DATE: 23 FEBRUARY 2017 MARKET: EURONEXT CASH MARKETS; EURONEXT DERIVATIVES MARKETS PROJECT: New Euronext Index Service UPDATED SCHEDULE FOR MIGRATION OF LOT 5 INDICES TO NEW EURONEXT INDEX SERVICE Executive Summary Euronext announces an updated schedule for the migration of Lot 5 indices onto the new Index Calculation and Distribution service. Following the Info-Flash published on 17 February 2017, Euronext announces an updated schedule for the migration of Lot 5 indices to the new Index Calculation and Distribution service. MIGRATION OVERVIEW EFFECTIVE LOT PRODUCT ENVIRONMENT STEP DATE Monday 5 Indices (blue chip and others) PROD Introduction of Lot 5indices 27 March 2017 All other indices have successfully migrated to the new Euronext Index Service. LIST OF INDICES PER LOT Please find in the appendix the list of indices scheduled to migrate in Lot 5. DETAILS ON MIGRATION APPROACH ■ External User Acceptance (EUA) platform □ The EMS Customer Technical Support Group (CTSG) will provide support to members while testing throughout the EUA period. ■ Production platform □ The broadcast of indices will be switched off on the existing Channel 107 on Friday evening at market close, and will be activated on Monday morning on Channel 350. □ As Channel 350 is already in use in Production, there will not be a parallel run or a Dummy Symbol Index during this migration of indices. This Info-Flash is for information purposes only and is not a recommendation to engage in investment activities. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the content, Euronext does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Euronext will not be held liable for any loss or damages of any nature ensuing from using, trusting or acting on information provided. No information set out or referred to in this publication shall form the basis of any contract except as provided otherwise. Some information may be subject to regulatory approval. The Euronext Markets comprise the markets operated by Euronext Amsterdam, Euronext Brussels, Euronext Lisbon, Euronext London and Euronext Paris, referred to respectively as the Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, London and Paris markets, as relevant. Euronext refers to Euronext N.V. and its affiliates. Information regarding trademarks and intellectual property rights of Euronext is located at www.euronext.com/terms-use. © 2017, Euronext N.V. - All rights reserved. Euronext N.V., PO Box 19163, 1000 GD Amsterdam, The Netherlands www.euronext.com INFO-FLASH COMMUNICATION PLAN Day before migration Confirmation of migration Day after migration Results of migration MULTICAST CHANNELS Service ID on EUA The current Service ID will be divided into the following three Multicast Channels: ■ 550 – Index channel /650 Refresh Index Channel One ■ 555 – iNAV channel /655 Refresh Index Channel Two ■ 560 – 3d party index channel / 660 Refresh Index Channel Three Service ID in Production ■ 350 – Index channel /450 Refresh Index Channel One ■ 355 – iNAV channel /455 Refresh Index Channel One ■ 360 – 3d party index channel /460 Refresh Index Channel One MARKET DATA DOCUMENTATION Newly created Market Data XDP specifications, focusing on the Euronext Index