An open and affirming congregation September 9, 2018 at the Heart of Bloomfield The First Congregational Church in Bloomfield, UCC 10 Wintonbury Avenue, Bloomfield, CT 06002 Gathered as Wintonbury Parish February 14, 1738 Renewing our faith as people of God 1 0 a .m. Sunda y, September 9 , 20 18 PRELUDE Excerpts from 9th Symphony Ludwig van Beethoven The Eden Brass Quintet ANNOUNCEMENTS WE GATHER IN COMMUNITY AS GOD’S PEOPLE CENTERING MOMENT CALL TO WORSHIP (RESPONSIVE) One: Come! Let us gather together. All: Let us come into the presence of God. One: Let us call on God’s name... All: And rejoice that God comes! One: Let us gather. Let us rejoice! All: Come! Let us sing to God! Let us join in praise together! +HYMN OF PRAISE Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee # 7 OPENING UNISON PRAYER God of Grace and Author of Creation. We gather as Your people. We come together to call upon Your presence. We come together to ask for Your help. We come to hear Your Word., so that we can gain new vision - seeing less through our own eyes, and more through the eyes of Jesus. We gather to Thank You for the blessings in our lives. We come to share some of the blessings with each other, with You - for the benefit of Your Creation and for your children. And, when we are done, hopefully filled with a sense of comfort, challenge, hope, peace and inspiration - we will go into the world to do Your will. Amen PASSING OF THE PEACE – (we bless each other) Greeting: “Peace be with you” Response: “And also with you” CHILDREN’S MESSAGE BLESSING OF FAITH FORMATION LEADERS AND STUDENTS AND LEARNERS OF ALL AGES MUSICAL OFFERING You’ve Got A Friend Carol King The Eden Brass Quintet WE SHARE OUR CONCERNS WITH GOD AND EACH OTHER CONCERNS PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER (trespasses) (You are invited to hold hands as an expression of Community Love) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever, Amen! HEARING GOD’S WORD God is in our midst, God is still speaking! Let us open our hearts and minds to God’s Good News. GATHERING, INVOCATION AND PRAISE TO GOD - Psalm 95: 1-2 PETITION- Asking for God’s Help - Psalm 34: 17-19 THE WORD OF GOD - Romans 12: 1-2 OFFERING OUR THANKS TO GOD - Psalm 9: 1 SENDING-GOING FOURTH INTO THE WORLD - Mark 16: 15 (Today’s reader is Carolyn Delgado) + HYMN All Creatures of Our God, Now Sing # 51 SERMON “WORSHIP AS A MODEL FOR LIFE” Reverend Shawn R. Fisher WE SHARE OUR JOYS AND RESPOND TO GOD’S WORD JOYS OFFERING OUR GIFTS La Mourisque Tielman Susato The Eden Brass Quintet DOXOLOGY # 44 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above ye heavenly hosts; Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Amen. WE GO FORTH INTO THE WORLD + CLOSING HYMN I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me # 467 +BENEDICTION +POSTLUDE Almand - William Brade The Eden Brass Quintet THOSE IN OUR THOUGHTS & PRAYERS (AMONG MANY): Trudy Barnard Charlotte Babcock David Berg Julie Cato Estelle Cole Madge Edwards Michael Edwards Al Forster Carolyn Jones Bonnie King Charles Miles Leslie Mills Erie Pinney Elizabeth Von Eisengrein Betty Willis Carol Wolcott Adelle Wright The family of Bill Worcester Please Remember These Connecticut Conference Churches in Your Prayers Trumbull Congregational Church Unity Hill UCC, Trumbull Congregational Church of Union UCC First Church of Christ UCC, Unionville First Congregational Church of Vernon, Inc Prayers of Intercession: For those still held in captivity by political, social and economic oppression. For those whose citizenship is questioned due to the color of their skin Prayers of Joy and Thanksgiving: For our wonderful guest musicians today. For an excellent kick off session on our Social Media Strategy. For all those who helped make Rally Day possible. Renewed energy in the life of First Congregational Church in Bloomfield. This Week at a Glance… Looking Ahead Lectionary readings for the coming week include: Proverbs 22: 1-2, 8-9, 22-23; Psalm 125 or Isaiah 35: 4-7a; Psalm 146; James 2:1-10; 14-17; Mark 7: 24-37 Sunday, Sept 9 10:00 am Rally Day Worship Service Meeting Room 11:00 am Rally Day Jamboree Outdoors 12:30 pm New Birth Community Church Chapel Monday, Sept 10 7:00 pm Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship Hall Tuesday, Sept 11 1:30 pm Wounded Healers Library Wednesday, Sept 12 3:30 pm Alliance for Bloomfield Children Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm Music Team Meeting Library 7:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous Counting Room 7:00 pm Mission Team Meeting Living Room 7:00 pm New Birth Community Church Chapel Thursday, Sept 13 10:00 am Book Group Living Room Friday, Sept 14 7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous