50 Small businesses are the break-out possibility of the North-Hungarian region GERGELY, SÁNDOR Keywords: small businesses, competitiveness, cluster, network economy. Summary findings, conclusions, recommendations The area of the North-Hungarian Region is 13,429 km2, which is 14.4% of the country’s territory. In terms of area and population the region lies in fourth place in Hungary. The region is remarkable for the beauty of its landscapes, which are rich in untouched natural values with its significant ecological potential. Among its natural treasures we can find medicinal, thermal and mineral water springs. The wine pro- ducing regions of Eger and Gyöngyös are well known in Europe, while Tokaj is world famous. Significant problems in the North-Hungarian Region are unemployment ex- ceeding the national average, caused by adaptation and modernisation crises, low- level employment, and the concentrated appearance of underdeveloped settlements and population groups. As small businesses represent an outstanding employment ratio in the region - about 70% - socio-economic development is not possible without increasing the num- ber and competitiveness of small businesses. In our research we looked for an ans- wer to what the necessary conditions are for this. Recommendations for increasing the competitiveness of small businesses in the North-Hungarian Region: • Small businesses need to improve in the area of supplier activity, quality, infor- mation and confidence. • Small businesses must improve precision, supplier discipline and quality. • When establishing co-operation and partnership relations the greatest preven- tative factor is lack of confidence. Most of the businesses are afraid of transferring their own knowledge and information; they are ready to accept every benefit of co- operation but without its risks. • Higher-level co-operation will be necessary among small businesses, supporting organisations, chambers and municipalities. • Efficient support must be given to the participation of small businesses in the network economy and to the establishment of small businesses’ common efforts. • Common large-scale purchasing and selling by small businesses must be effici- ently supported. • The changing of small business/managerial mentality needs to be supported in the following areas: - problem solving ability - business sense - high-level professional knowledge - organising ability - practise-focusing - high-level communication skills gazdálkodás • VOL. 52. • SPECIAL EDITION NO. 22 51 - managerial knowledge - co-operation ability - risk taking ability - analysing ability - idea representing ability - computer skills • Efficient, target-oriented training and extension training, needs to be organised for managers and employees of small businesses. • Transparent, clear legal frameworks must be established. • Tax burdens should be reduced, especially those exerted on labour. • Efficient capital search and credit programmes are needed for small businesses. • An efficient small business relations system needs to be created with research sites and higher-education institutes using the latest R&D results. • Efficient support must be given to small businesses to access new markets. • The establishment and efficient operation of the Regional Small Businesses Sup- port System (REKTÁR), planned and worked out by ourselves, would basically help with small business competitiveness. REKTÁR, overseen by small businesses, would provide help at each stage of small business activity in the field of business establish- ment, strategy development, business development, solving technical tasks, training and extension training, crisis management and winding up. 1. Introduction of North- ches of industry were collapsed and in- Hungarian Region dustrial production was declined. Howe- ver, suffering large losses, it could preser- The North-Hungarian Region is situa- ve its consolidated large company-nature ted in the north-eastern part of Hungary by help of foreign investments; its machi- and covers the counties of Borsod-Abaúj- ne- and chemical industry characteristics. Zemplén, Heves and Nógrád. Area of the Penetration of foreign capital transfor- region is 13,429 km2, which is 14.4% of ming the economic structure has not re- the territory of the country. Considering ached the critical mass yet, however since the area and population the region has 2002, along the motorway being const- the fourth position in Hungary. Based on ructed, in the region of Miskolc, Eger and geographic and natural endowments of in the western regions situated nearest to North Hungary this is one of the most vari- Middle-Hungary the economic develop- ous regions of the country, which appears ment has commenced. with prodigy of beauty of its landscapes to Share of the agriculture in the gross be rich in untouched natural values. The region is rich in minerals for buil- added value is average. ding industry purpose and in lignite sites; In this region the forest coverage is hig- has significant ecological potential and hest and also ratio of grass is high. Agri- among its natural treasures we can find cultural land endowements – mainly de- medicinal water-, thermal water- and mi- pending on the terrain – are very various. neral water springs. Wine producion and fruit growing of the Economy of the region was primarily de- region are considerable. Wine production termined by heavy industry and mining. region of Tokaj is world famous and ones of After social transformation these bran- Eger and Gyöngyös are known in Europe. 52 Tourism attractions of the region are nesses employing less than 50 persons are given by varying natural endowments, considered small businesses.) cultural values, ethnographic traditions, Because the small businesses represent medicinal waters, famous grapes and wine a dominant role, about 70% in employe- traditions, culture. ment of the region as well, therefore the Significant problems of the region are social-economic rising cannot be possib- unemployement exceeding national ave- le without improvement of competitive- rage, low-level employement, concentra- ness of small businesses. On our research ted appearance of the falling behind sett- we looked for an answer wether what con- ditions are for it. lements and population groups. To help their raise – similar like nationwide – no 2. Economy of North-Hungarian long-term efficient and sustainable mea- sures and strategies have been made. Region The role of higher education is determi- In the North-Hungarian Region 1,493 ning in the region. There are significant billion HUF Gross Domestic Product was research-development capacities availab- produced in 2003, it is 8.1% of the natio- le, however their density also stays below nal average. Share of the region was lower the average of the six rural regions. In our than five years before, it means it fell back research we were wonder too, wether this again from 2001 in the order of the regions capacity is used by small-and medium size to seventh, last position. Measured in 2003 businesses. (In the followings the busi- at GDP purchase power parity per person Table 1 Area distribution of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), North-Hungarian counties, seven regions and Hungary, 2002 GDP per person in Area distribution Order of counties GDP per person in percent of national Description of GDP and regions based on thousand HUF average % GDP per person % Borsod-Abaúj- 4.6 1,025 62 17. Zemplén County Heves County 2.4 1,209 73 12. Nógrád County 1.2 897 54 19. North-Hungary 8.1 1,050 64 7. North-Plain 9.9 1,062 64 6. South-Plain 9.3 1,136 69 5. Middle-Hungary 45.6 2,701 164 1. Middle-Transdanubia 9.7 1,462 89 3. West-Transdanubia 10.2 1,703 103 2. South-Transdanubia 7.1 1,204 73 4. Nationwide 100.0 1,648 100 - gazdálkodás • VOL. 52. • SPECIAL EDITION NO. 22 53 (PPS) it was 8,198 PPS in Northern-Hun- and permanently connected to each other. gary, 38.3% of average of 25 member sta- Since the last third of the 20th century the tes of EU. information has fulfilled more and more Unfavourite condition of the North- role in the economies, it is more and more Hungarian Region is indicated by the fact becoming a resource, therefore the role of that it is last in the figure of operating bu- those institutes is increasing, which make sinesses per 1000 inhabitants among the possible fast accessibility of useful infor- regions, it means in the business density. mation. During our resarches we conclu- ded that the greatest spare of the regional 3. Small businesses and network economic development is establishment economy and efficient running of basic elements of the network economy at the beginning of The network economy is such a comp- the 21st century (Gergely – Nagy, 2006). lex structure, in which the players of bu- In the following figure the elements of siness, public- and civil sphere are closely network economy are shown. Figure 1 Elements of network economy Networking, co-operation in clusters is One key element of organising networks much more important to small busines- is multinational companies operating on ses than to large companies. Competiti- international market and domestic large veness of small business is determined by companies, which can attract and enforce the fact that how way and how fast these ones can react to challenges set by market- the local small businesses. place and large companies. How these can meet requirements of suppliers and sub- 3.1. Industrial parks contractors. Appearance of competitors of The industrial parks are important or- huge capital
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