![Chess Review I](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1945 MANI-IATTAN CI-IAMPIONS Albert S. Pink" •. 1945 Manh;ilUan Club Champion, peses under p aint _ ing of famous elub member Jose R. Capablanca. • , 35 CENTS • Subscription Rate ONE YEAR $3 READERS', CHESS Readers are Invited to use these columns fol' their comments on matters ot Interest REVIEW FORUM to chessplayers, COHERENCE Vol. 13, No.2 February, 1945 MARSHALL ISS UE Chess Briefs, FebrUlU'Y, 19H , $II's: )'OU say that he won the title Sirs: from S howalter In 1894 , In 1895 INDEX I ha\'e just received your I have heen I'eadl ng "Let's Frank lIlarshall memOl'ial copy Pills bury challenged him, but Play Chess" now for something FEATURES nnd a m delighted that my most he decli ned ,and retired in 1896, over a week. i am ,'ery en· Young_Eyed Che rubini of absol'bi ng hobby should have a Did $ ltowaltel' win the title thuslastic. Since I am IIOt read­ Chess _____________________ 3 magazine so thoroughly consist· again after that? I wish you Il y prone to enthusiasm, I think would clear this UII, Ale k h i rH~ Defends Wartime ent In Its excellence, copy by this says a lot fo r youI' effort. WILLARD HA NSEN, J r, Conduct _________________ _ 7 copy. It Is a genuine thrill that I am not exactly a beginner Games f rom Recen t Events __21 I I'e celve each month about this Jackson Heights, N, y , at chess. I have beezl playIng li llie, YOII have my vety best • Hodges became U, S, cham· rO!· several years llow--or per­ SERIALS wishes for YOUl' continued suc­ pion In 1894 by defeating Sho­ haps it wouh1 be DJOI'C literal to Great Masterpiece. of Che .. cess In writing to a chess world walter. Challenged by P lIlsbUl'y say that I have been making Part 7-by Reuben Fine __ _' 3 whi ch youI' magazine helps me III 1895, Hodges was unable to legal moves 011 the board, But Let's Play Chess! ___________ 29 to be a. pal't or. delend and announced bls reo on the whole, J have been In a LAWRENCE BURTON tlrement the (ollowlng yeaI', The \'e l'Y dense fog for th(l most DEPARTM ENTS AMBROSE title reverted to ShOll'ultel', wlto purt, except for Ul e occasiOnal Chess Briefs ________ ___ ___ __ 8 U, S, Naval Opel'Rting Base defeated Llpsc but~ III 1895, . light whicll has slipped through, Game of the Month ___ ___ __ __ 10 Kodiak, Alaska Kemeny and Duz'l'y III 1896. In nnd given mo encoll l'llgement to Postal Ch ess ___ _______ ____ _24 1897, alld again In 1898, Pills­ continue, Problems __________ _____ ___ _22 , , , Every Issue Is good, bllt I bury defeated Showalter and Rea ders' Games ____________ _33 I never COllI(] see the reason think thut YOIl sllqlassed all became U, S, Chnmplon, When fo r anything, nor could I seem Solitaire Chesl __ ___________35 Ilrevlous errorts wIth your Mar­ Pillsbul'y died In 1906, the t itle Winning Traps _____________ 23 to build up any sort of system shall edition, agaIn revel'ted to Showalter, In my game which wo uld extend .T, PHIL APPEL although the latter had retired beyond two 01' three moves, As Dallas, Texas from active competition, Mar· I read "Let's Play Chess" I EDITORS &. PUBLISHERS shall established h is right to smile occasionally at the vivid , , , I enjoyed very much the the ChuDJplonshlp by defeating I. A. Horowlt:;r;, Kenneth Harknell way In which you describe me Issue dedicated to Fl'allk Mar­ S howalter In J909,-Ed, a nd my game. With these POSTAL EDITOR shall and would like to see you J ac k Straley BatteU lessons ot YOUNI I leel that at print an article sometime cover­ least I am beginning to see some Ing the history of chess, ASSOCIATE EDITORS PACIFIC CHESS l'easons a nd am beginning to Reube n Fine, Irving Che rneY, MILTON FRYKMAN Sirs: get some cohel'C nce in wbat for Albert S. P in kus, J, W. Collins, Gibson City, III. Recently a chess club was me has been a motley anay of Ke nneth S. Howard started at this base. Its origin­ ind ividual moves, By this I dOll 't , , . It W IlS grand ! I read every ators had 110 Idea tJlat It would Illean to say that I am going to word or the articles on Frank prove to be s uch II. great success, begin to win gam:)s. I realli;~ Marshall and wished lor the A colored omcer from Doyles· there is a very great differe nce Nth time that I could have mel town, Doston, gives slmultane· between playing allll winning him, ous matches each Monday, and and following yo ur desc.