Ireland’ Vote for the Subscribe Sinn Pein to the Candidates Victory NATIONA Fund Vol. 2. No. 44. (New Series.) SATU RD AY, DECEMBER 14, 1918. PRICE TWOPENCE. John DHJkm added a further act _ last Week by Week. of workhouses.” It is a pity he did not Irish Republic, the Rev. Fr. Humph­ Friday night when lie again linked the use the word “ Union.” On the same Major Talbot Crosbie of the British name of one of Ireland’s noble dead reys threatens them with a reign of army is seeking election for Cork City On Wednesday last twenty-fi«e Irish day Mr. William Field promised, with, frightfulness before which all the al­ with his own. To further his unholy the assistance ot “ a proper Irish repre­ in the Provincialist interest. Of course, Republican candidates were declared I work, to blind the people of Ireland to leged German atrocities of the past four he will be defeated, aiul when he has elected to speak for almost half a mil­ sentation in the House-of Commons,” years, and all the real British atrocities his perfidious anti-national conduct to “ .wreck the Coalition and Coercion thanked the people of Cork for the lion people in Ireland’s National As­ during the last four years, Air. John of the last seven hundred years, sink Unionist votes he receives, we suggest Government.” If the British Govern­ into insignificance. “ The ranches sembly. The names of the Irish mem­ I Dillon spoke of Michael Davut in these that he and his defeated brother-in- ment gets to hear about this awful throughout the three Catholic provin­ bers who will form the nucleus of the words: “ I knew his views well. 1 threat we fear poor old Mi-. Field will arms, Captain Redmond, join hands future Government of Ireland, as well ces will be planted with Protestant sol­ and sing “ Oh, to be in Blighty.” The was his intimate friend from the tune be interned—as is the Countess—for diers, bag and baggage...........” “ Of as the constituencies for which they I he was released from prison until plotting to upset the Empire! Mr. crowd of women who, at the meeting will speak in that Assembly, are as the war debt of twelve thousand mil­ held in Cork on Sundav night, waved stood at his death-bedside, and I knew Bichard Hazleton, the Provincialist lions a large portion will be placed on follows:— all his views. Is it true, as has been candidate for Louth, has promised us their little Union Jacks and roared CARLOW CO.—James Lennon. the farmers, raising their annyities far I “ Down Sinn Fein and all the rebels! ’ • said, that Michael Davitt repented his full Colonial Horned Rule if he is re­ above the old rack-rents. ...” “ Any CAVAN, E.— Arthur Griffith. support of the Parliamentary policy ? Up King George and all his men!” - CAVAN, W.— Paul Gall.gan. turned to the British Parliament. Each tenant farmer whose farming is not up It is not true. He never repented. of the Provincialists has. a special en­ might, together with some of Captain CLARE, E.— Eamonn De Valera. to its (the Agricultural Department’s) Redmond’s Union Jackers, join in the CLARE, W.— Brian O’Higgins. By these words Mr. John Dillon wished ticement to offer, the constituents whom standard,” will be evicted. “ The CORK CO., N.— Padraic O’Keefle. chorus. to convey to his audience that he fol­ he hopes to represent in the British priests will be turned out of the schools CORK, N.E.—Thomas Hunter. lowed in the footsteps of Michael House of Commons, but 'dn two things CORK, MID.—Terence MacSwiney. and Ireland will be turned into a Sinn Fein is said to be in alliance CORK, E*—David Kent. Davitt ! By these words Mr. John Un­ they are all agreed—(1) Ireland must France,” etc., he says—if the Irisli CORK, 8.— Michael Collins. ion implied that Michael Davitt would not, and shall not, be divorced from with Dublin Castle; if’ so, Dublin people do not oblige Chief Secretary Castle is giving us great assistance. CORK, S.E.—Diarmuid Lynch. have acted as Mr. John Dillon has ac­ Britannia; (2) if “ Nationalist Ireland” Shortt by returning the Apostles of CORK, W.—Sean Hayes. ted for many years, and as he is acting —whatever they mean 'by that ex­ Ail over the oountry * the uniformed GALW AY, E.— Liam Meliowes. Futility to the British House of Com­ agents of Dublin Castle are telling the KERRY, N.—J. Crowley. I to-day! As Mr. John Dillon stood by pression—doe's not send .members to mons! The logical conclusion to be KERRY, E.— Pierce Beasley. the death-bedside of Michael Davitt it Westminster the British. Government old. people that if they vOte for Sinn drawn from Fr. Humphreys’ remarks Fein they M’ill lose their old age pen­ KERRY, W.