J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.38.3.288 on 1 March 1985. Downloaded from J Clin Pathol 1985;38:288-292 Subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis: a histopathological study of nine cases from Malawi PJ O'DONNELL, MSR HUTT From the Department ofHistopathology, St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, London SEJ 7EH SUMMARY The clinical and histopathological features of subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis in nine patients from Malawi are presented. The patients had varied clinical presentations and microscopically, in each case, there was a subcutaneous abscess or cystic granuloma. In seven cases (78%) the causative fungal elements were easily identified in sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The fungal elements were easily identified in the other two cases with special fungus stains. The misleading terminology, which was used previously to cover this infec- tion, is discussed. Even though this paper reports on this disease in a tropical country, subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis occurs world wide, and these fungi should be looked for in otherwise unex- plained subcutaneous abscesses or cystic granulomata. The subcutaneous mycoses are a heterogeneous stain, the periodic acid Schiff reagent, and by the group of diseases caused by a wide variety of fungi Grocott methenamine silver procedure. Clinicalcopyright. that invade the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues information was obtained from the pathology after traumatic implantation. Some infections may request form. In most cases the sex and approximate remain localised, slowly spreading to contiguous tis- age of the patient were given, together with the site sues, while in others, lymphatic spread is common. of the lesion. In some cases the duration of the T-he clinical forms of phaeohyphomycosis fall into patient's symptoms, if present, or of the lesion was two basic types: subcutaneous and systemic. Other given. Sometimes information was given about the http://jcp.bmj.com/ categories of subcutaneous mycosis comprise presence of other diseases. chromomycosis, lobomycosis, mycetoma (eumyco- tic), rhinosporidiosis, sporotrichosis, and sub- Results cutaneous zygomycosis.' T-his paper reports the clinical presentation (when A total of nine biopsy specimens showing sub- submitted) and the histopathological features of cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis from nine patients subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis in nine patients were received during the period cited above. The from Malawi. clinical features, as submitted on the request forms, on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected are given in the Table. Material and methods Grossly, the specimens from four of the nine cases consisted of spherical cystic structures, varying from Between 1968 and 1983 St Thomas's Hospital 1-5 cm to 3.5 cm in diameter. All of the cysts were Medical School provided the only histopathological described as having a fibrous wall, measuring in two service for Malawi. Specimens were forwarded from of the cases up to 03 cm in thickness. The contents government and mission hospitals to the Queen of the cysts were described as inspissated greenish, Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre. There, they thick green, yellow pultacious, or soft yellow mater- were sorted, registered, and sent to London in ial. Three of the nine specimens were grossly weekly consignments. The slides from all cases of described as skin. Two of these skin specimens were subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis received between partially ulcerated, and two were described as over- January 1969 and July 1983 have been reviewed. lying a mass or nodule of brown tissue, measuring up In all cases additional sections were cut and stained to 3 0 cm in diameter. The remaining two specimens with haematoxylin and eosin, the Ziehl-Neelsen were described as a piece of white membranous tis- Accepted for publication 6 November 1984 sue, containing areas of haemorrhage, and a round 288 J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.38.3.288 on 1 March 1985. Downloaded from Subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis: A histopathological study of nine cases from Malawi 289 Clinical features in nine cases ofsubcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis Case no Age (yr) Sex Site ofpresentation Clinical features 1 35 M Right foot Cystic and non-tender swelling on foot for 1 yr 2 68 M Foot Tumour on foot? Jigger fleas; also had multiple neurofibromatosis 3 41 M Right foot Recurring tropical ulcer on foot 4 60 M Foot Cystic locular tumour on sole of foot for 1 yr 5 65 M Right arm Cystic tumour on arm 6 35 M Lower leg Cyst like structure on lower leg for 1 /2 yr, related to periosteum of tibia and filled with pus 7 Adult M Left foot ? Ganglion of left foot 8 35 F Left leg Cyst of left leg, coming from fascia 9 50 M Right cheek Small tumour on cheek, attached to skin and underlying tissue piece of brown tissue, measuring up to 2-0 cm in prominent thick septations and sometimes con- diameter. tained bizarre thick walled vesicular swellings, Histologically, three of the nine specimens con- resembling chlamydospores (Figs. 6 and 7). The