Service, are available on the Euronext website at www.euronext.com/it-documentation/market-data > Technical documentation ■ Euronext Indices XDP Client Specification– v1.0 ■ Euronext Indices Market Data Services XDP Production DR and EUA Environment v1.0 SUPPORT For support during the development work on the EUA test platform, please contact: EMS Customer Technical Support Group: [email protected] tel: +33 1 85 14 85 88 To request new users for Retransmission and Refresh Recovery Services (Source IDs) for the Production and/or EUA test platform, please use the online web form available at: www.euronext.com/it-documentation/market-data > Connectivity Forms For general support, please contact the Customer Access Service team: [email protected] tel: +33 1 85 14 85 89 For further information relating to this Info-Flash, please contact your relationship manager at [email protected], or contact Euronext Market Services: www.euronext.com/services-support Page 2 of 8 INFO-FLASH APPENDIX Below is the list of Lot 5 indices which will migrate onto the new Index Calculation and Distribution service. LOT 5 –27 March (effective date of migration) ISIN Code Instrument Name Mnemonic Code Class ID Lot BE0389549941 BEL ALL-SHARE BELAS 81 5 BE0389550956 BEL ALL-SHARE NR BELAR 87 5 BE0389552978 BEL CONTIN STCK NR BELCU 81 5 BE0389555039 BEL 20 BEL20 81 5 BE0389556045 BEL SMALL NR BELSC 87 5 BE0389557050 BEL 20 GR BEL2I 86 5 BE0389558066 BEL 20 NR BEL2P 87 5 BE0389561094 BEL MID NR BELMC 87 5 BE0389856130 BEL MID INDEX BELM 81 5 BE0389857146 BEL SMALL INDEX BELS 81 5 FR0003500008 CAC 40 PX1 80 5 FR0003502079 EURONEXT 100 N100 81 5 FR0003502087 NEXT 150 N150 81 5 FR0003999481 SBF 120 PX4 80 5 FR0003999499 CAC ALL-TRADABLE CACT 80 5 FR0003999598 EURONEXT FAS IAS IAS 81 5 FR0011710375 CAC PME CAPME 81 5 FR0011710383 CAC PME NR CACPN 87 5 FR0011710391 CAC PME GR CACPG 86 5 FR0012082790 EN H C EQ & SER EW ENMEW 81 5 FR0012246023 ENT PEA-PME 150 ENPME 81 5 FR0012663292 CAC LARGE 60 EW CLEW 81 5 FR0012663300 CAC LARGE 60 EW NR CLEWN 87 5 FR0012663318 CAC LARGE 60 EW GR CLEWG 86 5 FR0012683258 ENT TECH 40 ENTEC 81 5 FR0012684348 ENT TECH 40 NR ENTEN 87 5 FR0012684363 ENT TECH 40 GR ENTEG 86 5 FR0012790822 CAC 40 PERF WGT CAPW 81 5 FR0012790830 CAC 40 PERF WGT NR CAPWN 87 5 FR0012790848 CAC 40 PERF WGT GR CAPWG 86 5 FR0012951929 CAC T20 EXPORT EW C20EX 81 5 FR0012951937 CAC T20 EXPO EW NR C2EXN 87 5 FR0012951945 CAC T20 EXPO EW GR C2EXG 86 5 FR0013017936 SBF TOP 80 EW SBF80 81 5 FR0013017944 SBF TOP 80 EW NR SBF8N 87 5 FR0013017951 SBF TOP 80 EW GR SBF8G 86 5 Page 3 of 8 INFO-FLASH FR0013017969 SBF T80 EW DEC 50P SBF8D 81 5 NL0000000107 AEX-INDEX AEX 81 5 NL0000249100 AEX ALL-SHARE AAX 81 5 NL0000249142 ASCX-INDEX ASCX 81 5 NL0000249274 AMX-INDEX AMX 81 5 NL0010614491 AEX ALL-TRADABLE AEXAT 81 5 NL0010614509 AEX ALL-TRADE NR AEXTN 87 5 NL0010614517 AEX ALL-TRADE GR AEXTG 86 5 NL0010614525 AEX ALL-TRADE AW AETAW 81 5 NL0010614533 AEX ALL-TRA AW NR ATAWN 87 5 NL0010614541 AEX ALL-TRA AW GR ATAWG 86 5 NL0011376116 EN BENE 40 EW BNEW 81 5 NL0011376124 EN BENE 40 EW NR BNEWN 87 5 NL0011376132 EN BENE 40 EW GR BNEWG 86 5 NL0011376140 EN BENE 40 EW ER BNEWE 81 5 NL0011923032 EN CLIMATE EUROP N ENCEN 87 