—Austin Stack. is not too much to suppose that he read will do anything it likes with Ireland! is that if the Irish people are anxious to KERRY. S.— Finian Lynch. the dead patriot’s last words: l o Ire­ ' -0- <> sions. The Provincialist candidates KILKENNY, N.-W m . T. Cosgrave. make Ireland safe for democracy they land I leave ah undying prayer for the The Apostles of Futility seem to have must also be in alliance with Dublin KING'S CO.— Dr. Patrick MacCartan. must oblige Chief Secretary Shortt! Castle and Sinn Fein, for they are also LIMERICK CITY.— M. P. Collivet. absolute freedom and independence a very pOor opinion of the stability of In otherwords, they must send a strong LIMERICK, W.—Con. Collins. which it was my life’s ambition to ob­ the Catholic Church when they tell the doing the best they can to help vs. Not MAYO, s.—William Sears. Party back to Westminster to'frustrate content with threatening us with tain for her.” And perhaps Mr. John people of Ireland that unless Ireland the evil intentions of the managers of ROSCOMMON, N.-MJount Plunkett. sends representatives to the British ] “ Ulster ” plantations in Munster, TIPPERARY, N.—Joseph MacDonagh. Dillon read these words penned by Mr. Dillon’s good “ old Empire.” Michael Davitt in his “ Fall of Feudal­ House of Commons the very existence Leinster and Connacht, the overthrow TIPPERARY MID.—J. A. Burke, B.L. of the Catholic Church in Ireland, and ism ” : “ W hy ” should not the Irish of the Catholic Churc^will be en­ This week the people of the other In the second part of this interesting the eviction and crushing taxation of Irish constituencies will be asked to de- l .people 'make a persistent demffhd for dangered. The Penal Laws did not succeed in doing away wife the Catholic letter Fr. Humphreys, however, dis­ the small farmer, the Provincialists clare themselves worthy of taking their fthe fullest measure to which, as a sepa- closes to view the fact that he realises I rate nation among civilised people, we Church; centuries of persecution have threatened to deprive a young •place alongside these representatives that the Trish people have no intention widow and her four children of outdoor of the Irish people in-demanding for are in every sense and on every national against Catholics in every country have not been able to destroy^the Catholic of carrying out Mr. Shortt’s wishes. relief if she votes for the Sinn Fein Ireland the rights to which this his­ ground entitled ? W hy should Ireland “ The elected Sinn Feiners will go be­ candidate. A prominent member of the toric nation is entitled. Ireland as not be a'.State in the fileest and fullest Cliureh; even Mr. Nugent’s friend, M. Vivian}', -■has not jt>een kto put out fore -the Peace Conference,” he says, Waterford Board of Guardians is the ‘ God made it—or Ireland as Messrs. sense in jpliich Holland, Denmark, Bel­ and then he goes on to ridicule the idea insti untent used by Dublin Gastie to -Lloyd George, Asquith, Carson, and gium, Switzerland, Bulgaria, bem a, the lights of heaven in France'; an<f the rag-time^King of Ulster will not be able rif Sityn Fein getting anything from help Sinn Fein in the lattei* case. Cap- Dillon would make it? and Greece -are nations? On the I that body besides whn Mr. Dillon lys taiu Redmond, of the British Army, is grounds of abstract justice, o f historic to pull down the Catholic Church. That promised us—namely, a kick a posteri­ Church ^vill last to the end of time, and the Pi•ovintialiet candklatefor Watei^- Do not fail to register your vote for L claim, our demand could not m reason ori. He thinks the “ IrisH Parliamen­ ford. Dr.^Vhite is the £inn Fein can­ Independence. Men in every genera-1 be disputed.” These words were writ­ hell itself shall not prevail against it. tary Party ” the proper channel didate. Does Dublin Castle want its tion have given up their lives for Ire­ ten by Michael Davitt when there was But Mr. John Dillon and his friends through which Ireland, via Westmin­ gallant Captain to be elected, or does land. \oxir vote, will save many Irish no talk of a Peace Conference to settle speak of jthe Catholic $hurch as if it ster, should make its appeal to the as­ it want the people of Waterford Jto depended for existence on the good lives. the question o f small nations. Were sembled nations. “ The Sinn Fein | elect the man who stands for tfn Ireland Michael Davitt alive, would he stand graces of the British Government.
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