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4 W ***■'>* v*, L I K .t » * .. V ^ /i »*«»*** r t). ....n _ The Presidium of the 8th Congress of the Albanian Trade Unions. THE 8th CONGRESS OF THE From the 20th to the 23rd of June this The Report «On the Activity of the Cen­ no important problem of the Party and State year, in the city of Korcha, the 8th Congress tral Council of the Albanian Trade Unions on which the working class does not have its of the Albanian Trade Unions held its pro­ and the tasks of the Trade Unions for the say with complete confidence and certainty. ceedings. It analysed the work done since the implementation of the decisions of the 7th This reality has. been sanctioned in the new 7th Congress of the Trade Unions and basing Congress of the PLA», was submitted to the Constitution of the PSRA, which guarantees itself on the decisions of the 7th Congress Congress by Comrade Rita Marko, President the working class all its rights and recognises of the PLA, defined the very important tasks of the Central Council of the Albanian Trade its leading role in our society. for the future. Unions. The Trade Unions have an important role The working class and all the working The member of the Political Bureau of the in the field of production. It is required of people of Albania, were represented at the Central Committee of the Party, Pali Miska, them that they work tirelessly and with a high Congress by hundreds of model militants of read the greeting of the Central Committee level of political and ideological consciousness the War and in the work for the cause of of the PLA, signed by the beloved leader of to ensure that everywhere, in the enterprise, the revolution and socialism, elected by the our Party and people, Comrade Enver Hoxha, in the department or the brigade, the vigo­ masses of the working people. directed to the 8th Congress of the Albanian rous, creative thought of the workers will be The following delegations came to Albania Trade Unions. The greeting reads in part: seething, the militant spirit will be kept high to take part in the 8th Congress of the Al­ "You comrades, bring to the Congress the and the socialist emulation will be developed banian Trade Unions: The delegation of the great drive and enthusiasm of our heroic more and more powerfully. They must struggle Trade Union Federation of Vietnam, the -dele­ workers, our revolutionary youth, our coura- to ensure the utilisation of all internal reser­ gation of the Trade. Union Federation of Laos, geous^ women, our people’s intelligentsia, the ves and possibilities, to secure supplementary the delegation of the Organization of African working people of the towns and the patrio­ resources for the economy, more income for Unity,, the delegation of the International Fe­ tic peasantry, bring the total mobilization and the state and more goods for the people. deration of Arab Trade Unions, the delegation commitment with which they are working to Our people are building socialism encircled of the Revolutionary Trade Union Militants from put into practice the historic decisions of the, by savage and perfidious imperialist and revi­ Italy, the delegation of the Revolutionary 7th Congress of the Party. sionist enemies, who are exerting continuous Trade Union Militants from Germany, the Loyally adhering to the teaching of the political, ideological, economic and military delegation of the Pan-African Congress of Great Lenin, that the Trade Unions are schools pressure on our country. They are trying to Azania, the delegation of the Revolutionary of communism, the Party has always stressed hinder the development of our economy, to Trade Union Militants from Britain;, the dele- that their main task has been and still is, destroy the dictatorship of the proletariat and gation-of the Workers’ Trade Union Opposition the communist education of the working pe­ strangle the revolution in Albania. of Spain, the delegation of the Revolutionary ople. The Trade Unions have made and Our working class, all the working people Trade Union Militants from Portugal, the de­ are making a most valuable contribution to the of town and countryside, led by their Marxist-- legation of the Federation of Trade Unions of general, ideological, political, cultural and pro­ Leninist Party, are responding to these furious Palestine, the delegation of General Union of fessional uplift of our working people. This efforts by further strengthening their unity Algerian Workers, the delegation of National contribution and this untiring work is ex­ around the Party, by further increasing the Union of the Working People of Tanganyika, pressed 'in the high level of consciousness fiery patriotism which characterizes our people, the delegation of the Revolutionary Trade which characterizes the working class and all by raising higher their mobilization at work, Union Militants from Japan, the delegation of the working people of our country, in their the spirit of courage, self denial