June 6, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1017 CONGRATULATING THE PUEBLO since then he has served as Secretary, 2nd HONORING THE LIFE OF SER- GOVERNMENT AGENCIES FED- Vice-president, Vice-president, and from GEANT ALESSANDRO ERAL CREDIT UNION ON THE OC- 2000–2002, as the President of the Congrega- CARBONARO CASION OF ITS 70TH ANNIVER- tion. During this time he has helped to master- SARY fully guide the Congregation through its period HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN of rabbinic transition. He has been an inspira- OF MARYLAND HON. JOHN T. SALAZAR tional leader of the Congregation, giving evi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO dence of his deep love for Judaism, a strong Tuesday, June 6, 2006 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES participation in worship and education, and an Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I have the Tuesday, June 6, 2006 exemplary commitment to Jewish values and honor today to recognize the life of Sergeant Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to their application in contemporary society. Alessandro Carbonaro, a courageous Marine recognize and congratulate the Pueblo Gov- Dr. Gold is a distinguished graduate of who passed away on May 10, 2006 in Ger- ernment Agencies Federal Credit Union on the Stanford University, where he received his many as a result of injuries he received in occasion of its 70th anniversary. This credit B.A. degree in 1958, and of the UCLA School Iraq. I had the privilege to attend a moving union has served the residents of Pueblo well. of Medicine, where he received his M.D. de- memorial service for this young man on May PGAFCU’s mission is to promote thrift among 23rd at the National Cathedral. There, those gree in 1962. At UCLA, Dr. Gold also com- its members by giving them an opportunity to who knew him best testified to his commitment save money, thus accumulating and investing pleted his internship and residency, which in- to his friends, family, and country. Alex was a the savings of the members and to make cluded being Chief Resident in Medicine. Dr. proud and dedicated soldier, a loving son and loans to its members which promise to be of Gold is a highly respected physician and husband, and a loyal friend who loved ice benefit to the borrower. teacher, a Diplomat of the American Board of hockey and played in a local rock band. I The Pueblo Government Agencies Federal Internal Medicine and the Sub Specialty Board thank him for his service to the country, and Credit Union was founded on June 9, 1936 by of Pulmonary Disease. offer my condolences to his parents, Fulvio ten Pueblo postal employees who brought to- Since 1977, Dr. Gold has been associated and Gilda Carbonaro, his wife, Gilda, and all gether a group of federal agency employees who had the pleasure and good fortune to with the Loma Linda University School of Med- to form a credit union for the purpose of im- know him. icine, where he currently serves as Professor proving the financial lives of its members. I would like to submit to the RECORD a Today, the Credit Union has more than 4,200 of Medicine, Chief of the Pulmonary and Inten- poem Alex wrote in the Spring of 2004. I hope members serving current and retired federal sive Care Division, Program Director of the the words of this talented young man bring agency employees, their family members and Pulmonary Fellowship Program and Executive comfort to all who mourn his loss. other special groups in Pueblo and South- Vice-Chair of the Department of Medicine. FROM AFAR eastern Colorado. Dr. Gold has been recognized by his col- Dear little star The friendly, hometown service combined leagues as a leader in the field of medicine. How I miss having you near me. with a wide variety of personalized, high-qual- And though your light shines on me from ity financial services has truly enriched the His numerous accomplishments include serv- afar lives of many residents in my Congressional ing as a Governor and President of the Cali- I have to continue on and appreciate District. I am proud to represent an organiza- fornia Chapter of the American College of Your warmth from across the cosmos tion that so aptly embodies the values of a Physicians, President of the American Lung Dear little shining star small town financial institution while offering Association of California, President of the At the end of the day I look at you and my emotions just flow much-needed financial services to the Pueblo American Lung Association of San Bernardino, from me community. Inyo and Mono Counties, Chair of the Council And all I feel is your warmth. Again, Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the Practice Committee of the American Thoracic One day