lat- sisted of skin and subcutaneous tissue, while the ter structures occurred both singly and in chains. All remaining six specimens consisted of subcutaneous of these fungal elements were illustrated brilliantly tissue only. with the application of the periodic acid Schiff The histopathological features of all nine cases reagent and the Grocott methenamine silver proce- were similar. dure. No sclerotic bodies were identified in these Microscopically, in each case there was a sub- nine cases. cutaneous abscess or cystic granuloma. In all cases, where skin was represented in the biopsy material, Discussion the lesions involved the lower dermis, but the upper dermis and epidermis were unaffected (Fig. 1). Phaeohyphomycosis is the name given to those sub- copyright. The centre of each subcutaneous abscess con- cutaneous and systemic diseases caused by various sisted of necrotic debris and purulent exudate (Fig. brown moulds that develop in tissue in the form of 2). In case 9 the centre of the abscess contained dark walled septate mycelium.' These fungi have some vegetable material. In each case the cyst or been recovered from soil, wood, and other plant abscess was lined by a wide zone of granulation tis- sue, in which there were some microabscesses. Within the granulation tissue there were numerous http://jcp.bmj.com/ lymphocytes, epithelioid macrophages, and giant cells of both the foreign body and Langhans' type (Fig. 3). Eosinophils were also occasionally present. In all cases the subcutaneous abscess or cyst was surrounded by a dense and intact wall of collagenous fibrous tissue (Fig. 4). In seven of the nine cases the causative fungal on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected elements were easily identified in the sections s > * .. stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The number of fungal elements present in these cases was even .L, V'Si more evident when the special fungus stains were ..Vs used. In two of the nine cases application of the Haematoxylin and eosi,.2.teOriginal. magnfican x periodic acid Schiff stain and the Grocott technique was required to identify the fungal elements in the tissue sections. In all cases the fungal elements were present within the central necrotic debris, free among the Hamtoyi an :;osin. Oinal. magnification 2.; cellular elements of the granulation tissue, or within the cytoplasm of giant cells. The fungal elements consisted of dematiaceous, septate hyphae, which were both branched and unbranched and which varied considerably in length (Fig. 5). The hyphae were often constricted at their J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.38.3.288 on 1 March 1985. Downloaded from 290 O'Donnell, Hutt materials. Subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis typi- cally results from the traumatic implantation of the aetiological agents. The disease process usually results in a subcutaneous abscess or a cystic granuloma. The diagnosis is made by the finding of dematiaceous fungal elements in tissue.2 The fungal hyphae are best visualised with such fungal stains as Grocotfs methenamine silver stain. The N.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . various agents of subcutaneous or systemic phaeohyphomycosis in tissues are so similar in appearance that they cannot be differentiated solely 6, 4 on the basis of morphology. Culture is always needed for a specific identification of the aetiological agents.' 04~ ~ ~~4 The name phaeohyphomycosis replaces the mis- leading and inappropriate term "phaeosporo- trichosis," which had been compounded to cover ~ ~ ~~~~W such infections. The term was unacceptable because ..,,,,0 ,, ;,r, ,,., ' j,X, . ,, , the clinical expressions of phaeohyphomycosis sim- ply do not resemble those of sporotrichosis and because none of its many aetiological agents resem- ble the dimorphic Sporothrix schenckii in tissue or in culture.' The most commonly encountered aetiolog- ical agent of subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis is Exophiala jeanselmei.2 E jeanselmei is synonymous tg~~~ copyright. 'oe .e. "... Fig. 3 Polymorph microabscesses, epithelioid cells, and giant cells in cyst lining. Haematoxylin and eosin. X 100. A.. .. e , F f -s _ .! ,. 4o' A''S ',,,,'~~I'L http://jcp.bmj.com/ k e - }. t v ts 9 .> f r X4. .; - .,X-._. .. , , l,U, .... on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected 4.~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1A Fig. 2 Centre ofthe abscess filled with exudate and debris. Fig. 4 Dense fibrous wall ofabscess to right ofpicture. Haematoxylin and eosin. x 63. Haematoxylin and eosin. Original magnification X 63. J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.38.3.288 on 1 March 1985. Downloaded from Subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis: A histopathological study of nine cases from Malawi 291 4o 4 ... r h _i 4. W;l~~~~~~~~4k- A'. *I. 'N o.<I . s t~~~~~~~~~ i .. 0p. i RYV Fig. 7 Fungal hyphae with vesicular swellings. Grocott f 7.1~~~~~~a methenamine silver. x 400. ogy3 as a form of subcutaneous chromomycosis. In many instances these fungi have been documented Fig. 5 Dematiaceous septate hyphae within the purulent as the aetiological agents of infection in only one or exudate. Haematoxylin and eosin. x 400.
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