--—- ----—-—-— J Max And Yussel Jacobs Muscled Out Of Heavyweight Crown Two Champions Now SPECTACULAR SPORTS By Laufer BRUINS PIN FIRST LOSS ON HAWKS BOWLING In View As Gotham IN ICE THRILLER By United Pron Solons Bar Boston's fast-traveling Bruins In- INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Bowen 115 S« 102— 301 Schmeling creased their lead in the American Meehan 105 100 01— 305 division of the National Hockey Plane aa« AtwMl (1) By HENRY MC LEMORE league last night by crushing the Nelson 105 113 111— J49 370 367 305—1093 Chicago Blackhawks S to 2. The Packer .105 124 101— 330 Giant* (1) New York, Jan 7—(UP)—Jack Sharkey of Boston, the Maxwell Blackhawks had beaten the Bruins Kncen *7 120 80— 203 00 90 73— 207 02 85— 275 Merritt 79 93 85— 202 unluckiest and at the same time the luckiest fighter in the bus- in both their encounters. Chabot 08 previous Paternoster 82 143 120— 354 Locke 36 80 80— 268 iness, may emerge from the tangled heavyweight situation The Toronto Maple Leafs climbed lilckard 84 98 92— 272 as champion of the world. That the of the world to within a point of the leading 477 612 512—1601 is, portion Montreal Maroons in the Interna- ConnectIrut Co (2) 329 370 341—1069 ruled by the New York boxing commission. tional division by tying the Ottawa Lancaster .Ill 110 103— 324 Yankee* (3) 70 70 85— 231 vv hen the commissioners took it Senators 2-2 while the Maroons were Thompson 03 104 07— 204 Wooding 80— 300 Wrenn 74 70 81— 225 being defeated 1-5 the New York Woodbury .107 104 upon themselves yesterday to sus- by Oates .114 125 104— 243 Durand 81 74 119— 274 Hangers. Bronaon Max and him Hoche .110 08 141— 340 .117 126 113— 350 pend Schmeltng strip Those Fickle Fans. of his royal robes, they paved the King Clancy, one time Senators 535 541 634—1610 342 346 398—1081 BftSKffEAll way for Sharkey's ascension to the star, playing his first game in Ot- Diamond Ginger Ale (2) Cake <«) Del Russo 84 100 03— 277 Cook 75 75 76— 225 throne. And to tawa since his sale to Toronto, was make it all the more Doherty 80 100 124— 314 Sully 88 79 88— 265 given a that contained as PLAVS ridiculous he might get the cham- reception Postey 81 112 115— 308 Bright 77 92 79— 248 boos cheers. pionship without so much as striking many as Braheney 75 01 88— 234 Heady 95 94 88— 277 a blow. Bill Cook led the Hangers attack Andrews .103 08 120— 330 with 335 330—1005 SEWEES Looks Like a Sailor two goals. 340 The Detroit Falcons a sur- 433 501 549—1483 High single—Bronaon, 120. Sooner or later the commissioners pulled High 366. prise by trimming the Canadlens 0 American Brnaa Co (1) three—Bronaon, will lock the doors and name a suc- Cole .105 83 107— 293 High game 398. to 2. Howie Cana- single—Yankees, cessor to Schmellng. Naturally, Morons, flashy Marvin .128 109 137— 374 High team total—White Sox, 1098. dlens’ was held in VWH1/KV they won't name the German to suc- ace, check by O’Conner .118 105 103— 326 BEARDSLEY AND ga/sMMO ceed himself. Stribling Isn’t likely the fast Falcon forwards. Montory .109 85 97— 201 WOLCOTT .101 116 93— 310 LEAGUE. AO,WV to be for as soon as he Standing Kopp available, One Cap (1) so' as the International ■nrtdftnr even much dickers with Croup 537—1596 Perry 79 81 81— 241 W. L. T. Pts 561 498 m/cmm Schmeling Interests he will be sus- Patent Button Co <1> Wlngbtade 71 102 95— 268 Maroons 7 3 23 pended. With Stribling and Schmel- .10 Topatlo 9 4 94 100— 288 Gangier 88 84 73— 245 lng out of the picture Sharkey would Toronto 9 0 4 22 Benson .114 75 98— 287 llaggl 94 101 112— 307 Canadlens 9 6 be conspicuous among the contend- 3 21 KuKgles .108 102 125— 335 Americans 7 0 6 20 Wooster 90 114 103— 307 332 368 361—1061 ers as a water lily in Death Valley Two Ottawa 5 13 2 12 Verzlcr .105 109 92— 306 Cup (2> and In all probability would be ME PERIODS Clausa 90 86 TTOCM. IO Outfit American named as the new champion. Group till 494 & 18—1523 Clark 81 95 If he did wake up some morning fop. \joemoma men school Boston .13 5 2 28 Worden'a llnlrj (2) Carley .100 89 Williams and see In the papers that he was Chicago .10 7 2 22 Richmond .113 96 101— 310 .119 95 TOLOCA Fbfc. 328 the new