-i lllions KINGSLEY C, PECK soon n league 0 1' tournament and comlllents. Richmond, Va, will be Inaugurated, ' I e II jo y thoroughly your ' RAY JONES lessons, I lise them for amuse­ , , , A masterpiece. I am proud New Guinea ment (In(1 relaxation, I haye SUBSCR IPTION RATES to say I played Marshall when played games through before I was on leave tile day after yurt $5,50, from notation but I fo und it too the United hili bll'thday in 19.13. To show Sirs: much worl, to keop me interest' Mexico, what a good SPOl't he was, he I learned to pla,y chess anum· ed for long, , Other gav(l me a drnw when with very bel' of monills ago on tlte way ,oc $3,50 lillie effort he could have whip­ here, and nevel' II ,lve lllRyed Dy the way, I am 11 tellcher ped me soundly, Of course, he such a fa schmtlng game, 'Ve and I want to offor my congratu­ CHANGE OF AOORESS didn't let me knoW' It at the 1)lay as orten as llosslble, US II­ lations to whomevel' Is doing tbe Fou r week.' noUce required for time ... , alh' artez' evening chow, wZ'iting, I fi nd the style light, chango of addre.. , Pleue give bath interesting, and instructive, old and new addrou.. , Changes MORSE E. TRINE, USN J, D, CO H EN ca nnot be made without the old San Diego, Calif. Marianas Islands H, M, }'OWLER addreu ~. well a. the now on., Cambridge, Mass, MAILING Grand ! I appreciate Marshall more and more, Too bad we WEST COAST SUGGESTION don't have a lot of grandmasters Sirs: Sirs: like h im. And I mean grand. Please let's have more news As a new s nbscriber, may I But I do think we have a lot of and stories rrom the 'Vest venture a criticism or your young grandmastel'S second to Coast. You must have enough otberwlse llerfeet chess maga, none with the IlOSsible excep­ readers out here to warrall t an tion or the Russians, zlne? Do not print problem o ccas i onal mention of Los solutions in the same Issue. The M. W. GILBERT Angeles, San F runcisco, P ort· eye Is bound to be caught by the Clayton, M o, your iand, Seattle, and other cities, word "Pawn" 01' ·'Knlght" and even IC you give us a little less the problem might just as well CO PYRIGHT U. S, T I TLE about lhe Ma rshall and Mall­ not be thel'e, CHESS REVIEW I. copyright and hattan Clubs, and the Wll.shing­ republication of origina l muerlal SiI'S: You have no Id ea What a thrill appea ri ng In thl, magazln. I. In your Decembel' issue you ton (0, C.) Chess Divan, a beginner like myseU gets P'f'Ohlblted without written per, state that Marshall \\'011 the U.S, It D. TAYLOR when he actually fi nds a prob­ mlulon, New.paper che" co lum n. San Francisco, Cal. are hereby granted perm Inion to ~ Itl e In 1909 by winning a match lcm key by himself. Compared quote from CHESS REVIEW, pro · with Showalter, the champion • If West Coast associations to that, the beauty of composl· vlded full credit I, glvln, before PlI1s bUl'y, and clubs will send mote news, tion Is secondal'y, For this I thought that Hodges was we will be glad to publish It, I' e a s on also, the description CopyrlQh~, 1Q45. by CHESS Pills bury's predecessor, since In - Ed, printed with the dlag!'ll.m Should 1945 1 -==':':V:':E:W:':N:':W=Y.:o:":':N:':Y:'==--,-,C~HESS REVIEW, FEBRUARY, not betray the solutiOn. Tell us ~lIpplled chessmen to the vari­ about the composer, methods of ous military units the game composition, genel'al rules of wou ld achieve greater popular­ soh-Ing. but please let us do Ity out here. Our hospllal, for the soh'lng ourselves, if we can. example, could muster only two If lIot. we will look forward to cheu sets. the next Issue tllnt much more I don't like to see so much eagerl y. In other words, " If It of your space t1evoted to photo­ he not solved by me, What care graphs of chess matches ... the I how cute it be?" nine canc!ltl "shots" In the Oct­ EMIL nREITENFELD ober Issue were lOO mllch ... San F rancisco, Calif. Nothing In the magazine Is so • \\l ost renders prefer the solu· devoid of Interest as the "Postal tlOIlS ill the same issue. Try :\Iortems" and the list or Postal folding the page back.- Ed.
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