things will be different for you and Pueblo Government Agencies Federal Credit Society, President of the California Thoracic I Union on the occasion of their 70th anniver- My little precious star. Society, and President of the Society of Grad- sary and I commend them for the service they But until then provide to the many federal government em- uate Internists of UCLA. I must be content to take you in from afar. ployees and their families in Southeastern Col- While the awards Dr. Gold has received are f orado. too abundant to mention in total, some of the PALESTINIAN ANTI-TERRORISM f most notable include a Mastership in the ACT OF 2006 TRIBUTE TO DR. PHILIP M. GOLD, American College of Physicians, the Lifetime ON RECEIVING THE RABBI NOR- Achievement A ward of the American Lung SPEECH OF MAN F. FELDHEYM AWARD FOR Association, the Laureate A ward of the Amer- HON. BOBBY L. RUSH ican College of Physicians, the William L. LOYALTY AND SERVICE TO THE OF ILLINOIS Cover MD Award of the San Bernardino Coun- SYNAGOGUE AND COMMUNITY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CONGREGATION EMANU ty Medical Society, the American Lung Asso- EL. ciation Pottenger Award and the Michael Monday, May 22, 2006 Stulbarg California Medal of the American Mr. RUSH. Madam Speaker, I rise here HON. JOE BACA Lung Association of California. today to extend my remarks on H.R. 4681, the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act that was passed OF CALIFORNIA Dr. Gold is known to family, colleagues, pa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES here on the House Floor on May 23, 2006. tients, fellow congregants and friends as a Madam Speaker, the Palestinian Anti-Ter- Tuesday, June 6, 2006 person of the highest integrity, extraordinary rorism Act was a bill that I and I am sure Mr. BACA. Mr. Speaker, the Rabbi Norman sensitivity, perceptive insight, humility and love many of my colleagues as well, struggled with F. Feldheym Award was established to pay of the arts. He and his wife, Roberta, are the and deliberated on a great deal. While Amer- tribute to those members of Congregation proud parents of Jana, Matthew and Jason, all ica’s support for Israel is unwavering, Con- Emanu El, located in my home district of San of whom received their Jewish education at gress does not want to send the wrong mes- Bernardino, California, who have conspicu- Congregation Emanu EI, and the proud grand- sage to the Palestinian people that we have ously and exceptionally reflected Rabbi parents of Eddie, Leah, Cary and Molly. given up on them or the path to peace in that Feldheym’s qualities of love for and loyalty to region. Mr. Speaker, this year marks the 115th an- the synagogue, and service to the community. Madam Speaker, the intent of H.R. 4681 I stand here today to honor Doctor Philip M. niversary of the founding of the Congregation was not to alienate the Palestinian people, but Gold for receiving this distinguished award. Emanu El. It is fitting, on such a momentous rather to demonstrate America’s resolve Dr. Gold has been an extraordinarily de- occasion, that we stand here today to honor against terrorism in all its forms, including the voted leader of Congregation Emanu El. He Dr. Philip M. Gold, for outstanding service to leadership of Hamas and the Hamas-con- began his service as a member of the Con- his Congregation, the field of medicine, and to trolled Palestinian Authority. This bill was gregation’s Board of Directors in 1990, and his family and community. passed to send a strong message to Hamas’ VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:39 Jun 07, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JN8.034 E06JNPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 6, 2006 leaders that they cannot continue to sponsor IN MEMORY OF PERRY BASS man made the ultimate sacrifice for the secu- terrorism and call for the destruction of Israel rity of his country and for the defense of de- and expect to receive American financial and HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS mocracy worldwide. He was an outstanding diplomatic support. America will stand firm OF TEXAS young man and we should all be grateful for with Israel against any enemy who seeks to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his noble contributions to this nation and the terrorize its people or disrupt the lives of its Tuesday, June 6, 2006 advancement of freedom. citizens. I am proud to call Specialist Garcia one of Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to our own, and am, again, deeply sorry for his With that being said, it is also important for give tribute to Mr. Perry Bass of Fort Worth, family and friends who have suffered this loss.
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