Appendix A About the Authors José Alvarez is adjunct and emeritus professor at the versity. He has published several scientific papers as University of Florida’s Everglades Research and Edu- well as numerous articles on environmental issues in cation Center. newspapers and magazines. Timothy Ashby, JD, is a Special Counsel with the Gustavo Coronel, an Oil Geologist, holds M.A. de- Miami office of Duane Morris LLP. A former senior grees in Public Policy from Harvard University and official with the U.S. Commerce Department, he from the University of Tulsa. He was a researcher at also holds Ph.D. and MBA degrees. Harvard University (1981-1983), member of the Eric N. Baklanoff is Research Professor Emeritus of first Governing Board of Petróleos de Venezuela Economics at the University of Alabama, where he (1976-1979), Chief of the Section on Evaluation of served as a McNair Faculty Mentor (2003/04). He Hydrocarbon Projects, Inter-American Development directed the Graduate Center for Latin American Bank (1983-1987), Coordinator of the Presidential Studies at Vanderbilt University (1962-65) and was Program of Henrique Salas Romer (1998), and Presi- Dean for International Studies and Programs at the dent of the port of Puerto Cabello (1999-2000). He University of Alabama (1969-73). His publications is currently an international oil consultant. include Expropriation of U.S. Investments in Cuba, Mexico, and Chile (1975) and The Economic Trans- Larry Daley holds BSA and MSA degrees from the formation of Spain and Portugal (1978). University of Florida and a Ph.D. from the Universi- ty of California, Davis. He is currently Professor of Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado, Ph.D, is Associate Biophysics and Biochemistry of Plant Germplasm at Professor of Political Science, and Assistant Director the Department of Horticulture, Oregon State Uni- of Latino/Latin American Studies, University of Ne- versity, Corvallis, Oregon. braska at Omaha. Roger R. Betancourt is Professor of Economics at Sergio Díaz-Briquets is Vice President of Casals & the University of Maryland-College Park. Associates, Inc., a Washington area-based consulting firm. Ed Canler is vice president for Latin America, Tex- tile Rubber and Chemical Company in Dalton, Daniel P. Erikson is director of Caribbean programs Georgia. He holds a Ph.D. in Food and Resource at the Inter-American Dialogue, Washington, D.C. Economics from the University of Florida. His current work focuses on the Cuban economy, the political and economic situation in Haiti, and Rolando H. Castañeda es consultor económico. Se broader challenges facing U.S. foreign policy in the retiró del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo donde Americas. Prior to joining the Dialogue, he earned a fue funcionario por 27 años, siendo su última asig- Masters in Public Policy as a Dean’s Fellow at Har- nación como Especialista Principal de Proyectos en vard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Gov- Santiago, Chile, en 1996-2001. ernment, worked as a research associate at Harvard Eudel Cepero is an Environmental Scientist at the Business School, and was a Fulbright fellow in Mexi- Applied Research Center, Florida International Uni- co. 484 Appendix A: About the Authors María Antonia Fernández Mayo is a Research Asso- Tamara Kneese is a senior anthropology major and ciate. She resides in La Habana. history minor at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. She is interested in continuing her study of Cuban Manuel García Díaz is Professor in the Department culture and is currently working on an honors of Applied Economics, Universidad de Granada, project comparing Cuba’s Special Period with the Spain. He holds a Licenciatura in Economics from Soviet Union’s Perestroika. the Universidad de la Habana and a Doctorate in Economic Sciences from Moscow State University, Alberto Luzárraga es Doctor en Derecho Civil Sum- M. V. Lomonosov. ma Cum Laude por la Universidad de Villanueva. Estudió Ciencias Comerciales en la Universidad de la Mario A. González Corzo holds a Ph.D. in Interna- Habana y obtuvo un MBA en The University of Mi- tional Relations with a concentration in Economics ami. Como banquero internacional fungió como from Rutgers University. He is currently an Assistant Chairman de Continental Bank International en Professor in the Department of Economics, Lehman New York. Hoy dirige su propia empresa. College of The City University of New York, CU- NY. Terry L. Maris, Ph.D, is the founding Executive Di- rector of the Center for Cuban Business Studies and Dominga González Suárez is Professor in the De- Professor of Management at Ohio Northern Univer- partment of Social Psychology and Methodology of sity. Prior to entering academe, Dr. Maris served as a the Behavioral Sciences, Faculty of Psychology, Uni- U.S. Army officer and as a management consultant. versidad de Granada, Spain. She received a Licencia- He has traveled to nearly 70 countries as a speaker, tura in History from the Universidad de la Habana lecturer, and advisor. Under license from the U.S. and a Doctorate