Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N. F. 37 (2/3): 93–107 (2016) 93 A contribution to the knowledge of the Miltochrista-Lyclene genus group in South East Asia (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini) Karel Černý Dr. Karel Černy, Tiergartenstrasse 27, A­6020 Innsbruck, Austria; [email protected] Abstract: Seventeen new species and two subspecies of the su ri dia nakaoi sp. n. aus Thailand; sowie die Un terarten Mil to christa-Lyclene genus group from South­East Asia are Bar si ne sieglindae coloraria ssp. n. aus Laos, ähn lich wie die de scri bed and figured: Miltochrista collina sp. n. from the oben beschriebene B. marcelae sp. n.; und Ly clene weiden hof- low land of Thailand which is similar to M. dentifascia Hamp­ feri maritima ssp. n., entdeckt in Vietnam. Alle Holo ty pen son, 1894; Miltochrista lyclenoides sp. n. from Laos, si mi lar sind in coll. Museum Witt, München; die meisten da von sind to Lyclene undulosa Walker, 1854; Barsine milo sla vae sp. n. Männchen, bis auf die von B. milo sla vae, “B.” he le nae, L. evae, from Vietnam, which is very specific; Barsine elon gata sp. n. L. nataliae und D. nakaoi, die Weib chen sind. from Vietnam, similar to B. punicea me la nan dra Černý, 2009; Barsine melaninflexa sp. n. from Thai land, similar to B. pallinflexa Holloway, 2001; Barsine mar celae sp. n. Introduction from Sumatra is similar to B. carbonisata Čer ný 1995 from Intensive studies of recent years helped me to identify Mindanao; Barsine sieglindae sp. n. from Laos is similar to B. cornicornutata Holloway, 1982; Bar si ne melanovena ma ny formerly unknown species of the family Erebidae sp. n. from Thailand is similar to Barsine ci tro na Hampson, (subf amily Arctiinae, tribe Lithosiini). In the present 1907; Barsine helenae sp. n. from Myan mar is similar to contr ibution 17 new species and 2 new subspe cies of the Barsine radians Moore, 1878; Lyclene tes ta ta sp. n. was group of the genera Miltochrista Hübner, 1819, Barsine found in Vietnam; Lyclene zorae sp. n. was dis covered in Wal ker, 1854 and Lyclene Moore, 1859 found in Thai­ Sumatra; Lyclene calcicola sp. n. from Laos is re lated to L. land, Laos, Vietnam and on the In done si an island of weidenhofferi Černý, 2012; Lyclene jaroslavae sp. n. from Thailand is similar to L. congerens Felder, 1874; Lyclene evae Sumatra are pre sen ted. L. con junc ta na sp. n. from Thailand is similar to Walker, Abbreviations 1866; Lyclene nataliae sp. n. from Vietnam is si milar to Lyclene modesta Leech, 1899; Lyclene dagmarae sp. n. from CASD coll. Alexander Schintlmeister, Dresden. Laos similar to Lyclene calamaria Moore, 1888; and the very CKC coll. Karel Černý, Innsbruck. specific Disasuridia nakaoi sp. n. from Thai land; as well CMWM coll. Museum Thomas Witt, München (Munich), de di­ as the subspecies Barsine sieglindae coloraria ssp. n. from cated to ZSM, Munich. Laos, similar to the above described B. marce lae sp. n.; and Lyclene weidenhofferi maritima ssp. n. found in Vietnam. All exp. expansion (wing span). holotypes are in coll. Museum Witt, Mu nich; most holotypes fw. forewing. are males, except for B. miloslavae, “B.” helenae, L. evae, L. GP [no.] genitalia preparation slide/vial [no.]. nataliae D. nakaoi, and which are fe males. HT holotype. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattungsgruppe Milto- hw. hindwing. christa-Lyclene in Südostasien (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, lfw. length of fw. Arctiinae, Lithosiini) PT paratype. Zusammenfassung: Siebzehn neue Arten und zwei Unter­ uns. underside. ar ten des Miltochrista-Lyclene­Gattungskomplexes aus Süd­ ups. uperside. ost asi en werden beschrieben und abgebildet: Miltochrista ZSM Zoologische Staatssammlungen, München (Munich, col lina sp. n. von Thailand, ähnlich der M. den ti fas cia Ger ma ny). Hampson, 1894; Miltochrista lyclenoides sp. n. aus Laos ist ähnlich wie Lyclene undulosa Walker, 1854; Bar si ne 1. Miltochrista collina sp. n. miloslavae sp. n. aus Vietnam ist un ver wech sel bar; Bar- (Figs. 1a, b, c, d, e, f, g.) sine elongata sp. n. aus Vietnam ist ähnlich wie B. pu ni cea melanandra Černý, 2009; Barsine melaninflexa sp. n. aus HT: ♂, SE Thailand, Prov. Ubon Ratchatani, 220 m, border of Thailand ist ähnlich wie B. pallinflexa Holloway, 2001; Bar- Nam Yuem NP, 14°25.37′ N, 104°52.07′ E, 2.