5 NL0011923040 EN CLIMATE EUROP G ENCEG 86 5 NL0011923057 EURONEXT COP 50 EW ECOP 81 5 NL0011923065 EN COP 50 EW NR ECOPN 87 5 NL0011923073 EN COP 50 EW GR ECOPG 86 5 NL0011923081 EN COP 50 EW ER COP5E 81 5 PTING0200002 PSI 20 PSI20 81 5 PTING0210001 PSI 20 GR PSITR 86 5 PTING1000005 PSI ALL-SHARE GR BVLGR 86 5 QS0010980447 IEIF SIIC FRANCE SIIC 81 5 QS0010989109 CAC NEXT 20 CN20 81 5 QS0010989117 CAC MID 60 CACMD 81 5 QS0010989125 CAC SMALL CACS 81 5 QS0010989133 CAC MID & SMALL CACMS 81 5 QS0010989141 CAC ALL SHARES PAX 81 5 QS0011016472 AEX OIL & GAS NLOG 81 5 QS0011016480 AEX BASIC MATER. NLBM 81 5 QS0011016506 AEX INDUSTRIALS NLIN 81 5 QS0011016514 PSI BASIC MATER GR PTBM 81 5 QS0011016522 PSI INDUSTRIALS GR PTIN 81 5 AEX CONSUMER QS0011016530 GOODS NLCG 81 5 QS0011016555 AEX HEALTH CARE NLHC 81 5 QS0011016563 AEX CONSUMER SERV. NLCS 81 5 QS0011016571 PSI CONS GOODS GR PTCG 81 5 QS0011016589 AEX TELECOM. NLTEL 81 5 QS0011016597 PSI CONS SERV GR PTCS 81 5 Page 4 of 8 INFO-FLASH QS0011016605 AEX FINANCIALS NLFIN 81 5 QS0011016613 AEX TECHNOLOGY NLTEC 81 5 QS0011016621 PSI TELECOM GR PTTEL 81 5 QS0011016647 PSI UTILITIES GR PTUT 81 5 QS0011016662 PSI FINANCIALS GR PTFIN 81 5 QS0011016688 PSI TECHNOLOGY GR PTTEC 81 5 QS0011016696 BEL BASIC MATER NR BEBM 87 5 QS0011016738 BEL INDUSTRIALS NR BEIN 87 5 QS0011016761 BEL CONS GOODS NR BECG 87 5 QS0011016795 BEL HLTH CARE NR BEHC 87 5 QS0011016829 BEL CONS SERV NR BECS 87 5 QS0011016860 BEL TELECOM NR BETEL 87 5 QS0011016902 BEL FINANCIALS NR BEFIN 87 5 QS0011016936 BEL TECHNOLOGY NR BETEC 87 5 QS0011017603 CAC OIL & GAS FROG 81 5 QS0011017637 CAC BASIC MATER. FRBM 81 5 QS0011017652 CAC INDUSTRIALS FRIN 81 5 CAC CONSUMER QS0011017686 GOODS FRCG 81 5 QS0011017702 CAC HEALTH CARE FRHC 81 5 QS0011017736 CAC CONSUMER SERV. FRCS 81 5 QS0011017769 CAC TELECOM. FRTEL 81 5 QS0011017785 CAC UTILITIES FRUT 81 5 QS0011017801 CAC FINANCIALS FRFIN 81 5 QS0011017827 CAC TECHNOLOGY FRTEC 81 5 QS0011019005 BEL UTILITIES NR BEUT 87 5 QS0011040902 ALTERNEXT ALLSHARE ALASI 81 5 QS0011095955 NEXT BIOTECH BIOTK 81 5 QS0011115266 CAC HIGH DIV NR CACHD 82 5 QS0011115274 AEX HIGH DIV NR AEXHD 82 5 QS0011115282 BEL HIGH DIV NR BELHD 82 5 QS0011115290 PSI HIGH DIV NR PSIHD 82 5 QS0011131826 CAC 40 NR PX1NR 87 5 QS0011131834 CAC 40 GR PX1GR 86 5 QS0011131842 SBF 120 NR PX4NR 87 5 QS0011131859 SBF 120 GR PX4GR 86 5 QS0011131883 CAC ALL-TRADE NR CACTN 87 5 QS0011131891 CAC ALL-TRADE GR CACTR 86 5 QS0011131909 CAC MID 60 NR CACMN 87 5 QS0011131917 CAC MID 60 GR CACMR 86 5 QS0011131990 AEX GR AEXGR 86 5 QS0011158118 CAC 40 DI CACDI 82 5 Page 5 of 8 INFO-FLASH QS0011158126 AEX DI AEXDI 82 5 QS0011159744 AEX EQUAL WEIGHT AEXEW 81 5 QS0011159777 CAC 40 EQUAL WEIGH CACEW 81 5 QS0011194212 ALT BPIFR INNOVAT NAOII 81 5 QS0011194220 ALT BPIFR INNO NR NAOIN 87 5 QS0011194238 ALT BPIFR INNO GR NAOIG 86 5 QS0011204763 AMX GR AMXGR 86 5 QS0011204995 ASCX GR ASCXG 86 5 QS0011211156 AEX NR AEXNR 87 5 QS0011211164 AMX NR AMXNR 87 5 QS0011211172 ASCX NR ASCXN 87 5 QS0011211180 PSI 20 NR PSINR 87 5 QS0011211198 CAC 40 EQUAL W NR CACEN 87 5 QS0011211206 AEX EQUAL W NR AEXEN 87 5 QS0011211214 CAC 40 EQUAL W GR CACEG
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