in Psychology from the Universidad Treasury Department, he has visited Cuba frequently de Granada. to meet with Cuban faculty, administrators, and stu- dents; Cuban and U.S. government officials; enter- G. B. Hagelberg is an international sugar industry prise managers; and foreign government and com- consultant residing in Canterbury, England. mercial executives. Ted Henken is an Assistant Professor in the Black Tania Mastrapa is a principal with Mastrapa Con- and Hispanic Studies and the Sociology and Anthro- sultants in Miami. She holds a MALD from the pology Departments at Baruch College, City Univer- Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and received sity of New York. He is currently working on the ref- her Ph.D. in International Studies from the Univer- erence work, Cuba: A Global Studies Handbook, for sity of Miami in the Summer of 2005. ABC-CLIO, collaborating on a book on micro-en- Carmelo Mesa-Lago is Distinguished Service Pro- terprise in socialist Cuba, and conducting a transna- fessor Emeritus of Economics and Latin American tional study of the Mexican indigenous communities Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. in the U.S. South. He has published articles in Cu- ban Studies, Latino Studies, Encuentro de la Cultura Armando Musa is an Associate, Holland & Knight Cubana, and previous volumes of Cuba in Transition. LLP, Miami, Florida. He holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School (2003) and a B.A. from the University of LaShondra Jones is Associate Auditor for Wallmart Pennsylvania (2000). Corporation, Los Angeles Regional Office. A Mc- Nair Scholar, she graduated Cum Laude from the José Manuel Pallí, a member of the Florida Bar, was University of Alabama in 2004 with a major in Fi- trained as a lawyer in Argentina. For the past twenty nance and a minor in Spanish. Her article entitled years he has worked in the field of international real “Canada’s Economic Relations with Cuba” was pub- property rights and registral law, in association with lished in the University of Alabama McNair Journal, the title insurance industry. He is Of Counsel to Ras- Vol. 4 (Spring 2004). co, Reininger, Perez, Esquenazi & Vigil, in Coral 485 Cuba in Transition · ASCE 2005 Gables, and advisor to the Lima, Peru, based Institu- Juan Tomás Sánchez es Secretario General de la to Libertad y Democracia and to the National Law Asociación de Colonos de Cuba, en el exilio. La Aso- Center for Inter-American Free Trade, in Tucson, ciación era la representante patronal de Cuba a la Or- Arizona. ganización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) de las Naciones Unidas, por ser la mayor representación pa- Silvia Pedraza is Associate Professor of Sociology at tronal de Cuba. the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Jorge A. Sanguinetty is President of DevTech Sys- Jorge F. Pérez-López is an international economist tems, Inc., a consulting company headquartered in who resides in Falls Church, Virgina. He received a the Washington, D.C., area. Ph.D. in Economics from the State University of New York at Albany. Felipe Sixto is Chief of Staff of the Center for a Free Cuba. He holds a B.A. and a M.A. in International Jorge R. Piñón Cervera is an international energy Relations from Florida International University and consultant based in Miami, Florida, and a Research a J.D. in International Law from American Universi- Associate at the University of Miami’s Institute for ty. He has published various chapters and articles in Cuban and Cuban-American Studies. He has over academic journals and books and opinion pieces in twenty five years of international downstream oil and national newspapers. gas experience with companies such as Shell, Tran- sworld Oil, and Amoco-British Petroleum BP. He Matías Travieso-Díaz is a Partner at Pillsbury Win- holds a degree in International Economics and Latin throp Shaw Pittman LLP in Washington, D.C. He American Studies from the University of Florida. holds a J.D. from Columbia University (1976), a Ph.D. from Ohio State University (1971), and M.S. Beatrice E. Rangel es Analista Internacional gradua- and B.S. degrees from the University of Miami da en las Universidades de Boston y de Harvard; ex (1967, 1966). Ministro de la Secretaría de la Presidencia de Vene- zuela; y ex Jefe de Estrategia del Grupo Cisneros. Ac- Soren Triff, escritor y activista de la sociedad civil, es tualmente Preside la empresa de consultoría AMLA profesor de español y culturas hispánicas en Bristol Consulting LLC basada en Miami, Florida. Comunity College, Massachusetts. Archibald Ritter is Professor of Economics and In- Maria C. Werlau is a consultant residing in the ternational Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa, greater New York city area and author of numerous Canada, papers on Cuban affairs. She is also President of the Free Society Project, Inc., a non profit organization Enrique Romero studied International Relations at dedicated to human rights’ research that is currently El Colegio de México, in Mexico City.
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