RED BANK REGISTER. VOLUMK XXV. NO. 3*. ; KE1) HANK. N J., WEDNESDAY, PEltlMTAKY 25. J «(>.'». PA(iKS 1 TO 8. -•- and two children Minnie, u^-ed fifteen A PATRIOTIC HLKMON KOISKKT I!. WHITK UKAH. years, and Harry. .i^.-,l v^'ii \e,un NO HKAK!N(« VKSTKKDAV.! THKFIRKMKVSMINSTBELS • - • i Mm. Cimmi'h W;IH MIHM Kntiii 1'tif i. 1 \itfurali*ed t'lflxett'm on AN OLD RESIUIINT OF HHREWS. THE RED BANK CITY ACT 1)ID| A BIO CROWD til' PEOPLE BEE 'The funeral will be held at St. James's BURY PiBBEi AWAY, NOT COME UP. i Ki'Y. C'lHtllcct S. Miller. [itMiir of the A GOOD SHOW church on l'i itliiv iiiurmug at it'll o'clock, tlr Warn a Xative of Xnr Ymrk mid Two .*>ir ittllm Mittt;,tu,r<t, autl a Navi-Muk Methodist church, pleached n sermon on Sunday ni^hl on "liiorge Itanriiiu, l.urnl IIUrn Moved to Hhretrmbury forty Yearn i'attei-Mon U. Hnedeker, Hearing on Them will frohnhly Hkrtchem Aniutte the 4udienee • Ago The fnNHCMMor of a Valuable Patterson (J. Kiiedeker of Aslmry l'lirk he Held Xe.ri II «•«»*,- I he I'uhllv Washington." Alter briefly reviewing «ifr $tOU I leaved hy the KnteT' Kmtate Him funeral To-ltay. died on Tuesday of last week ut bin win SrhuolH Vnder thr illy i.ntr. Washinntotrs life lie Hani (hat his groat 14i ittnuttt, Robert Barnes White of Shrewsbury T home at Hast Orange, lit' W:IH Yesterday was the day set I'm- theUfss did not reM on In-. advan(a^>-s of NaveHink hook and bidder company of died t>ii Mondny morning miortly after seventy yearn old and Inn death w;is due hearing on the !>il! beft-rn the Irgiiliii urt> birth or education Inn on Inn ch.ii;icier lu'd Hunk gave a minstrel HIIOW at tha mie. o'clock, lie win* in hi«s (MUli year. to a complication of dweiiM1*. Mr_ making Red Hunk n city and taking in a a foundation tlrt! any man opera house on Monday night. lied His death wnrfdue to dropny and heart StH'dckor wan formerly ;i resident of big slice of the territory id the lowtiMhip build. He thought thiit the two urt , Hunk folk-H seem to take to minstrels disease, with which lie had been sick Mutiiwan hut he went to Ashury I'trk of Shrewnbury into 111• - new city. The lesHoiiH of Wa-ihingtou'H life weie the better than they take to any other kind for several moulliH. when that place waa tlrnt Kt.irted. He township eommittit' went to Trenton to value of character and the importance of a show, especially when the HIIOW i§ Mr. White WIIB the sun of William was the first postmaster i)f A.-sbury I'.trk. protect the rights of the township, hut the of being intensely American. U, said given by local talcu\ ('onHequenily the < 'raw ford White, wh* with his family Of lute, years he had Ix'en heuch HI1|>"I in, hearing did not come utf. Two newthat it aroused his indignation at election opera house wan packed mid there was moved to Shruwsuiiiry from New York tcndeiit for James A, Bradley, He was !HI1H which had IH'*• u prepared, making times to hear about the JUHII »o|e, tht'hardly standing room. The firemen about forty yearn ago. The father an active worker in the West Anbury Red Hank a city ;md hunting tlu> ter- Italian vote tw the (Jerman vote. There cleared over sf'.MO, which waH more bought u property adjoining Jtum-s II, Park Methodist church and wan superin- ritory to that now occupied by l{i>d H,wik, should be but one vote, he said, and than they expected to make. Home Martin's farm, on the road from the tendent of the. Siinday-whool, lie was were introduced. One of tlmne t>i11 H that an American vote. A naturalized of the money will he used to buy a Bet Little Silver station to Shrewsbury vil- very strict in his observance of the given the voters of Red Hunk the right citizen, Mr. Miller said, should be ah of tire harnesH and the rest will be put in lage. The family lived there for Home Sabbath and had always refused to ap- to vote on the measure before it, becomes solved from all relations with liiH native the company's treasury. time. It consisted of Mr. and Mrn.pear on the heach on Sundays in thea law. The other do-n im! give the •ountry. He thought that there UHH The HIIOW consisted of two parts—the White, Robert 1). White and a daughter. capacity of superintendent. people a chance to vole on it. A hear" naturalization in these days emulation first part and