the Wandle Trail from Carshalton High Street. It will also provide a good link to other cycle routes including the proposed cycle route in Carshalton Park. 2.5 It is proposed to widen the existing path and install the new path to 3m. This is the recommended width of path to allow pedestrians and people on bicycles to pass each other comfortably. It is proposed to not segregate the path as this can lead to cyclists going faster on their section of path. 2.6 The path falls within the Wandle Valley Regional Park (WVRP). The Trust Board are keen to introduce a palette of materials across the Regional Park to establish an identity. Therefore the proposal is for the paths to be hard and smooth with a gravel resin bound finish and aluminium edging in line with the WVRP palette. 3. Consultation 3.1 Sustrans organised and held a consultation event in The Grove Park on 28th September 2013. Stakeholders were e-mailed to be invited to the consultation event. Posters were put up in the park a week before hand to advertise the event to the park users and letters were hand delivered to nearby residents inviting them to the event. 3.2 The proposal was discussed at the Friends of The Grove meeting on 15th October 2013. 3.3 Sustrans are currently liaising with the Environment Agency as they have an interest in any construction work that takes place near The Wandle waterways. 4. Consultation Results 4.1 46 residents recorded their comments at the event. 4.2 Generally the proposal to provide a new path and widen the existing path was supported by all 46 residents. 4.3 There were only a few comments of concern. One concern was the flooding issue. The design of the path will be in agreement with the Environment Agency. Another concern was the sharing of the path between pedestrians and cyclists. The 3m width of path will allow for pedestrians and cyclists to pass each other. 4.4 The Friends of The Grove also support the scheme in principle. They asked that a barrier or bollards be included at the bridge to slow cyclists. This has been included in the scheme. 5. Final Proposal 5.1 As a result of the consultation, the proposed scheme is shown on drawing number T7-L-TG-01C. 5.2 The complete scheme has been estimated to cost £145,000. 6. Issues 6.1 The design and alignment of the path still needs to be agreed with the Environment Agency. Agenda Item 6 Page 16 6.2 The footway alongside Westcroft Road is council owned but leased to the company running Westcroft Leisure Centre. The Manager of the Leisure Centre agrees to the scheme. It may be necessary to negotiate with the leaseholder formally to introduce a shared use path. 6.3 Officers, in Partnership with Sustrans, are undertaking the feasibility and consultation on this scheme this financial year with funding via Transport for /RQGRQ¶V*UHHQZD\V3URJUDPPHIf this scheme is approved by the Local Committee, it will be necessary to bid for funding to implement the scheme. It is not in the Local Implementation Programme for next year. The potential IXQGLQJZLOOEHYLD7UDQVSRUWIRU/RQGRQ¶V4XLHWZD\VLQLWLDWLYH or other cycling initiatives. 7. Recommendations 7.1 Agree to allow cycling in The Grove Park on a designated route and on the footway along the western footway of Westcroft Road as shown on drawing T7-L-TG-01C. 7.2 Agreed to delegate authority to the Executive Head of Commissioning, in consultation with the Chair and Ward Councillors, to agree the final scheme and make any changes necessary as a result of the detailed site survey and implement the scheme subject to funding becoming available. 7.4 When funding has been identified the budget will need to be incorporated in the Capital Programme and authority given to incur capital expenditure so that the main work can proceed. 8. Impacts and Implications: 8.1 Financial Implications ± Sustrans has £11,700 allocation and London Borough of Sutton has £1,000 allocation of funding to undertake feasibility and consultation on this scheme this financial year via Transport for London Greenways Programme. If this scheme is approved by the Local Committee, it will be necessary to bid for funding to implementation the scheme. The SRWHQWLDOIXQGLQJZLOOEHYLD7UDQVSRUWIRU/RQGRQ¶V4XLHWZD\VLQLWLDWLYHRU other cycling initiatives. When funding has been identified the budget will need to be incorporated in the Capital Programme and authority given to incur capital expenditure so that the main work can proceed. 8.2 Legal Implications ± If this scheme is approved, Legal Services and Asset Management will need to be involved in negotiations with the leaseholder of Westcroft Leisure Centre to allow shared use pedestrian and cycling on the footway of Westcroft Road. 8.3 Community implications ± Currently cycling is not allowed in The Grove Park. Some users of the Park may prefer not sharing the paths with people on bicycles. 8.4 One Planet Living ± The provision of more cycle routes is the area will promote sustainable travel. 8.5 Equality Impact Assessment ± All measures will comply with good practice designs for all users. 8.6 Risk ± There is no risk at this stage of the proposal. Page 17 Agenda Item 6 9. Timetable 9.1 If the committee agree to allow cycling in The Grove Park then the next step will be to undertake detailed design to get the final estimate of the cost of implementing of the scheme. Funding will then need to be secured. 10. Appendices Drawing T7-L-TG-01C ± plan showing the cycle route Agenda Item 6 Page 18 C Sign and bollards KB 16.10.2013 B For Approval KB 11.10.2013 A First Issue KB 17.07.2013 Rev Description Drawn Date Sustrans London 70 Cowcross Street, London, EC1M 6EJ Tel: 020 7017 2350 www.sustrans.org.uk WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Highways, Transport & Smarter Travel LB Sutton 24 Denmark Road, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2JG Tel: 020 7017 2350 www.sutton.gov.uk Status: For Approval Project: London Greenways: The Grove, Sutton Title: Proposed Path Works Drawn and Checked by: designed by: KB RJ Scale: 1:1000 @ A3 Drawing No: Revision: T7-L-TG-01 C C Crown copyright and database rights 2012 Ordnance Survey.
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