Mirela Holy, Ana Antolić: CROATIAN COMMUNICATION AGENCIES AND GUERRILLA COMMUNICATION TACTICS 142 Media, Culture and Public Relations, 8, 2017, 2, 142-154 INFO-123 UDK: 336.63:659.4:339.138 Primljeno/Received: 2017-06-19 Original Scientific Paper/Izvorni znanstveni rad CROATIAN COMMUNICATION AGENCIES AND GUERRILLA COMMU- NICATION TACTICS Mirela Holy, Ana Antolić University of Applied Sciences VERN’, Zagreb, Croatia Abstract Although it is one of the most propulsive tactics of communication, especially when ap- plied in the digital space, the area of guerrilla tactics of communication is one of the least explored areas of communication, not only in Croatia, but also in the world. Guerrilla marketing is used in the sense of unconventional tactics or tools of communication used in cases when financial resources are limited or non-existent. Today guerrilla communi- cation, because of its virality and targeted reach has been used both by large and small organizations. In this paper is explored the scope and manner of using guerrilla com- munication by the Croatian agencies for public relations (PR agencies). The research was carried out through a survey distributed via e-mail and content analysis of PR agencies web sites. Given the fact that the guerrilla tactics of communication is scarcely re- searched field in the Croatian scientific and professional literature, purpose of this study was to determine whether the communicators in the Croatian PR agencies are familiar with the concept of guerrilla tactics of communication, to examine in which extent the Croatian PR agencies provide services of guerrilla tactics of communication, and to de- termine various reasons for the scarce application of guerrilla communication by the Croatian PR agencies. Keywords guerrilla communications, agencies, public relations, marketing, integrated marketing communications 1. Introduction or organizations due to scarce financial resources, Guerrilla tactics of communication are today, more but also those of large organizations and multina- than thirty years since the publication of Jay Conrad tionals) point to a different conclusion. Therefore, Levinson’s book Guerrilla Marketing (1984), least the causes of occasional academic research of guer- elaborated area of communication /1/. The litera- rilla tactics of communication in the world should ture on guerrilla tactics of communication is scarce, be looked elsewhere, not in the absence from prac- opposite to the integrated marketing communica- tice. On the contrary to the Western countries, in tions (IMC) that emerged five years after the publi- Croatia, in addition to occasional academic explo- cation of Levinson's book and today are well- ration of this topic, there is also evident poor appli- treated in professional and scientific literature. cation of this method of communication in the prac- Many authors that wrote about guerrilla marketing tice. This paper attempts to answer why this is so. or guerrilla communication indicate that fact /2/, Guerrilla tactics of communication /3/. The situation is quite similar with researches re- garding usage of guerrilla tactics of communication Methods of business guerrilla operations began /4/. Because of that it’s easy to get impression that parallel with the publication of the Guevara’s book the guerrilla tactics of communication are not used Guerrilla warfare (1960) and were used in term of in the marketing or public relations. However, nu- achieving great business results at low costs (Baltes merous, almost daily examples of guerrilla cam- & Leibing) /5/. Guevara describes guerrilla warfare paigns (not only those initiated by small companies ISSN 1333-6371 Mirela Holy, Ana Antolić: CROATIAN COMMUNICATION AGENCIES AND GUERRILLA COMMUNICATION TACTICS Mirela Holy, Ana Antolić: CROATIAN COMMUNICATION AGENCIES AND GUERRILLA COMMUNICATION TACTICS Media, Culture and Public Relations, 8, 2017, 2, 142-154 Media, Culture and Public Relations, 8, 2017, 2, 142-154 143 INFO-123 UDK: 336.63:659.4:339.138 as a 'method of warfare that builds on raids and am- in one step - by advertisement in newspapers, on Primljeno/Received: 2017-06-19 Original Scientific Paper/Izvorni znanstveni rad bush attacks' /6/. In the literature, guerrilla market- billboards, on TV or radio advertisements, as well ing is associated with guerrilla (partisan) tactics of as other promotional activities, successful guerrilla CROATIAN COMMUNICATION AGENCIES AND GUERRILLA COMMU- warfare. Today there are several definitions of guer- communication is always in two steps - by a single rilla marketing. According to Gerd Nufer ‘guerrilla guerrilla communication action and then via fur- NICATION TACTICS marketing designates the selection of atypical and ther distribution through traditional media, as well non-dogmatic