and deter­ the Trade Union Congress of Zambia, the delega­ courage and determination to constantly march mination, by carrying out their military train­ tion of the General Federation of the Trade Uni­ forward under the. leadership of the Party. ing and preparation for the defence of the The,' Trade Unions have great tasks for the ons of Irak, the delegation of the Revolutionary Ifomeland at the highest level. They are education of the working class, to ensure that Trade Uniion Militants from Norway, the replying to it by implementing the great revo­ it always remains unwavering up to its histo­ lutionary principle of self reliance, both in delegation of the Simpimito Trade Union Cen­ ric .mission. The leading role of the working tre of Madagascar, the delegation of the Revo­ class is a major question of principle, a deci­ the field of production and in that of defence. lutionary Trade Union militants of Finland, the sive condition for the maintenance and streng­ Educated by the Party in the spirit of pro­ delegation of the Revolutionary Trade Union thening of the dictatorship of the proletariat letarian internationalism, our working class Militants of Chile, the delegation of African and a guarantee for the successful construc­ and all our working people are following clo­ National Union of Zimbabwe. tion of the socialist society. Today, there is sely and with great sympathy the struggle Views from the hall. ALBANIAH TRADE UNIONS which the international proletariat is waging social force can perform the hegemonic role of our country will work consistently to against capitalist exploitation, against the of the proletariat, or fulfil its historic mission. strengthen, as always, on the Marxist-Leninist crisis and the danger of fasoism, against the From the time of its birth to this day, the road, its fraternal friendship with the great arms race and the preparations of the super­ working class has been and will continue to Chinese people and the heroic working class powers for war. They rejoice at the successes be the motive force that carries revolution of China. which the peoples of the world are acheiving ahead and drives the wheel of history forward. The working class and all the people of in their efforts to gain and defend their free­ A bitter struggle is being waged' on a our country have actively supported the anti- dom and independence, to drive out neoco­ world scale today in the field of ideology, imperialist national liberation struggles of the lonialism and to establish their own complete too. In order to divert the proletariat from its working people of Asia, Africa, Latin Ame­ sovereignty over their national assets.* revolutionary class struggle and to obscure rica and their progressive trade unions. We In the Report submitted by the President its perspectives, the bourgeois, revisionist and wholeheartedly welcomed the great victory of of the Central Council of the Albanian Trade reformist ideologists are trying to present the the peoples of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, Unions, Comrade Rita Marko, in the section capitalist system as "renewed*, and are and we firmly support the liberation struggle on the international workers’ movement it is making a great fuss about the alleged de­ of the peoples of Azania, Zimbabwe, Namibia said among other things: proletarianization of the capitalist society, etc, against the racist regimes, as well as the about the working class turning into a bour­ «In their revolutionary and liberation strug­ struggle of the Palestinian people for their geois class and intergrating itself into capi­ gle, the world proletariat, the freedom loving undeniable rights, and that of all the Arab peoples, the progressive forces are clashing talism. peoples for the liberation of their territories with fierce and dangerous enemies, with their But the new phenomena which have taken occupied by the Israeli Zionists. ideologies and their forms of organization. In place in capitalist society and on which they The working class of our country and the the first place, they have to battle with the are speculating have changed nothing at all Albanian Trade Unions, guided by the glorious in the class relationships. They have not wiped two superpowers; U.S. imperialism and Soviet Party of Labour of Albania with Comrade out exploitation, nave not softened the anta­ social imperialism, which are the biggest and Enver Hoxha at the head, will, as always, gonism between the proletariat and the bour­ most dangerous agressive powers history has firmly and actively support and stand on the geoisie, nor altered the historic necessity for ever known. Seperately or jointly, they repre­ side of the proletariat, the revolutionaries, the the overthrow of the exploiting order, the sent the chief enemies of the freedom and working people and the peoples of the whole historic necessity for the establishment of the independence of the peoples.
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