champion, Sharkey would TO oeFEAT HIGH, Rangers 9 7 4 22 Pratt .Ill 107 110— 9 7 3 21 Smith 98 89 93— 279 390 365 362—1117 probably go right on making the op Detroit THE CHAMPIONSHIP Cunningham 97 1 12 100— 309 Three Cup (1) breakfast for he has had en- Philadelphia 1 18 1 3 toast, fLUMOIS*»* Thompson .118 112 111— 341 Van Ripper 60 83 81— 236 tirely too many ups and downs to -'MARSHALL COONTCV, Vissoher 87 94 86— 267 A. B. GENERAL MACHINE SHOP become excited over which way the 537 516 514—1567 Mayshaw 77 79 91— 247 wind blows. LEAGUE. Oakville Co (II) Schuster .101 93 96— 290 scope 85 86- 256 Three Tough ones. (At St Joseph's Alleys) Manwaring 85 AT0viD*«CgFOpprrt 78 87 95- 260 325 351 The Boston sailor has had more Kelley "354—1030 Bassett Johnson .101 92 86- 279 Four Cup (2) than his share of both < (1) breaks, good TfiE FlRSro5cFTiMe PBRJOO Bassett 86 84 79— 2t9 Ransom 93 110 90- 283 Hill 70 81 and bad. His had breaks include ENDED, lS--»5-.;.:Tv4eSEC£MO, Kenney 77 98 98— 27J Tracy .,..106 117 97—97- 320 Wallace 83 86 a knockout at the hands of Jack RFfcv SHOW Average 90 90 90— 270 Swoboda 78 87 (Up, foOfflH; Nordstrom Dempsey after he had all but de- AND SEVENTH ENDED Ashborne .106 104 94— 804 4C3 491 464—1398 91 102 — French Mfg Co (3) capitated Jack In the rounds preced- 17 17 .. 359 376 361—1096 .120 110 105— 335 322 356 the He another tough Stoddard ing kayo. got iTHE-eiCHTH ENDED Barry 42) Palmento 99 93 97— 289 Five Cup <3> break when chose as 19-19, Schoell Tunney Heeney THE 31 —II > Average 84 84 84— 152 Norgren 99 90 100— 289 88 85 an a and NINTH, 86— 309 O. Schuster .108 86 opponent for title match, :i: AND THE -TENTH/ Average .101 101 101— 303 Muchalight .109 112 still another when he fouled Schmel- So8MiTrfcX> 8V O'Nell 92 90 87— 269 Zinno 96 88 98— 282 Reid 89 76 31 vZfc—33"" Bradshaw 84 ing with the heavyweight title all xleRP-V ReiCUECT Barry .101 99 DO— 290 93 523 493 486—1502 but in his grasp. •' STAR TDUOCA, ILL.,- Pse.tE, l9Jo' pBO^(A (lU-) 378 374 362—1114 Mohican Market (0) 369 339 361—1069 His luck, however, never entirely 1 Winter* (3) Rush 88 86- 269 Six Cup (0> BY EVERETT S. DEAN failed him and he always found him- Brown 92 116 114— 322 Wells 75 94 82- 251 Felske 80 76 73 — 229 self there in the front 94 102 03- 289 Rowland 82 91 75 248 Inliana V. right up Average 86 86 86— 258 Gibbons Basketball Coach, — heavyweight rank. He has given the Winters 79 92 96— 267 Rltuccl .107 94 116- 317 Young .102 75 93. 270 definite 114- 337 Booth 90 85 86 ■ Coaches should follow a New York boxing commlslon more THE BIG TEN L. Longo 98 107 125— 330 Keyes .115 108 There are 2y policy on all Jump balls. headaches than any other one a 355 401 421—1177 477 494 491—1463 347 327 327 1001 many jump balls In a game and Yet he is now its fighter. darling Here Is tlie way Tom MoArille Gardner <0> Wnterbnry dock (to (3) 119. definite offense of defense for held High single—Williams, and may be handed the heavyweight ranks the lightweight division Cuddy 78 101 Martin .Ill 99 128— 338 High three—Maggl, 307. balls will Insure of the possession title on a silver platter. for 1931: Them Tears Average 89 89 Salomlta. 96 1 20 107— 323 High game single—Two Cup team, Spill 9* 79 108— 308 ball more. Plenty of “Cluunps.” 1— Canzoncri Gardner Nardl 95 105 390. has Tony Relhl 93 119 93 91— 288 The Michigan Jump ball play If should be named “Kid” Hamel .104 High team total—Two Cup team. Sharkey 2— Jackie Berg. 98 131 116— 345 been In use several years In the and Galuppo ••••••••• 1117. champion by the commission 3— Billy Petrolic. Brethern! 354 388 329—1071 Ten conference and Is still ef- Now, Big Stribling and Schmellng fight for the 4—.Tusto Suarez. Warfel (3) 504 648 550—1602 “V” ciirncH i.mr.iu. fective. This is best used on title in Illinois under the N. B. A. Scadden 95 80 90— 265 play 5— Al Singer. (At Y. M. C. A. the offensive foul mark. Moore 81 95 95— 271 Alley*) banner, the world, whether It wants 6— Kid Kaplan. LEAGUE ac- DAN PARKER Warfel 97 94 84— 275 PLUME AN1I ATWOOII Notice the formation In the ’em or not, will have two heavy- 7—Tony Herrera.
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