USOO786.3261 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,863,261 B2 Frincke (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 4, 2011 (54) BREAST AND PROSTATE CANCER 2,308,834. A 1/1943 Ruzicka et al. TREATMENT METHOD 2,318, 105 A 5, 1943 Ruzicka 2,357,364 A 9/1944 Stavely (75) Inventor: James M. Frincke, Carlsbad, CA (US) 3,029.263 A 4/1962 Campbell et al. 3,210,249 A 10, 1965 BeerStecher et al. (73) Assignee: Hah Biosciences, Inc., San Diego, 3,336,347 A 8/1967 Engelfried et al. (US) 3.459,739 A 8/1969 Borrevang et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 3,654,320 A 4/1972 Ayer et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 3,734,935 A 5.1973 Husbands et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 543 days. 3,869,467 A 3, 1975 Guthrie et al. 3,935,245 A 1/1976 Engelfried et al. (21) Appl. No.: 11/835,397 (22) Filed: Aug. 7, 2007 (Continued)Ont1nue (65) Prior Publication Data FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS US 2008/O176823 A1 Jul. 24, 2008 CA 1054143 5, 1979 Related U.S. Application Data (63) Continuation of application No. 09/675,323, filed on Sep. 28, 2000, now abandoned. (Continued) (60) Provisional application No. 60/157.275, filed on Sep. OTHER PUBLICATIONS 30, 1999, now abandoned, provisional application No. 60/157.347, filed on Sep. 30, 1999, now abandoned, Ben-David et al., Anti-hypocholterolemic effects of provisional application No. 60/166,116, filed on Nov. yspiandersterone in rats Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 125:1136 16, 1999, now abandoned. (51) Int. Cl. (Continued) A6 IK3I/56 (2006.01) Primary Examiner San-ming Hui C07 L/00 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Daryl D. Muenchau (52) U.S. Cl. ....................................... 514/182:552/502 (58) Field of Classification Search ................. 514/182; (57) ABSTRACT 552/5O2 See application file for complete search history. The invention provides methods to treating conditions such as (56) References Cited prostate cancer, or for ameliorating one or more symptoms U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS associated with prostate cancer, or for agents that modulate the biological activity of the androgen receptor. The invention 2,243,887 A 6, 1941 Serini et al. also provides methods and compositions suitable for thera 2,251,939 A 8, 1941 Kathol peutic applications. 2,266,778 A 12/1941 Logemann et al. 2,267,257 A 12/1941 Ruzicka 2,308,833. 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