E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 2000 No. 25 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was SCHEDULE ing for weeks now to have debated in called to order by the President pro Mr. GORTON. Mr. President, this the Senate, we can move forward with tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. morning the Senate will begin 1 hour of that bill. We are very hopeful that the debate on the conference report to ac- bill that comes out of conference is one PRAYER company the Federal Aviation Admin- that has the meat of what is needed to The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John istration bill. Following that debate, help our high-tech industry and not a Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: the Senate will be in a period of morn- watered-down version of a bill we may Almighty God, we praise You for not ing business until 11:30 a.m. with the not be able to support. making life a courtroom without a time under the control of Senators f judge. We don't have to judge ourselves BROWNBACK and DURBIN. Following RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME with self-condemnation or others with morning business, the Senate will The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under harshness. You are the judge of our begin consideration of the Export Ad- the previous order, the leadership time lives, the one to whom we must ac- ministration Act with amendments to is reserved. count for our behavior, character, and the bill expected to be offered. As a re- relationships. We expose our private minder, there will be three stacked f and public lives to Your judgment. votes at 5 p.m. The first vote will be on WENDELL H. FORD AVIATION IN- There are no secrets from You. We the conference report to accompany VESTMENT AND REFORM ACT spread out before You the work of this the Federal Aviation Administration FOR THE 21ST CENTURYÐCON- Senate and ask You to show us what bill, to be followed by the two cloture FERENCE REPORT You require. This is Your nation. The votes with respect to the Berzon and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Senators and all who work for and with Paez nominations. the previous order, the Senate will now them are here by divine appointment. I thank my colleagues for their co- proceed to the consideration of the Your justice and righteousness are our operation. conference report accompanying H.R. mandates. May we see ourselves hon- f 1000 which the clerk will report. estly in the pure white light of Your The legislative clerk read as follows: truth. UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUESTÐ S. RES. 237 The committee on conference on the dis- As we stand before You as our judge, agreeing votes of the two Houses on the we view You beside us with mercy and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- amendment of the Senate to the bill, H.R. within us as perfect peace. Take our ator from Nevada. 1000, have agreed to recommend and do rec- hands, dear Lord. Lead us on so that as Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- ommend to their respective Houses this re- this day closes and we say our prayers, imous consent the Senate proceed to port, signed by a majority of the conferees. we may have less to confess and more the immediate consideration of S. Res. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for which to give thanks. In Your 237, which has been held over under the objection, the Senate will proceed to righteous, all-powerful name. Amen. rule, that the resolution be agreed to, the consideration of the conference re- the preamble be agreed to, and that the f port. motion to reconsider be laid upon the (The conference report is printed in PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE table. the House proceedings of the RECORD of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there today, March 8, 2000.) The Honorable WAYNE ALLARD, a objection? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Senator from the State of Colorado, led Mr. GORTON. I object. the previous order, there will be 60 the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- minutes of debate with 20 minutes I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the tion is heard. under the control of the majority lead- United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. REID. Mr. President, for the mi- er, 20 minutes under the control of the lic for which it stands, one nation under God, nority, we are grateful that we are now indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Democratic leader, and 20 minutes at a point where we can move forward under the control of the Senator from f on the FAA bill. It has been held up for New Jersey, Mr. LAUTENBERG. a long time. It is very important to the The Senator from Washington. RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING country, and hopefully by the end of Mr. GORTON. Mr. President, it is MAJORITY LEADER the day we will have the conference re- with great pleasure that I appear here The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. AL- port approved. today with my friend and colleague LARD). The Senator from Washington is We also hope, with the export admin- from West Virginia, Senator ROCKE- recognized. istration bill that we have been wait- FELLER, to present to the Senate the ∑ This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1247 . S1248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE March 8, 2000 conference report on the Federal Avia- bill such as the removal of slot restric- tirelessly on this issue: Aviation sub- tion Administration reauthorization tions at Chicago O'Hare, Washington committee staff, Ann Choiniere, Mike measure. The compromise reached in National, and the two New York air- Reynolds, Sam Whitehorn, and Julia this legislation is not only fair but con- ports. These provisions will improve Krauss ably tended the technical provi- structive. It will provide necessary in- competition, reduce fares, and provide sions of the bill. Wally Burnett with creases especially in capital funds for additional service to small commu- Senator STEVENS, and Cheryle Tucker our aviation infrastructure and does nities. with Senator DOMENICI were vital in provide a reasonable balance with the Another provision which will stimu- negotiations over budgetary issues. needs of that system and our limited late competition and help to bridge the I also thank Jim Sartucci and Keith Federal resources. funding gap that currently exists is an Hennessey from Senator LOTT's staff I went to the conference committee increase in the cap on the passenger fa- for assisting with the final negotia- on this bill with a unique perspective cility charge. This provision gets to tions. because I sit on the Budget and Appro- the heart of my guiding philosophy, Last but certainly not least are my priations Committees as well as serv- which is to give local officials more de- own staff members. I thank Jeanne ing as the chairman of the Aviation cision-making power. Bumpus for her diligent efforts on the Subcommittee. My duties on these Although I favor an increase in the Death on the High Seas Act, and Brett committees allowed me to see the hard cap on the PFC, I realize that this is Hale, who is with me today, and who choices that must be made to stay just one piece of the puzzle. We must left his name out of these printed re- within our tight budgets. look at the issues of our national avia- marks. He deserves thanks for the hun- The final agreement reached with tion system in a larger context if we dreds and hundreds of hours he has put Chairman SHUSTER in the House en- are going to meet the capacity de- in on this bill from beginning to end. sures the trust fund revenues will be mands of the 21st century. We cannot Finally, as I began, I want to say it used for aviation spending. I joined rely on unlimited federal funding to has been a great pleasure to me to Senator DOMENICI in supporting the solve all of our problems. We must work with my friend from West Vir- Senate position on this issue, a posi- stretch our finite resources as far as OCKEFELLER, whose in- tion that allows for expenditure of ginia, Senator R possible. terest in this subject is very high and these revenues for their intended pur- A prime example of this is the mod- poses without tying the hands of the whose competence in coming up with ernization of the air traffic control sys- correct answers is equally high. Appropriations Committee. That was tem. This process has been ongoing for an integral part of the final passage, This bill is a true partnership, and I more than 15 years. We can no longer have enjoyed working with him on and I commend Senator DOMENICI for allow the program to continue the coming up with these solutions on that his hard work on this issue, together ``stops and starts'' of the past. Im- with the tremendous contributions we score. provements must get on track, or, as I ask unanimous consent a summary received from Senator STEVENS. the National Civil Aviation Review One issue with which I have some of the major issues included in the Commission warned us, the growing de- FAA conference report be printed in reservations is amending the Death on mand for air services combined with the RECORD. the High Seas Act.
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