–3. xi. 2010 leg. sine marcelae sp. n. aus Sumatra ist ähnlich wie B. car bo- K. Černý, CMWM. ni sata Černý, 1995 aus Mindanao; Barsine sieglin dae sp. n. PTs (in total 17 ♂♂, 17 ♀♀): 10 ♂♂, 10 ♀♀, same data as aus Laos ist ähnlich B. cornicornutata Hol lo way, 1982; Bar- HT, but CKC. 3 ♂♂, SE Thai land, Prov. Buri Ran, 300 m, si ne melanovena sp. n. aus Thailand ist ähnlic h wie Barsine 14°9.2′ N, 102°39.38′ E, 31. x. 2010, leg. K. Černý. 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, cit rona Hampson, 1907; Barsine helenae sp. n. aus Myan­ E. Thailand, Sakhon Nakhon, Phu Pan NP, 320 m, 7°5.767′ N, mar ist ähnlich Barsine radians Moore, 1878; Ly clene tes­ 102° 59.907′ E, 5.–7. xi. 2010, leg. K. Černý. 1 ♀, same data, tata sp. n. wurde in Vietnam entdeckt; Lyclene zo rae sp. n. but 10.–13. x. 2007, leg. T. Ihle. 1 ♀, C. Thailand, Nakhon wur de auf Sumatra gefunden; Lyclene cal ci cola sp. n. aus Ratchasima, 490 m, 14°22.555′ N, 101° 51.890′ E, 29. ix. Laos ist verwandt mit L. weidenhofferi Čer ný, 2012; Lyclene 2008, leg. K. Černý. 1 ♂, SE Thailand, Prov. Surin, 225 m, ja roslavae sp. n. aus Thailand ist ähnlich wie L. congerens Ban Cham­Baemg, 14°28.53′ N, 103° 49.16′ E, 1. xi. 2010, Fel der, 1874; Lyclene evae sp. n. aus Thai land ist ähnlich leg. K. Černý. 1 ♂, C. Thailand, Phetc habun, 580 m, border wie L. conjunctana Walker, 1866; Lyclene na ta liae sp. n. of Nam Nao NP, 16°44.05′ N, 101°23.14′ E, 10. xi. 2010, leg. aus Vietnam ist ähnlich wie Lyclene modesta Leech, 1899; K. Černý. 4 ♀♀, SE Thailand, Prov. Ubon Ratchatani, 220 m, Lyclene dagmarae sp. n. aus Laos ist ähnlich wie Lyclene border of Nam Yuem NP, 14° 25.37′N, 104°52.07′ E. ex ♀, ca lamaria Moore, 1888; dazu die un ver wech sel ba re Disa- 3. xi. 2010, reared ex ovo, K. Čer ný. All PTs in CKC. © 2016 by Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main 94 Etymology: The name describes the preference of the genitalia, which is in M. dentifascia lar ger, with a simple spe cies for its occurence in lower hills [Lat. collis = hill], valva and a long costal projection. In the female of M. where as the very si mi lar and probably closely related spe­ dentifascia the bursa copulatrix bears terminally a long cies M. dentifascia Hamp son, 1894 prefers higher montane fo rests. lateral projection which is in M. col lina sp. n. replaced by the short lateral bladder. Male: The head is red with black eyes, the palpi are red, the antennae are red, finely ciliated. The tegulae 2. Miltochrista lyclenoides sp. n. and patagia are red, on patagia there is a black dot. The (Figs. 2a, b, c, d, e, f, g.) thorax is red with a black dot in its caudal part, the legs HT: ♂, Laos, prov. Khammouane, Muang Gnomarat, 150 m, are red with black tarsi. The abdomen is pink with some 17°33.259′ N, 105°9.778′ E, reared ex ovo from ♀ found 1. vi. black hair terminally. 2014, leg. et cult. K. Černý, in CMWM. PTs (in total 48 ♂♂, 49 ♀♀): Laos, prov. Khammouane: Ext. 18 mm, lfw. 9 mm. The ground colour of the fw. is 35 ♂♂, 29 ♀♀, data as in HT, but in CKC. 10 ♂♂, 18 ♀♀, brick red with black markings, which consists of three Mu ang Khai, 160 m, 17°27.681′ N, 104°54.980′ E, 27.–29. v. sub basal dots, the most basal of them is rounded, the 2014, leg. K. Černý, CKC. 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, Khoun Ngeun, Sa la other two are triangular, a subbasal black line arising at Viewpoint, 480 m, 18°10.7′ N, 104°29′ E, 30.–31. v. 2014, leg. cos ta, excurved in the radial area and bent to the base K. Černý, CKC. — 1 ♂, Laos, prov. Bolikhamxai, 5 km west near of the inner margin, a slightly sinuous transversal Khoun Kham, 550 m, 10. viii. 2010, ex coll. Keni chi ro Na kao, no. 100810049, CKC. band, a spot in the discoidal area, a postmedial zic­zac Etymology: The species is very similar to the genus Lyclene trans versal band and a series of eight elongate sub mar gi­ Moore, 1859, especially to L. undulosa Walker, 1854. nal spots. The fringes are red. Male: The head with the basal part of the antennae are The uns. of the fw. is pink with a few visible black mar­ cream white, the eyes are black, the palpi are dorsally kings in the basal and medial part, 5 of the submar ginal black, ventrally cream white, the tegulae and patagia are black spots are well visible. cream white with some black scales, the thorax is cream The hw. is pink with pink fringes. white, the first pair of legs is grey with cream white hairs, the second and thirth pairs are cream white, terminally The female is similar, with the lfw. of 10,5 mm slightly banded with grey. The abdomen ist dor sally dirty white, larger.
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