the second part The fatlier, mother and daughter died, ing on one or the other of these billw upon the payment of the required fee n which specialities are introduced. leaving Robert as the Hole heir to the Mm, John A, Hmoek, will be held next week. by a politician. The sermon was the Vhen the curtain went up for the first estate, which was a valuable one. Rob- Mrs, Mehetable Smock, wife of John There has been a yood deal of talk >re interesting from the fact that Mr. art the audience saw a well-set stage ert White is said to have been one of the S. Smock of Colt's Neck, died of pneu- ibout the effect the city law would have Miller ia of (Jcrmnn birth and in n nat. illed with white face and blacked-up richest men in this part of Monmouth monia last Thursday, aped eighty years. jn the hoard of education, if Red Bank uralized citizen of this country. Walter B. Paraons'a orches- county. He was fund of outdoor sports, She had been sick only a week. Be- should IMJ transformed into a city. FH, in full dress, occupied the hack part HUCII as gunning mid the like, and his sides a husband Mrs. Smock leaves two Section 5 of the city law provides* fi»r BASKETBALL NEWS. f the singe. The minstrels formed a wealth afforded him an opportunity to sons, S, Trafford Smock, who lives at the organization of the board of educa- emi-circle in front. The middle men enjoy these sports to the full. He was home, and Garrett S. Smock of lliddle- tion. This section is as follows ; • Flatlet! at Uttle Silver and wore full dress, while the funmakers ou also interested in astronomy and he had town. She leaves also a grandchild, "Every such city shall constitute a lied Bank, ho ends were gorgeously arrayed in a conservatory fitted up in his house and Florence Smonk, daughter of S. Trafford separate school district, and there whall Two games of basketball were played white knee breeches, white satin vests furnished it with a valuable telescope Smock. Mrs, Smock had been a mem,be appointed therein, at the first annual n the hnll at Little Silver on Friday nd red coats. Frank Tuttle of Asbury nod other astronomical appliances. Mr, her of the Colt's Neck Reformed church meeting of the city council, five persons night. The first waa between the Wide- 'nrk was the interlocutor. The men on White also liked to work with tools and nearly all her life and was very active who shall constitute the board of educa- awakes of Little Silver and the Netoacs lie tambourine end were Alfred Bot- he had a toolhouB© regularly fitted up in church work. The funeral was held tion in such city; two of such persona of Ashury Park. The score was i'l to 0 icher, Joseph Diekopf and a young where he spent a good deal of his time. on Monday moruing at the house and shall be, appointed for a term of twoin favor of the Netoacs. The second man named Jones. The men who played He had his own peculiar notions about waa conducted by Rev. Octave Van- years each, and three for a term of one ame was between the Shooting Stars he bones were James Hubbard, Rennie haw certain thingsshould ba constructed Beverhoudt, The body was buried at year each, and thereafter annually, at and an Ocean Grove team. This was Hendrickson and Mr. Clnrk, and in hia best days made two guns for Freehold. the annual meeting of the city council, won by the Shooting Stars by the score The minstrels sang and flung jokes at his own use. /' there shall be appointed two persons as f 5 to 4, To-night the Wideawakes ach other, Hits at people in the audi- For the past four or' five years Mr. Thomas FJH*#n Matthews. members of such board of edncation to will play a game with the Belmar team. nce were frequent and amusing, and White had spent the winters in Florida, Thomas Ellison Matthews, who lived serve for a term of tvvo years each, and The game will be played at, Little Silver. here was life, and enjoyment from the where he had built a fine house. There on the Holmdel road, near Matawan, one peison for a term of one year, so A game of basketball was played at beginning of the part to the close. The he enjgyed himself in sports to hia heart's died on Monday of last week, aged 86 that a majority of said board shall be ap- St.
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