Apple Inc. K-12 and Higher Education Institution Third-Party Products: Software Licensing and Hardware Price List April 13, 2010 Table Of Contents Page • How to Order 1 • Revisions to the Price List 1-7 SECTION A: THIRD-PARTY HARDWARE 7-34 • Cables 8 • Cameras 8 • Carts, Security & More 8-9 • Displays and Accessories 9 • Input Devices 9-10 • iPad Accessories 10 ˆ • iPod/iPhone Accessories 10-13 • iPod/iPhone Cases 13-17 • Music Creation 18 • Networking 18 • Portable Gear 18-21 • Printers 21-22 • Printer Supplies 22-28 • Projectors & Presentation 28 • Scanners 28 • Server Accessories 28-29 • Speakers & Audio 30-32 • Storage 32-33 • Storage Media 33-34 • Video Accessories 34 • Video Cameras 34 • Video Devices 34 SECTION B: THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE LICENSING 34-39 • Creativity & Productivity Tools 34-39 • IT Infrastructure & Learning Services 39 SECTION C: FOR MORE INFORMATION 39 • Apple Store for Education 39 • Third-Party Websites 39 • Third-Party Sales Policies 39 • Third-Party Products and Ship-Complete Orders 39 HOW TO ORDER Many of the products on this price list are available to order online from the Apple Store for Education: www.apple.com/education/store or 800-800-2775 Purchase orders for all products may be submitted to: Apple Inc. Attn: Apple Education Sales Support 12545 Riata Vista Circle Mail Stop: 198-3ED Austin, TX 78727-6524 Phone: 1-800-800-2775 Fax: (800) 590-0063 IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ORDERING THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE LICENSING Contact Information: End-user (or, tech coordinator) contact information is required in order to fulfill orders for third party software licensing. Minimum required contact information includes: (1) Name of intended end-user; (2) email address and/or fax number. Volume Pricing Pricing of 3rd party software licensing is based on volume purchased. Higher volume purchases receive greater savings. To facilitate timely and accurate fulfillment of orders, it is essential that the part number ordered corresponds to the software license volume being purchased. Revisions to the March 9, 2010 K-12 and Higher Education Institution Third-Party Products Price List PRODUCTS ADDED TO THE PRICE LIST Third-Party Hardware (new products) H1111LL/A Avenues in Leather Avenues Level 8 Protective iPad Sleeve 49.95 TY114VC/B Belkin Belkin Grip Pulse for iPod touch 2nd gen - Black/Clear (F8Z718tt066) 29.95 TY017VC/B Belkin Belkin Grip Vue case for iPod touch 2nd gen - Blue (F8Z709tt104) 29.95 K-12 and Higher Education Institution Page 1 Third-Party Products Price List 04/13/2010 Apple Inc. K-12 and Higher Education Institution Third-Party Products: Software Licensing and Hardware Price List April 13, 2010 TY016VC/B Belkin Belkin Grip Vue case for iPod touch 2nd gen - Clear (F8Z709ttCLR) 29.95 TY015VC/B Belkin Belkin Grip Vue case for iPod touch 2nd gen - Smoke (F8Z709tt064) 29.95 TY161VC/B Belkin Belkin Grip Vue for iPhone 3G/3GS - Bright Blue (F8Z714tt104) 29.95 TY162VC/B Belkin Belkin Grip Vue for iPhone 3G/3GS - Clear (F8Z714ttCLR) 29.95 TY160VC/B Belkin Belkin Grip Vue for iPhone 3G/3GS - Plum (F8Z714tt091) 29.95 TY113VC/B Belkin Belkin Grip Vue for iPod touch 2nd gen - Plum (F8Z709tt091) 29.95 H0980VC/A Belkin Belkin Knit Cap - Black (F8N276tt) 39.95 H0981VC/A Belkin Belkin Knit Cap - Purple (F8N276tt091) 39.95 H0982VC/A Belkin Belkin Pleated Sleeve - Black (F8N277tt) 39.95 H0983VC/A Belkin Belkin Pleated Sleeve - Purple (F8N277tt091) 39.95 H0984VC/A Belkin Belkin TPU for iPad - Black (F8N378ttAPL) 49.95 H0985VC/A Belkin Belkin TPU for iPad - Clear (F8N378ttCLR-APL) 49.95 H0986VC/A Belkin Belkin Vue Sleeve for iPad - Black (F8N275ttBKW-APL) 39.95 H0987VC/A Belkin Belkin Vue Sleeve for iPad - Purple (F8N275tt128-APL) 39.95 TX583VC/A Bowers and Wilkins Bowers & Wilkins - MM1 Desktop Hi-Fi Speaker (FP29793) 499.95 H1486ZM/A Canon Canon FS300 Flash Camcorder - Silver (3421B00) 289.95 H0941ZM/A Contour Contour HardSkin inked for iPad - Black (01574-0) 59.95 H0942ZM/A Contour Contour iSee for iPad (01572-0) 49.95 H0943ZM/A Contour Contour Jack Spade Canvas for iPad - Brown (01578-0) 59.95 H0944ZM/A Contour Contour Juicy Leather iPad Open Face - Pink (01575-0) 79.95 H0945ZM/A Contour Contour Juicy Leather iPad Pouch - Brown (01580-0) 79.95 H0947ZM/A Contour Contour Kate Spade Envelope for iPad - Green/White (01576-0) 79.95 H0949ZM/A Contour Contour Kate Spade Stripes Neoprene for iPad - Violet/White (01577-0) 59.95 H0950ZM/A Contour Contour Lucky Clover Neoprene for iPad Green (01579-0) 59.95 H0951ZM/A Contour Contour Showcase for iPad (01573-0) 59.95 H1380LL/A Crucial Technology Lexar JumpDrive TwistTurn 4GB USB Flash Drive (LJDTT4GBASBNA) 14.95 H1194VC/A G-Tech G-Tech G-RAID mini v4 1TB 7.2k RPM (GRM3 1000X) 299.95 H0915VC/A Griffin Griffin Aux + Mic Cable (GC17090) 29.95 H0694VC/A Griffin Griffin WindowSeat V2 Whindshield Mount for iPod / iPhone (GC17104) 29.95 H1114LL/A HighPoint Technologies HighPoint Rocket Dual eSATA PCI-Express Host Adapter Card for Mac (ROCKET622M) 99.95 H1113LL/A HighPoint Technologies HighPoint RocketRAID Quad eSATA PCI-Express Host Adapter Card for Mac (ROCKET644M) 249.95 H1277LL/A Hurley Hurley Slider iPhone 3G/3GS - Black H (HRAP3G08-BLK) 29.95 H1278LL/A Hurley Hurley Slider iPhone 3G/3GS - MultiKings (HRAP3G09-MULTI) 29.95 H1270LL/A Hurley Hurley Slider iPod touch 2nd gen - BlueNuclear (HRAP211-BLU) 29.95 H1269LL/A Hurley Hurley Slider iPod touch 2nd gen - MultiKings (HRAP210-MULTI) 29.95 H0958ZM/A Incase Incase Convertible Book Jacket for iPad - Black (CL57512) 59.95 H0965ZM/A Incase Incase Flip Protective Cover for iPad - Black (CL56426) 39.95 H0966ZM/A Incase Incase Flip Protective Cover for iPad - Fluorescent Green (CL56429) 39.95 H0968ZM/A Incase Incase Flip Protective Cover for iPad - Magenta (CL564280) 39.95 H0967ZM/A Incase Incase Flip Protective Cover for iPad - Royal Purple (CL56427) 39.95 H1463ZM/A Incase Incase Frame Case for iPhone 3G/3GS - Blue Sea (Clear Back) 29.95 H1415ZM/A Incase Incase Frame Case for iPhone 3G/3GS - Bright Red (Clear Back) 29.95 H1462ZM/A Incase Incase Frame Case for iPhone 3G/3GS - Green (Clear Back) 29.95 H0969ZM/A Incase Incase Grip Protective Cover for iPad - Black (CL56425) 39.95 H0970ZM/A Incase Incase Grip Protective Cover for iPad - Magenta (CL56431) 39.95 H0971ZM/A Incase Incase Grip Protective Cover for iPad - Royal Purple (CL56430) 39.95 H0959ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus for iPad - Black (CL57474) 39.95 H0961ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus for iPad - Magenta (CL57504) 39.95 H0960ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus for iPad - Soft Green (CL57500) 39.95 H1299ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus for MacBook Pro 13" - Chocolate/Blue Sea (CL57490) 39.95 H1301ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus for MacBook Pro 13" - Royal Purple/White (CL57492) 39.95 H1300ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus for MacBook Pro 15" - Chocolate/Blue Sea (CL57494) 39.95 H1302ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus for MacBook Pro 15" - Royal Purple/White (CL57496) 39.95 H0684ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus for MBP 13" - Medium Grey (CL57411) 39.95 H0685ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus for MBP 15" - Medium Grey (CL57418) 39.95 H0686ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus for MBP 17" - Medium Grey (CL57425) 39.95 H0962ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Slip Sleeve Plus for iPad - Black (CL57489) 39.95 H0963ZM/A Incase Incase Neoprene Slip Sleeve Plus for iPad - Medium Gray (CL57501) 39.95 H0964ZM/A Incase Incase Nylon Travel Kit Plus for iPad - Black (CL57513) 59.95 H0580ZM/A Incase Incase Slider Case w/S-Stand for iPhone 3G/3GS - Metallic Red 34.95 H0990VC/A Iomega Iomega eGo 1TB Desktop Mac Edition - Silver (34794) 159.95 H0991VC/A Iomega Iomega eGo 2TB Desktop Mac Edition - Silver (34796) 279.95 H1207VC/A Iomega Iomega eGo Helium v4 320GB USB (34943) 99.95 H1208VC/A Iomega Iomega eGo Helium v4 500GB USB (34945) 129.95 TT900LL/B iSkin iSkin Revo for iPhone 3G/3GS Black/Brown (RE3GK10-BK) 39.95 TU195VC/B iSkin iSkin Solo for iPhone 3G/3GS - Blue (SO3GK10-BE) 29.95 TX758ZM/B iSkin iSkin Solo FX Special Edition for iPhone 3G/3GS - Black (SOSEK10-BK) 32.95 TX757ZM/B iSkin iSkin Solo FX Special Edition for iPhone 3G/3GS - Frost 32.95 TX759ZM/B iSkin iSkin Solo FX Special Edition for iPhone 3G/3GS - Pink 32.95 H1296VC/A Kipling Kipling Digi Set - Black (TM2045-001) 64.95 H1109VC/A Kipling Kipling Digi Set - Limestone (TM2045-206) 64.95 H1108VC/A Kipling Kipling Digi Set - Rouge Pink (TM2045-622) 64.95 TW908VC/B Marware Marware Sportshell Convertible for iPhone 3G/3GS - Black (602956006954) 44.95 TX948VC/B Marware Marware Sportshell Convertible for iPod touch 2nd gen - Black (602956006978) 39.95 H1156LL/A Monster Monster Beats Solo HD Headphones Black (132711-00) 199.95 H1157LL/A Monster Monster Beats Solo HD Headphones White (129507-00) 199.95 H1224LL/A Monster Monster Beats Spin Studio White Headphones (129480-00) 299.95 K-12 and Higher Education Institution Page 2 Third-Party Products Price List 04/13/2010 Apple Inc. K-12 and Higher Education Institution Third-Party Products: Software Licensing and Hardware Price List April 13, 2010 H1223LL/A Monster Monster Beats Studio Boston RedSox Headphones (129528-00) 399.95 H1158LL/A Monster Monster Beats Tour Earphones White (129487-00) 149.95 H1155LL/A Monster Monster Spin Studio Headphones Black (129425-00) 299.95 H1478LL/A PASCO scientific PASCO SPARKlink Biology Starter Bundle (PS-2594) 830.95 H1479LL/A PASCO scientific PASCO SPARKlink Chemistry Starter Bundle (PS-2595) 611.95 H1480LL/A PASCO scientific PASCO SPARKlink Earth Science Starter Bundle (PS-2596) 577.95 H1483LL/A
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