marketing activities that aim to as through new, digital media, social networks, Mirela Holy, Ana Antolić achieve the greatest possible impact—in the ideal sharing content, retelling, or through all above University of Applied Sciences VERN’, Zagreb, Croatia case with a comparable minimum investment’ /7/. listed channels of communication. Just this second step blurs the line between marketing and public Hutter and Hoffmann define the term guerrilla relations, because this method has both characteris- Abstract marketing as "an umbrella term for unconventional tics of marketing communications, as well as of Although it is one of the most propulsive tactics of communication, especially when ap- advertisement campaigns which aim at drawing public relations. Levine states that "... public rela- plied in the digital space, the area of guerrilla tactics of communication is one of the least the attention of a large number of recipients to the tions doesn’t reduce itself only on collecting of as explored areas of communication, not only in Croatia, but also in the world. Guerrilla advertising message at comparatively little costs by much as possible press clippings - this is a promo- marketing is used in the sense of unconventional tactics or tools of communication used evoking a surprise effect and a diffusion effect. In tion. PR is that but also much, much more than in cases when financial resources are limited or non-existent. Today guerrilla communi- this way, guerrilla marketing campaigns are highly that."/14/ cation, because of its virality and targeted reach has been used both by large and small efficient in terms of the ratio of costs and benefits’' organizations. In this paper is explored the scope and manner of using guerrilla com- /8/. Marie Bergan Hæreid and Solveig Indregård /9/ Many theorists considered topics regarding rela- munication by the Croatian agencies for public relations (PR agencies). The research was proposed a similar definition: ‘Guerrilla marketing tionship between marketing (as promotion) and carried out through a survey distributed via e-mail and content analysis of PR agencies is an alternative, low-cost advertising method that public relations. Kotler and Mindak /15/ warned on web sites. Given the fact that the guerrilla tactics of communication is scarcely re- exclusively utilizes unpaid channels by creating an the overlapping of marketing and public relations searched field in the Croatian scientific and professional literature, purpose of this study unconventional campaign that causes an unex- functions. For many marketing experts, public rela- was to determine whether the communicators in the Croatian PR agencies are familiar pected reaction, motivating recipients to distribute tions are just one of the tools of marketing commu- with the concept of guerrilla tactics of communication, to examine in which extent the the message.’ Following these definitions, Nufer nication. PR experts, on the other side, insist on the Croatian PR agencies provide services of guerrilla tactics of communication, and to de- separates the characteristics of guerrilla marketing: autonomy of PR from the marketing. Ana Tkalac termine various reasons for the scarce application of guerrilla communication by the ‘unconventional; surprising; original/creative; Verčič /16/ presents five different models for obser- Croatian PR agencies. cheeky /provocative; cost-efficient / effective; flexi- vation of the relationship between marketing and ble; unusual/atypical; funny/witty; spectacular; public relations: a) separate, but equal functions, b) Keywords contagious.’ /10/ equal functions that can partially overlap, c) mar- guerrilla communications, agencies, public relations, marketing, integrated marketing keting as a dominant function, d) public relations as Michael Levine /11/ introduced the term guerrilla communications a dominant function, e) marketing and public rela- PR or guerrilla public relations. According to Levin tions as equal functions. guerrilla PR is "uncouth descendant of the tradi- 1. Introduction or organizations due to scarce financial resources, tional methods," which is based on the idea that he With penetration and strengthening of the inte- Guerrilla tactics of communication are today, more but also those of large organizations and multina- called "Tiffany's theory", and can be explained by grated marketing communication (IMC) can be ex- than thirty years since the publication of Jay Conrad tionals) point to a different conclusion. Therefore, the following words: “If you give someone a pre- pected strengthening of the second model (equal Levinson’s book Guerrilla Marketing (1984), least the causes of occasional academic research of guer- sent, and you give it to them
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