Counting Room ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome Guests! We are so glad you are here. We invite you to join us after Worship for our Annual Rally Sunday Jamboree, that is sure to be filled with food and fun! MEET OUR GUEST MUSICIANS The Eden Brass Quintet Frank Tamburo, Trumpet received his Bachelor and Master of Music from the Eastman School of Music. He is a prominent trumpet soloist in Northeast and can be heard frequently on Connecticut Public Radio. Andrew Caruk, Trumpet, has taught music in Hartford and Waterbury public schools, where he currently teaches at Wilson and Kingsbury Elementary schools. He also plays trumpet or cornet in various ensembles, including CT Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra, Glastonbury Band and Charter Oak Brass Band, as well as playing in various churches and freelancing around Connecticut. Roger Caruk, French Horn, plays French Horn with the CT Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra, the CT Lyric Opera, The New Britain Symphony and the Eden Brass Quintet. In his day job, he works at the Saint Francis Hospital in Hartford doing laboratory testing for leukemia. John Tzetzo, Trombone, has been teaching music in the CT Public schools for 24 years. In addition to this, he has been an active freelance musician on trombone performing in various symphony orchestras including New Haven, New Britain, Hartford, and Bridgeport Symphonies. Walter Gibson, Tuba, is a long time resident of Bloomfield and served in the Army during the Vietnam conflict. He studied music at the Mannes School and the Hartt School of Music. Walter has performed with many Connecticut Orchestras and acts as the Personnel Manager for a number of music organizations. He teaches Euphonium and Tuba for the Hartt Community Division, the Manchester Community College and the Central Connecticut State University. His daytime job of 37 years has been at the Hartt School, University of Hartford as the Performance Library Manager. Cheer Institute & CHEER Consulting Group Prosser Public Library Present 1 Tunxis Avenue Bloomfield, CT 06002 Community Conversations 860-243-9721 on Race & Racism www.prosserlibrary.info860-769-5518 with Dr. Raja Staggers A 3-Part Discussion Series Made possible by the Bloomfield Interfaith Association Session One Tuesday September 25, 2018 6:00 PM Community Conversation on Race Dr. Staggers will begin the series with information on the history of race and racism. Language and tools will be offered to enable participants to hold productive community conversations on the topic of race and racism. Additionally, participants will be guided through a personal reflection of their own experiences and origin of their own understanding of race/racism. Dr. Raja Staggers, Founder and Executive Director of the CHEER Institute and CHEER Consulting Group is Session Two partnering with the library to offer a three part Saturday, October 13, 2018 2:00 PM series to address the topic of race and racism in Screening of Place Matters from the America. Dr. Staggers is a social researcher and skilled documentary Unnatural Causes facilitator in the areas of health inequities, social Join CHEER Institute & CHEER Consulting inequality, and race and racism. She holds a Group for the screening of Place Matters. This doctorate in Medical Sociology and Race, Class and episode from the documentary Unnatural Gender Studies from Howard University, and a Causes, highlights the impact of race, place, Master of Public Health from New York University. and health. CHEER Institute & CHEER Consulting Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating A facilitated discussion led by Dr. Staggers will health inequities through community building; follow immediately. community engagement; and diversity, equity and inclusion training. This community conversation series is open to the Session Three public and free. Registration is appreciated, online Tuesday, October 30, 2018 6:00 PM at www.prosserlibrary.info. Panel Discussion on Contemporary Issues of Race Save The Date! October 21st, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Room for Notes and Doodles for Children and Children at Heart The First Congregational Church in Bloomfield U N I T E D C H U R C H O F C HRIST Welcome to the First Congregational Church in Bloomfield. We hope you find comfort, joy & inspiration in this time of worship; and renewed energy for your journey of faith. Bathrooms and changing stations can be found on the left side of the hallway when you exit the Meeting Room (Sanctuary) through the doors to the right of the front of the church. SCHEDULE Worship is held at 10 am each Sunday STAFF Rev.
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